public RatingFilterDialog(FSpot.PhotoQuery query, Gtk.Window parent_window)
            : base("RatingFilterDialog.ui", "rating_filter_dialog")
            this.query = query;
            this.parent_window = parent_window;
            TransientFor = parent_window;
            DefaultResponse = ResponseType.Ok;
            ok_button.GrabFocus ();

            if (query.RatingRange != null) {
                minrating_value = (int) query.RatingRange.MinRating;
                maxrating_value = (int) query.RatingRange.MaxRating;
            minrating = new Rating (minrating_value);
            maxrating = new Rating (maxrating_value);
            minrating_hbox.PackStart (minrating, false, false, 0);
            maxrating_hbox.PackStart (maxrating, false, false, 0);

            ResponseType response = (ResponseType) Run ();

            if (response == ResponseType.Ok) {
                query.RatingRange = new RatingRange ((uint) minrating.Value, (uint) maxrating.Value);

            Destroy ();
		public void Run (FSpot.IBrowsableCollection photos)
			if (null == photos) {
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("photos");
			} = photos;

			Glade.XML glade_xml = new Glade.XML (
					null, "", DialogName,
			glade_xml.Autoconnect (this);

			dialog = (Gtk.Dialog) glade_xml.GetWidget (DialogName);

			FSpot.Widgets.IconView icon_view =
					new FSpot.Widgets.IconView (photos);
			icon_view.DisplayDates = false;
			icon_view.DisplayTags = false;

			username_entry.Changed += HandleAccountDataChanged;
			password_entry.Changed += HandleAccountDataChanged;
			ReadAccountData ();
			HandleAccountDataChanged (null, null);

			dialog.Modal = false;
			dialog.TransientFor = null;

			dialog.Response += HandleResponse;

			thumb_scrolled_window.Add (icon_view);
			icon_view.Show ();
			dialog.Show ();
Exemple #3
        public override int IndexFromPhoto(FSpot.IBrowsableItem photo)
            if (order_ascending)
                   return IndexFromDateAscending (photo.Time);

            return IndexFromDateDescending (photo.Time);
		internal FSpotUploadProgress (
				Picture [] pictures,
				FSpot.ThreadProgressDialog progress_dialog)
			: base (pictures)
			this.progress_dialog = progress_dialog;
	public TrayView (FSpot.IBrowsableCollection query) : base (query) 
		DisplayDates = false;
		DisplayTags = false;
		cell_border_width = 10;
		tag_icon_vspacing = 0;
		tag_icon_size = 0;
	public UriList (FSpot.IBrowsableItem [] photos) {
		foreach (FSpot.IBrowsableItem p in photos) {
			Uri uri;
			try {
				uri = p.DefaultVersionUri;
			} catch {
			Add (uri);
		public LastRolls (FSpot.PhotoQuery query, RollStore rollstore, Gtk.Window parent_window) : base ("last_import_rolls_filter") 
			this.query = query;
			this.rollstore = rollstore;
			this.parent_window = parent_window;
			rolls = rollstore.GetRolls (FSpot.Preferences.Get<int> (FSpot.Preferences.IMPORT_GUI_ROLL_HISTORY));

			PopulateCombos ();
			combo_filter.Active = 0;
			combo_roll_1.Active = 0;
			combo_roll_2.Active = 0;
			Dialog.DefaultResponse = ResponseType.Ok;
			Dialog.Response += HandleResponse;
			Dialog.Show ();
        public LastRolls(FSpot.PhotoQuery query, RollStore rollstore, Window parent)
            : base("LastImportRollFilterDialog.ui", "last_import_rolls_filter")
            this.query = query;
            this.rollstore = rollstore;
            rolls = rollstore.GetRolls (FSpot.Preferences.Get<int> (FSpot.Preferences.IMPORT_GUI_ROLL_HISTORY));

            TransientFor = parent;

            PopulateCombos ();

            combo_filter.Active = 0;
            combo_roll_1.Active = 0;
            combo_roll_2.Active = 0;

