Exemple #1
        public override void Load(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager Content)
            gamePad = new GamePadMapper(PlayerIndex.One);

            //GameSprite background = new GameSprite(Content.Load<Texture2D>("Background\\Waiting"), Vector2.Zero, Color.White);
            //background.Scale = Global.Scale;

            inputFont = new FadingFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts\\Outage"), new Vector2(840, 600), 0.1f, 1.0f, 0.01f, 1.0f, "Waiting", Color.White, false);
            inputFont.EnableShadow = false;

            backBtn          = new Button(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Buttons//Back"), new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White, new Rectangle(0, 149, 159, 169), new Rectangle(0, 0, 159, 149));
            backBtn.Origin   = new Vector2(backBtn.Texture.Width / 2, 169);
            backBtn.Position = new Vector2(177, 907 + backBtn.SourceRectangle.Value.Height / 2);

            // _sprites.Add(background);

            if (!Global.UsingKeyboard)
                backBtn.IsPressed = true;
Exemple #2
        public override void Load(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager Content)
            gamePad = new GamePadMapper(PlayerIndex.One);

            GameSprite background = new GameSprite(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Background\\MainMenu"), Vector2.Zero, Color.White);

            background.Scale = Global.Scale;

            //titleDropInFont = new DropInFont(Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts\\JingJingTitle"), new Vector2(_viewPort.Width / 2, _viewPort.Height * 0.1f), new Vector2(_viewPort.Width / 2, 50), dropSpeed, "Main Menu", Color.CornflowerBlue);
            //titleDropInFont.IsVisible = true;
            //titleDropInFont.EnableShadow = false;
            //titleDropInFont.TintColor = Color.Black;
            //titleDropInFont.ShadowPosition = new Vector2(titleDropInFont.Position.X - 4, titleDropInFont.Position.Y + 4);
            //titleDropInFont.ShadowColor = Color.Gray;

            singlePlayerBtn          = new Button(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Buttons//1Player"), new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White, new Rectangle(0, 149, 707, 169), new Rectangle(0, 0, 707, 149));
            singlePlayerBtn.Origin   = new Vector2(singlePlayerBtn.Texture.Width / 2, 169);
            singlePlayerBtn.Position = new Vector2(960, 469 + singlePlayerBtn.SourceRectangle.Value.Height / 2);

            multiPlayerBtn          = new Button(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Buttons//2Players"), new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White, new Rectangle(0, 149, 707, 169), new Rectangle(0, 0, 707, 149));
            multiPlayerBtn.Origin   = new Vector2(multiPlayerBtn.Texture.Width / 2, 169);
            multiPlayerBtn.Position = new Vector2(960, 735 + multiPlayerBtn.SourceRectangle.Value.Height / 2);

            optionsBtn          = new Button(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Buttons//Settings"), new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White, new Rectangle(0, 149, 159, 169), new Rectangle(0, 0, 159, 149));
            optionsBtn.Origin   = new Vector2(optionsBtn.Texture.Width / 2, 169);
            optionsBtn.Position = new Vector2(1743, 907 + optionsBtn.SourceRectangle.Value.Height / 2);

            inputFont = new FadingFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts\\Outage"), new Vector2(1610, 987), 0.1f, 1.0f, 0.01f, 1.0f, "", Color.White, false);
            inputFont.EnableShadow = false;




            if (!Global.UsingKeyboard)
                singlePlayerBtn.IsPressed = true;
        //string code;

        public override void Load(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager Content)
            gamePad = new GamePadMapper(PlayerIndex.One);

            GameSprite background = new GameSprite(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Background\\EnterCode"), Vector2.Zero, Color.White);

            background.Scale = Global.Scale;

            //connectBtn = new TextButton(Content.Load<Texture2D>("Buttons//Blank"), new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White, Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts\\BigOutage"), Color.White, "Join", new Rectangle(0, 117, 404, 137), new Rectangle(0, 0, 404, 117));
            //connectBtn.Origin = new Vector2(connectBtn.Texture.Width / 2, 169);
            //connectBtn.Position = new Vector2(960, 735 + connectBtn.SourceRectangle.Value.Height / 2);

            codeLabel = new FadingFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts\\BigOutage"), new Vector2(_viewPort.Width / 2, _viewPort.Height / 2), 0.1f, 1.0f, 0.01f, 1.0f, Global.onlineCode, Color.LightGoldenrodYellow, false);
            codeLabel.EnableShadow = false;

            takenLabel = new FadingFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts\\Outage"), new Vector2(_viewPort.Width / 2, _viewPort.Height / 2 + 100), 0.1f, 1.0f, 0.01f, 1.0f, "That name is taken", Color.Red, false);
            takenLabel.EnableShadow = false;
            takenLabel.IsVisible = false;

