Exemple #1
        private void InitialisePage()
            // Retrieve the instruction.
            Facade.IInstruction facInstruction = new Facade.Instruction();
            m_instruction = facInstruction.GetInstruction(m_instructionID);
            ViewState[C_Instruction_VS] = m_instruction;

            // Populate the control and traffic area dropdowns.
            Facade.IControlArea facControlArea = new Facade.Traffic();
            cboControlArea.DataSource = facControlArea.GetAll();
            cboTrafficArea.DataSource = ((Facade.ITrafficArea)facControlArea).GetAll();

            // Select the current control and traffic area assigned to the leg.
            cboControlArea.Items.FindByValue(m_instruction.ControlAreaId.ToString()).Selected = true;
            cboTrafficArea.Items.FindByValue(m_instruction.TrafficAreaId.ToString()).Selected = true;

            // Enable the checkbox if this is not the last leg in the job.
            Facade.IJob facJob = new Facade.Job();
            Entities.InstructionCollection instructions = facInstruction.GetForJobId(m_instruction.JobId);
            if (instructions.Count == m_instruction.InstructionOrder + 1)
                chkApplyToAllFollowingInstructions.Enabled = false;
                chkApplyToAllFollowingInstructions.Enabled = true;
        private void LoadJob()
            Facade.IJob facJob = new Facade.Job();
            m_job = facJob.GetJob(m_jobId);

            if (m_job != null)
                if (m_job.JobState == eJobState.Cancelled)
                    Response.Redirect("../../Job/job.aspx?wiz=true&jobId=" + m_job.JobId.ToString() + "&csid=" + this.CookieSessionID);

                Facade.IPCV facPCV = new Facade.PCV();
                m_job.PCVs = facPCV.GetForJobId(m_jobId);

                if (m_job.JobState == eJobState.Booked)
                    Response.Redirect("../jobManagement.aspx?jobId=" + m_jobId + "&csid=" + this.CookieSessionID);

                // Load the various parts of the job.
                Facade.IInstruction facInstruction = new Facade.Instruction();
                m_job.Instructions = facInstruction.GetForJobId(m_jobId);


            ViewState[C_JOB_VS] = m_job;
Exemple #3
        void btnConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int newControlAreaId = Convert.ToInt32(cboControlArea.SelectedValue);
            int newTrafficAreaId = Convert.ToInt32(cboTrafficArea.SelectedValue);

            bool success = true;

            if (newControlAreaId != m_instruction.ControlAreaId || newTrafficAreaId != m_instruction.TrafficAreaId)
                // Update the control area and traffic area for the leg, and it's following legs if the checkbox is checked.
                // If the checkbox is checked, the resources on the leg are moved onto the receiving planner's resource list.
                Facade.IJob facJob = new Facade.Job();

                // The end instruction of the leg should always be passed when calling SetControlArea. This is different from
                // m_instruction, which is the start instruction of the leg. The Start instruction of the leg detertmines the
                // traffic area responsible for planning the leg.
                int instructionOrder = m_instruction.InstructionOrder + 1;

                if (m_instruction.InstructionOrder == 0)
                    // The instruction is the 1st on the job
                    // Edge case: ensure it is not the only one (ie. collection only job)
                    // If it is then we shouldn't increment the instruction order when calling SetControlArea.
                    Facade.IInstruction            facInstruction = new Facade.Instruction();
                    Entities.InstructionCollection instructions   = facInstruction.GetForJobId(m_instruction.JobId);

                    if (instructions.Count == 1)

                Entities.FacadeResult result = facJob.SetControlArea(m_instruction.JobId, newControlAreaId, newTrafficAreaId, instructionOrder, chkApplyToAllFollowingInstructions.Checked, m_lastUpdateDate, ((Entities.CustomPrincipal)Page.User).UserName);
                success = result.Success;

                if (!success)
                    // Display the infringements.
                    idErrors.Infringements = result.Infringements;
                    idErrors.Visible = true;
                    trErrors.Visible = true;

            if (success)
                this.ReturnValue = "refresh";
Exemple #4
        private void btnCancelJob_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (this.btnCancelJob.Text == "Close")
                this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "CloseWindow", "window.close();", true);
            if (Page.IsValid)
                bool result = false;
                using (Facade.IJob facJob = new Facade.Job())
                    Facade.IInstruction            facInstruction = new Facade.Instruction();
                    Entities.InstructionCollection insCol         = facInstruction.GetForJobId(m_jobId);

                    if (insCol.Count == 0 || insCol[0].InstructionActuals == null || insCol[0].InstructionActuals.Count == 0)
                        result =
                            facJob.UpdateState(m_jobId, eJobState.Cancelled,