            DefaultResponse = ResponseType.Ok;
            Response += HandleResponse;
            Show ();
Exemple #9
        public void Run(FSpot.IBrowsableCollection photos)
            if (null == photos || null == photos.Items) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("photos");

            main_dialog = new TabbloExportView (photos);

            InitBindings ();

            model.Deserialize ();
            model.PhotoCollection = photos;

            // Model deserialization triggers the various event
            // handlers, which can cause the default widget to lose
            // focus (it can be invalid, and hence disabled, for a
            // moment).
            main_dialog.ResetFocus ();

            main_dialog.Show ();
Exemple #10
        internal TabbloExportView(FSpot.IBrowsableCollection photos)
            : base(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly (),
					"TabbloExport.ui", DialogName)
            // Thumbnails
            FSpot.Widgets.IconView icon_view =
                    new FSpot.Widgets.IconView (photos);
            icon_view.DisplayDates = false;
            icon_view.DisplayTags = false;

            thumb_scrolled_window.Add (icon_view);
            icon_view.Show ();

            // Tags
            attached_tags_view = new FSpot.Widgets.TagView ();
            attached_tags_alignment.Add (attached_tags_view);
            attached_tags_view.Show ();

            removed_tags_view = new FSpot.Widgets.TagView ();
            removed_tags_alignment.Add (removed_tags_view);
            removed_tags_view.Show ();
		private static FSpot.Xmp.XmpFile UpdateXmp (FSpot.IBrowsableItem item, FSpot.Xmp.XmpFile xmp)
			if (xmp == null) 
				xmp = new FSpot.Xmp.XmpFile ();
			Tag [] tags = item.Tags;
			string [] names = new string [tags.Length];
			for (int i = 0; i < tags.Length; i++)
				names [i] = tags [i].Name;
			xmp.Store.Update ("dc:subject", "rdf:Bag", names);
			if ((item as Photo).Rating > 0) {
				xmp.Store.Update ("xmp:Rating", (item as Photo).Rating.ToString());
				// FIXME - Should we also store/overwrite the Urgency field?
				// uint urgency_value = (item as Photo).Rating + 1; // Urgency valid values 1 - 8
				// xmp.Store.Update ("photoshop:Urgency", urgency_value.ToString());
			} else {
				xmp.Store.Delete ("xmp:Rating");
			xmp.Dump ();
			return xmp;
	private void HandlePixbufLoaded (FSpot.PixbufCache cache, FSpot.PixbufCache.CacheEntry entry)
		Gdk.Pixbuf result = entry.ShallowCopyPixbuf ();
		int order = (int) entry.Data;

		if (order >= 0 && order < collection.Count) {
			System.Uri uri = collection [order].DefaultVersionUri;

			if (result == null && !System.IO.File.Exists (FSpot.ThumbnailGenerator.ThumbnailPath (uri)))
				FSpot.ThumbnailGenerator.Default.Request (uri, 0, 256, 256);
			if (result == null)
			if (!FSpot.PhotoLoader.ThumbnailIsValid (uri, result))
				FSpot.ThumbnailGenerator.Default.Request (uri, 0, 256, 256);
		if (result == null)

		// We have to do the scaling here rather than on load because we need to preserve the 
		// Pixbuf option iformation to verify the thumbnail validity later
		int width, height;
		PixbufUtils.Fit (result, ThumbnailWidth, ThumbnailHeight, false, out width, out height);
		if (result.Width > width && result.Height > height) {
			//  System.Console.WriteLine ("scaling");
			Gdk.Pixbuf temp = PixbufUtils.ScaleDown (result, width, height);
			result.Dispose ();
			result = temp;
		} else if (result.Width < ThumbnailWidth && result.Height < ThumbnailHeight) {
			// FIXME this is a workaround to handle images whose actual size is smaller than 
			// the thumbnail size, it needs to be fixed at a different level.
			Gdk.Pixbuf temp = new Gdk.Pixbuf (Gdk.Colorspace.Rgb, true, 8, ThumbnailWidth, ThumbnailHeight);
			temp.Fill (0x00000000);
			result.CopyArea (0, 0, 
					 result.Width, result.Height, 
					 (temp.Width - result.Width)/ 2,
					 temp.Height - result.Height);