            doneBtn          = new TextButton(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Buttons//Blank"), new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White, Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts\\BigOutage"), Color.White, "Done", new Rectangle(0, 117, 404, 137), new Rectangle(0, 0, 404, 117));
            doneBtn.Scale    = new Vector2(doneBtn.Scale.X + 0.02f, doneBtn.Scale.Y);
            doneBtn.Origin   = new Vector2(doneBtn.Texture.Width / 2, 137);
            doneBtn.Position = new Vector2(960, 735 + doneBtn.SourceRectangle.Value.Height / 2);

            backBtn          = new Button(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Buttons//Back"), new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White, new Rectangle(0, 149, 159, 169), new Rectangle(0, 0, 159, 149));
            backBtn.Origin   = new Vector2(backBtn.Texture.Width / 2, 169);
            backBtn.Position = new Vector2(177, 907 + backBtn.SourceRectangle.Value.Height / 2);



            if (!Global.UsingKeyboard)
                doneBtn.IsPressed = true;
Exemple #4
        public override void Load(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager Content)
            backgrounds[0] = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Background\\Victory01");
            backgrounds[1] = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Background\\Victory02");
            backgrounds[2] = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Background\\Victory03");
            backgrounds[3] = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Background\\Victory04");
            backgrounds[4] = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Background\\Victory05");

            background       = new GameSprite(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Background\\Victory01"), Vector2.Zero, Color.White);
            background.Scale = Global.Scale;

            gamePad = new GamePadMapper(PlayerIndex.One);

            player1WinsFont = new FadingFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts\\BigOutage"), new Vector2(_viewPort.Width / 2, _viewPort.Height / 2 - 150), 0.1f, 1.0f, 0.01f, 1.0f, string.Format("Player 1 Wins"), Color.White, false);
            player1WinsFont.EnableShadow = false;
            player1WinsFont.IsVisible = false;

            player2WinsFont = new FadingFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts\\BigOutage"), new Vector2(_viewPort.Width / 2, _viewPort.Height / 2 - 150), 0.1f, 1.0f, 0.01f, 1.0f, string.Format("Player 2 Wins"), Color.White, false);
            player2WinsFont.EnableShadow = false;
            player2WinsFont.IsVisible = false;

            mainMenuButton          = new Button(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Buttons//Menu"), new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White, new Rectangle(0, 149, 707, 169), new Rectangle(0, 0, 707, 149));
            mainMenuButton.Origin   = new Vector2(mainMenuButton.Texture.Width / 2, 169);
            mainMenuButton.Position = new Vector2(960, 800 + mainMenuButton.SourceRectangle.Value.Height / 2);


            if (!Global.UsingKeyboard)
                mainMenuButton.IsPressed = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            bgSprite = new GameSprite(Content.Load <Texture2D>("bgImage"), Vector2.Zero, Color.White);

            titleText1 = new DropInFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("GameFont"), new Vector2(viewport.HalfWidth(), -1000), screenSize / 2, new Vector2(0, 20), "Great Minds", Color.OrangeRed);
            titleText1.TargetPosition = new Vector2(titleText1.TargetPosition.X, titleText1.TargetPosition.Y - titleText1.Size.Y / 4);
            titleText1.ShadowPosition = new Vector2(titleText1.Position.X - 4, titleText1.Position.Y + 4);
            titleText1.ShadowColor    = Color.Black;
            titleText1.StateChanged  += new EventHandler <StateEventArgs>(statefulFont_StateChanged);

            Vector2 titleText2Pos = new Vector2(titleText1.Position.X + titleText1.Size.X / 2, viewport.HalfHeight() + titleText1.Size.Y / 4);

            titleText2 = new FadingFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("GameFont"), titleText2Pos, Color.Orange);
            titleText2.FadeStep       /= 5f;
            titleText2.StateChanged   += new EventHandler <StateEventArgs>(titleText2_StateChanged);
            titleText2.Fade            = false;
            titleText2.Position       -= new Vector2(titleText2.Size.X / 2, 0);
            titleText2.ShadowPosition -= new Vector2(titleText2.Size.X / 2, 0);

            titleText1.Text.Append("Great ");

            Vector2 titleText3Pos = new Vector2(titleText1.Position.X + titleText1.Size.X / 2, -2000);

            titleText3 = new DropInFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("GameFont"), titleText3Pos, screenSize / 2, new Vector2(0, 20), "Minds", Color.OrangeRed);
            titleText3.TargetPosition = titleText1.TargetPosition;
            titleText3.ShadowPosition = new Vector2(titleText3.Position.X - 4, titleText3.Position.Y + 4);
            titleText3.ShadowColor    = Color.Black;
            titleText3.StateChanged  += new EventHandler <StateEventArgs>(statefulFont_StateChanged);
            titleText3.Tag            = GameTags.StartTitleFadeIn;

