public void Setup(Slot slot) { this.slot = slot; this.nameBox = slot.nameBox; nameBox.isTouchable = false; Vector2 pos = OtherToLocal(nameBox, new Vector2(0, 0)); AddChild(nameBox); nameBox.SetPosition(pos); Cell nameCell = CellManager.GetCellFromGrid(3, 6, 2, 2); nameBox.anchorCell = nameCell;, 0.7f, new TweenConfig() .floatProp("x", nameCell.x) .floatProp("y", nameCell.y) .floatProp("width", nameCell.width) .floatProp("height", nameCell.height) .setEaseType(EaseType.ExpoInOut) //.onComplete(() => {}) ); ////////SETUP DELETE Cell deleteCell = CellManager.GetCellFromGrid(1, 2, 2, 2); AddChild(deleteBox = new Box()); deleteBox.Init(slot.player, deleteCell.width, deleteCell.height); deleteBox.y = deleteCell.y; deleteBox.x = -Config.WIDTH / 2 - deleteCell.width - 30.0f; //put if offscreen to the left deleteBox.isTouchable = false; //don't allow it to be touched until it builds in deleteBox.anchorCell = deleteCell; deleteBox.contentContainer.AddChild(deleteSkull = new FSprite("Icons/Skull")); deleteSkull.color =;, 0.4f, new TweenConfig() .floatProp("x", deleteCell.x) .setEaseType(EaseType.ExpoOut) .setDelay(0.3f) .onComplete(() => { deleteBox.isTouchable = true; }) ); deleteBox.SignalPress += box => { FSoundManager.PlaySound("UI/Button1"); deleteBox.DoTapEffect(); StartDelete(); }; ////////SETUP OK /// Cell okCell = CellManager.GetCellFromGrid(7, 8, 2, 2); AddChild(okBox = new SpriteBox(slot.player, "Icons/Checkmark", okCell.width, okCell.height)); okBox.y = okCell.y; okBox.x = Config.WIDTH / 2 + okCell.width + 30.0f; //put if offscreen to the right okBox.isTouchable = false; //don't allow it to be touched until it builds in okBox.anchorCell = okCell; okBox.isEnabled = ( > 0);, 0.4f, new TweenConfig() .floatProp("x", okCell.x) .setEaseType(EaseType.ExpoOut) .setDelay(0.3f) .onComplete(() => { okBox.isTouchable = true; }) ); okBox.SignalPress += box => { FSoundManager.PlaySound("UI/Button1"); slot.player.color.PlayNormalSound(); okBox.DoTapEffect(); Close(); }; nameBox.isEditMode = true; CreateKeyboard(0.0f); CreateSwatches(0.3f); }
public void Update() { hudStuff.text = "Energy: " + jugador.getEnergy() + "\n Score: " + jugador.getScore(); hudShadow.text = hudStuff.text; if (jugador.getEnergy() <= 0) { hudStuff.text = "Game Over, \n press return to continue..."; hudShadow.text = hudStuff.text; gameArea.alpha--; projectileContainer.alpha--; entityContainer.alpha--; particleContainer.alpha--; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return)) { Game.instance.GoToPage(PageType.MainMenuPage); } return; } for (int x = enemies.Count - 1; x >= 0; x--) { enemies[x].Update(); if (enemies[x].getEnergy() < 0) { entityContainer.RemoveChild(enemies[x]); enemies.RemoveAt(x); } } for (int x = projectiles.Count - 1; x >= 0; x--) { projectiles[x].Update(); for (int w = enemies.Count - 1; w >= 0; w--) { if (projectiles[x].sprite.localRect.CloneAndOffset(projectiles[x].x, projectiles[x].y).CheckIntersect(enemies[w].sprite.localRect.CloneAndOffset(enemies[w].x, enemies[w].y))) { enemies[w].setEnergy(enemies[w].getEnergy() - projectiles[x].getEnergy()); jugador.AddScore(enemies[w].scoreValue); projectiles[x].ttl = -2f; ScreenShake(2, 3); FSoundManager.PlaySound("explosion"); } } if (projectiles[x].ttl < 0) { projectiles[x].DestroyEffect(); projectileContainer.RemoveChild(projectiles[x]); projectiles.RemoveAt(x); } } for (int x = Enemyprojectiles.Count - 1; x >= 0; x--) { Enemyprojectiles[x].Update(); if (Enemyprojectiles[x].sprite.localRect.CloneAndOffset(Enemyprojectiles[x].x, Enemyprojectiles[x].y).CheckIntersect(jugador.sprite.localRect.CloneAndOffset(jugador.Position.x, jugador.Position.y))) { jugador.setEnergy(jugador.getEnergy() - Enemyprojectiles[x].getEnergy()); ScreenShake(3, 10); Enemyprojectiles[x].ttl = -1; FSoundManager.PlaySound("explosion"); } if (Enemyprojectiles[x].ttl < 0) { Enemyprojectiles[x].DestroyEffect(); projectileContainer.RemoveChild(Enemyprojectiles[x]); Enemyprojectiles.RemoveAt(x); } } jugador.Update(); if (enemies.Count < minimalEnemies) { GenerateFoe(); } if (jugador.getScore() > 0) { if ((jugador.getScore() % 300) == 0) { Shielded shiel = new Shielded(new Vector2(jugador.GetPosition().x + UnityEngine.Random.Range(-Futile.screen.width * 2, Futile.screen.width * 2), Futile.screen.halfHeight - 20)); enemies.Add(shiel); jugador.AddScore(jugador.getScore() + 10); } if ((jugador.getScore() % 500) == 0) { minimalEnemies++; } } }
public static void PlaySound(string resourceName) { FSoundManager.PlaySound(resourceName, 1f); }
void CreateKeyboard(float delay) { bool isNameAtMaxLength = ( >= Config.MAX_CHARS_PER_NAME); bool isNameEmpty = ( == 0); FSoundManager.PlaySound("UI/LetterIn", 0.25f); for (int k = 0; k < 28; k++) { KeyBox keyBox = new KeyBox(slot.player, k); keyBox.soundVolume = 0.5f; if (k == SPACE_KEY) { keyBox.shouldRepeat = false; } keyBoxes.Add(keyBox); keyboardAndSwatchContainer.AddChild(keyBox); if (k == SPACE_KEY) { keyBox.normalSoundName = "UI/ButtonTick"; } else if (k == BACKSPACE_KEY) { keyBox.normalSoundName = "UI/Backspace"; FSprite backspaceSprite = new FSprite("Icons/Backspace"); keyBox.contentContainer.AddChild(backspaceSprite); backspaceSprite.color =; } else //the normal letters { FLabel keyLabel = new FLabel("Raleway", THE_KEYBOARD[k].ToString()); keyLabel.color =; keyLabel.scale = 0.75f; keyBox.contentContainer.AddChild(keyLabel); keyBox.normalSoundName = "UI/ButtonTick"; } //disable backspace if it's empty, disable everything BUT backspace if it's full if ((k == BACKSPACE_KEY && !isNameEmpty) || (k != BACKSPACE_KEY && !isNameAtMaxLength)) { keyBox.isEnabled = true; } else { keyBox.isEnabled = false; } keyBox.SignalTick += HandleKeyTick; keyBox.scale = 0.0f; keyBox.colorTweenDelay = 0.019f * k;, 0.25f, new TweenConfig() .floatProp("scale", 1.0f) .setDelay(delay + 0.025f * (28f - (float)k)) .setEaseType(EaseType.ExpoOut)); } RepositionKeyboard(); }
public void Update() { if (beginCount < beginTime) { beginCount += UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime; clock.percentage = 1.0f; } else if (beginningLabel.alpha > 0) { beginningLabel.alpha -= .3f * UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime; beginningLabelShadow.alpha = beginningLabel.alpha; } enemyClock.percentage = (playerList.Count - 1) / startNumPlayers; if (playerList.Count == 1) { clock.disableClock(); if (endScreen == null) { FSoundManager.PlaySound("win"); endScreen = new LevelOverScreen(true, currentLevelNum + 1 >= enemiesOnLevel.Length); gui.AddChild(endScreen); } else { if (endScreen.readyToStart) { Futile.instance.SignalUpdate -= Update; Futile.stage.RemoveAllChildren(); if (this.currentLevelNum + 1 < enemiesOnLevel.Length) { World newWorld = new World(++this.currentLevelNum); Futile.instance.SignalUpdate += newWorld.Update; } else { TitleScreen titleScreen = new TitleScreen(); Futile.stage.AddChild(titleScreen); } } } } else if (clock.percentage <= 0) { if (endScreen == null) { FSoundManager.PlaySound("lose"); endScreen = new LevelOverScreen(false); gui.AddChild(endScreen); } else { endScreen.MoveToFront(); if (endScreen.readyToStart) { Futile.instance.SignalUpdate -= Update; Futile.stage.RemoveAllChildren(); World newWorld = new World(this.currentLevelNum); Futile.instance.SignalUpdate += newWorld.Update; } } } for (int ind = 0; ind < powerups.Count; ind++) { Powerup powerup = powerups[ind]; foreach (Player p in playerList) { if (p.isControlled) { if (powerup.checkCollision(p)) { FSoundManager.PlaySound("powerup"); p.collectPowerUp(powerup.PType); powerup.RemoveFromContainer(); powerups.Remove(powerup); ind--; } } } } for (int ind = 0; ind < bulletList.Count; ind++) { Bullet b = bulletList[ind]; b.Update(); for (int playerInd = 0; playerInd < playerList.Count; playerInd++) { Player p = playerList[playerInd]; if (clock.percentage > 0 && b.checkCollision(p)) { p.setScale(p.scale - 1.0f, false); if (p.scale <= 0) { FSoundManager.PlaySound("dead", .3f); p.RemoveFromContainer(); playerList.Remove(p); playerInd--; FloatIndicator floatInd = new FloatIndicator("+00:00:0" + p.secondValue, p.GetPosition()); playerLayer.AddChild(floatInd); clock.percentage += p.secondValue / 10.0f; //Add the seconds to the clock if (p.secondValue == 3) { float powerupChance = RXRandom.Float(); Powerup powerup = null; if (powerupChance < .4f) { powerup = new Powerup(Powerup.PowerupType.MACHINEGUN); } else if (powerupChance < .8f) { powerup = new Powerup(Powerup.PowerupType.SHOTGUN); } if (powerup != null) { powerups.Add(powerup); powerup.SetPosition(p.GetPosition()); playerLayer.AddChild(powerup); } } } else { FSoundManager.PlaySound("hit", .3f); } b.RemoveFromContainer(); bulletList.Remove(b); ind--; break; } else if (tilemap.getFrameNum((int)(b.x / tilemap._tileWidth), (int)(-b.y / tilemap._tileHeight)) == 1) { b.RemoveFromContainer(); bulletList.Remove(b); ind--; break; } } } }
public ResetGroup(float width) { this.width = width; AddChild(plusBox = new MathBox(MathType.Plus)); AddChild(minusBox = new MathBox(MathType.Minus)); AddChild(zeroBox = new ZeroBox()); AddChild(cancelBox = new SpriteBox(Player.NullPlayer, "Icons/Cancel", 100, 100)); AddChild(okBox = new SpriteBox(Player.NullPlayer, "Icons/Checkmark", 100, 100)); plusBox.hasFastRepeatZones = true; minusBox.hasFastRepeatZones = true; if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(PREFS_KEY)) { zeroBox.resetAmount = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(PREFS_KEY); } float boxSize = Config.SLOT_HEIGHT; float padding = Config.PADDING_S; plusBox.SetSize(boxSize, boxSize); minusBox.SetSize(boxSize, boxSize); zeroBox.SetSize(width - boxSize * 2 - padding * 2, boxSize); plusBox.SetPosition(zeroBox.width / 2 + padding + plusBox.width / 2, padding / 2 + plusBox.height / 2); minusBox.SetPosition(-zeroBox.width / 2 - padding - minusBox.width / 2, padding / 2 + minusBox.height / 2); zeroBox.SetPosition(0, padding / 2 + zeroBox.height / 2); cancelBox.SetSize((width - padding) / 2, boxSize); okBox.SetSize((width - padding) / 2, boxSize); cancelBox.SetPosition(-padding / 2 - cancelBox.width / 2, -padding / 2 - cancelBox.height / 2); okBox.SetPosition(padding / 2 + okBox.width / 2, -padding / 2 - okBox.height / 2); minusBox.SignalTick += (b, ticks) => { zeroBox.resetAmount -= ticks; UpdateResetAmount(); }; plusBox.SignalTick += (b, ticks) => { zeroBox.resetAmount += ticks; UpdateResetAmount(); }; zeroBox.SignalRelease += (b) => { zeroBox.DoTapEffect(); FSoundManager.PlaySound("UI/ResetToZero"); zeroBox.resetAmount = 0; UpdateResetAmount(); }; cancelBox.SignalRelease += (b) => { Keeper.instance.slotList.ApplyResetScores(false); cancelBox.isTouchable = false; cancelBox.DoTapEffect(); Keeper.instance.EndResetMode(); FSoundManager.PlaySound("UI/Cancel"); }; okBox.SignalRelease += (b) => { Keeper.instance.slotList.ApplyResetScores(true); okBox.isTouchable = false; okBox.DoTapEffect(); Keeper.instance.EndResetMode(); FSoundManager.PlaySound("UI/ResetOk"); SKDataManager.MarkDirty(); }; UpdateResetAmount(); instance = this; }
static public void PlayBananaSound() { FSoundManager.PlaySound("BananaSound", 0.95f); }
public void UpdateGoal() { if (totalDistance < goalDistance - 1000f || initiatedSceneSwitch) { return; } if (goalType == GoalType.GoalOne) { if (faceCoin == null) { faceCoin = new FSprite("danaHappy.png"); faceCoin.x = Futile.screen.width + 100f; faceCoin.y = 250f; everythingContainer.AddChild(faceCoin); everythingContainer.AddChild(whit); // move him to top Tween tween1 = new Tween(faceCoin, 0.5f, new TweenConfig() .floatProp("scaleX", -1.0f) .setEaseType(EaseType.SineInOut)); Tween tween2 = new Tween(faceCoin, 0.5f, new TweenConfig() .floatProp("scaleX", 1.0f) .setEaseType(EaseType.SineInOut)); TweenChain chain = new TweenChain(); chain.setIterations(-1); chain.append(tween1); chain.append(tween2); Go.addTween(chain);; } faceCoin.x += Time.fixedDeltaTime * universalVelocity; if (faceCoin.x < 100f) { initiatedSceneSwitch = true; FSoundManager.PlaySound("success"); TMain.SwitchToScene(TMain.SceneType.DreamSceneOne); } } else if (goalType == GoalType.GoalTwo) { if (bigHeartCoin == null) { bigHeartCoin = new FSprite("heart.psd"); bigHeartCoin.scale = 2.0f; bigHeartCoin.x = Futile.screen.width + 100f; bigHeartCoin.color = new Color(1.0f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f); bigHeartCoin.y = 250f; everythingContainer.AddChild(bigHeartCoin); everythingContainer.AddChild(whit); // move to top Tween tween1 = new Tween(bigHeartCoin, 0.5f, new TweenConfig() .floatProp("scaleX", -1.0f) .setEaseType(EaseType.SineInOut)); Tween tween2 = new Tween(bigHeartCoin, 0.5f, new TweenConfig() .floatProp("scaleX", 1.0f) .setEaseType(EaseType.SineInOut)); TweenChain chain = new TweenChain(); chain.setIterations(-1); chain.append(tween1); chain.append(tween2); Go.addTween(chain);; } bigHeartCoin.x += Time.fixedDeltaTime * universalVelocity; if (bigHeartCoin.x < 100f) { initiatedSceneSwitch = true; FSoundManager.StopMusic(); FSoundManager.PlaySound("success"); TMain.SwitchToScene(TMain.SceneType.DreamSceneTwo); } } else if (goalType == GoalType.GoalThree) { if (dana == null) { dana = new TWalkingCharacter("danaHead.png"); dana.x = Futile.screen.width + 100f; dana.y = 250f; everythingContainer.AddChild(dana); dana.StartWalking(); } dana.x += Time.fixedDeltaTime * universalVelocity * 0.25f; if (dana.x < 350f) { start.isVisible = goal.isVisible = false; FSoundManager.PlayMusic("yay"); foundEachother = true; dana.TurnAround(); dana.StopWalking(); whit.StopWalking(); parallaxScene.StopUpdating(); whit.StopCrouching(); StartHeartShower(); } } }
public void PlayNormalSound() { FSoundManager.PlaySound(soundNormalName); }
public void PlayBassSound() { FSoundManager.PlaySound(soundBassName); }