                        if (result)
                            lblConfirmation.Text    = "The Job " + m_jobId + " has been cancelled successfully.";
                            lblConfirmation.Visible = true;

                            this.ButtonBar.Visible          = false;
                            this.cancellationTable.Visible  = false;
                            this.jobDetailsFieldset.Visible = false;
                            this.btnCancelJob.Text          = "Close";
                            this.jobDetailsTD.Width         = "0%";
                            this.cancellationReasnTD.Width  = "100%";
                            lblConfirmation.Text    = "The job could not be cancelled.";
                            lblConfirmation.Visible = true;
                        lblConfirmation.Visible = true;
                        lblConfirmation.Text    = "This job can not be cancelled at this time as it has at least one call-in.";
        private void LoadJob()
            using (Facade.IJob facJob = new Facade.Job())
                m_job = facJob.GetJob(m_jobId);

                if (m_job.JobState == eJobState.Cancelled)
                    Response.Redirect("../../Job/job.aspx?wiz=true&jobId=" + m_job.JobId + "&csid=" + this.CookieSessionID);

                Facade.IInstruction facInstruction = new Facade.Instruction();
                m_job.Instructions = facInstruction.GetForJobId(m_job.JobId);

            ViewState[C_JOB_VS] = m_job;
Exemple #6
        private void PopulateForm()
            Facade.IInstruction facInstruction = new Facade.Instruction();
            m_instruction = facInstruction.GetInstruction(m_instructionID);

            bool canRemoveTrunkPoint = false;

            if (m_instruction != null)
                if (m_instruction.InstructionTypeId == (int)eInstructionType.Trunk && (m_instruction.CollectDrops.Count == 0 || m_instruction.CollectDrops[0].OrderID == 0))
                    canRemoveTrunkPoint = true; // This instruction is either a trunk or a trunk that has zero orders.
                // Get the previous instruction.
                Entities.InstructionCollection instructions = facInstruction.GetForJobId(m_instruction.JobId);
                m_previousInstruction = instructions.GetPreviousInstruction(m_instruction.InstructionID);

            pnlConfirmation.Visible      = canRemoveTrunkPoint;
            pnlCannotRemoveTrunk.Visible = !canRemoveTrunkPoint;
            btnRemoveTrunk.Visible       = canRemoveTrunkPoint;
Exemple #7
        private void btnBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (m_isUpdate)
                // Reload the job.

                Facade.IJob facJob = new Facade.Job();
                m_job = facJob.GetJob(m_jobId);

                Facade.IInstruction facInstruction = new Facade.Instruction();

                if (m_job.JobType == eJobType.Normal)
                    m_job.Charge       = ((Facade.IJobCharge)facJob).GetForJobId(m_jobId);
                    m_job.Instructions = facInstruction.GetForJobId(m_job.JobId);
                    m_job.References   = ((Facade.IJobReference)facJob).GetJobReferences(m_jobId);

                    Session[wizard.C_JOB] = m_job;
                    switch (m_job.JobType)
                    case eJobType.PalletReturn:

                    case eJobType.Return:

Exemple #8
        private void LoadJob()
            chkIsPriced.Enabled = true;

            Facade.IJob         facJob         = new Facade.Job();
            Facade.IInstruction facInstruction = new Facade.Instruction();

            m_job = facJob.GetJob(m_jobId);

            // The m_job pricing can only be viewed if it is complete.
            if (m_job.JobState == eJobState.Booked || m_job.JobState == eJobState.Planned || m_job.JobState == eJobState.InProgress)
                Response.Redirect("../jobManagement.aspx?jobId=" + m_jobId.ToString() + "&csid=" + this.CookieSessionID);

            if (m_job.JobState == eJobState.Cancelled)
                Response.Redirect("../../Job/job.aspx?jobId=" + m_job.JobId.ToString() + "&csid=" + this.CookieSessionID);

            m_job.Charge       = ((Facade.IJobCharge)facJob).GetForJobId(m_job.JobId);
            m_job.Instructions = facInstruction.GetForJobId(m_job.JobId);
            m_job.Extras       = facJob.GetExtras(m_job.JobId, true);
            Facade.IJobRate facJobRate = new Facade.Job();
            m_job.Rate = facJobRate.GetRateForJobId(m_job.JobId);