            Vector2 byPos = new Vector2(titleText1.Position.X - 100, -1000);

            by = new AccelDropInFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("GameFont"), byPos, screenSize / 2, new Vector2(0, 5), "By:", Color.Orange, new Vector2(0, 1.5f));
            by.TargetPosition = titleText1.TargetPosition - new Vector2(100, 100);
            by.ShadowPosition = new Vector2(by.Position.X - 4, by.Position.Y + 4);
            by.ShadowColor    = Color.Black;
            by.MaxDropSpeed   = new Vector2(15, 15);

            crashEffect = Content.Load <SoundEffect>("Crash");

            //Obtained from http://www.freesound.org/people/EdgardEdition/sounds/113095/
            coinsEffect = Content.Load <SoundEffect>("insertcoin");

            insertCoins = new ArcadeFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("ArcadeFont"), new Vector2(300, 400), Color.Red, Color.White, Color.Yellow, Color.Blue);
            insertCoins.ShadowPosition       = new Vector2(insertCoins.Position.X - 1, insertCoins.Position.Y + 1);
            insertCoins.ColorCyclesPerSecond = 15;  //Default is 10; smaller number blinks slower
            insertCoins.Text.Append("INSERT COINS");
            insertCoins.IsVisible = false;

            slidingText = new StatefulSequence <SlidingFont>(SlidingFont.FontState.Done, typeof(SlidingFont.FontState));

            Vector2 targetPos = new Vector2(505, 400);

            foreach (char letter in "COOL")
                slidingText.Add(new SlidingFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("SlidingFont"), new Vector2(50, 350), targetPos, 2f, letter.ToString(), Color.Red)
                    EnableShadow = false, IsVisible = false, TargetTolerance = 0.625f
                targetPos.X += slidingText[slidingText.Count - 1].Size.X; //Magic # - bad idea

            targetPos = new Vector2(505, 420);
            random    = new Random();

            foreach (char letter in "Effects!")
                slidingText.Add(new SlidingFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("SlidingFont"), new Vector2(random.Next(0, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width), random.Next(0, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height)), targetPos, 1f + (float)random.NextDouble(), letter.ToString(), Color.Red)
                    EnableShadow = false, IsVisible = false
                targetPos.X += slidingText[slidingText.Count - 1].Size.X; //Magic # - bad idea

            coolPanel           = new TexturePanel(Content.Load <Texture2D>("WavyEffect"), new Vector2(120, 60), Vector2.One * .5f, new Vector2(550, 425), new Color(60, 60, 60, 128));
            coolPanel.IsVisible = false;

            insertFive           = new AchievementPanel(0, Content.Load <SpriteFont>("SlidingFont"), Content.Load <SpriteFont>("ArcadeFont"), "Insert 5 coins", GraphicsDevice);
            insertFive.Condition = AchievementPanel.AreFiveCoinsInsert;

            donateHundred           = new AchievementPanel(0, Content.Load <SpriteFont>("SlidingFont"), Content.Load <SpriteFont>("ArcadeFont"), "Donate $100 to GMR", GraphicsDevice);
            donateHundred.Condition = AchievementPanel.AreHundredDollarsDonated;

            noCoinSpam           = new AchievementPanel(0, Content.Load <SpriteFont>("SlidingFont"), Content.Load <SpriteFont>("ArcadeFont"), "Don't insert coins for 30 seconds", GraphicsDevice);
            noCoinSpam.Position  = new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - noCoinSpam.Width, noCoinSpam.Position.Y);
            noCoinSpam.Condition = AchievementPanel.IsNoCoinsInsertedAtThirtySeconds;

            allAchievementsDone           = new AchievementPanel(0, Content.Load <SpriteFont>("SlidingFont"), Content.Load <SpriteFont>("ArcadeFont"), "Finish all achievements", GraphicsDevice);
            allAchievementsDone.Condition = delegate(GameTime gt) { return(standardAchievementsCompleted); };

            StatefulSequence <AchievementPanel> allAchievementPanels = new StatefulSequence <AchievementPanel>(AchievementPanel.PanelState.Done, typeof(AchievementPanel.PanelState));


            allAchievementPanels.SequenceReachedMonitoredState += new StatefulSequence <AchievementPanel> .MonitoredStateReached(allAchievementPanels_SequenceReachedMonitoredState);

            slidingText.SequenceReachedMonitoredState += new StatefulSequence <SlidingFont> .MonitoredStateReached(slidingText_SequenceReachedMonitoredState);

            colorfulTypingText = new TypingFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("ArcadeFont"), new Vector2(200, 0), Color.Black, "Typing text here", TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200));
            colorfulTypingText.StateChanged   += new EventHandler <StateEventArgs>(typingText_StateChanged);
            colorfulTypingText.CharacterTyped += new EventHandler <TypingFont.CharacterTypedEventArgs>(typingText_CharacterTyped);
            colorfulTypingText.Tag             = "1";

            regularTypingText = new TypingFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("ArcadeFont"), new Vector2(400, 0), Color.Black, "... and more typing text here...", TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50));
            regularTypingText.StateChanged += new EventHandler <StateEventArgs>(typingText_StateChanged);
            regularTypingText.Tag           = "2";
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (!Global.IsHost)
                doneBtn.Text = "Join";

            if (Global.UsingKeyboard)
                if (doneBtn.IsClicked)
                    string name = codeLabel.Text.ToString();
                    if (Global.IsHost)
                        //add game to wcf

