// Token: 0x0600008F RID: 143 RVA: 0x0000E224 File Offset: 0x0000C424 protected List <ExamQuestion> GetQuestionList(ExamResultTopic resultinfo) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.In, resultinfo.questionlist); List <ExamQuestion> list = DbHelper.ExecuteList <ExamQuestion>(new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); int[] array = FPUtils.SplitInt(resultinfo.questionlist); string[] array2 = FPUtils.SplitString(resultinfo.answerlist, "§", array.Length); string[] array3 = FPUtils.SplitString(resultinfo.optionlist, "|", array.Length); List <ExamQuestion> list2 = new List <ExamQuestion>(); int num = 0; foreach (int num2 in array) { foreach (ExamQuestion examQuestion in list) { if (examQuestion.id == num2) { examQuestion.useranswer = array2[num]; examQuestion.optionlist = array3[num]; list2.Add(examQuestion); } } num++; } return(list2); }
// Token: 0x06000088 RID: 136 RVA: 0x0000BCCC File Offset: 0x00009ECC protected override void View() { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", 0); OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); this.menulist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <MenuInfo>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); if (this.Session["FP_ADMIN_TOPMENU"] != null) { this.topmenuid = FPUtils.StrToInt(this.Session["FP_ADMIN_TOPMENU"].ToString(), 0); } if (this.topmenuid == 0) { if (this.roleid == 1) { this.topmenuid = 1; } else if (this.role.menus != "") { this.topmenuid = FPUtils.SplitInt(this.role.menus)[0]; } } }
// Token: 0x0600008E RID: 142 RVA: 0x0000C0C8 File Offset: 0x0000A2C8 protected override void View() { if (this.ispost) { string @string = FPRequest.GetString("chkid"); foreach (int id in FPUtils.SplitInt(@string)) { CreditInfo creditInfo = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <CreditInfo>(id); if (DbHelper.ExecuteDelete <CreditInfo>(id) > 0) { string sqlstring = string.Format("UPDATE [{0}WMS_UserInfo] SET [credits]=[credits]+{1} WHERE [id]={2}", DbConfigs.Prefix, creditInfo.credits * -1, creditInfo.uid); DbHelper.ExecuteSql(sqlstring); } } } if (this.uid > 0) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("uid", this.uid); this.creditlist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <CreditInfo>(this.pager, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); } else { this.creditlist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <CreditInfo>(this.pager); } this.iuser = UserBll.GetUserInfo(this.uid); base.SaveRightURL(); }
// Token: 0x06000096 RID: 150 RVA: 0x0000E908 File Offset: 0x0000CB08 protected List <ExamQuestion> GetQuestionList(ExamResultTopic resultinfo) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.In, resultinfo.questionlist); List <ExamQuestion> list = DbHelper.ExecuteList <ExamQuestion>(new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); int[] array = FPUtils.SplitInt(resultinfo.questionlist); string[] array2 = FPUtils.SplitString(resultinfo.answerlist, "§", array.Length); string[] array3 = FPUtils.SplitString(resultinfo.scorelist, "|", array.Length); string[] array4 = FPUtils.SplitString(resultinfo.optionlist, "|", array.Length); List <ExamQuestion> list2 = new List <ExamQuestion>(); SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("qid", WhereType.In, resultinfo.questionlist), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("uid", this.userid) }; List <ExamNote> list3 = DbHelper.ExecuteList <ExamNote>(sqlparams); int num = 0; foreach (int num2 in array) { foreach (ExamQuestion examQuestion in list) { if (examQuestion.id == num2) { examQuestion.useranswer = array2[num]; examQuestion.userscore = (double)FPUtils.StrToFloat(array3[num]); examQuestion.optionlist = array4[num]; if (examQuestion.type == 1 || examQuestion.type == 2) { examQuestion.answer = this.OptionAnswer(examQuestion.optionlist, examQuestion.answer); } foreach (ExamNote examNote in list3) { if (examNote.qid == examQuestion.id) { examQuestion.note = examNote.note; } } if (this.examloglist.ContainsKey(examQuestion.sortid)) { ExamLogInfo examLogInfo = this.examloglist[examQuestion.sortid]; if (FPUtils.InArray(examQuestion.id, examLogInfo.favlist)) { examQuestion.isfav = 1; } } list2.Add(examQuestion); } } num++; } return(list2); }
// Token: 0x06000049 RID: 73 RVA: 0x00007D4C File Offset: 0x00005F4C protected override void View() { ExamTopic examTopic = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <ExamTopic>(this.tid); if (!FPUtils.InArray(this.qid, examTopic.questionlist) && this.tid > 0 && this.qid > 0 && this.option == 1) { if (examTopic.curquestions >= examTopic.questions - examTopic.randoms) { this.ShowErrMsg("该大题题目数已满,不能再添加题目"); return; } examTopic.questionlist = ((examTopic.questionlist == "") ? this.qid.ToString() : (examTopic.questionlist + "," + this.qid)); examTopic.curquestions = FPUtils.SplitInt(examTopic.questionlist).Length; SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeSet("questionlist", examTopic.questionlist), DbHelper.MakeSet("curquestions", examTopic.curquestions), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", this.tid) }; DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <ExamTopic>(sqlparams); } if (this.tid > 0 && this.qid > 0 && this.option == -1) { string text = ""; foreach (int num in FPUtils.SplitInt(examTopic.questionlist)) { if (this.qid != num && num != 0) { if (text != "") { text += ","; } text += num; } } examTopic.questionlist = text; examTopic.curquestions = FPUtils.SplitInt(examTopic.questionlist).Length; SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeSet("questionlist", examTopic.questionlist), DbHelper.MakeSet("curquestions", examTopic.curquestions), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", this.tid) }; DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <ExamTopic>(sqlparams); } Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(); hashtable["error"] = 0; hashtable["curquestions"] = examTopic.curquestions; hashtable["questionlist"] = examTopic.questionlist; hashtable["action"] = this.option; base.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); base.Response.Write(JsonMapper.ToJson(hashtable)); base.Response.End(); }
