void TimeFlying() { // if (timeFlyingEvents[0] != storyTextScript.fadeCanvasScript.fadeDuration) { // timeFlyingEvents[0] = storyTextScript.fadeCanvasScript.fadeDuration; // } if (boardTimer < boardEvents[boardEvents.Count - 1] + tapTime) { boardTimer += Time.deltaTime; } if (storyTextScript.fadeCanvasScript.shown && inputDetScript.Tapped) { //audioManHubMenuScript.ButtonSound(); //clicking sound boardBools[0] = true; } // SHOW TAP ICON if (boardTimer >= boardEvents[1] && !boardBools[1]) { storyIconsScript.ShowNextButton(); boardBools[1] = true; } // TAP EVENT if (boardTimer >= boardEvents[2] && !boardBools[2] && nextBtnPressed || boardTimer >= boardEvents[2] && !boardBools[2] && inputDetScript.Tapped) { storyIconsScript.HideNextButton(); tapTime = boardTimer; exitingBoard = true; nextBtnPressed = false; boardBools[2] = true; audioManHubMenuScript.ButtonSound(); //clicking sound } if (exitingBoard) { if (boardTimer >= boardEvents[3] + tapTime && !boardBools[3]) { blackScreenFadeScript.FadeIn(); boardBools[3] = true; } if (blackScreenFadeScript.shown && boardBools[3]) { introStates = IntroStates.Gust; storyTimeMoScript.normalTime.SetActive(false); storyTextScript.TurnTextOff(); boardTimer = 0f; boardEvents.Clear(); boardEvents = gustEvents; boardBools.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < gustEvents.Count; i++) { boardBools.Add(false); } exitingBoard = false; tapTime = 99999f; // AUDIO - BOARD CHANGE TIME HOVER SOUND SHOULD STOP! audioIntroScript.STOP_introTimeHoverLoopSFX(); audioIntroScript.STOP_introWindLoopSFX(); } } }
// Level complete, load silver eggs, start crate animation. public void SilverEggsSetup() { canPlay = false; //Set the silver egg sprites to Hollow if the egg was found already. for (int i = 0; i < GlobalVariables.globVarScript.puzzSilEggsCount.Count; i++) { int eggNumber = GlobalVariables.globVarScript.puzzSilEggsCount[i]; mySilverEggMan.allSilEggs[eggNumber].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = mySilverEggMan.hollowSilEgg; mySilverEggMan.allSilverEggsScripts[eggNumber].hollow = true; Debug.Log(mySilverEggMan.allSilEggs[eggNumber].name + "has been set to hollow, ooouuuhhhh. Like a ghost. A nice ghost. Yeeah."); } mySilverEggMan.lvlSilverEggs[curntLvl - 1].SetActive(true); // CAN probably set it to true in the lvl finished seq or wtv if (mySilverEggMan.lvlSilverEggs[curntLvl - 1].transform.childCount > 0) { foreach (Transform silEgg in mySilverEggMan.lvlSilverEggs[curntLvl - 1].transform) { mySilverEggMan.activeSilverEggs.Add(silEgg.gameObject); } } mySilverEggMan.silverEggsActive = true; if (!mySelectButton.noFadeDelay) // Turn off the initial fade delay for the three dots. Should only happen once. { mySelectButton.TurnFadeDelayOff(); mySelectButton.noFadeDelay = true; } LvlStuffFadeOut(); foreach (GameObject silEgg in mySilverEggMan.activeSilverEggs) { silEgg.GetComponent <SilverEggSequence>().StartSequence(); } scrnDarkImgScript.FadeIn(); }
void CheckUnlock() { locked = GlobalVariables.globVarScript.fallLocked; //Check if the season is already unlocked if (!locked && comingSoonTitle) { bannerTitle.SetActive(false); closedLock.gameObject.SetActive(false); backColorFadeScript.gameObject.SetActive(true); backColorFadeScript.FadeIn(); // To be terminated once all the seasons are implemented. comingSoonTitle.SetActive(true); comingSoonTitle.GetComponent <FadeInOutImage>().FadeIn(); comingSoonTitle.GetComponentInChildren <FadeInOutTMP>().FadeIn(); myHubScript.EnableSeasonObjs(); } }