			result.Dispose ();
			result = temp;

		cache.Update (entry, result);
		InvalidateCell (order);
Exemple #13
        private void OnPhotoUploaded(FSpot.IBrowsableItem item)
            Debug.Assert (null != item);

            if (!model.AttachTags && !model.RemoveTags) {

            PhotoStore photo_store = FSpot.App.Instance.Database.Photos;
            FSpot.Photo photo = photo_store.GetByUri (
            Debug.Assert (null != photo);
            if (null == photo) {

            if (model.AttachTags) {
                photo.AddTag (model.AttachedTags);
            if (model.RemoveTags) {
                photo.RemoveTag (model.RemovedTags);
            photo_store.Commit (photo);
		public Filmstrip (FSpot.BrowsablePointer selection) : this (selection, true)
	public QueryView (FSpot.IBrowsableCollection query) : base (query) {}
	private void HandleTraySelectionChanged (FSpot.IBrowsableCollection coll) 
		if (tray.Selection.Count > 0)
			photo_view.Item.Index = tray.Selection.Ids[0];
	private void HandleItemsChanged (FSpot.IBrowsableCollection sender, BrowsableArgs args)
		foreach (int item in args.Items) {
			UpdateThumbnail (item);
			InvalidateCell (item);
		public Filmstrip (FSpot.BrowsablePointer selection, bool squared_thumbs) : base ()
			CanFocus = true;
			this.selection = selection;
			this.selection.Changed += HandlePointerChanged;
			this.selection.Collection.Changed += HandleCollectionChanged;
			this.selection.Collection.ItemsChanged += HandleCollectionItemsChanged;
			this.squared_thumbs = squared_thumbs;
			thumb_cache = new DisposableCache<string, Pixbuf> (30);
			ThumbnailGenerator.Default.OnPixbufLoaded += HandlePixbufLoaded;
	public HttpWebResponse Submit (string url, FSpot.ProgressItem item)
		return Submit (new Uri (url), item);
Exemple #20
        private static int[] ToIds(FSpot.Tag [] tags)
            if (null == tags) {
                return null;

            int [] ids = new int [tags.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; ++i) {
                ids [i] = (int) tags [i].Id;
            return ids;
		public void HandlePhotoChanged (FSpot.PhotoImageView sender)
			int item = image_view.Item.Index;
			photo_label.Text = String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Photo {0} of {1}"), 
							  item + 1, query.Count);

			photo_spin_button.Value = item + 1;
	public HttpWebResponse Submit (Uri uri, FSpot.ProgressItem progress_item) 
		this.Progress = progress_item;
		Request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (uri);
		CookieCollection cookie_collection = Cookies.GetCookies (uri);

		if (uri.UserInfo != null && uri.UserInfo != String.Empty) {
			NetworkCredential cred = new NetworkCredential ();
			cred.GetCredential (uri, "basic");
			CredentialCache credcache = new CredentialCache();
			credcache.Add(uri, "basic", cred);
			Request.PreAuthenticate = true;
			Request.Credentials = credcache;	

		Request.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = expect_continue;

		Request.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer ();
		foreach (Cookie c in cookie_collection) {
			if (SuppressCookiePath) 
				Request.CookieContainer.Add (new Cookie (c.Name, c.Value));
				Request.CookieContainer.Add (c);

		Request.Method = "POST";
		Request.Headers["Accept-Charset"] = "utf-8;";
		//Request.UserAgent = "F-Spot Gallery Remote Client";
		Request.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040626 Firefox/0.9.1";