// Token: 0x06000033 RID: 51 RVA: 0x00004124 File Offset: 0x00002324 public static string GetTopicQuestion(int channelid, ExamTopic examtopic) { string text = examtopic.questionlist; string type; if (examtopic.type == -1) { type = "1,2"; } else { type = examtopic.type.ToString(); } if (examtopic.curquestions < examtopic.questions) { if (examtopic.randoms > 0) { int[] array = FPUtils.SplitInt(examtopic.randomsort); int[] array2 = FPUtils.SplitInt(examtopic.randomcount, ",", array.Length); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (array2[i] > 0) { string questionRandom = QuestionBll.GetQuestionRandom(channelid, array2[i], type, array[i], text); if (questionRandom != "") { text += ((text == "") ? questionRandom : ("," + questionRandom)); } } } if (examtopic.questions - examtopic.curquestions - examtopic.randoms > 0) { string questionRandom = QuestionBll.GetQuestionRandom(channelid, examtopic.questions - examtopic.curquestions - examtopic.randoms - 1, type, "", text); if (questionRandom != "") { text += ((text == "") ? questionRandom : ("," + questionRandom)); } } } else { int count = examtopic.questions - examtopic.curquestions; string questionRandom = QuestionBll.GetQuestionRandom(channelid, count, type, "", text); if (questionRandom != "") { text += ((text == "") ? questionRandom : ("," + questionRandom)); } } } return(text); }
// Token: 0x0600001E RID: 30 RVA: 0x00002C3C File Offset: 0x00000E3C protected string GetSortNav(SortInfo sortinfo, string url) { string text = ""; if (url.IndexOf("?") > 0) { url += "&"; } else { url += "?"; } url = this.rawpath + "/" + url; SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.In, sortinfo.parentlist); List <SortInfo> list = DbHelper.ExecuteList <SortInfo>(new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); foreach (int num in FPUtils.SplitInt(sortinfo.parentlist)) { if (num != 0) { foreach (SortInfo sortInfo in list) { if (sortInfo.id == num) { if (text != "") { text += "|"; } object obj = text; text = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, sortInfo.name, ",", url, "channelid=", sortInfo.channelid, "&sortid=", sortInfo.id }); } } } } return(text); }
// Token: 0x0600004C RID: 76 RVA: 0x0000689C File Offset: 0x00004A9C protected override void View() { if (this.sysconfig.admintitle == "") { this.pagetitle = this.siteconfig.sitetitle; } else { this.pagetitle = this.sysconfig.admintitle; } if (this.Session["FP_ADMIN_LEFTMENU"] != null) { this.lefturl = this.Session["FP_ADMIN_LEFTMENU"].ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.lefturl)) { if (this.role.menus != "" && this.roleid != 1) { MenuInfo menuInfo = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <MenuInfo>(FPUtils.SplitInt(this.role.menus)[0]); this.lefturl = menuInfo.lefturl; if (this.lefturl != "") { if (this.lefturl.IndexOf("?") > 0) { this.lefturl = this.lefturl + "&topmenuid=" + menuInfo.id; } else { this.lefturl = this.lefturl + "?topmenuid=" + menuInfo.id; } } } if (this.lefturl == "") { this.lefturl = "sysmenu.aspx?parentid=1"; } } if (this.Session["FP_ADMIN_RIGHTMENU"] != null) { this.righturl = this.Session["FP_ADMIN_RIGHTMENU"].ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.righturl)) { this.righturl = this.role.desktopurl; } }
// Token: 0x060000AC RID: 172 RVA: 0x0000DBA8 File Offset: 0x0000BDA8 protected override void View() { if (this.ispost) { if (this.action == "delete") { foreach (int num in FPUtils.SplitInt(FPRequest.GetString("chkdel"))) { if (num > 5) { DbHelper.ExecuteDelete <RoleInfo>(num); } } } } this.rolelist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <RoleInfo>(OrderBy.ASC); base.SaveRightURL(); }
// Token: 0x0600006C RID: 108 RVA: 0x0000B3BC File Offset: 0x000095BC protected override void View() { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.In, this.examuser); List <UserInfo> list = DbHelper.ExecuteList <UserInfo>(new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); string text = ""; string text2 = ""; foreach (int num in FPUtils.SplitInt(this.examuser)) { foreach (UserInfo userInfo in list) { if (num == userInfo.id && !FPUtils.InArray(num, text2)) { if (text != "") { text += ","; } if (userInfo.realname != "") { text += userInfo.realname; } else { text += userInfo.username; } if (text2 != "") { text2 += ","; } text2 += num; } } } Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(); hashtable["error"] = 0; hashtable["uname"] = text; base.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); base.Response.Write(JsonMapper.ToJson(hashtable)); base.Response.End(); }
// Token: 0x06000099 RID: 153 RVA: 0x0000ED58 File Offset: 0x0000CF58 private string OptionAnswer(string optionlist, string answer) { string[] array = FPUtils.SplitString("A,B,C,D,E,F"); int[] array2 = FPUtils.SplitInt(optionlist); string text = ""; for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++) { if (FPUtils.InArray(array[array2[i]], answer)) { if (text != "") { text += ","; } text += array[i]; } } return(text); }
// Token: 0x06000098 RID: 152 RVA: 0x0000EC64 File Offset: 0x0000CE64 protected string Option(string[] opstr, int ascount, string optionlist) { string[] array = FPUtils.SplitString("A,B,C,D,E,F"); int[] array2 = FPUtils.SplitInt(optionlist, ",", ascount); string text = ""; if (ascount > opstr.Length) { ascount = opstr.Length; } for (int i = 0; i < ascount; i++) { if (optionlist != "") { string text2 = text; text = string.Concat(new string[] { text2, array[i], ".", opstr[array2[i]], "<br/>" }); } else { string text2 = text; text = string.Concat(new string[] { text2, array[i], ".", opstr[i], "<br/>" }); } } return(text); }
// Token: 0x06000062 RID: 98 RVA: 0x0000A734 File Offset: 0x00008934 protected List <ExamQuestion> GetQuestionList(string questionids) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.In, questionids); List <ExamQuestion> list = DbHelper.ExecuteList <ExamQuestion>(new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); List <ExamQuestion> list2 = new List <ExamQuestion>(); foreach (int num in FPUtils.SplitInt(questionids)) { foreach (ExamQuestion examQuestion in list) { if (examQuestion.id == num) { examQuestion.optionlist = this.OptionInt(examQuestion.ascount, this.examinfo.optiondisplay); list2.Add(examQuestion); } } } return(list2); }