            // Store the m_job in the ViewState
            ViewState[C_JOB_VS] = m_job;

            // The job can not be altered if it has been invoiced.
            if (m_job.JobState == eJobState.Invoiced)
                txtRate.Enabled     = false;
                btnUpdate.Enabled   = false;
                chkIsPriced.Checked = true;
                chkIsPriced.Enabled = false;

            #region Populate the Job Information

            lblJobId.Text = m_jobId.ToString();

            // Display the client this m_job is for
            Facade.IOrganisation facOrganisation = new Facade.Organisation();
            lblCustomer.Text = facOrganisation.GetNameForIdentityId(m_job.IdentityId);

            // Select the appropriate m_job type
            lblJobType.Text = Utilities.UnCamelCase(Enum.GetName(typeof(eJobChargeType), m_job.Charge.JobChargeType));

            // Display the m_job rate
            txtRate.Text = m_job.Charge.JobChargeAmount.ToString("C");

            // Set if the m_job is priced or not
            chkIsPriced.Checked = m_job.IsPriced;


            //Get the Extras for the Job
            pnlExtra.Visible    = true;
            dgExtras.DataSource = GetExtras();
            if (((Entities.ExtraCollection)dgExtras.DataSource).Count > 0)
                dgExtras.Visible    = true;
                lblNoExtras.Visible = false;
                dgExtras.Visible    = false;
                lblNoExtras.Visible = true;
            btnAddExtra.Visible = m_job.JobType != eJobType.Groupage;

            // Display the legs with their associated costs and charges
            gvLegs.DataSource = new Facade.Instruction().GetLegPlan(m_job.Instructions, false).Legs();

            if (m_job.JobType == eJobType.Return)
                fsRefusals.Visible = false;

        private void LoadCommunication()
            Facade.IInstruction facInstrucion = new Facade.Instruction();
            var jobInstructions = facInstrucion.GetForJobId(_jobId);
            var instruction     = jobInstructions.Single(i => i.InstructionID == _instructionID);

            // Get the driver.
            Facade.IDriver  facDriver = new Facade.Resource();
            Entities.Driver driver    = facDriver.GetDriverForResourceId(_driverId);

            var communicationTypes = Utilities.GetEnumPairs <eDriverCommunicationType>();

            // We don't offer the option to communicate by Tough Touch if the driver doesn't have a passcode or the vehicle doesn't have a Tough Touch installed.
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(driver.Passcode) || instruction.Vehicle == null || !instruction.Vehicle.IsTTInstalled)

            cboCommunicationType.DataSource = communicationTypes;
            cboCommunicationType.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-- Select a communication type --", ""));
            cboCommunicationType.Attributes.Add("onchange", "cboCommunicationTypeIndex_Changed();");

            cboCommunicationStatus.DataSource = Utilities.UnCamelCase(Enum.GetNames(typeof(eDriverCommunicationStatus)));

            RadioButton rb = null;

            Entities.ContactCollection contacts = new Entities.ContactCollection();

            if (driver != null && driver.Individual.Contacts != null)
                contacts = driver.Individual.Contacts;

            // Get the vehicle the driver is currently assigned to.
            Facade.IJourney  facJourney     = new Facade.Journey();
            Entities.Vehicle currentVehicle = facJourney.GetCurrentVehicleForDriver(_driverId);

            if (currentVehicle != null)
                contacts.Add(new Entities.Contact(eContactType.MobilePhone, currentVehicle.CabPhoneNumber));

            Entities.ContactCollection cs = new Orchestrator.Entities.ContactCollection();
            rb = new RadioButton();

            bool numberSelected = false;

            foreach (Entities.Contact contact in contacts)
                if (contact.ContactDetail.Length > 0)
                    rb           = new RadioButton();
                    rb.GroupName = "rblNumbers";
                    rb.Text      = contact.ContactDetail;
                    rb.Attributes.Add("onclick", "setNumberUsed('" + contact.ContactDetail + "');");

                    if (contact.ContactType == eContactType.MobilePhone || contact.ContactType == eContactType.PersonalMobile ||
                        contact.ContactType == eContactType.Telephone)
                        if (!numberSelected)
                            rb.Checked     = true;
                            txtNumber.Text = contact.ContactDetail;
                            numberSelected = true;

                    plcNumbers.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));