                        if (name.Trim() != "" && !WebServiceConnection.Client.CheckActiveGame(name))
                            takenLabel.IsVisible = false;
                            WebServiceConnection.Client.AddGame(name, 1920, 1080);
                            WebServiceConnection.GameName     = name;
                            WebServiceConnection.PlayerNumber = 0;
                            takenLabel.IsVisible = true;
                        //try to connect
                        //remember gamepad!!!!!!!!!
                        if (name.Trim() != "" && WebServiceConnection.Client.CheckActiveGame(name))
                            if (!WebServiceConnection.Client.IsFull(name))
                                WebServiceConnection.GameName     = name;
                                WebServiceConnection.PlayerNumber = 1;

                if (InputManager.JustPressed(Keys.Escape))

                else if (backBtn.IsClicked)

                if (InputManager.PressedKeys.Length > 0)
                    if (InputManager.JustPressed(Keys.Back) && Global.onlineCode.Length > 0)
                        Global.onlineCode = Global.onlineCode.Substring(0, Global.onlineCode.Length - 1);
                    else if ((InputManager.PressedKeys.Contains(Keys.LeftShift) || InputManager.PressedKeys.Contains(Keys.RightShift)) && InputManager.JustPressed(Keys.D3))
                        Global.onlineCode += ("#");
                    else if ((InputManager.PressedKeys.Contains(Keys.LeftShift) || InputManager.PressedKeys.Contains(Keys.RightShift)) && InputManager.JustPressed(Keys.D7))
                        Global.onlineCode += ("&");
                    else if ((InputManager.PressedKeys.Contains(Keys.LeftShift) || InputManager.PressedKeys.Contains(Keys.RightShift)) && InputManager.JustPressed(Keys.D8))
                        Global.onlineCode += ("*");
                    else if (InputManager.JustPressed(Keys.OemPeriod))
                        Global.onlineCode += (".");
                    else if ((InputManager.PressedKeys.Contains(Keys.LeftShift) || InputManager.PressedKeys.Contains(Keys.RightShift)) && InputManager.JustPressed(Keys.OemMinus))
                        Global.onlineCode += ("_");
                    else if (InputManager.JustPressed(Keys.OemMinus))
                        Global.onlineCode += ("-");
                    else if ((InputManager.PressedKeys.Contains(Keys.LeftShift) || InputManager.PressedKeys.Contains(Keys.RightShift)) && InputManager.JustPressed(Keys.OemQuestion))
                        Global.onlineCode += ("?");
                    else if ((InputManager.PressedKeys.Contains(Keys.LeftShift) || InputManager.PressedKeys.Contains(Keys.RightShift)) && InputManager.JustPressed(Keys.D1))
                        Global.onlineCode += ("!");
                        for (int i = 48; i <= 57; i++)
                            if (InputManager.JustPressed((Keys)i))
                                Global.onlineCode += ((Keys)i).ToString()[1];

                        for (int i = 65; i <= 90; i++)
                            if (InputManager.JustPressed((Keys)i))
                                Global.onlineCode += ((Keys)i).ToString();

                if (InputManager.IsGamepadButtonTapped(PlayerIndex.One, GamePadMapper.GamePadButtons.Back))

                if (InputManager.IsGamepadButtonTapped(PlayerIndex.One, GamePadMapper.GamePadButtons.DPadLeft))
                    if (doneBtn.IsPressed)
                        doneBtn.IsPressed = false;
                        backBtn.IsPressed = true;
                else if (InputManager.IsGamepadButtonTapped(PlayerIndex.One, GamePadMapper.GamePadButtons.DPadRight))
                    if (backBtn.IsPressed)
                        backBtn.IsPressed = false;

                        doneBtn.IsPressed = true;
                else if (InputManager.IsGamepadButtonTapped(PlayerIndex.One, GamePadMapper.GamePadButtons.A))
                    if (doneBtn.IsPressed)
                        string name = codeLabel.Text.ToString();
                        if (Global.IsHost)
                            //add game to wcf