// Token: 0x0600009F RID: 159 RVA: 0x0000F068 File Offset: 0x0000D268 protected override void View() { this.channelinfo = ChannelBll.GetChannelInfo(this.channelid); if (this.channelinfo.id == 0) { this.ShowErr("考试频道不存在或已被删除。"); } else { this.sortlist = SortBll.GetSortList(this.channelid, 0); List <SqlParam> list = new List <SqlParam>(); list.Add(DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("status", 1)); if (this.channelid > 0) { list.Add(DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("channelid", this.channelid)); } if (this.sortid > 0) { string childSorts = SortBll.GetChildSorts(this.sortid); list.Add(DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("sortid", WhereType.In, childSorts)); } if (FPUtils.IsNumericArray(this.typeid)) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (int num in FPUtils.SplitInt(this.typeid)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringBuilder.ToString())) { stringBuilder.Append(" OR "); } stringBuilder.AppendFormat("(','+[typelist]+',') LIKE '%,{0},%'", num); } list.Add(DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("(" + stringBuilder.ToString() + ")", WhereType.Custom, "")); } list.Add(DbHelper.MakeAndWhere(string.Format("(([examroles]='' AND [examdeparts]='' AND [examuser]='') OR (','+[examroles]+',') LIKE '%,{0},%' OR (','+[examdeparts]+',') LIKE '%,{1},%' OR (','+[examuser]+',') LIKE '%,{2},%')", this.roleid, this.departid, this.userid), WhereType.Custom, "")); this._examlist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <ExamInfo>(this.pager, list.ToArray()); this.pagenav = this.channelinfo.name; } }
// Token: 0x0600003E RID: 62 RVA: 0x00005E4C File Offset: 0x0000404C protected override void View() { if (this.ispost) { if (this.action == "delete") { SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("system", WhereType.NotEqual, 1), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.In, FPRequest.GetString("chkdel")) }; DbHelper.ExecuteDelete <MenuInfo>(sqlparams); } else if (this.action == "desk") { int[] array = FPUtils.SplitInt(FPRequest.GetString("chkdel")); foreach (int id in array) { MenuInfo menuInfo = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <MenuInfo>(id); DbHelper.ExecuteInsert <DesktopInfo>(new DesktopInfo { name = menuInfo.name, lefturl = menuInfo.lefturl, righturl = menuInfo.righturl }); } } base.Response.Redirect("sysmenumanage.aspx"); } SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", 0); OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); this.menulist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <MenuInfo>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); base.SaveRightURL(); }
// Token: 0x06000064 RID: 100 RVA: 0x0000A848 File Offset: 0x00008A48 protected string Option(AsposeWordApp wd, string[] opstr, int ascount, string optionlist) { string[] array = FPUtils.SplitString("A,B,C,D,E,F"); int[] array2 = FPUtils.SplitInt(optionlist, ",", ascount); string result = ""; if (ascount > opstr.Length) { ascount = opstr.Length; } for (int i = 0; i < ascount; i++) { if (optionlist != "") { wd.Writeln(array[i] + "." + opstr[array2[i]], 12.0, false, "left"); } else { wd.Writeln(array[i] + "." + opstr[i], 12.0, false, "left"); } } return(result); }
// Token: 0x06000082 RID: 130 RVA: 0x0000D130 File Offset: 0x0000B330 protected override void View() { if (this.ispost) { int @int = FPRequest.GetInt("uid"); int[] array = FPUtils.SplitInt(this.examuser); this.examuser = ""; foreach (int num in array) { if (num != @int) { if (this.examuser != "") { this.examuser += ","; } this.examuser += num; } } base.Response.Redirect(string.Concat(new string[] { this.pagename, "?examuser="******"&keyword=", this.keyword })); } List <SqlParam> list = new List <SqlParam>(); list.Add(DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.In, this.examuser)); if (this.keyword != "") { list.Add(DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("username", WhereType.Like, this.keyword)); list.Add(DbHelper.MakeOrWhere("realname", WhereType.Like, this.keyword)); } this.userlist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <UserInfo>(list.ToArray()); }
// Token: 0x06000034 RID: 52 RVA: 0x00004328 File Offset: 0x00002528 public static List <ExamQuestion> GetQuestionList(string qidlist) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.In, qidlist); List <ExamQuestion> list = DbHelper.ExecuteList <ExamQuestion>(new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); int[] array = FPUtils.SplitInt(qidlist); List <ExamQuestion> list2 = new List <ExamQuestion>(); foreach (int num in array) { if (num != 0) { bool flag = false; foreach (ExamQuestion examQuestion in list) { if (examQuestion.id == num) { list2.Add(examQuestion); flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { list2.Add(new ExamQuestion { id = num }); } } } return(list2); }
// Token: 0x06000024 RID: 36 RVA: 0x0000349C File Offset: 0x0000169C public static void UpdateExamLog(SortInfo sortinfo, int uid, ExamQuestion question, bool iswrong) { foreach (int num in FPUtils.SplitInt(sortinfo.parentlist)) { if (num != 0) { ExamLogInfo examLogInfo = ExamBll.GetExamLogInfo(uid, num); if (examLogInfo.sortid == 0) { examLogInfo.sortid = num; examLogInfo.uid = uid; examLogInfo.channelid = sortinfo.channelid; examLogInfo.answers = 1; examLogInfo.wrongs = (iswrong ? 1 : 0); if (num == sortinfo.id) { examLogInfo.curwrongs = (iswrong ? 