private void uploadToFtpButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { uploadToSiteButton.Enabled = false; uploadToFtpButton.Enabled = false; applyEffectButton.Enabled = false; this.lifeTimer.Enabled = false; try { if (mySettings.ftpOKsettings) { FTP f = new FTP(mySettings.ftphostSetting.ToString(), ".", mySettings.ftpusernameSetting, mySettings.ftppasswordSetting, mySettings.ftpportSetting); f.ChangeDirectory(mySettings.ftpdirectorySetting); f.UploadFile(_FileNameToHandle); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please supply ftp settings first"); } //MessageBox.Show("Done"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } this.applyEffectButton.Enabled = true; this.uploadToSiteButton.Enabled = true; this.uploadToFtpButton.Enabled = true; this.lifeTimer.Enabled = true; }
/* * public bool UpdateFiles([Optional, DefaultParameterValue("")] string RemotePath) * { * * if (RemotePath == "") * { * RemotePath = m_RemotePath; * } * else * { * m_RemotePath = RemotePath; * } * bool Ret = false; * string AssemblyName = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Name; * string ToDeleteExtension = ".ToDelete"; * string RemoteUri = RemotePath + AssemblyName + "/"; * WebClient MyWebClient = new WebClient(); * try * { * for (string s = FileSystem.Dir(Application.StartupPath + @"\*" + ToDeleteExtension, FileAttribute.Normal); s != ""; s = FileSystem.Dir()) * { * try * { * File.Delete(Application.StartupPath + @"\" + s); * } * catch (Exception exception1) * { * ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception1); * Exception ex = exception1; * ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); * } * } * string[] FileList = Strings.Split(Strings.Replace(MyWebClient.DownloadString(RemoteUri + UpdateFileName), "\n", "", 1, -1, CompareMethod.Binary), "\r", -1, CompareMethod.Binary); * string Contents = ""; * foreach (string F in FileList) * { * if (Strings.InStr(F, "'", CompareMethod.Binary) != 0) * { * F = Strings.Left(F, Strings.InStr(F, "'", CompareMethod.Binary) - 1); * } * if (F.Trim() != "") * { * if (Contents != "") * { * Contents = Contents + "\r"; * } * Contents = Contents + F.Trim(); * } * } * FileList = Strings.Split(Contents, "\r", -1, CompareMethod.Binary); * string[] Info = Strings.Split(FileList[0], ";", -1, CompareMethod.Binary); * if (((((Application.StartupPath.ToLower() + @"\" + Info[0].ToLower()) == Application.ExecutablePath.ToLower()) && (Operators.CompareString(GetVersion(Info[1]), GetVersion(Application.ProductVersion), false) > 0)) ? 1 : 0) == 0) * { * return Ret; * } * foreach (string F in FileList) * { * Info = Strings.Split(F, ";", -1, CompareMethod.Binary); * bool isToDelete = false; * bool isToUpgrade = false; * string TempFileName = Application.StartupPath + @"\" + Conversions.ToString(DateAndTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalMilliseconds); * string FileName = Application.StartupPath + @"\" + Info[0].Trim(); * bool FileExists = File.Exists(FileName); * if (Info.Length == 1) * { * isToUpgrade = true; * isToDelete = FileExists; * } * else if (Info[1].Trim() == "delete") * { * isToDelete = FileExists; * } * else if (Info[1].Trim() == "?") * { * isToUpgrade = !FileExists; * } * else if (FileExists) * { * FileVersionInfo fv = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(FileName); * isToUpgrade = Operators.CompareString(GetVersion(Info[1].Trim()), GetVersion(Conversions.ToString(fv.FileMajorPart) + "." + Conversions.ToString(fv.FileMinorPart) + "." + Conversions.ToString(fv.FileBuildPart) + "." + Conversions.ToString(fv.FilePrivatePart)), false) > 0; * isToDelete = isToUpgrade; * } * else * { * isToUpgrade = true; * } * Debug.Print(TempFileName); * if (isToUpgrade) * { * MyWebClient.DownloadFile(RemoteUri + Info[0], TempFileName); * } * if (isToDelete) * { * File.Move(FileName, TempFileName + ToDeleteExtension); * } * if (isToUpgrade) * { * File.Move(TempFileName, FileName); * } * } * Process.Start(Application.ExecutablePath, Interaction.Command()); * Ret = true; * } * catch (Exception exception2) * { * ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception2); * Exception ex = exception2; * Ret = true; * Interaction.MsgBox(m_ErrorMessage + "\r" + ex.Message + "\rAssembly: " + AssemblyName, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, Application.ProductName); * ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); * } * return Ret; * } */ public void SendFile(String File) { frmProgress ofrm = new frmProgress(); ofrm.Show(); FTP.FTPPlumbing.Timeout = 50000; FTP.FTPPlumbing.PassiveMode = true; FTP oFTP = new FTP(); oFTP.Connect("", "alvaro", "michelle"); // oFTP.ChangeDirectory("."); oFTP.Files.Upload("File"); while (!oFTP.Files.UploadComplete) { //MessageBox.Show("Uploading: TotalBytes: " + oFTP.Files.TotalBytes.ToString() + ", : PercentComplete: " + oFTP.Files.PercentComplete.ToString()); ofrm.txtBar.Value = oFTP.Files.PercentComplete; ofrm.Update(); } //MessageBox.Show("Upload Complete: TotalBytes: " + oFTP.Files.TotalBytes.ToString() + ", : PercentComplete: " + oFTP.Files.PercentComplete.ToString()); ofrm.txtBar.Value = oFTP.Files.PercentComplete; ofrm.Update(); oFTP.Disconnect(); return; }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves a file from the FTP server /// </summary> /// <param name="URI"></param> /// <param name="DownloadDir"></param> /// <param name="FileName"></param> static public void DownloadFile(Uri URI, string DownloadDir, string FileName) { FTP Ftp = new FTP(URI.Host, URI.Port); Ftp.Connect(URI.UserInfo, ""); Ftp.ChangeDirectory(URI.AbsolutePath); Ftp.GetFile(FileName, DownloadDir + "\\" + FileName, true); Ftp.Disconnect(); }
private void ShowRLCServerFileViewer() { ListViewItem lvi; ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem lvsi; lstItems.Items.Clear(); FTP clsFTP = new FTP(); clsFTP.Connect(CONFIG.FTPIPAddress, CONFIG.FTPUsername, CONFIG.FTPPassword); if (CONFIG.FTPDirectory != null && CONFIG.FTPDirectory != string.Empty) { clsFTP.ChangeDirectory(CONFIG.FTPDirectory); } grpRLC.Text = "RLC File Server Management: [DOUBLE CLICK TO RELOAD] : " + CONFIG.FTPDirectory; try { foreach (FTP.File strFile in clsFTP.Files) { if (strFile.ToString() != string.Empty) { lvi = new ListViewItem(); lvi.Text = strFile.FileName; //lvi.ImageIndex = 0; lvi.Tag = strFile.ToString(); lvsi = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(); lvsi.Text = strFile.FileSize.ToString() + " kb"; lvi.SubItems.Add(lvsi); lvsi = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(); lvsi.Text = strFile.FileDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt"); lvi.SubItems.Add(lvsi); lstItems.Items.Add(lvi); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error encountered while loading file list. " + Environment.NewLine + "Err #: " + ex.Message, "RetailPlus", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } clsFTP.Disconnect(); clsFTP = null; }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves the listing of the files in current directory on FTP server /// </summary> /// <param name="URI"></param> /// <returns>The server file list as a List</returns> static public void ReadListing(Uri URI) { FTP Ftp = new FTP(URI.Host, URI.Port); ParamsHelper.AppsList = new List <string>(); string Listing; Ftp.Connect(URI.UserInfo, ""); try { Ftp.ChangeDirectory(URI.AbsolutePath); Listing = Ftp.GetFileList(false); } catch (Exception NewEx) { Listing = null; ParamsHelper.IsThreadAlive = false; ParamsHelper.IsThreadError = true; ParamsHelper.ThreadException = NewEx; return; } string[] Files = Listing.Replace("\n", "").Split('\r'); foreach (string file in Files) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(file) && file.IndexOf('.') == -1) { ParamsHelper.AppsList.Add(file.Replace("_", " ")); } } if (ParamsHelper.AppsList.Count == 0) { Ftp.Disconnect(); ParamsHelper.IsThreadAlive = false; ParamsHelper.IsThreadError = true; ParamsHelper.ThreadException = new NetCFLibFTP.FTPException("Repository is empty"); return; } Ftp.Disconnect(); ParamsHelper.IsThreadAlive = false; }
public static void GetFile(String File) { FTP.FTPPlumbing.Timeout = 50000; FTP.FTPPlumbing.PassiveMode = true; FTP oFTP = new FTP(); oFTP.Connect("", "alvaro", "michelle"); // oFTP.ChangeDirectory("."); oFTP.Files.Download("File"); while (!oFTP.Files.DownloadComplete) { MessageBox.Show("Uploading: TotalBytes: " + oFTP.Files.TotalBytes.ToString() + ", : PercentComplete: " + oFTP.Files.PercentComplete.ToString()); } MessageBox.Show("Upload Complete: TotalBytes: " + oFTP.Files.TotalBytes.ToString() + ", : PercentComplete: " + oFTP.Files.PercentComplete.ToString()); oFTP.Disconnect(); return; }
