Exemple #1
        void Start()
            interactionManager = FPEInteractionManagerScript.Instance;
            myDebugText        = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>();

            if (!myDebugText)
                Debug.Log("FirstPersonInteractableDebugger cannot find myDebugText child object!");
Exemple #2
        public virtual void Start()
            interactionManager = FPEInteractionManagerScript.Instance;

            if (!interactionManager)
                Debug.LogError("FPEInteractableBaseScript:: Cannot find FPE Interaction Manager! Is there an FPECore prefab in your scene?");

                // Without this, it is possible that a complex scene that is missing an FPECore can print a lot of errors to the console on loop, making it hard to read the console and debug.
                UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying = false;