1 : 0); } examLogInfo.qidlist = question.id.ToString(); examLogInfo.optionlist = question.optionlist; examLogInfo.answerlist = question.useranswer; examLogInfo.scorelist = (iswrong ? "0" : "1"); examLogInfo.wronglist = (iswrong ? question.id.ToString() : ""); DbHelper.ExecuteInsert <ExamLogInfo>(examLogInfo); } else { if (FPUtils.InArray(question.id, examLogInfo.qidlist)) { int[] array2 = FPUtils.SplitInt(examLogInfo.qidlist); string[] array3 = FPUtils.SplitString(examLogInfo.optionlist, "|", array2.Length); int[] array4 = FPUtils.SplitInt(examLogInfo.scorelist, ",", array2.Length); string[] array5 = FPUtils.SplitString(examLogInfo.answerlist, "§", array2.Length); string text = ""; string text2 = ""; string text3 = ""; for (int j = 0; j < array2.Length; j++) { if (array2[j] == question.id) { if (array4[j] == 1 && iswrong) { array4[j] = 0; array5[j] = question.useranswer; array3[j] = question.optionlist; examLogInfo.wrongs++; if (num == sortinfo.id) { examLogInfo.curwrongs++; } if (examLogInfo.wronglist != "") { ExamLogInfo examLogInfo2 = examLogInfo; examLogInfo2.wronglist += ","; } ExamLogInfo examLogInfo3 = examLogInfo; examLogInfo3.wronglist += question.id; } else if (array4[j] == 0 && !iswrong) { array4[j] = 1; array5[j] = question.useranswer; array3[j] = question.optionlist; examLogInfo.wrongs--; if (num == sortinfo.id) { examLogInfo.curwrongs--; } string text4 = ""; foreach (int num2 in FPUtils.SplitInt(examLogInfo.wronglist)) { if (num2 != question.id) { if (text4 != "") { text4 += ","; } text4 += num2; } } examLogInfo.wronglist = text4; } } if (text != "") { text += ","; } text += array4[j]; if (text2 != "") { text2 += "§"; } text2 += array5[j]; if (text3 != "") { text3 += "|"; } text3 += array3[j]; } examLogInfo.scorelist = text; examLogInfo.answerlist = text2; examLogInfo.optionlist = text3; } else { examLogInfo.answers++; examLogInfo.wrongs += (iswrong ? 1 : 0); if (num == sortinfo.id) { examLogInfo.curwrongs += (iswrong ? 1 : 0); } ExamLogInfo examLogInfo4 = examLogInfo; examLogInfo4.qidlist += ((examLogInfo.qidlist == "") ? question.id.ToString() : ("," + question.id.ToString())); if (iswrong) { ExamLogInfo examLogInfo5 = examLogInfo; examLogInfo5.scorelist += ((examLogInfo.scorelist == "") ? "0" : ",0"); ExamLogInfo examLogInfo6 = examLogInfo; examLogInfo6.wronglist += ((examLogInfo.wronglist == "") ? question.id.ToString() : ("," + question.id.ToString())); } else { ExamLogInfo examLogInfo7 = examLogInfo; examLogInfo7.scorelist += ((examLogInfo.scorelist == "") ? "1" : ",1"); } ExamLogInfo examLogInfo8 = examLogInfo; examLogInfo8.answerlist += ((examLogInfo.answerlist == "") ? question.useranswer : ("§" + question.useranswer)); ExamLogInfo examLogInfo9 = examLogInfo; examLogInfo9.optionlist += ((examLogInfo.optionlist == "") ? question.optionlist : ("|" + question.optionlist)); } DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <ExamLogInfo>(examLogInfo); } } } }
// Token: 0x06000052 RID: 82 RVA: 0x00008B8C File Offset: 0x00006D8C protected override void View() { this.examtopic = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <ExamTopic>(this.examtopicid); this.examinfo = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <ExamInfo>(this.examtopic.examid); this.sortinfo = SortBll.GetSortInfo(this.examinfo.sortid); this.channelinfo = ChannelBll.GetChannelInfo("exam_question"); this.channelid = this.channelinfo.id; this.sortlist = SortBll.GetSortList(this.channelid, 0); if (this.ispost) { string text = ""; string text2 = ""; SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("channelid", this.channelid); List <SortInfo> list = DbHelper.ExecuteList <SortInfo>(new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); int num = 0; foreach (SortInfo sortInfo in list) { int @int = FPRequest.GetInt("randomcount_" + sortInfo.id); if (@int > 0) { if (text != "") { text += ","; } text += sortInfo.id; if (text2 != "") { text2 += ","; } text2 += @int; num += @int; } } if (num > this.examtopic.questions - this.examtopic.curquestions) { this.ShowErr("设定的随机题数不能大于总随机题数。"); return; } if (this.action == "save") { SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeSet("randomsort", text), DbHelper.MakeSet("randomcount", text2), DbHelper.MakeSet("randoms", num), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", this.examtopicid) }; DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <ExamTopic>(sqlparams); base.AddMsg("随机题设置保存成功!"); this.examtopic.randomsort = text; this.examtopic.randomcount = text2; this.link = string.Concat(new object[] { "examtopicrandom.aspx?examtopicid=", this.examtopicid, "&paper=", this.paper }); } else if (this.action == "create") { string text3 = this.examtopic.questionlist; int[] array = FPUtils.SplitInt(text); int[] array2 = FPUtils.SplitInt(text2, ",", array.Length); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (array2[i] > 0) { string questionRandom = QuestionBll.GetQuestionRandom(this.channelid, array2[i], this.examtopic.type.ToString(), array[i], text3); if (questionRandom != "") { text3 += ((text3 == "") ? questionRandom : ("," + questionRandom)); } } } this.examtopic.questionlist = text3; this.examtopic.curquestions = FPUtils.SplitInt(this.examtopic.questionlist).Length; SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeSet("questionlist", this.examtopic.questionlist), DbHelper.MakeSet("curquestions", this.examtopic.curquestions), DbHelper.MakeSet("randomsort", ""), DbHelper.MakeSet("randomcount", ""), DbHelper.MakeSet("randoms", 0), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", this.examtopicid) }; DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <ExamTopic>(sqlparams); base.AddMsg("生成随机题目成功!"); this.link = string.Concat(new object[] { "examtopicmanage.aspx?examid=", this.examtopic.examid, "&paper=", this.paper, "&examtopicid=", this.examtopicid }); } } int[] array3 = FPUtils.SplitInt(this.examtopic.randomsort); int[] array4 = FPUtils.SplitInt(this.examtopic.randomcount, ",", array3.Length); for (int i = 0; i < array3.Length; i++) { this.randomlist.Add(array3[i], array4[i]); } SqlParam sqlParam2 = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.In, this.examtopic.questionlist); this.questionlist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <ExamQuestion>(new SqlParam[] { sqlParam2 }); foreach (ExamQuestion examQuestion in this.questionlist) { if (this.curlist.ContainsKey(examQuestion.sortid)) { this.curlist[examQuestion.sortid] = this.curlist[examQuestion.sortid] + 1; } else { this.curlist.Add(examQuestion.sortid, 1); } } base.SaveRightURL(); }