// Start moving the puzzle piece. public void UnlockPuzzle() { movePuzzPiece = true; clickOnEggsScript.eggMoving += 1; endPos = endPosObj.transform.position; pointerFadeScript.FadeOut(); anim.SetTrigger("PuzzPiecePop"); //splineWalkerScript.IsPlaying = true; //Play FX's through animation events //puzzPiece.transform.parent = puzzParentObj.transform.parent; darkScreenFadeScript.FadeIn(); sceneTapScript.canTapEggRidPanPuz = false; sceneTapScript.canTapHelpBird = false; sceneTapScript.canTapPauseBtn = false; levelTapScript.ZoomOutCameraReset(); audioSceneGenScript.puzzlePieceAnimation(); //Debug.Log("sound - Puzzle piece"); }
public void CinematicButton() { if (comingSoonTit) { float delay = openLock.gameObject.GetComponent <FadeInOutImage>().fadeDuration; comingSoonTitle.SetActive(true); FadeInOutTMP textFade = comingSoonTitle.GetComponentInChildren <FadeInOutTMP>(); FadeInOutImage imgFade = comingSoonTitle.GetComponent <FadeInOutImage>(); textFade.FadeIn(); imgFade.FadeIn(); } else { foreach (FadeInOutImage fadeScript in playCinematicFadeScripts) { fadeScript.FadeIn(); } } }
public void ShowRiddleText() { int random = Random.Range(0, riddleHints.Count); riddleHints[random].SetActive(true); riddleCurntActive = riddleHints[random]; riddTextFadeScript.fadeDelayDur = riddCGFadeScript.fadeDuration; plainGoldEggFadeScript.fadeDelayDur = riddCGFadeScript.fadeDuration; riddTextFadeScript.FadeIn(); plainGoldEggFadeScript.FadeIn(); riddTextOn = true; dontCloseMenu.SetActive(false); hintCGFadeScript.FadeOut(); hintBtn.interactable = false; riddCGFadeScript.FadeOut(); riddleBtn.interactable = false; }
void GoToMenu() { GlobalVariables.globVarScript.toHub = false; hubScript.inHub = false; if (!mainMenuScript.gameObject.activeSelf) { mainMenuScript.gameObject.SetActive(true); // Put in variables to make the main menu be faded out. } // - TO TURN OFF IMMEDIATELY - // foreach (GameObject levelButton in levelButtons) { levelButton.SetActive(false); } //backToMenuBtn.enabled = false; // - MAKE THE CLOUDS CLOSE - // foreach (MoveCloud cloud in cloudsToMove) { cloud.MoveIn(); } // - FADE OUT BACKTOMENU BTN - // // backToMenuFadeScript.FadeOut(); // backToMenuIconFadeScript.FadeOut(); foreach (FadeInOutCanvasGroup hubCanvasGroupFadeScript in hubScript.hubCanvasGroupFadeScripts) { hubCanvasGroupFadeScript.FadeOut(); } // Season Unlock foreach (SeasonLock seasonLockScript in seasonLockScripts) { seasonLockScript.BackToMenu(); } // - FADE IN TITLE - // titleFade.FadeIn(); // - FADE IN SOLID BACKGROUND - // solidBGFade.FadeIn(); // - FADE IN ALL BUTTONS - // fadeBtnIn = true; mainMenuScript.ResetStory(); }
void Update() { // -- Fade Menu Buttons In -- // if (fadeBtnIn) { btnWaitTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (btnWaitTimer >= btnFadeInWait) { playBtnFadeScript.FadeIn(); rstBtnFadeScript.FadeIn(); deleteSaveBtnCGFadeScript.FadeIn(); fadeBtnIn = false; hubScript.ResetHubSeasons(); foreach (SeasonGlows seasonGlowScript in seasonGlowScripts) { seasonGlowScript.ResetGlowAlphas(); } edgeFirefliesScript.StopFireflyFX(); btnWaitTimer = 0f; //this.gameObject.SetActive(false); //backToMenuBtn.enabled = false; } } }
void Update() { // Keep track of the current active scene. if (currentScene != SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name) // This causes GC alloc. { currentScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name; } titleCardTxt.color = new Color(titleCardTxt.color.r, titleCardTxt.color.g, titleCardTxt.color.b, titleCardImg.color.a); #region Title Card & Black Background scene transition. if (titCardSceneTrans) { if (newAlpha == 0) { myOperation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneToLoad); myOperation.allowSceneActivation = false; //QualitySettings.asyncUploadTimeSlice = 2; } //if (!setupNewCard) { ChoseTitleCard(); } if (fadeImage != blckFadeImage) { fadeImage = blckFadeImage; } // -- FADE OUT CURRENT SCENE -- // if (fadeSceneOut) { if (fadeSceneIn) { fadeSceneIn = false; } // Set the transition image to raycast target to block the player from tapping on any buttons while it is