                            if (name.Trim() != "" && !WebServiceConnection.Client.CheckActiveGame(name))
                                takenLabel.IsVisible = false;
                                WebServiceConnection.Client.AddGame(name, 1920, 1080);
                                WebServiceConnection.GameName     = name;
                                WebServiceConnection.PlayerNumber = 0;
                                takenLabel.IsVisible = true;
                            //try to connect
                            //remember gamepad!!!!!!!!!
                            if (name.Trim() != "" && WebServiceConnection.Client.CheckActiveGame(name))
                                if (!WebServiceConnection.Client.IsFull(name))
                                    WebServiceConnection.GameName     = name;
                                    WebServiceConnection.PlayerNumber = 1;

                    if (backBtn.IsPressed)

                //if (InputManager.IsGamepadButtonTapped(PlayerIndex.One, GamePadMapper.GamePadButtons.X))
                //    code += "X";
                //else if (InputManager.IsGamepadButtonTapped(PlayerIndex.One, GamePadMapper.GamePadButtons.Y))
                //    code += "Y";
                //else if (InputManager.IsGamepadButtonTapped(PlayerIndex.One, GamePadMapper.GamePadButtons.B))
                //    code += "B";


        public override void Load(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager Content)
            gamePad = new GamePadMapper(PlayerIndex.One);

            ScreenState screenState;

            //TODO Change Button so it says "Start"
            //startButton = new Button(Content.Load<Texture2D>("temp play button"), new Vector2(_viewPort.Width / 2, _viewPort.Height / 2), Color.White);

            infoFont = new FadingFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts\\SpriteFont1"), new Vector2(_viewPort.Width / 2, _viewPort.Height - 15), 0.1f, 1.0f, 0.01f, 1.0f, string.Format("Press any key to continue "), Color.White, false);
            infoFont.EnableShadow = false;

            greatDropInFont           = new DropInFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts\\JingJingTitle"), new Vector2(_viewPort.Width / 2 - _viewPort.X, -1000), new Vector2(_viewPort.Width / 2 - _viewPort.X, _viewPort.Height * 0.1f), dropSpeed, "GreatMinds", Color.CornflowerBlue);
            greatDropInFont.IsVisible = true;
            greatDropInFont.EnableShadow   = false;
            greatDropInFont.TintColor      = Color.Black;
            greatDropInFont.ShadowPosition = new Vector2(greatDropInFont.Position.X - 4, greatDropInFont.Position.Y + 4);
            greatDropInFont.ShadowColor    = Color.Gray;
            greatDropInFont.StateChanged  += new EventHandler <StateEventArgs>(epicDropInFont_StateChanged);

            pDropInFont           = new DropInFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts\\JingJingTitle"), new Vector2(greatDropInFont.Origin.X + greatDropInFont.Position.X / 2.5f, -1000), new Vector2(greatDropInFont.Origin.X + greatDropInFont.Position.X / 2.5f, 100), dropSpeed, "P", Color.CornflowerBlue);
            pDropInFont.IsVisible = false;
            pDropInFont.EnableShadow   = false;
            pDropInFont.TintColor      = Color.Black;
            pDropInFont.ShadowPosition = new Vector2(pDropInFont.Position.X - 4, pDropInFont.Position.Y + 4);
            pDropInFont.ShadowColor    = Color.Gray;
            pDropInFont.StateChanged  += new EventHandler <StateEventArgs>(pDropInFont_StateChanged);

            oDropInFont           = new DropInFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts\\JingJingTitle"), new Vector2(pDropInFont.Origin.X * 2.5f + pDropInFont.Position.X, -1000), new Vector2(pDropInFont.Origin.X * 2.5f + pDropInFont.Position.X, 100), dropSpeed, "O", Color.CornflowerBlue);
            oDropInFont.IsVisible = false;
            oDropInFont.EnableShadow   = false;
            oDropInFont.TintColor      = Color.Black;
            oDropInFont.ShadowPosition = new Vector2(oDropInFont.Position.X - 4, oDropInFont.Position.Y + 4);
            oDropInFont.ShadowColor    = Color.Gray;
            oDropInFont.StateChanged  += new EventHandler <StateEventArgs>(oDropInFont_StateChanged);

            nDropInFont           = new DropInFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts\\JingJingTitle"), new Vector2(pDropInFont.Origin.X * 2.5f + oDropInFont.Position.X, -1000), new Vector2(pDropInFont.Origin.X * 2.5f + oDropInFont.Position.X, 100), dropSpeed, "N", Color.CornflowerBlue);
            nDropInFont.IsVisible = false;
            nDropInFont.EnableShadow   = false;
            nDropInFont.TintColor      = Color.Black;
            nDropInFont.ShadowPosition = new Vector2(nDropInFont.Position.X - 4, nDropInFont.Position.Y + 4);
            nDropInFont.ShadowColor    = Color.Gray;
            nDropInFont.StateChanged  += new EventHandler <StateEventArgs>(nDropInFont_StateChanged);