// Token: 0x0600004C RID: 76 RVA: 0x000080D4 File Offset: 0x000062D4 protected override void View() { this.examconfig = ExamConifgs.GetExamConfig(); this.examinfo = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <ExamInfo>(this.examid); if (this.examinfo.id == 0) { this.ShowErr("对不起,该试卷不存在或已被删除。"); } else { this.sortid = this.examinfo.sortid; this.sortinfo = SortBll.GetSortInfo(this.sortid); if (this.ispost) { string @string = FPRequest.GetString("action"); int @int = FPRequest.GetInt("examtopicid"); int int2 = FPRequest.GetInt("tid"); ExamTopic examTopic = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <ExamTopic>(@int); if (@string == "delete") { DbHelper.ExecuteDelete <ExamTopic>(@int); if (this.paper == 1) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.AppendFormat("UPDATE [{0}Exam_ExamInfo] SET [total]=[total]-{1},[questions]=[questions]-{2} WHERE [id]={3}", new object[] { DbConfigs.Prefix, examTopic.perscore * (double)examTopic.questions, examTopic.questions, this.examid }); DbHelper.ExecuteSql(stringBuilder.ToString()); } } else if (@string == "addpaper") { if (this.examinfo.papers == 4) { this.ShowErr("对不起,一场考试最多只能添加4份试卷。"); return; } string text = string.Format("UPDATE [{0}Exam_ExamInfo] SET [papers]=[papers]+1 WHERE [id]={1}", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.examid); DbHelper.ExecuteSql(text); this.paper = this.examinfo.papers + 1; } else if (@string == "delpaper") { if (this.examinfo.papers == 1) { this.ShowErr("对不起,一场考试必须有一份试卷。"); return; } StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.AppendFormat("UPDATE [{0}Exam_ExamInfo] SET [papers]=[papers]-1 WHERE [id]={1}", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.examid); stringBuilder.AppendFormat("DELETE FROM [{0}Exam_ExamTopic] WHERE [examid]={1} AND [paper]={2}", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.examid, this.paper); stringBuilder.AppendFormat("UPDATE [{0}Exam_ExamTopic] SET [paper]=[paper]-1 WHERE [examid]={1} AND [paper]>{2}", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.examid, this.paper); DbHelper.ExecuteSql(stringBuilder.ToString()); this.examinfo.papers = this.examinfo.papers - 1; if (this.paper > this.examinfo.papers) { this.paper = this.examinfo.papers; } List <ExamTopic> examTopicList = ExamBll.GetExamTopicList(this.examid, 1); double num = 0.0; int num2 = 0; foreach (ExamTopic examTopic2 in examTopicList) { num += examTopic2.perscore * (double)examTopic2.questions; num2 += examTopic2.questions; } string sqlstring = string.Format("UPDATE [{0}Exam_ExamInfo] SET [questions]={1},[total]={2} WHERE [id]={3}", new object[] { DbConfigs.Prefix, num2, num, this.examid }); DbHelper.ExecuteSql(sqlstring); } else if (@string == "saveas") { if (this.examinfo.papers == 4) { this.ShowErr("对不起,一场考试最多只能添加4份试卷。"); return; } string text = string.Format("UPDATE [{0}Exam_ExamInfo] SET [papers]=[papers]+1 WHERE [id]={1}", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.examid); DbHelper.ExecuteSql(text); this.examtopiclist = ExamBll.GetExamTopicList(this.examid, this.paper); this.examinfo.papers = this.examinfo.papers + 1; for (int i = 0; i < this.examtopiclist.Count; i++) { this.examtopiclist[i].paper = this.examinfo.papers; DbHelper.ExecuteInsert <ExamTopic>(this.examtopiclist[i]); } } else if (@string == "deletetopic") { string text2 = ""; foreach (int num3 in FPUtils.SplitInt(examTopic.questionlist)) { if (int2 != num3 && num3 > 0) { if (text2 != "") { text2 += ","; } text2 += num3; } } examTopic.questionlist = text2; if (examTopic.questionlist.Length > 0) { examTopic.curquestions = FPUtils.SplitInt(examTopic.questionlist).Length; } else { examTopic.curquestions = 0; } SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeSet("questionlist", examTopic.questionlist), DbHelper.MakeSet("curquestions", examTopic.curquestions), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", @int) }; DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <ExamTopic>(sqlparams); } else if (@string == "display") { this.examtopiclist = ExamBll.GetExamTopicList(this.examid, this.paper); string text = ""; foreach (ExamTopic examTopic3 in this.examtopiclist) { DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); dataTable.Columns.Add("display", typeof(int)); dataTable.Columns.Add("qid", typeof(int)); foreach (int num4 in FPUtils.SplitInt(examTopic3.questionlist)) { DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow(); dataRow["display"] = FPRequest.GetInt("display_" + num4); dataRow["qid"] = num4; dataTable.Rows.Add(dataRow); } string text3 = ""; foreach (DataRow dataRow2 in dataTable.Select("1=1", "display asc")) { if (text3 != "") { text3 += ","; } text3 += dataRow2["qid"].ToString(); } if (text != "") { text += "|"; } text += string.Format("UPDATE [{0}Exam_ExamTopic] SET [questionlist]='{1}' WHERE [id]={2}", DbConfigs.Prefix, text3, examTopic3.id); } DbHelper.ExecuteSql(text); } base.Response.Redirect(this.pagename + string.Format("?examid={0}&paper={1}&examtopicid={2}", this.examid, this.paper, @int)); } this.examtopiclist = ExamBll.GetExamTopicList(this.examid, this.paper); SqlParam[] sqlparams2 = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("examid", this.examid), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("paper", this.paper) }; this.examinfo.questions = FPUtils.StrToInt(DbHelper.ExecuteSum <ExamTopic>("questions", sqlparams2)); base.SaveRightURL(); } }
// Token: 0x06000069 RID: 105 RVA: 0x0000AB4C File Offset: 0x00008D4C protected override void View() { this.examconfig = ExamConifgs.GetExamConfig(); if (this.id > 0) { this.questioninfo = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <ExamQuestion>(this.id); this.sortid = this.questioninfo.sortid; this.type = this.questioninfo.type; this.ascount = this.questioninfo.ascount; if (this.type == 1 || this.type == 2 || this.type == 3) { this.questioninfo.answer = this.questioninfo.answer.ToLower(); } } this.sortinfo = SortBll.GetSortInfo(this.sortid); if (this.examid > 0 && this.examtopicid > 0) { this.reurl = string.Concat(new object[] { "examtopicmanage.aspx?examid=", this.examid, "&examtopicid=", this.examtopicid }); } if (this.examid > 0) { this.reurl = "examtopicmanage.aspx?examid=" + this.examid; } else if (this.examtopicid > 0) { this.reurl = "examtopicselect.aspx?examtopicid=" + this.examtopicid; } else { this.reurl = string.Concat(new object[] { "questionmanage.aspx?sortid=", this.sortid, "&type=", this.backtype }); } if (this.ispost) { this.questioninfo.upperflg = 0; this.questioninfo.orderflg = 0; this.questioninfo.status = 0; this.questioninfo.isclear = 0; this.questioninfo = FPRequest.GetModel <ExamQuestion>(this.questioninfo); if (this.questioninfo.isclear == 1) { this.questioninfo.title = questionadd.GetTextFromHTML(this.questioninfo.title); } this.questioninfo.channelid = this.sortinfo.channelid; if (this.questioninfo.type == 1 || this.questioninfo.type == 2) { this.questioninfo.ascount = FPRequest.GetInt("ascount" + this.questioninfo.type); this.questioninfo.content = ""; for (int i = 0; i < this.questioninfo.ascount; i++) { if (this.questioninfo.content != "") { ExamQuestion examQuestion = this.questioninfo; examQuestion.content += "§"; } if (this.questioninfo.isclear == 1) { ExamQuestion examQuestion2 = this.questioninfo; examQuestion2.content += questionadd.GetTextFromHTML(FPRequest.GetString(string.Concat(new object[] { "option", this.questioninfo.type, "_", i.ToString() }))); } else { ExamQuestion examQuestion3 = this.questioninfo; examQuestion3.content += FPRequest.GetString(string.Concat(new object[] { "option", this.questioninfo.type, "_", i.ToString() })); } } } else if (this.questioninfo.type == 3) { this.questioninfo.ascount = 2; this.questioninfo.content = ""; } else if (this.questioninfo.type == 4) { this.questioninfo.ascount = FPUtils.SplitString(this.questioninfo.answer).Length; this.questioninfo.content = ""; } else if (this.questioninfo.type == 5) { this.questioninfo.ascount = FPUtils.SplitString(this.questioninfo.answerkey).Length; this.questioninfo.content = ""; } this.questioninfo.answer = FPRequest.GetString("answer" + this.questioninfo.type); if (this.questioninfo.id > 0) { DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <ExamQuestion>(this.questioninfo); base.AddMsg("更新试题成功!"); } else { this.questioninfo.uid = this.userid; this.questioninfo.id = DbHelper.ExecuteInsert <ExamQuestion>(this.questioninfo); SortBll.UpdateSortPosts(this.questioninfo.sortid, 1); if (this.examid > 0) { ExamTopic examTopic = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <ExamTopic>(this.examtopicid); if (examTopic.curquestions >= examTopic.questions) { this.ShowErr("该大题题目数已满,不能再添加"); return; } examTopic.questionlist = ((examTopic.questionlist == "") ? this.questioninfo.id.ToString() : (examTopic.questionlist + "," + this.questioninfo.id)); examTopic.curquestions = FPUtils.SplitInt(examTopic.questionlist).Length; SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeSet("questionlist", examTopic.questionlist), DbHelper.MakeSet("curquestions", examTopic.curquestions), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", this.examtopicid) }; DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <ExamTopic>(sqlparams); } base.AddMsg("添加试题成功!"); } if (this.action == "continue") { this.link = string.Format("questionadd.aspx?sortid={0}&examid={1}&examtopicid={2}&type={3}", new object[] { this.sortid, this.examid, this.examtopicid, this.backtype }); } else { this.link = this.reurl; } if (File.Exists(FPUtils.GetMapPath(string.Concat(new object[] { this.webpath, "cache/qtxt_", this.id, ".jpg" })))) { File.Delete(FPUtils.GetMapPath(string.Concat(new object[] { this.webpath, "cache/qtxt_", this.id, ".jpg" }))); } } base.SaveRightURL(); }
// Token: 0x060000B8 RID: 184 RVA: 0x00011E2C File Offset: 0x0001002C protected override void View() { if (this.ispost) { if (!this.isperm) { this.ShowErrMsg("对不起,您没有权限阅卷。"); return; } this.examresult = ExamBll.GetExamResult(this.resultid); if (this.examresult.id == 0) { this.ShowErrMsg("对不起,该考试不存在或已被删除。"); return; } int status = this.examresult.status; this.examresult.status = 2; this.examresult.exnote = FPRequest.GetString("exnote"); if (DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <ExamResult>(this.examresult) <= 0) { this.ShowErrMsg("保存出现错误。"); return; } List <ExamResultTopic> examResultTopicList = ExamBll.GetExamResultTopicList(this.resultid); int num = 0; double score = this.examresult.score; this.examresult.score = 0.0; this.examresult.score1 = 0.0; this.examresult.score2 = 0.0; this.examresult.wrongs = 0; foreach (ExamResultTopic examResultTopic in examResultTopicList) { if (examResultTopic.questions == 0) { num++; } else { int[] array = FPUtils.SplitInt(examResultTopic.questionlist); string[] array2 = FPUtils.SplitString(examResultTopic.answerlist, "§", array.Length); string[] array3 = FPUtils.SplitString(examResultTopic.scorelist, "|", array.Length); examResultTopicList[num].scorelist = ""; examResultTopicList[num].correctlist = ""; examResultTopicList[num].score = 0.0; int num2 = 0; foreach (ExamQuestion examQuestion in QuestionBll.GetQuestionList(examResultTopic.questionlist)) { string a = array2[num2]; if (examResultTopicList[num].scorelist != "") { ExamResultTopic examResultTopic2 = examResultTopicList[num]; examResultTopic2.scorelist += "|"; } double num3 = 0.0; if (examQuestion.type == 1 || examQuestion.type == 2) { num3 = (double)FPRequest.GetFloat("score_" + examQuestion.id); this.examresult.score1 += num3; } else if (examQuestion.type == 3) { num3 = (double)FPRequest.GetFloat("score_" + examQuestion.id); this.examresult.score1 += num3; } else if (examQuestion.type == 4) { num3 = (double)FPRequest.GetFloat("score_" + examQuestion.id); this.examresult.score1 += num3; } else if (examQuestion.type == 5) { num3 = (double)FPRequest.GetFloat("score_" + examQuestion.id); this.examresult.score2 += num3; } else if (examQuestion.type == 6) { num3 = (double)FPRequest.GetFloat("score_" + examQuestion.id); this.examresult.score2 += num3; } this.examresult.score += num3; examResultTopicList[num].score += num3; ExamResultTopic examResultTopic3 = examResultTopicList[num]; examResultTopic3.scorelist += num3.ToString(); if (examResultTopicList[num].correctlist != "") { ExamResultTopic examResultTopic4 = examResultTopicList[num]; examResultTopic4.correctlist += "|"; } bool iswrong = false; if (num3 >= examResultTopic.perscore * 0.6) { ExamResultTopic examResultTopic5 = examResultTopicList[num]; examResultTopic5.correctlist += "1"; } else { ExamResultTopic examResultTopic6 = examResultTopicList[num]; examResultTopic6.correctlist += "0"; examResultTopicList[num].wrongs++; this.examresult.wrongs++; if (a == "") { this.examresult.unanswer++; } iswrong = true; } SortInfo sortInfo = SortBll.GetSortInfo(examQuestion.sortid); ExamBll.UpdateExamLog(sortInfo, this.examresult.uid, examQuestion, iswrong); num2++; } DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <ExamResultTopic>(examResultTopicList[num]); num++; } } ExpInfo