Exemple #1
        public JsonResult History_Chat(string UserID, string msg)
            F_History_Chat fhc = new F_History_Chat();
            //get history_chat with id=1, because we save it only 1 row with id=1
            var row_upd = fhc.GetSingleByCondition(x => x.id_chat_history == 1);

            row_upd.list_id_User += UserID + "/";
            row_upd.list_msg     += msg + "/*space*/";
            return(Json("Update to database success"));
Exemple #2
        public ActionResult Chat_Group()
            //if have cookies
            if (Request.Cookies["usercredentials"] != null)
                HttpCookie reqCookie = Request.Cookies["usercredentials"];
                // ViewBag.Name = reqCookie["UserID"].ToString();

                ViewBag.Name   = getNickName(Convert.ToInt32(reqCookie["UserID"].ToString()));
                ViewBag.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(reqCookie["UserID"].ToString());
            else   //if not have cookies
                ViewBag.Name   = getNickName(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"].ToString()));
                ViewBag.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"].ToString());
            //get list user id and list chat to show in group chat
            F_History_Chat fhc      = new F_History_Chat();
            var            row_upd  = fhc.GetSingleByCondition(x => x.id_chat_history == 1);
            var            list_id  = row_upd.list_id_User;
            var            list_msg = row_upd.list_msg;

            //split string to per msg
            string[]            msg_split = list_msg.ToString().Split(new string[] { "/*space*/" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            string[]            id_split  = list_id.ToString().Split('/');
            List <History_Chat> list_chat = new List <History_Chat>();

            for (int i = 0; i < msg_split.Count() - 1; i++)
                History_Chat hc = new History_Chat();
                hc.idUser   = Convert.ToInt32(id_split[i]);
                hc.NickName = getNickName(Convert.ToInt32(id_split[i]));
                hc.msg      = msg_split[i];
                //list_chat.Add(getNickName(Convert.ToInt32(id_split[i]))+": "+ msg_split[i]);
            ViewBag.list_chat = list_chat;