Exemple #1
    void AddWall(GameObject gObj, Vector3Int pos, Transform parent, FaceToward face = FaceToward.S)
        var go = Instantiate(gObj, parent);

        go.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(pos.x * tileSize, pos.y * tileSize, pos.z * tileSize);
        AdjFace(go.transform, face);
Exemple #2
        static public void AdjFace2(Transform tran, FaceToward face = FaceToward.N)
            switch (face)
            case FaceToward.N:
                tran.Translate(Vector3.right * tileSize / 2);
                tran.Translate(Vector3.back * tileSize / 2);

            case FaceToward.S:
                tran.Translate(Vector3.left * tileSize / 2);
                tran.Translate(Vector3.forward * tileSize / 2);
                tran.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 180, 0));

            case FaceToward.E:
                tran.Translate(Vector3.left * tileSize / 2);
                tran.Translate(Vector3.back * tileSize / 2);
                tran.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 90, 0));

            case FaceToward.W:
                tran.Translate(Vector3.right * tileSize / 2);
                tran.Translate(Vector3.forward * tileSize / 2);
                tran.Rotate(new Vector3(0, -90, 0));
Exemple #3
    public Vector3Int AddCorridor(Vector3Int pos, int width = 0, int length = 3, FaceToward face = FaceToward.S)
        var corridorRoot = ObjBuilder.AddNode("Corridor", dungeonRoot, new Vector3Int((int)(pos.x), (int)(pos.z), (int)(pos.y)));
        var floorRoot    = ObjBuilder.AddNode("Floor", corridorRoot);

        for (int row = 0; row < length; row++)
            for (int col = -width; col <= width; col++)
                AddFloor(new Vector3(col, 0, row), floorRoot);
        var wallRoot = ObjBuilder.AddNode("Wall", corridorRoot);

        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            AddWall(wallPrefab, new Vector3Int(-width, 0, i), wallRoot, FaceToward.E);
            AddWall(wallPrefab, new Vector3Int(width + 1, 0, i), wallRoot, FaceToward.W);
        ObjBuilder.AdjFace(corridorRoot, face);
        switch (face)
        case ObjBuilder.FaceToward.S: return(pos + Vector3Int.down * length);

        case ObjBuilder.FaceToward.N: return(pos + Vector3Int.up * length);

        case ObjBuilder.FaceToward.E: return(pos + Vector3Int.right * length);

        case ObjBuilder.FaceToward.W: return(pos + Vector3Int.left * length);
Exemple #4
    void AddMisc(GameObject gObj, Vector3Int pos, Transform parent, FaceToward face = FaceToward.S)
        var go = Instantiate(gObj, parent);

        go.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(pos.x * tileSize, pos.z * tileSize, pos.y * tileSize)
                                     + new Vector3(tileSize / 2, 0, tileSize / 2);
        go.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, Random.Range(0, 180f), 0));
        AdjFace(go.transform, face);
    private void PlaneHit(Transform hitTransform)
        Debug.Log("Set facing");
        WorldRoot.transform.position = hitTransform.position;
        FaceToward.SetFacing(WorldRoot.transform, cameraTransform.position);

        // Should look at the camera but still be flush with the plane.
        WorldRoot.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f,
                                                        WorldRoot.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y, WorldRoot.transform.rotation.z);
Exemple #6
        bool HitTestWithResultType(ARPoint point, ARHitTestResultType resultTypes)
            List <ARHitTestResult> hitResults = UnityARSessionNativeInterface.GetARSessionNativeInterface().HitTest(point, resultTypes);

            if (hitResults.Count > 0)
                foreach (var hitResult in hitResults)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.m_AnchorId))
                    m_HitTransform.position = UnityARMatrixOps.GetPosition(hitResult.worldTransform);
                    m_HitTransform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;                    // UnityARMatrixOps.GetRotation (hitResult.worldTransform);
                    FaceToward.SetFacing(m_HitTransform, Camera.main.transform.position);
                    m_AnchorId = UnityARSessionNativeInterface.GetARSessionNativeInterface().AddUserAnchorFromGameObject(m_HitTransform.gameObject).identifierStr;
                    Debug.Log(string.Format("x:{0:0.######} y:{1:0.######} z:{2:0.######}", m_HitTransform.position.x, m_HitTransform.position.y, m_HitTransform.position.z));
        bool EditorHitTest()
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                Ray        ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                RaycastHit hit;