examExpByScore = ExamBll.GetExamExpByScore(this.examresult.score, this.examresult.examid); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (status == 0) { stringBuilder.AppendFormat("UPDATE [{0}Exam_ExamResult] SET [score1]={1},[score2]={2},[score]={3},[wrongs]={4},[exp]={5} WHERE [id]={6}|", new object[] { DbConfigs.Prefix, this.examresult.score1, this.examresult.score2, this.examresult.score, this.examresult.wrongs, examExpByScore.exp, this.examresult.id }); stringBuilder.AppendFormat("UPDATE [{0}Exam_ExamInfo] SET [exams]=[exams]+1,[score]=[score]+{1} WHERE [id]={2}", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.examresult.score, this.examresult.examid); } else { stringBuilder.AppendFormat("UPDATE [{0}Exam_ExamResult] SET [score1]={1},[score2]={2},[score]={3},[exp]={4} WHERE [id]={5}|", new object[] { DbConfigs.Prefix, this.examresult.score1, this.examresult.score2, this.examresult.score, examExpByScore.exp, this.examresult.id }); stringBuilder.AppendFormat("UPDATE [{0}Exam_ExamInfo] SET [score]=[score]-{1} WHERE [id]={2}|", DbConfigs.Prefix, score, this.examresult.examid); stringBuilder.AppendFormat("UPDATE [{0}Exam_ExamInfo] SET [score]=[score]+{1} WHERE [id]={2}", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.examresult.score, this.examresult.examid); stringBuilder.AppendFormat("UPDATE [{0}WMS_UserInfo] SET [exp]=[exp]-{1} WHERE [id]={2}", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.examresult.exp, this.examresult.uid); } this.msg = DbHelper.ExecuteSql(stringBuilder.ToString()); UserBll.UpdateUserExp(this.examresult.uid, examExpByScore.exp); if (this.msg != "") { this.ShowErrMsg(this.msg); return; } } Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(); hashtable["error"] = 0; hashtable["message"] = ""; base.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); base.Response.Write(JsonMapper.ToJson(hashtable)); base.Response.End(); }
// Token: 0x060000D6 RID: 214 RVA: 0x00015284 File Offset: 0x00013484 protected override void View() { ExamQuestion examQuestion = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <ExamQuestion>(this.qid); if (examQuestion.id == 0) { this.ShowErrMsg("对不起,该题目不存在或已被删除。"); } SortInfo sortInfo = SortBll.GetSortInfo(examQuestion.sortid); if (sortInfo.id == 0) { this.ShowErrMsg("对不起,该题目题库不存在或已被删除。"); } foreach (int num in FPUtils.SplitInt(sortInfo.parentlist)) { if (num != 0) { ExamLogInfo examLogInfo = ExamBll.GetExamLogInfo(this.userid, num); if (examLogInfo.sortid == 0) { examLogInfo.sortid = examQuestion.sortid; examLogInfo.channelid = examQuestion.channelid; examLogInfo.uid = this.userid; examLogInfo.notes = 1; examLogInfo.notelist = this.qid.ToString(); if (num == sortInfo.id) { examLogInfo.curnotes = 1; } DbHelper.ExecuteInsert <ExamLogInfo>(examLogInfo); } else { if (!FPUtils.InArray(this.qid, examLogInfo.notelist)) { examLogInfo.notes++; ExamLogInfo examLogInfo2 = examLogInfo; examLogInfo2.notelist += ((examLogInfo.notelist == "") ? this.qid.ToString() : ("," + this.qid.ToString())); if (num != sortInfo.id) { examLogInfo.curnotes++; } } DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <ExamLogInfo>(examLogInfo); } } } SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("qid", this.qid), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("uid", this.userid) }; ExamNote examNote = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <ExamNote>(sqlparams); examNote.uid = this.userid; examNote.qid = this.qid; examNote.note = this.note; if (examNote.id > 0) { DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <ExamNote>(examNote); } else { DbHelper.ExecuteInsert <ExamNote>(examNote); } Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(); hashtable["error"] = 0; hashtable["message"] = ""; base.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); base.Response.Write(JsonMapper.ToJson(hashtable)); base.Response.End(); }
// Token: 0x060000CB RID: 203 RVA: 0x0001420C File Offset: 0x0001240C protected override void View() { ExamQuestion examQuestion = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <ExamQuestion>(this.qid); if (examQuestion.id == 0) { this.ShowErrMsg("对不起,该题目不存在或已被删除。"); } SortInfo sortInfo = SortBll.GetSortInfo(examQuestion.sortid); if (this.option == 1) { foreach (int num in FPUtils.SplitInt(sortInfo.parentlist)) { if (num != 0) { ExamLogInfo examLogInfo = ExamBll.GetExamLogInfo(this.userid, num); if (examLogInfo.sortid == 0) { examLogInfo.sortid = examQuestion.sortid; examLogInfo.channelid = examQuestion.channelid; examLogInfo.uid = this.userid; examLogInfo.favs = 1; if (num == sortInfo.id) { examLogInfo.curfavs = 1; } examLogInfo.favlist = this.qid.ToString(); DbHelper.ExecuteInsert <ExamLogInfo>(examLogInfo); } else { examLogInfo.favs++; if (num == sortInfo.id) { examLogInfo.curfavs++; } ExamLogInfo examLogInfo2 = examLogInfo; examLogInfo2.favlist += ((examLogInfo.favlist == "") ? this.qid.ToString() : ("," + this.qid.ToString())); DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <ExamLogInfo>(examLogInfo); } } } } else if (this.option == -1) { foreach (int num in FPUtils.SplitInt(sortInfo.parentlist)) { if (num != 0) { ExamLogInfo examLogInfo = ExamBll.GetExamLogInfo(this.userid, num); if (examLogInfo.sortid != 0) { if (FPUtils.InArray(this.qid, examLogInfo.favlist)) { examLogInfo.favs--; if (num == sortInfo.id) { examLogInfo.curfavs--; } string text = ""; foreach (int num2 in FPUtils.SplitInt(examLogInfo.favlist)) { if (num2 != this.qid) { text += ((text == "") ? num2.ToString() : ("," + num2.ToString())); } } examLogInfo.favlist = text; DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <ExamLogInfo>(examLogInfo); } } } } } Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(); hashtable["error"] = 0; hashtable["message"] = ""; hashtable["action"] = this.option; base.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); base.Response.Write(JsonMapper.ToJson(hashtable)); base.Response.End(); }