		Request.Proxy = WebProxy.GetDefaultProxy ();

		if (multipart) {
			GenerateBoundary ();
			Request.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary;
			Request.Timeout = Request.Timeout * 3;

			long length = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++) {
				FormItem item = (FormItem)Items[i];
				length += MultipartLength (item);
			length += end_boundary.Length + 2;
			//Request.Headers["My-Content-Length"] = length.ToString ();
			if (Buffer == false) {
				Request.ContentLength = length;	
				Request.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = false;
		} else {
			Request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
		stream_writer = new StreamWriter (Request.GetRequestStream ());
		first_item = true;
		for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++) {
			FormItem item = (FormItem)Items[i];
			Write (item);
		if (multipart)
			stream_writer.Write (end_boundary + "\r\n");
		stream_writer.Flush ();
		stream_writer.Close ();

		HttpWebResponse response; 

		try {
			response = (HttpWebResponse) Request.GetResponse ();
			//Console.WriteLine ("found {0} cookies", response.Cookies.Count);
			foreach (Cookie c in response.Cookies) {
				Cookies.Add (c);
		} catch (WebException e) {
			if (e.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError 
			    && ((HttpWebResponse)e.Response).StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.ExpectationFailed && expect_continue) {
				e.Response.Close ();
				expect_continue = false;
				return Submit (uri, progress_item);
			throw new WebException (Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Unhandled exception"), e);

		return response;
        private void HandlePixbufLoaded(FSpot.PixbufCache Cache, FSpot.PixbufCache.CacheEntry entry)
            Gdk.Pixbuf result = entry.ShallowCopyPixbuf ();
            int order = (int) entry.Data;

            if (result == null)

            // We have to do the scaling here rather than on load because we need to preserve the
            // Pixbuf option iformation to verify the thumbnail validity later
            int width, height;
            PixbufUtils.Fit (result, ThumbnailWidth, ThumbnailHeight, false, out width, out height);
            if (result.Width > width && result.Height > height) {
                //  Log.Debug ("scaling");
                Gdk.Pixbuf temp = PixbufUtils.ScaleDown (result, width, height);
                result.Dispose ();
                result = temp;
            } else if (result.Width < ThumbnailWidth && result.Height < ThumbnailHeight) {
                // FIXME this is a workaround to handle images whose actual size is smaller than
                // the thumbnail size, it needs to be fixed at a different level.
                Gdk.Pixbuf temp = new Gdk.Pixbuf (Gdk.Colorspace.Rgb, true, 8, ThumbnailWidth, ThumbnailHeight);
                temp.Fill (0x00000000);
                result.CopyArea (0, 0,
                        result.Width, result.Height,
                        (temp.Width - result.Width)/ 2,
                        temp.Height - result.Height);

                result.Dispose ();
                result = temp;

            Cache.Update (entry, result);
            InvalidateCell (order);
	public void Add (FSpot.IBrowsableItem item)
		Add (item.DefaultVersionUri);
	public IconView (FSpot.IBrowsableCollection collection) : this () 
		this.collection = collection;
		this.selection = new SelectionCollection (collection);
		Name = "ImageContainer";
		collection.Changed += HandleChanged;
		collection.ItemsChanged += HandleItemsChanged;

		selection.DetailedChanged += HandleSelectionChanged;
		public int Add (FSpot.IBrowsableItem item, string path)
			if (item == null)
				Console.WriteLine ("NO PHOTO");

			return gallery.AddItem (this,
					 Path.GetFileName (item.DefaultVersionUri.LocalPath),
		public void Add (FSpot.IBrowsableItem item)
			Add (item, item.DefaultVersionUri.LocalPath);
	private void HandleSelectionChanged (FSpot.IBrowsableCollection collection, int [] ids)
		if (ids == null)
			QueueDraw ();
			foreach (int id in ids)
				InvalidateCell (id);
		public Set (FSpot.PhotoQuery query, Gtk.Window parent_window)
			this.query = query;
			this.parent_window = parent_window;
	private void HandleChanged (FSpot.IBrowsableCollection sender)
		// FIXME we should probably try to merge the selection forward
		// but it needs some thought to be efficient.
		suppress_scroll = true;
		QueueResize ();