private void ShowRLCServerFileViewer() { ListViewItem lvi; ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem lvsi; lstItems.Items.Clear(); FTP clsFTP = new FTP(); clsFTP.Connect(CONFIG.FTPIPAddress, CONFIG.FTPUsername, CONFIG.FTPPassword); if (CONFIG.FTPDirectory != null && CONFIG.FTPDirectory != string.Empty) clsFTP.ChangeDirectory(CONFIG.FTPDirectory); grpRLC.Text = "RLC File Server Management: [DOUBLE CLICK TO RELOAD] : " + CONFIG.FTPDirectory; try { foreach (FTP.File strFile in clsFTP.Files) { if (strFile.ToString() != string.Empty) { lvi = new ListViewItem(); lvi.Text = strFile.FileName; //lvi.ImageIndex = 0; lvi.Tag = strFile.ToString(); lvsi = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(); lvsi.Text = strFile.FileSize.ToString() + " kb"; lvi.SubItems.Add(lvsi); lvsi = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(); lvsi.Text = strFile.FileDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt"); lvi.SubItems.Add(lvsi); lstItems.Items.Add(lvi); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error encountered while loading file list. " + Environment.NewLine + "Err #: " + ex.Message, "RetailPlus", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } clsFTP.Disconnect(); clsFTP = null; }
/// <summary> /// This function tests the FTP connection if valid values are given /// </summary> private void ftpTestConnButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { FTP f = new FTP(mySettings.ftphostSetting.ToString(), ".", mySettings.ftpusernameSetting, mySettings.ftppasswordSetting, mySettings.ftpportSetting); f.ChangeDirectory(mySettings.ftpdirectorySetting); mySettings.ftpOKsettings = true; mySettings.Save(); utilities.ShowMessage("Test Successfull", "FTP Test"); } catch(Exception ex) { mySettings.ftpOKsettings = false; mySettings.Save(); utilities.ShowMessage(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + "Test Failed", "Failed"); } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves a package information from the FTP server /// </summary> /// <param name="URI"></param> /// <param name="AppName"></param> /// <returns>The file info as a string</returns> static public string LoadInfo(Uri URI, string AppName) { FTP Ftp = new FTP(URI.Host, URI.Port); string FileName = AppName + ".zip"; string InfoName = AppName + ".info"; string ScrShotName = AppName + ".png"; string LogoName = "Logo.png"; string FileSize; string BufferPath = ParamsHelper.TempPath + "\\" + AppName; string AppInfo; if (!Directory.Exists(BufferPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(BufferPath); } Ftp.Connect(URI.UserInfo, ""); try { Ftp.ChangeDirectory(URI.AbsolutePath); FileSize = Ftp.GetFileSize(FileName); FileSize = ParamsHelper.BytesToMegs((ulong)Convert.ToInt64(FileSize)).ToString("0.###") + " МБ"; } catch { FileSize = null; } try { Ftp.GetFile(InfoName, BufferPath + "\\" + InfoName, true); InfoName = BufferPath + "\\" + InfoName; } catch { File.Delete(BufferPath + "\\" + InfoName); InfoName = null; } try { Ftp.GetFile(LogoName, BufferPath + "\\" + LogoName, true); LogoName = BufferPath + "\\" + LogoName; } catch { File.Delete(BufferPath + "\\" + LogoName); LogoName = null; } try { Ftp.GetFile(ScrShotName, BufferPath + "\\" + ScrShotName, true); ScrShotName = BufferPath + "\\" + ScrShotName; } catch { File.Delete(BufferPath + "\\" + ScrShotName); ScrShotName = null; } AppInfo = FileSize + "\n" + InfoName + "\n" + LogoName + "\n" + ScrShotName; Ftp.Disconnect(); return(AppInfo); }
private void uploadToFtpButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { uploadToSiteButton.Enabled = false; uploadToFtpButton.Enabled = false; applyEffectButton.Enabled = false; this.lifeTimer.Enabled = false; try { if(mySettings.ftpOKsettings) { FTP f = new FTP(mySettings.ftphostSetting.ToString(), ".", mySettings.ftpusernameSetting, mySettings.ftppasswordSetting, mySettings.ftpportSetting); f.ChangeDirectory(mySettings.ftpdirectorySetting); f.UploadFile(_FileNameToHandle); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please supply ftp settings first"); } //MessageBox.Show("Done"); } catch(Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } this.applyEffectButton.Enabled = true; this.uploadToSiteButton.Enabled = true; this.uploadToFtpButton.Enabled = true; this.lifeTimer.Enabled = true; }