            gDropInFont           = new DropInFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts\\JingJingTitle"), new Vector2(pDropInFont.Origin.X * 2.5f + nDropInFont.Position.X, -1000), new Vector2(pDropInFont.Origin.X * 2.5f + nDropInFont.Position.X, 100), dropSpeed, "G", Color.CornflowerBlue);
            gDropInFont.IsVisible = false;
            gDropInFont.EnableShadow   = false;
            gDropInFont.TintColor      = Color.Black;
            gDropInFont.ShadowPosition = new Vector2(gDropInFont.Position.X - 4, gDropInFont.Position.Y + 4);
            gDropInFont.ShadowColor    = Color.Gray;
            gDropInFont.StateChanged  += new EventHandler <StateEventArgs>(gDropInFont_StateChanged);

        public override void Load(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager Content)
            _keyboard         = new Dictionary <string, Button>();
            Global.onlineCode = "";
            gamePad           = new GamePadMapper(PlayerIndex.One);

            GameSprite background = new GameSprite(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Background\\EnterCode"), Vector2.Zero, Color.White);

            background.Scale = Global.Scale;

            codeFont = new FadingFont(Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts\\BigOutage"), new Vector2(_viewPort.Width / 2, _viewPort.Height / 2), 0.1f, 1.0f, 0.01f, 1.0f, string.Format(""), Color.White, false);
            codeFont.EnableShadow = false;
            codeFont.Position     = new Vector2(col1 + colDiff * 5, row1 - 100);

            buttons[0, 0]  = loadkey(Content, "1", col1, row1, scale);
            buttons[0, 1]  = loadkey(Content, "2", col1 + colDiff, row1, scale);
            buttons[0, 2]  = loadkey(Content, "3", col1 + colDiff * 2, row1, scale);
            buttons[0, 3]  = loadkey(Content, "4", col1 + colDiff * 3, row1, scale);
            buttons[0, 4]  = loadkey(Content, "5", col1 + colDiff * 4, row1, scale);
            buttons[0, 5]  = loadkey(Content, "6", col1 + colDiff * 5, row1, scale);
            buttons[0, 6]  = loadkey(Content, "7", col1 + colDiff * 6, row1, scale);
            buttons[0, 7]  = loadkey(Content, "8", col1 + colDiff * 7, row1, scale);
            buttons[0, 8]  = loadkey(Content, "9", col1 + colDiff * 8, row1, scale);
            buttons[0, 9]  = loadkey(Content, "0", col1 + colDiff * 9, row1, scale);
            buttons[0, 10] = loadkey(Content, "#", col1 + colDiff * 10, row1, scale);

            buttons[1, 0]  = loadkey(Content, "Q", col1, row1 + rowDiff, scale);
            buttons[1, 1]  = loadkey(Content, "W", col1 + colDiff, row1 + rowDiff, scale);
            buttons[1, 2]  = loadkey(Content, "E", col1 + colDiff * 2, row1 + rowDiff, scale);
            buttons[1, 3]  = loadkey(Content, "R", col1 + colDiff * 3, row1 + rowDiff, scale);
            buttons[1, 4]  = loadkey(Content, "T", col1 + colDiff * 4, row1 + rowDiff, scale);
            buttons[1, 5]  = loadkey(Content, "Y", col1 + colDiff * 5, row1 + rowDiff, scale);
            buttons[1, 6]  = loadkey(Content, "U", col1 + colDiff * 6, row1 + rowDiff, scale);
            buttons[1, 7]  = loadkey(Content, "I", col1 + colDiff * 7, row1 + rowDiff, scale);
            buttons[1, 8]  = loadkey(Content, "O", col1 + colDiff * 8, row1 + rowDiff, scale);
            buttons[1, 9]  = loadkey(Content, "P", col1 + colDiff * 9, row1 + rowDiff, scale);
            buttons[1, 10] = loadkey(Content, "*", col1 + colDiff * 10, row1 + rowDiff, scale);

            buttons[2, 0]  = loadkey(Content, "A", col1, row1 + rowDiff * 2, scale);
            buttons[2, 1]  = loadkey(Content, "S", col1 + colDiff, row1 + rowDiff * 2, scale);
            buttons[2, 2]  = loadkey(Content, "D", col1 + colDiff * 2, row1 + rowDiff * 2, scale);
            buttons[2, 3]  = loadkey(Content, "F", col1 + colDiff * 3, row1 + rowDiff * 2, scale);
            buttons[2, 4]  = loadkey(Content, "G", col1 + colDiff * 4, row1 + rowDiff * 2, scale);
            buttons[2, 5]  = loadkey(Content, "H", col1 + colDiff * 5, row1 + rowDiff * 2, scale);
            buttons[2, 6]  = loadkey(Content, "J", col1 + colDiff * 6, row1 + rowDiff * 2, scale);
            buttons[2, 7]  = loadkey(Content, "K", col1 + colDiff * 7, row1 + rowDiff * 2, scale);
            buttons[2, 8]  = loadkey(Content, "L", col1 + colDiff * 8, row1 + rowDiff * 2, scale);
            buttons[2, 9]  = loadkey(Content, ".", col1 + colDiff * 9, row1 + rowDiff * 2, scale);
            buttons[2, 10] = loadkey(Content, "&", col1 + colDiff * 10, row1 + rowDiff * 2, scale);