                //we'll try to hit one of the plane collider gameobjects that were generated by the plugin
                //effectively similar to calling HitTest with ARHitTestResultType.ARHitTestResultTypeExistingPlaneUsingExtent
                if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                    //we're going to get the position from the contact point
                    m_HitTransform.position = hit.point;
                    Debug.Log(string.Format("x:{0:0.######} y:{1:0.######} z:{2:0.######}", m_HitTransform.position.x, m_HitTransform.position.y, m_HitTransform.position.z));

                    //and the rotation from the transform of the plane collider
                    m_HitTransform.rotation = hit.transform.rotation;
                    FaceToward.SetFacing(m_HitTransform, Camera.main.transform.position);
 void Start()
     FaceToward.SetFacing(m_HitTransform, Camera.main.transform.position);
    public void Update()
        if (Session.ConnectionState != SessionConnectionState.Connected)

        // The tracking state must be FrameTrackingState.Tracking in order to access the Frame.
        if (Frame.TrackingState != FrameTrackingState.Tracking)
            const int LOST_TRACKING_SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 15;
            Screen.sleepTimeout = LOST_TRACKING_SLEEP_TIMEOUT;

        Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep;
        Frame.GetNewPlanes(ref m_newPlanes);

        // Iterate over planes found in this frame and instantiate corresponding GameObjects to visualize them.
        for (int i = 0; i < m_newPlanes.Count; i++)
            // Instantiate a plane visualization prefab and set it to track the new plane. The transform is set to
            // the origin with an identity rotation since the mesh for our prefab is updated in Unity World
            // coordinates.
            GameObject planeObject = Instantiate(m_trackedPlanePrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity,
            planeObject.GetComponent <GoogleARCore.HelloAR.TrackedPlaneVisualizer>().SetTrackedPlane(m_newPlanes[i]);

            // Apply a random color and grid rotation.
            planeObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetColor("_GridColor", m_planeColors[Random.Range(0,
                                                                                                             m_planeColors.Length - 1)]);
            planeObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetFloat("_UvRotation", Random.Range(0.0f, 360.0f));

        Touch touch;

        if (Input.touchCount < 1 || (touch = Input.GetTouch(0)).phase != TouchPhase.Began)

        TrackableHit     hit;
        TrackableHitFlag raycastFilter = TrackableHitFlag.PlaneWithinBounds | TrackableHitFlag.PlaneWithinPolygon;

        if (Session.Raycast(m_firstPersonCamera.ScreenPointToRay(touch.position), raycastFilter, out hit))
            Debug.Log("Hit: " + hit.Point);

            // Create an anchor to allow ARCore to track the hitpoint as understanding of the physical
            // world evolves.
            var anchor = Session.CreateAnchor(hit.Point, Quaternion.identity);

            m_worldRoot.transform.position = hit.Point;
            FaceToward.SetFacing(m_worldRoot.transform, m_firstPersonCamera.transform.position);
            m_worldRoot.transform.parent = anchor.transform;

            // Andy should look at the camera but still be flush with the plane.
            m_worldRoot.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f,
                                                              m_worldRoot.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y, m_worldRoot.transform.rotation.z);


    public void Start()
        m_planeAttachment = m_worldRoot.GetComponent <GoogleARCore.HelloAR.PlaneAttachment>();

        FaceToward.SetFacing(m_worldRoot.transform, m_firstPersonCamera.transform.position);