private IEnumerator FadeToSolid(FadeCallback _callback = null)
        // To store the time we are currently at for the lerp function
        float currentTime = 0;

        // Loop until currentTime exceeds fadeTime
        while (currentTime < fadeTime)
            // Add the deltaTime to the currentTime and get the lerp factor
            currentTime += Time.deltaTime;
            float factor = Mathf.Clamp01(currentTime / fadeTime);

            // Update the image colour by the interpolated value of solid and clear
            image.color = Color.Lerp(faded, solid, factor);

            // Wait until the next frame
            yield return(null);

        // force the image colour to be the solid colour in case of floating point
        // check errors
        image.color = solid;

        // Run the callback for the fade being completed
Exemple #2
    public void fade(float _duration, Color _to, float _startWait = 0.0f, float _endWait = 0.0f, FadeCallback _callback = null)
        m_fadeDuration = _duration;
        m_to           = _to;
        m_startWait    = _startWait;
        m_endWait      = _endWait;
        m_callback     = _callback;

        m_startTimer = 0;
        m_endTimer   = 0;
        m_timer      = 0;

        m_fading = true;
    public void StartGhostFade(bool fadeIn, bool isDialogueAction = false)
        FadeCallback callback = BeginGhostFadeLoop;

        if (isDialogueAction)
            callback += Dialogue.Actions.CompletePendingAction;

        if (fadeIn)
            StartFadeIn(minFade, callback);
            StartFadeOut(minFade, callback);
Exemple #4
    /// <summary>
    /// 페이드 한다.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="from">시작 색상</param>
    /// <param name="to">끝 색상</param>
    /// <param name="duration">페이드에 걸리는 시간</param>
    /// <param name="onComplate">페이드 완료 콜백</param>
    public void Fade(Color from, Color to, float duration = 1, FadeCallback onComplate = null)
        if (canvas.enabled != true)
            canvas.enabled = true;
        image.color = from;
        image.DOColor(to, duration).OnComplete(() =>
            if (onComplate != null)

            if (to.a <= 0)
                canvas.enabled = false;
        color = to;
Exemple #5
    IEnumerator Fade(bool fadeIn, float fadeRate, FadeCallback fadeCallback)
        Fadable[] children     = GetFadableChildren();
        Color     color        = this.color;
        float     alphaPercent = GetAlphaPercent(color.a);

        while ((fadeIn && alphaPercent < 1f) || (!fadeIn && alphaPercent > 0f))
            float delta = Time.deltaTime / fadeRate;
            alphaPercent += fadeIn ? delta : -delta;
            CopyAlphaToChildren(children, alphaPercent);

            color.a    = GetAlphaValue(alphaPercent);
            this.color = color;
            yield return(null);

        if (fadeCallback != null)
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// 투명에서 검은색으로 페이드아웃 된다.
 /// </summary>
 public static void FadeOut(float duration = 1, FadeCallback onComplate = null)
     instance.Fade(Color.clear,, duration, onComplate);
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// 투명으로 페이드인 된다.
 /// </summary>
 public static void FadeIn(float duration = 1, FadeCallback onComplate = null)
     instance.Fade(instance.color, Color.clear, duration, onComplate);
Exemple #8
    protected virtual Coroutine StartFade(float startAlpha, bool fadeIn, float fadeRate, FadeCallback fadeCallback, bool interruptCoroutines)
        if (interruptCoroutines)

        Color color = this.color;

        color.a    = Mathf.Min(startAlpha, maxAlpha);
        this.color = color;

        return(StartCoroutine(Fade(fadeIn, fadeRate, fadeCallback)));
Exemple #9
 public virtual Coroutine StartFadeOut(float fadeRate = DEFAULT_FADE_RATE, FadeCallback fadeCallback = null, bool interruptCoroutines = true)
     return(StartFade(1f, false, fadeRate, fadeCallback, interruptCoroutines));
 public void FadeDown(FadeCallback _callback = null)