// Token: 0x06000084 RID: 132 RVA: 0x0000D2E8 File Offset: 0x0000B4E8 protected override void View() { if (this.ispost) { if (!this.isfile) { this.ShowErr("请选择要导入的本地Excel表文件"); } else { string mapPath = FPUtils.GetMapPath(this.webpath + "cache"); string fileName = Path.GetFileName(FPRequest.Files["uploadfile"].FileName); string a = Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower(); if (a != ".xls") { this.ShowErr("该文件不是Excel表文件类型"); } else { if (!Directory.Exists(mapPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(mapPath); } if (File.Exists(mapPath + "\\" + fileName)) { File.Delete(mapPath + "\\" + fileName); } FPRequest.Files["uploadfile"].SaveAs(mapPath + "\\" + fileName); DataTable excelTable = FPExcel.GetExcelTable(mapPath + "\\" + fileName); string text = ""; string text2 = ""; string text3 = ""; if (excelTable.Rows.Count > 0) { int num = excelTable.Rows.Count - 1; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { DataRow dataRow = excelTable.Rows[num - i]; string text4 = dataRow.ItemArray[0].ToString().Trim(); if (!(text4 == "")) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("username", text4); UserInfo userInfo = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <UserInfo>(new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); if (userInfo.id == 0) { userInfo.username = text4; userInfo.realname = dataRow.ItemArray[1].ToString().Trim(); userInfo.password = FPUtils.MD5(dataRow.ItemArray[2].ToString().Trim()); userInfo.roleid = this.GetRoleId(dataRow.ItemArray[3].ToString().Trim()); userInfo.departid = this.GetDepartId(dataRow.ItemArray[4].ToString().Trim()); userInfo.nickname = dataRow.ItemArray[5].ToString().Trim(); userInfo.id = DbHelper.ExecuteInsert <UserInfo>(userInfo); } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataRow.ItemArray[1].ToString().Trim())) { userInfo.realname = dataRow.ItemArray[1].ToString().Trim(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataRow.ItemArray[2].ToString().Trim())) { userInfo.password = FPUtils.MD5(dataRow.ItemArray[2].ToString().Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataRow.ItemArray[3].ToString().Trim())) { userInfo.roleid = this.GetRoleId(dataRow.ItemArray[3].ToString().Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataRow.ItemArray[4].ToString().Trim())) { userInfo.departid = this.GetDepartId(dataRow.ItemArray[4].ToString().Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataRow.ItemArray[5].ToString().Trim())) { userInfo.nickname = dataRow.ItemArray[5].ToString().Trim(); } DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <UserInfo>(userInfo); } if (text != "") { text += ","; } text += userInfo.id; } } if (File.Exists(mapPath + "\\" + fileName)) { File.Delete(mapPath + "\\" + fileName); } if (text != "") { if (this.examuser != "") { this.examuser += ","; } this.examuser += text; } SqlParam sqlParam2 = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.In, this.examuser); List <UserInfo> list = DbHelper.ExecuteList <UserInfo>(new SqlParam[] { sqlParam2 }); foreach (int num2 in FPUtils.SplitInt(this.examuser)) { foreach (UserInfo userInfo2 in list) { if (num2 == userInfo2.id && !FPUtils.InArray(num2, text3)) { if (text2 != "") { text2 += ","; } if (userInfo2.realname != "") { text2 += userInfo2.realname; } else { text2 += userInfo2.username; } if (text3 != "") { text3 += ","; } text3 += num2; } } } } Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(); hashtable["uname"] = text2; hashtable["examuser"] = text3; base.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); base.Response.Write(JsonMapper.ToJson(hashtable)); base.Response.End(); } } } }
// Token: 0x060000D9 RID: 217 RVA: 0x000155E0 File Offset: 0x000137E0 protected override void View() { this.examconfig = ExamConifgs.GetExamConfig(); this.sortinfo = SortBll.GetSortInfo(this.sortid); if (this.sortinfo.id == 0) { this.ShowErr("对不起,该题库不存在或已被删除。"); } else { SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("sortid", this.sortid), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("uid", this.userid) }; this.examloginfo = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <ExamLogInfo>(sqlparams); if (this.examloginfo.sortid != 0) { this.channelid = this.examloginfo.channelid; this.examloginfo.questions = this.sortinfo.posts; this.examloglist = ExamBll.GetExamLogList(this.channelid, this.userid); string text = ""; if (this.action == "wrong") { this.pagenav = string.Concat(new object[] { "错题(", this.sortinfo.name, ")共", this.examloginfo.wrongs, "道题目" }); text = this.examloginfo.wronglist; } else if (this.action == "note") { this.pagenav = string.Concat(new object[] { "笔记(", this.sortinfo.name, ")共", this.examloginfo.notes, "道题目" }); text = this.examloginfo.notelist; } else if (this.action == "fav") { this.pagenav = string.Concat(new object[] { "收藏(", this.sortinfo.name, ")共", this.examloginfo.favs, "道题目" }); text = this.examloginfo.favlist; } if (text != "") { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.In, text); OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("type", OrderBy.ASC); this.questionlist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <ExamQuestion>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); SqlParam[] sqlparams2 = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("qid", WhereType.In, text), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("uid", this.userid) }; List <ExamNote> list = DbHelper.ExecuteList <ExamNote>(sqlparams2); for (int i = 0; i < this.questionlist.Count; i++) { if (FPUtils.InArray(this.questionlist[i].id, this.examloginfo.favlist)) { this.questionlist[i].isfav = 1; } foreach (ExamNote examNote in list) { if (examNote.qid == this.questionlist[i].id) { this.questionlist[i].note = examNote.note; } } if (this.examloglist.ContainsKey(this.questionlist[i].sortid)) { ExamLogInfo examLogInfo = this.examloglist[this.questionlist[i].sortid]; if (FPUtils.InArray(this.questionlist[i].id, examLogInfo.qidlist)) { int[] array = FPUtils.SplitInt(examLogInfo.qidlist); string[] array2 = FPUtils.SplitString(examLogInfo.optionlist, "|", array.Length); string[] array3 = FPUtils.SplitString(examLogInfo.answerlist, "§", array.Length); for (int j = 0; j < array.Length; j++) { if (array[j] == this.questionlist[i].id) { this.questionlist[i].useranswer = array3[j]; this.questionlist[i].optionlist = array2[j]; this.questionlist[i].answer = this.OptionAnswer(array2[j], this.questionlist[i].answer); } } } } } } } } }