transitioning. if (!fadeImage.raycastTarget) { fadeImage.raycastTarget = true; } curveTime += Time.deltaTime / fadeTime; newAlpha = animCurve.Evaluate(curveTime); fadeImage.color = new Color(fadeImage.color.r, fadeImage.color.g, fadeImage.color.b, newAlpha); if (newAlpha >= startTitleCardFade) { if (titleCardTxt.text != sceneToLoad) { titleCardTxt.text = sceneToLoad; } // start playing music for the scene here if (!titleCardObj.activeInHierarchy) { titleCardObj.SetActive(true); titleCardFadeScript.FadeIn(); } if (titleCardImg.color.a >= 1 && titleCardTimer < minTitleCardShowTime) { titleCardTimer += Time.deltaTime; } } // If transition and titlecard faded in completely. if (newAlpha >= 1 && titleCardImg.color.a >= 1 && currentScene != sceneToLoad) { curveTime = 1; newAlpha = 1; myOperation.allowSceneActivation = true; } // If scene has been loaded and title card has been on long enough. if (/*currentScene == sceneToLoad*/ myOperation.isDone && titleCardTimer >= minTitleCardShowTime) { inTransition = false; fadeSceneIn = true; fadeSceneOut = false; //SceneManager.LoadScene(sceneToLoad); titleCardTimer = 0f; curveTime = 0; } } // -- FADE IN NEW SCENE -- // if (fadeSceneIn) { titleCardFadeScript.FadeOut(); if (titleCardImg.color.a <= startBackgroundFade) { curveTime += Time.deltaTime / fadeTime; newAlpha = 1 - animCurve.Evaluate(curveTime); fadeImage.color = new Color(fadeImage.color.r, fadeImage.color.g, fadeImage.color.b, newAlpha); } if (newAlpha <= 0.2) { if (fadeImage.raycastTarget) { fadeImage.raycastTarget = false; } } if (newAlpha <= 0) { //if (fadeImage.raycastTarget) { fadeImage.raycastTarget = false; } curveTime = 0; newAlpha = 0; fadeSceneIn = false; titCardSceneTrans = false; //setupNewCard = false; } } } #endregion #region White Background scene transition. if (whtSceneTrans) { if (fadeImage != whtFadeImage) { fadeImage = whtFadeImage; } // -- FADE OUT CURRENT SCENE -- // if (fadeSceneOut) { if (fadeSceneIn) { fadeSceneIn = false; } // Set the transition image to raycast target to block the player from tapping on any buttons while it is transitioning. if (!fadeImage.raycastTarget) { fadeImage.raycastTarget = true; } curveTime += Time.deltaTime / fadeTime; newAlpha = animCurve.Evaluate(curveTime); fadeImage.color = new Color(fadeImage.color.r, fadeImage.color.g, fadeImage.color.b, newAlpha); // If transition and titlecard faded in completely. if (newAlpha >= 1 && currentScene != sceneToLoad) { curveTime = 1; newAlpha = 1; SceneManager.LoadScene(sceneToLoad); } if (titleCardTimer < minTitleCardShowTime) { titleCardTimer += Time.deltaTime; } // If scene has been loaded and title card has been on long enough. if (currentScene == sceneToLoad && titleCardTimer >= minTitleCardShowTime) { fadeSceneIn = true; fadeSceneOut = false; titleCardTimer = 0f; curveTime = 0; inTransition = false; } } // -- FADE IN NEW SCENE -- // if (fadeSceneIn) { curveTime += Time.deltaTime / fadeTime; newAlpha = 1 - animCurve.Evaluate(curveTime); fadeImage.color = new Color(fadeImage.color.r, fadeImage.color.g, fadeImage.color.b, newAlpha); if (newAlpha <= 0.2) { if (fadeImage.raycastTarget) { fadeImage.raycastTarget = false; } } if (newAlpha <= 0) { //if (fadeImage.raycastTarget) { fadeImage.raycastTarget = false; } curveTime = 0; newAlpha = 0; fadeSceneIn = false; whtSceneTrans = false; } } } #endregion }