public void EndGame() { FlyOutUIElements(); scoreLabel.text = string.Format("{0:#,###0}", score); for (int i = hearts.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { FSprite heart = hearts[i]; foreach (AbstractTween tween in Go.tweensWithTarget(heart)) { Go.removeTween(tween); } heart.RemoveFromContainer(); hearts.Remove(heart); } if (score >= 1000000) { StartHeartShower(); FSoundManager.StopMusic(); FSoundManager.PlaySound("happyPiano"); gameIsOver = true; FLabel label = new FLabel("SoftSugar", "I love you times a million!"); label.color = new Color(0.12f, 0.12f, 0.12f, 1.0f); label.x = Futile.screen.halfWidth; label.y = Futile.screen.halfHeight; label.scale = 0; AddChild(label); TweenConfig config = new TweenConfig() .floatProp("scale", 1.0f) .setEaseType(EaseType.SineInOut) .onComplete(OnWinLabelDoneAppearing);, 0.5f, config); } if (numHeartsMissed >= 5) { gameIsOver = true; FSoundManager.StopMusic(); FSoundManager.PlaySound("sadPiano"); FLabel topLabel = new FLabel("SoftSugar", "Are you kidding me?!"); FLabel bottomLabel = new FLabel("SoftSugar", string.Format("I love you way more than x{0:#,###0}!", score)); topLabel.color = new Color(0.75f, 0.12f, 0.12f, 1.0f); bottomLabel.color = new Color(0.12f, 0.12f, 0.12f, 1.0f); bottomLabel.x = topLabel.x = Futile.screen.halfWidth; float bottomBeginning = 300f; float segmentHeight = (Futile.screen.height - bottomBeginning * 2f) / 3f; bottomLabel.y = segmentHeight - bottomLabel.textRect.height / 2f + bottomBeginning; topLabel.y = segmentHeight * 3f - topLabel.textRect.height / 2f + bottomBeginning; bottomLabel.scale = topLabel.scale = 0; AddChild(topLabel); AddChild(bottomLabel); TweenConfig config1 = new TweenConfig() .floatProp("scale", 1.0f) .setEaseType(EaseType.SineInOut); TweenConfig config2 = new TweenConfig() .floatProp("scale", 0.75f) .setEaseType(EaseType.SineInOut); float duration = 0.5f; TweenChain chain = new TweenChain(); chain.append(new Tween(topLabel, duration, config1)); chain.append(new Tween(bottomLabel, duration, config2)); chain.setOnCompleteHandler(OnGameShouldBeFullyOver); Go.addTween(chain);; } }
private void DoTickEffectWithSound(string soundName) { FSoundManager.PlaySound(soundName, soundVolume); DoTapEffect(); }
public void OnLetterCompleteAnimatingIn(AbstractTween tween) { FSoundManager.PlaySound("plip", 0.5f); }
public void HandleTouchOnBlackallAndTesser(FTouch touch) { FLabel touchedLetter = null; for (int i = 0; i < tesserLetters.Count; i++) { FLabel label = tesserLetters[i]; if (label == null) { continue; } Vector2 touchPos = label.GlobalToLocal(touch.position); if (label.textRect.Contains(touchPos)) { touchedLetter = label; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < blackallLetters.Count; i++) { FLabel label = blackallLetters[i]; if (label == null) { continue; } Vector2 touchPos = label.GlobalToLocal(touch.position); if (label.textRect.Contains(touchPos)) { touchedLetter = label; break; } } if (touchedLetter == null) { return; } touchWasUsedCorrectly = true; TweenChain chain = null; float duration = 0.2f; float extraRotation = 0f; // TESSER // T if (touchedLetter == tesserLetters[0]) { if (unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters.Contains(touchedLetter)) { FSoundManager.PlaySound("error"); return; } if (!movedT) { chain = TweenChainForLetter(touchedLetter, duration, trebellaFinalPositions[0].x, trebellaFinalPositions[0].y, extraRotation); movedT = true; unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters.Add(touchedLetter); } } // E if (touchedLetter == tesserLetters[1] || touchedLetter == tesserLetters[4]) { if (unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters.Contains(touchedLetter)) { FSoundManager.PlaySound("error"); return; } int index; if (numTouchedEs == 0) { index = 2; } else if (numTouchedEs == 1) { index = 4; } else { index = -1; } if (index != -1) { chain = TweenChainForLetter(touchedLetter, duration, trebellaFinalPositions[index].x, trebellaFinalPositions[index].y, extraRotation); numTouchedEs++; unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters.Add(touchedLetter); } else { int tesserIndex = 0; if (touchedLetter == tesserLetters[1]) { tesserIndex = 0; } else if (touchedLetter == tesserLetters[4]) { tesserIndex = 4; } KillLetter(touchedLetter); tesserLetters[tesserIndex] = null; numNonTrebellaLettersLeft--; } } // S if (touchedLetter == tesserLetters[2]) { KillLetter(touchedLetter); numNonTrebellaLettersLeft--; tesserLetters[2] = null; } // S if (touchedLetter == tesserLetters[3]) { KillLetter(touchedLetter); numNonTrebellaLettersLeft--; tesserLetters[3] = null; } // R if (touchedLetter == tesserLetters[5]) { if (unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters.Contains(touchedLetter)) { FSoundManager.PlaySound("error"); return; } if (!movedR) { chain = TweenChainForLetter(touchedLetter, duration, trebellaFinalPositions[1].x, trebellaFinalPositions[1].y, extraRotation); movedR = true; unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters.Add(touchedLetter); } } // BLACKALL // B if (touchedLetter == blackallLetters[0]) { if (unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters.Contains(touchedLetter)) { FSoundManager.PlaySound("error"); return; } if (!movedB) { chain = TweenChainForLetter(touchedLetter, duration, trebellaFinalPositions[3].x, trebellaFinalPositions[3].y, extraRotation); movedB = true; unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters.Add(touchedLetter); } } // L if (touchedLetter == blackallLetters[1] || touchedLetter == blackallLetters[6] || touchedLetter == blackallLetters[7]) { if (unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters.Contains(touchedLetter)) { FSoundManager.PlaySound("error"); return; } int index; if (numTouchedLs == 0) { index = 5; } else if (numTouchedLs == 1) { index = 6; } else { index = -1; } if (index != -1) { chain = TweenChainForLetter(touchedLetter, duration, trebellaFinalPositions[index].x, trebellaFinalPositions[index].y, extraRotation); numTouchedLs++; unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters.Add(touchedLetter); } else { int blackallIndex = 0; if (touchedLetter == blackallLetters[1]) { blackallIndex = 1; } else if (touchedLetter == blackallLetters[6]) { blackallIndex = 6; } else if (touchedLetter == blackallLetters[7]) { blackallIndex = 7; } KillLetter(touchedLetter); blackallLetters[blackallIndex] = null; numNonTrebellaLettersLeft--; } } // A if (touchedLetter == blackallLetters[2] || touchedLetter == blackallLetters[5]) { if (unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters.Contains(touchedLetter)) { FSoundManager.PlaySound("error"); return; } int index; if (numTouchedAs == 0) { index = 7; } else { index = -1; } if (index != -1) { chain = TweenChainForLetter(touchedLetter, duration, trebellaFinalPositions[index].x, trebellaFinalPositions[index].y, extraRotation); numTouchedAs++; unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters.Add(touchedLetter); } else { int blackallIndex = 0; if (touchedLetter == blackallLetters[2]) { blackallIndex = 2; } else if (touchedLetter == blackallLetters[5]) { blackallIndex = 5; } KillLetter(touchedLetter); blackallLetters[blackallIndex] = null; numNonTrebellaLettersLeft--; } } // C if (touchedLetter == blackallLetters[3]) { KillLetter(touchedLetter); blackallLetters[3] = null; numNonTrebellaLettersLeft--; } // K if (touchedLetter == blackallLetters[4]) { KillLetter(touchedLetter); blackallLetters[4] = null; numNonTrebellaLettersLeft--; } if (chain != null) { chain.setOnCompleteHandler(OnTrebellaLetterInPlace); Go.addTween(chain);; } }
