Exemple #1
 public extern static FInputEvent GetInputEventFromPointerEvent(FPointerEvent Event);
 /// <summary>@return Is this event a result from a touch (as opposed to a mouse)</summary>
 public extern static bool PointerEvent_IsTouchEvent(FPointerEvent Input);
Exemple #3
 static extern float PointerEvent_GetWheelDelta(IntPtr _this, ref FPointerEvent Input);
Exemple #4
 static extern FKey PointerEvent_GetEffectingButton(IntPtr _this, ref FPointerEvent Input);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>@return Is this event a result from a touch (as opposed to a mouse)</summary>
        public static bool PointerEvent_IsTouchEvent(FPointerEvent Input)
            int ___ret = PointerEvent_IsTouchEvent(IntPtr.Zero, ref Input);

            return(___ret != 0);
Exemple #6
 static extern int PointerEvent_GetUserIndex(IntPtr _this, ref FPointerEvent Input);
 /// <summary>@return The index of the user that caused the event</summary>
 public extern static int PointerEvent_GetUserIndex(FPointerEvent Input);
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>@return The position of the cursor in screen space</summary>
        public static FVector2D PointerEvent_GetScreenSpacePosition(FPointerEvent Input)
            FVector2D ___ret = PointerEvent_GetScreenSpacePosition(IntPtr.Zero, ref Input);

        public static FInputEvent GetInputEventFromPointerEvent(FPointerEvent Event)
            FInputEvent ___ret = GetInputEventFromPointerEvent(IntPtr.Zero, ref Event);

 /// <summary>@return The index of the touch pad that generated this event (for platforms with multiple touch pads per user)</summary>
 public extern static int PointerEvent_GetTouchpadIndex(FPointerEvent Input);
 extern static FInputEvent GetInputEventFromPointerEvent(IntPtr _this, ref FPointerEvent Event);
/// <summary>
/// Given the pointer event, emit the DetectDrag reply if the provided key was pressed.
/// If the DragKey is a touch key, that will also automatically work.
/// @param PointerEvent  The pointer device event coming in.
/// @param WidgetDetectingDrag  Detect dragging in this widget.
/// @param DragKey                      This button should be pressed to detect the drag, won't emit the DetectDrag FEventReply unless this is pressed.
/// </summary>
        public static FEventReply DetectDragIfPressed(FPointerEvent PointerEvent, UWidget WidgetDetectingDrag, FKey DragKey)
            FEventReply ___ret = DetectDragIfPressed(IntPtr.Zero, ref PointerEvent, WidgetDetectingDrag, ref DragKey);

 extern static FEventReply DetectDragIfPressed(IntPtr _this, ref FPointerEvent PointerEvent, IntPtr WidgetDetectingDrag, ref FKey DragKey);
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>@return The change in gesture value since the last gesture event of the same type.</summary>
        public static FVector2D PointerEvent_GetGestureDelta(FPointerEvent Input)
            FVector2D ___ret = PointerEvent_GetGestureDelta(IntPtr.Zero, ref Input);

 /// <summary>How much did the mouse wheel turn since the last mouse event</summary>
 public extern static float PointerEvent_GetWheelDelta(FPointerEvent Input);
Exemple #16
 static extern FVector2D PointerEvent_GetScreenSpacePosition(IntPtr _this, ref FPointerEvent Input);
 /// <summary>Mouse button that caused this event to be raised (possibly EB_None)</summary>
 public extern static FKey PointerEvent_GetEffectingButton(FPointerEvent Input);
Exemple #18
 static extern int PointerEvent_IsTouchEvent(IntPtr _this, ref FPointerEvent Input);
 /// <summary>Mouse buttons that are currently pressed</summary>
 public extern static bool PointerEvent_IsMouseButtonDown(FPointerEvent Input, FKey MouseButton);
Exemple #20
 static extern int PointerEvent_GetTouchpadIndex(IntPtr _this, ref FPointerEvent Input);
 /// <summary>@return the distance the mouse traveled since the last event was handled.</summary>
 public extern static FVector2D PointerEvent_GetCursorDelta(FPointerEvent Input);
Exemple #22
        /// <summary>@return The index of the user that caused the event</summary>
        public static int PointerEvent_GetUserIndex(FPointerEvent Input)
            int ___ret = PointerEvent_GetUserIndex(IntPtr.Zero, ref Input);

 /// <summary>@return The position of the cursor in screen space</summary>
 public extern static FVector2D PointerEvent_GetScreenSpacePosition(FPointerEvent Input);
Exemple #24
        /// <summary>How much did the mouse wheel turn since the last mouse event</summary>
        public static float PointerEvent_GetWheelDelta(FPointerEvent Input)
            float ___ret = PointerEvent_GetWheelDelta(IntPtr.Zero, ref Input);

 /// <summary>@return The change in gesture value since the last gesture event of the same type.</summary>
 public extern static FVector2D PointerEvent_GetGestureDelta(FPointerEvent Input);
Exemple #26
        /// <summary>Mouse button that caused this event to be raised (possibly EB_None)</summary>
        public static FKey PointerEvent_GetEffectingButton(FPointerEvent Input)
            FKey ___ret = PointerEvent_GetEffectingButton(IntPtr.Zero, ref Input);

Exemple #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Given the pointer event, emit the DetectDrag reply if the provided key was pressed.
 /// If the DragKey is a touch key, that will also automatically work.
 /// @param PointerEvent  The pointer device event coming in.
 /// @param WidgetDetectingDrag  Detect dragging in this widget.
 /// @param DragKey                      This button should be pressed to detect the drag, won't emit the DetectDrag FEventReply unless this is pressed.
 /// </summary>
 public extern static FEventReply DetectDragIfPressed(FPointerEvent PointerEvent, UWidget WidgetDetectingDrag, FKey DragKey);