            rb           = new RadioButton();
            rb.Text      = "Other";
            rb.GroupName = "rblNumbers";
            rb.Attributes.Add("onclick", "enableOtherTextBox();");

            bool isInvolvedInLoad = false;

            foreach (Entities.Instruction i in jobInstructions)
                if (i.Driver != null && i.Driver.ResourceId == _driverId)
                    if ((eInstructionType)i.InstructionTypeId == eInstructionType.Load)
                        isInvolvedInLoad = true;

            trLoadOrder.Visible = isInvolvedInLoad;

            if (isInvolvedInLoad)
                var loadComments = BuildLoadComments(_driverId, jobInstructions);
                lblLoadOrder.Text   = loadComments;
                trLoadOrder.Visible = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(loadComments);

            var legPlan = new Facade.Instruction().GetLegPlan(jobInstructions, false);

            txtComments.Text = GetComments(legPlan, eDriverCommunicationType.Phone);
            txtSMSText.Text  = GetComments(legPlan, eDriverCommunicationType.Text);

            var defaultCommunicationTypeID = driver.DefaultCommunicationTypeID == 0 ? (int)eDriverCommunicationType.Phone : driver.DefaultCommunicationTypeID;

            //lookup the communication type in the drop down, dont select if it doesnt exist - this should only happen if the driver whos default method of communitication
            // is tough touch but has now moved into a vechicial without one being installed
            if (cboCommunicationType.Items.FindByValue(defaultCommunicationTypeID.ToString()) != null)
                cboCommunicationType.Items.FindByValue(defaultCommunicationTypeID.ToString()).Selected = true;

            Facade.IControlArea facControlArea = new Facade.Traffic();
            cboControlArea.DataSource = facControlArea.GetAll();

            for (int instructionIndex = jobInstructions.Count - 1; instructionIndex >= 0; instructionIndex--)
                if (jobInstructions[instructionIndex].Driver != null && jobInstructions[instructionIndex].Driver.ResourceId == _driverId)
                    hidLastInstructionInvolvedWith.Value = jobInstructions[instructionIndex].InstructionOrder.ToString();

                    cboControlArea.Items.FindByValue(jobInstructions[instructionIndex].Point.Address.TrafficArea.ControlAreaId.ToString()).Selected = true;
                    BindTrafficAreas(Convert.ToInt32(cboControlArea.SelectedValue), jobInstructions[instructionIndex].Point.Address.TrafficArea.TrafficAreaId);

Exemple #10
        void dgJobs_ItemCommand(object sender, ComponentArt.Web.UI.GridItemCommandEventArgs e)
            Facade.Job facJob = new Orchestrator.Facade.Job();

            string userId = ((Entities.CustomPrincipal)Page.User).UserName;
            int    jobId;
            bool   success = false;

            switch (((Button)e.Control).CommandName.ToLower())
            case "reinstate":
                jobId   = Convert.ToInt32(e.Item["JobId"]);
                success = facJob.UpdateForCancellation(jobId, false, "", userId);

                if (success == true)
                    pnlConfirmation.Visible = true;
                    imgIcon.ImageUrl        = "~/images/ico_info.gif";
                    lblNote.Text            = "The Job " + jobId + " has been reinstated successfully.";
                    pnlConfirmation.Visible = true;
                    imgIcon.ImageUrl        = "~/images/ico_critical.gif";
                    lblNote.Text            = "The application failed while reinstating the job, please try again.";


            case "cancel":
                jobId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Item["JobId"]);

                Facade.IInstruction            facInstruction = new Facade.Instruction();
                Entities.InstructionCollection insCol         = facInstruction.GetForJobId(jobId);

                if (insCol.Count == 0 || insCol[0].InstructionActuals == null || insCol[0].InstructionActuals.Count == 0)
                    success =
                        facJob.UpdateState(jobId, eJobState.Cancelled,

                    if (success)
                        pnlConfirmation.Visible = true;
                        imgIcon.ImageUrl        = "../images/ico_info.gif";
                        lblNote.Text            = "The Job " + jobId + " has been cancelled successfully.";
                        pnlConfirmation.Visible = true;
                        imgIcon.ImageUrl        = "../images/ico_critical.gif";
                        lblNote.Text            = "The application failed while cancelling the job, please try again.";
                    pnlConfirmation.Visible = true;
                    imgIcon.ImageUrl        = "../images/ico_critical.gif";
                    lblNote.Text            = "This job can not be cancelled at this time as it has at least one call-in.";