public void UpdateSolidifyingTrebellaLetters() { timeSinceLastSolidifiedLetter += Time.deltaTime; if (timeSinceLastSolidifiedLetter > 0.5f) { timeSinceLastSolidifiedLetter -= 0.5f; FLabel nextLetterToChange = null; switch (numLettersSolidified) { case 0: foreach (FLabel letter in unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters) { if (letter.text == "T") { nextLetterToChange = letter; unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters.Remove(letter); break; } } break; case 1: foreach (FLabel letter in unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters) { if (letter.text == "R") { nextLetterToChange = letter; unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters.Remove(letter); break; } } break; case 2: foreach (FLabel letter in unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters) { if (letter.text == "E") { nextLetterToChange = letter; unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters.Remove(letter); break; } } break; case 3: foreach (FLabel letter in unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters) { if (letter.text == "B") { nextLetterToChange = letter; unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters.Remove(letter); break; } } break; case 4: foreach (FLabel letter in unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters) { if (letter.text == "E") { nextLetterToChange = letter; unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters.Remove(letter); break; } } break; case 5: foreach (FLabel letter in unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters) { if (letter.text == "L") { nextLetterToChange = letter; unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters.Remove(letter); break; } } break; case 6: foreach (FLabel letter in unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters) { if (letter.text == "L") { nextLetterToChange = letter; unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters.Remove(letter); break; } } break; case 7: foreach (FLabel letter in unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters) { if (letter.text == "A") { nextLetterToChange = letter; unsolidifiedTrebellaLetters.Remove(letter); break; } } break; } FSoundManager.PlaySound("bomb", 2.0f); FLabel solidifiedLetter = trebellaLetters[numLettersSolidified]; solidifiedLetter.x = nextLetterToChange.x; solidifiedLetter.y = nextLetterToChange.y; nextLetterToChange.RemoveFromContainer(); float duration = 0.2f; float distance = 5f; Tween bounce = new Tween(solidifiedLetter, duration, new TweenConfig() .setEaseType(EaseType.SineInOut) .floatProp("y", distance, true)); Tween bounceBack = new Tween(solidifiedLetter, duration, new TweenConfig() .setEaseType(EaseType.SineInOut) .floatProp("y", -distance, true)); TweenChain chain = new TweenChain(); chain.setIterations(-1, LoopType.RestartFromBeginning); chain.append(bounce); chain.append(bounceBack); Go.addTween(chain);; numLettersSolidified++; if (numLettersSolidified >= 8) { trebellaLettersDoneSolidifying = true; } } }