public static Building TogbXML(this AdjacencyCluster adjacencyCluster, string name, string description, double tolerance = Tolerance.MicroDistance) { List <Panel> panels = adjacencyCluster?.GetPanels(); if (panels == null || panels.Count == 0) { return(null); } List <Space> spaces = adjacencyCluster.GetSpaces(); if (spaces == null) { return(null); } //Dictionary of Minimal Elevations and List of Panels Dictionary <double, List <Panel> > dictionary_MinElevations = Analytical.Query.MinElevationDictionary(panels, true, Tolerance.MacroDistance); //Dictionary of gbXML BuildingStoreys and its elevations Dictionary <BuildingStorey, double> dictionary_buildingStoreys = new Dictionary <BuildingStorey, double>(); //Dictionary of SAM Panels related buildingSorey, minimal elevation and maximal elevation Dictionary <Panel, Tuple <BuildingStorey, double, double, double> > dictionary_Panels = new Dictionary <Panel, Tuple <BuildingStorey, double, double, double> >(); foreach (KeyValuePair <double, List <Panel> > keyValuePair in dictionary_MinElevations) { BuildingStorey buildingStorey = Architectural.Create.Level(keyValuePair.Key).TogbXML(tolerance); dictionary_buildingStoreys[buildingStorey] = keyValuePair.Key; foreach (Panel panel in keyValuePair.Value) { dictionary_Panels[panel] = new Tuple <BuildingStorey, double, double, double> (buildingStorey, keyValuePair.Key, panel.MinElevation(), panel.MaxElevation()); } } List <gbXMLSerializer.Space> spaces_gbXML = new List <gbXMLSerializer.Space>(); Dictionary <Guid, SpaceBoundary> dictionary = new Dictionary <Guid, SpaceBoundary>(); foreach (Space space in spaces) { List <Panel> panels_Space = adjacencyCluster.GetRelatedObjects <Panel>(space); if (panels_Space == null || panels_Space.Count == 0) { continue; } double elevation_Level = panels_Space.ConvertAll(x => dictionary_Panels[x].Item2).Min(); double elevation_Min = panels_Space.ConvertAll(x => dictionary_Panels[x].Item3).Min(); double elevation_Max = panels_Space.ConvertAll(x => dictionary_Panels[x].Item4).Max(); BuildingStorey buildingStorey = null; foreach (KeyValuePair <BuildingStorey, double> keyValuePair in dictionary_buildingStoreys) { if (keyValuePair.Value.Equals(elevation_Level)) { buildingStorey = keyValuePair.Key; break; } } if (buildingStorey == null) { continue; } List <Panel> panels_PlanarGeometry = panels_Space.FindAll(x => x.PanelType.PanelGroup() == PanelGroup.Floor || (x.Normal.AlmostSimilar(Vector3D.WorldZ.GetNegated()) && dictionary_Panels[x].Item3 == elevation_Min)); panels_PlanarGeometry = panels_PlanarGeometry?.MergeCoplanarPanels(Tolerance.MacroDistance, false, false, Tolerance.MacroDistance); if (panels_PlanarGeometry == null || panels_PlanarGeometry.Count == 0) { continue; } panels_PlanarGeometry.Sort((x, y) => y.GetArea().CompareTo(x.GetArea())); Face3D face3D = panels_PlanarGeometry.First().PlanarBoundary3D?.GetFace3D(); if (face3D == null) { continue; } double area = face3D.GetArea(); if (area < Tolerance.MacroDistance) { continue; } double volume = Math.Abs(elevation_Max - elevation_Min) * area; if (volume < Tolerance.MacroDistance) { continue; } List <SpaceBoundary> spaceBoundaries = new List <SpaceBoundary>(); foreach (Panel panel in panels_Space) { if (panel == null) { continue; } SpaceBoundary spaceBoundary = null; if (!dictionary.TryGetValue(panel.Guid, out spaceBoundary)) { spaceBoundary = panel.TogbXML_SpaceBoundary(tolerance); dictionary[panel.Guid] = spaceBoundary; } spaceBoundaries.Add(spaceBoundary); } gbXMLSerializer.Space space_gbXML = new gbXMLSerializer.Space(); space_gbXML.Name = space.Name; space_gbXML.spacearea = new Area() { val = area.ToString() }; space_gbXML.spacevol = new Volume() { val = volume.ToString() }; space_gbXML.buildingStoreyIdRef =; space_gbXML.cadid = new CADObjectId() { id = space.Guid.ToString() }; space_gbXML.PlanarGeo = face3D.TogbXML(tolerance); = Core.gbXML.Query.Id(space, typeof(gbXMLSerializer.Space)); space_gbXML.spbound = spaceBoundaries.ToArray(); space_gbXML.ShellGeo = panels_Space.TogbXML(space, tolerance); spaces_gbXML.Add(space_gbXML); } Building building = new Building(); = Core.gbXML.Query.Id(adjacencyCluster, typeof(Building)); building.Name = name; building.Description = description; building.bldgStories = dictionary_buildingStoreys.Keys.ToArray(); building.Area = Analytical.Query.Area(panels, PanelGroup.Floor); building.buildingType = buildingTypeEnum.Office; building.Spaces = spaces_gbXML.ToArray(); return(building); }