private void LoadJob() { chkIsPriced.Enabled = true; Facade.IJob facJob = new Facade.Job(); Facade.IInstruction facInstruction = new Facade.Instruction(); m_job = facJob.GetJob(m_jobId); // The m_job pricing can only be viewed if it is complete. if (m_job.JobState == eJobState.Booked || m_job.JobState == eJobState.Planned || m_job.JobState == eJobState.InProgress) { Response.Redirect("../jobManagement.aspx?jobId=" + m_jobId.ToString() + "&csid=" + this.CookieSessionID); } if (m_job.JobState == eJobState.Cancelled) { Response.Redirect("../../Job/job.aspx?jobId=" + m_job.JobId.ToString() + "&csid=" + this.CookieSessionID); } m_job.Charge = ((Facade.IJobCharge)facJob).GetForJobId(m_job.JobId); m_job.Instructions = facInstruction.GetForJobId(m_job.JobId); m_job.Extras = facJob.GetExtras(m_job.JobId, true); Facade.IJobRate facJobRate = new Facade.Job(); m_job.Rate = facJobRate.GetRateForJobId(m_job.JobId); GetChargeableLegs(); CountChargeableLegs(); // Store the m_job in the ViewState ViewState[C_JOB_VS] = m_job; // The job can not be altered if it has been invoiced. if (m_job.JobState == eJobState.Invoiced) { txtRate.Enabled = false; btnUpdate.Enabled = false; chkIsPriced.Checked = true; chkIsPriced.Enabled = false; } #region Populate the Job Information lblJobId.Text = m_jobId.ToString(); // Display the client this m_job is for Facade.IOrganisation facOrganisation = new Facade.Organisation(); lblCustomer.Text = facOrganisation.GetNameForIdentityId(m_job.IdentityId); // Select the appropriate m_job type lblJobType.Text = Utilities.UnCamelCase(Enum.GetName(typeof(eJobChargeType), m_job.Charge.JobChargeType)); // Display the m_job rate txtRate.Text = m_job.Charge.JobChargeAmount.ToString("C"); // Set if the m_job is priced or not chkIsPriced.Checked = m_job.IsPriced; #endregion //Get the Extras for the Job pnlExtra.Visible = true; dgExtras.DataSource = GetExtras(); dgExtras.DataBind(); if (((Entities.ExtraCollection)dgExtras.DataSource).Count > 0) { dgExtras.Visible = true; lblNoExtras.Visible = false; } else { dgExtras.Visible = false; lblNoExtras.Visible = true; } btnAddExtra.Visible = m_job.JobType != eJobType.Groupage; // Display the legs with their associated costs and charges gvLegs.DataSource = new Facade.Instruction().GetLegPlan(m_job.Instructions, false).Legs(); gvLegs.DataBind(); if (m_job.JobType == eJobType.Return) { gvRefusals.DataBind(); } else { fsRefusals.Visible = false; } checkRoundingIssue(); }