            buttons[3, 0]  = loadkey(Content, "Z", col1, row1 + rowDiff * 3, scale);
            buttons[3, 1]  = loadkey(Content, "X", col1 + colDiff, row1 + rowDiff * 3, scale);
            buttons[3, 2]  = loadkey(Content, "C", col1 + colDiff * 2, row1 + rowDiff * 3, scale);
            buttons[3, 3]  = loadkey(Content, "V", col1 + colDiff * 3, row1 + rowDiff * 3, scale);
            buttons[3, 4]  = loadkey(Content, "B", col1 + colDiff * 4, row1 + rowDiff * 3, scale);
            buttons[3, 5]  = loadkey(Content, "N", col1 + colDiff * 5, row1 + rowDiff * 3, scale);
            buttons[3, 6]  = loadkey(Content, "M", col1 + colDiff * 6, row1 + rowDiff * 3, scale);
            buttons[3, 7]  = loadkey(Content, "-", col1 + colDiff * 7, row1 + rowDiff * 3, scale);
            buttons[3, 8]  = loadkey(Content, "_", col1 + colDiff * 8, row1 + rowDiff * 3, scale);
            buttons[3, 9]  = loadkey(Content, "!", col1 + colDiff * 9, row1 + rowDiff * 3, scale);
            buttons[3, 10] = loadkey(Content, "?", col1 + colDiff * 10, row1 + rowDiff * 3, scale);

            back          = new TextButton(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Buttons//Blank"), new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White, Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts\\BigOutage"), Color.White, "Back", new Rectangle(0, 117, 404, 137), new Rectangle(0, 0, 404, 117));
            back.Scale   *= scale;
            back.Scale    = new Vector2(back.Scale.X + 0.02f, back.Scale.Y);
            back.Origin   = new Vector2(back.Texture.Width / 2, 137);
            back.Position = new Vector2(col1 + 120, row1 + rowDiff * 4 + back.SourceRectangle.Value.Height / 2);

            space          = new TextButton(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Buttons//Blank"), new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White, Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts\\BigOutage"), Color.White, " ", new Rectangle(0, 117, 404, 137), new Rectangle(0, 0, 404, 117));
            space.Scale   *= scale;
            space.Scale    = new Vector2(space.Scale.X + 0.61f, space.Scale.Y);
            space.Origin   = new Vector2(space.Texture.Width / 2, 137);
            space.Position = new Vector2(col1 + colDiff * 3 + 240, row1 + rowDiff * 4 + space.SourceRectangle.Value.Height / 2);

            done          = new TextButton(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Buttons//Blank"), new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White, Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts\\BigOutage"), Color.White, "Done", new Rectangle(0, 117, 404, 137), new Rectangle(0, 0, 404, 117));
            done.Scale   *= scale;
            done.Scale    = new Vector2(done.Scale.X + 0.02f, done.Scale.Y);
            done.Origin   = new Vector2(done.Texture.Width / 2, 137);
            done.Position = new Vector2(col1 + colDiff * 8 + 120, row1 + rowDiff * 4 + done.SourceRectangle.Value.Height / 2);

            backBtn          = new Button(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Buttons//Back"), new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White, new Rectangle(0, 149, 159, 169), new Rectangle(0, 0, 159, 149));
            backBtn.Origin   = new Vector2(backBtn.Texture.Width / 2, 169);
            backBtn.Position = new Vector2(177, 907 + backBtn.SourceRectangle.Value.Height / 2);


            if (!Global.UsingKeyboard)
                //done.IsPressed = true;
                //_keyboard["2"].IsPressed = true;
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (!Global.IsHost)
                done.Text = "Join";

            if (back.IsClicked && Global.onlineCode.Length > 0)
                Global.onlineCode = Global.onlineCode.Substring(0, Global.onlineCode.Length - 1);
            else if (space.IsClicked)
                Global.onlineCode += " ";
            else if (done.IsClicked)

            if (InputManager.IsGamepadButtonTapped(PlayerIndex.One, GamePadMapper.GamePadButtons.Back))