void Update() { if (waitingToStartSeq && !ClickOnEggs.inASequence && clickOnEggsScript.eggMoving <= 0) { clickOnEggsScript.openEggPanel = false; clickOnEggsScript.lockDropDownPanel = false; inLvlCompSeqSetup = true; // In a sequence. ClickOnEggs.inASequence = true; waitingToStartSeq = false; clickOnEggsScript.menuStatesScript.menuStates = MenuStatesManager.MenuStates.TurnOff; //endLvlBtn.interactable = false; sceneTapEnabScript.canTapEggRidPanPuz = false; sceneTapEnabScript.canTapHelpBird = false; sceneTapEnabScript.canTapPauseBtn = false; sceneTapEnabScript.canTapLvlComp = true; } if (inLvlCompSeqSetup) { timer += Time.deltaTime; if (timer > darkenScreen && !darkenScreenStarted) { coverFadeScript.FadeIn(); lvlTapManScript.ZoomOutCameraReset(); darkenScreenStarted = true; } if (timer >= birdIn && !birdInStarted) { lvlCompBirdScript.moveUp = true; birdInStarted = true; } if (timer > showCongrats && !showCongratsStarted) { // AUDIO - CONGRATS TITLE STARTS APPEARING! audioLevelCompleteScript.congratsTxtSnd(); congratsColorFadeScript.startFadeIn = true; splineWalkerScript.isPlaying = true; splineWalkerFX.Play(); showCongratsStarted = true; } if (timer > startTmpWave && !tmpWaveStarted) { congratsWaveScript.waveOn = true; tmpWaveStarted = true; } // if (timer > showEggs && !showEggsStarted) { // if (eggsFadeScripts.Length > 0) { // foreach (FadeInOutSprite eggFadeScript in eggsFadeScripts) // { // eggFadeScript.FadeIn(); // } // } // showEggsStarted = true; // } if (timer > showTotalCounter && !showTotalCounterStarted) { // lineFadeScript.FadeIn(); // totalCounterFadeScript.FadeIn(); lvlCompBirdScript.waitForConTxtOut = true; showTotalCounterStarted = true; } if (timer > spawnEggs && !spawnEggsStarted) { levelCompleteEggSpaScript.StartAllEggSpawn(); spawnEggsStarted = true; } if (timer > showBag && !showBagStarted) { levelCompleteEggbagScript.MakeCurrentBagAppear(); showBagStarted = true; } // if (timer > showBagGlow && !showBagGlowStarted) { // // levelCompleteEggbagScript.StartCurrentBagGlow(); // // levelCompleteEggbagScript.bagAnim.SetTrigger("Rise"); // showBagGlowStarted = true; // } if (timer > endLevel && !levelEnded) { lvlCompBirdScript.waitForCountOut = true; tapToLeave = true; levelEnded = true; } if (tapToLeave && inputDetScript.Tapped) { endLvlBtn.interactable = false; EndLevel(); } } }
void Update() { // Set the tutorial as "open", used to see if the player can play the puzzle or not. if (slideInHelpScript.moveUp && !tutOpen) { tutOpen = true; } // Set the tutorial as "closed", used to allow the player to interact with the puzzle. if (slideInHelpScript.moveDown && slideInHelpScript.lerpValue > 0.5f && tutOpen) { tutOpen = false; mainPuzzScript.canPlay = true; } // If the tutorial is "open" make sure the player cannot interact with the puzzle. if (tutOpen) { mainPuzzScript.canPlay = false; } // If the bird is moving up, fade in the darkened screen. if (slideInHelpScript.moveUp && !darkenScreen) { darkScreenFadeScript.FadeIn(); // mainPuzzScript.canPlay = false; darkenScreen = true; } // If the bird is fully up, fade in the first tutorial icons. if (slideInHelpScript.isUp && !showTut) { tutFadeScripts[0].FadeIn(); mainPuzzScript.canPlay = false; showTut = true; } // If the bird goes down fade out the last tutorial icons. if ((slideInHelpScript.moveDown || slideInHelpScript.isDown) && showTut) { currentTutFadeScript.FadeOut(); darkScreenFadeScript.FadeOut(); showTut = false; darkenScreen = false; } // To go to the next tutorial icons or close the tutorial. if (inputDetScript.Tapped) { // If there is more then one set of tutorial icons. if (currentTutFadeScript != lastTutFadeScript && currentTutFadeScript.shown) { currentTutFadeScript.FadeOut(); currentTutInList++; currentTutFadeScript = tutFadeScripts[currentTutInList]; currentTutFadeScript.FadeIn(); audioHelperBirdScript.birdHelpSound(); } else if (lastTutFadeScript.shown) { slideInHelpScript.MoveBirdUpDown(); mainPuzzScript.canPlay = true; levelSelectScript.InteractableThreeDots(mainPuzzScript.maxLvl, mainPuzzScript.curntLvl); sceneTapScript.canTapPauseBtn = true; SaveIntroDone(); currentTutFadeScript.FadeOut(); currentTutFadeScript = tutFadeScripts[0]; currentTutInList = 0; audioHelperBirdScript.birdHelpSound(); } } }