            if (InputManager.IsGamepadButtonTapped(PlayerIndex.One, GamePadMapper.GamePadButtons.DPadDown))
                if (_keyboard["Z"].IsPressed)
                    _keyboard["Z"].IsPressed = false;
                    back.IsPressed           = true;
                else if (_keyboard["X"].IsPressed)
                    _keyboard["X"].IsPressed = false;
                    back.IsPressed           = true;
                else if (_keyboard["C"].IsPressed)
                    _keyboard["C"].IsPressed = false;
                    back.IsPressed           = true;
                else if (_keyboard["V"].IsPressed)
                    _keyboard["V"].IsPressed = false;
                    space.IsPressed          = true;
                else if (_keyboard["B"].IsPressed)
                    _keyboard["B"].IsPressed = false;
                    space.IsPressed          = true;
                else if (_keyboard["N"].IsPressed)
                    _keyboard["N"].IsPressed = false;
                    space.IsPressed          = true;
                else if (_keyboard["V"].IsPressed)
                    _keyboard["V"].IsPressed = false;
                    space.IsPressed          = true;
                else if (_keyboard["M"].IsPressed)
                    _keyboard["M"].IsPressed = false;
                    space.IsPressed          = true;
                else if (_keyboard["-"].IsPressed)
                    _keyboard["-"].IsPressed = false;
                    space.IsPressed          = true;
                else if (_keyboard["_"].IsPressed)
                    _keyboard["_"].IsPressed = false;
                    done.IsPressed           = true;
                else if (_keyboard["!"].IsPressed)
                    _keyboard["!"].IsPressed = false;
                    done.IsPressed           = true;
                else if (_keyboard["?"].IsPressed)
                    _keyboard["?"].IsPressed = false;
                    done.IsPressed           = true;
                else if (currentRow < 3 && !backBtn.IsPressed)
                    buttons[currentRow, currentCol].IsPressed = false;
                    buttons[currentRow, currentCol].IsPressed = true;
            else if (InputManager.IsGamepadButtonTapped(PlayerIndex.One, GamePadMapper.GamePadButtons.DPadUp))
                if (back.IsPressed)
                    back.IsPressed           = false;
                    _keyboard["X"].IsPressed = true;
                    currentCol = 1;
                    currentRow = 3;
                else if (space.IsPressed)
                    space.IsPressed          = false;
                    _keyboard["N"].IsPressed = true;
                    currentCol = 5;
                    currentRow = 3;
                else if (done.IsPressed)
                    done.IsPressed           = false;
                    _keyboard["!"].IsPressed = true;
                    currentCol = 9;
                    currentRow = 3;
                else if (currentRow > 0 && !backBtn.IsPressed)
                    buttons[currentRow, currentCol].IsPressed = false;
                    buttons[currentRow, currentCol].IsPressed = true;
            else if (InputManager.IsGamepadButtonTapped(PlayerIndex.One, GamePadMapper.GamePadButtons.DPadLeft))
                if (_keyboard["1"].IsPressed)
                    _keyboard["1"].IsPressed = false;
                    backBtn.IsPressed        = true;
                else if (_keyboard["Q"].IsPressed)
                    _keyboard["Q"].IsPressed = false;
                    backBtn.IsPressed        = true;
                else if (_keyboard["A"].IsPressed)
                    _keyboard["A"].IsPressed = false;
                    backBtn.IsPressed        = true;
                else if (_keyboard["Z"].IsPressed)
                    _keyboard["Z"].IsPressed = false;
                    backBtn.IsPressed        = true;
                else if (back.IsPressed)
                    back.IsPressed    = false;
                    backBtn.IsPressed = true;
                else if (done.IsPressed)
                    done.IsPressed  = false;
                    space.IsPressed = true;
                else if (space.IsPressed)
                    space.IsPressed = false;
                    back.IsPressed  = true;
                else if (currentCol > 0 && !backBtn.IsPressed)
                    buttons[currentRow, currentCol].IsPressed = false;
                    buttons[currentRow, currentCol].IsPressed = true;
            else if (InputManager.IsGamepadButtonTapped(PlayerIndex.One, GamePadMapper.GamePadButtons.DPadRight))
                if (backBtn.IsPressed)
                    backBtn.IsPressed        = false;
                    _keyboard["A"].IsPressed = true;
                    currentCol = 0;
                    currentRow = 2;
                else if (back.IsPressed)
                    back.IsPressed  = false;
                    space.IsPressed = true;
                else if (space.IsPressed)
                    space.IsPressed = false;
                    done.IsPressed  = true;
                else if (currentCol < 10 && !done.IsPressed)
                    buttons[currentRow, currentCol].IsPressed = false;
                    buttons[currentRow, currentCol].IsPressed = true;
            else if (InputManager.IsGamepadButtonTapped(PlayerIndex.One, GamePadMapper.GamePadButtons.A))
                if (back.IsPressed && Global.onlineCode.Length > 0)
                    Global.onlineCode = Global.onlineCode.Substring(0, Global.onlineCode.Length - 1);
                else if (space.IsPressed)
                    Global.onlineCode += " ";
                else if (done.IsPressed)
                    if (Global.IsHost)
                else if (backBtn.IsPressed)
                else if (buttons[currentRow, currentCol].IsPressed)
                    Global.onlineCode += buttons[currentRow, currentCol].Text;


            //Global.Reset = true;
