		 * Converts an native job specification to a managed version.
		 * @param Specification	Native job specification (may be empty)
		 * @param bIs64bit		Whether the job specification is 64-bit or not
		 * @return				Newly created managed job specification, or null if the specification was empty
		AgentJobSpecification ConvertJobSpecification(ref FJobSpecification Specification, bool bIs64bit)
			if (Specification.ExecutableName == null)
				return null;
				// Convert the parameters from native to managed
				String ExecutableName = Specification.ExecutableName;
				String Parameters = Specification.Parameters;
				EJobTaskFlags Flags = (EJobTaskFlags)((Specification.Flags & ~EJobTaskFlags.FLAG_64BIT) | (bIs64bit ? EJobTaskFlags.FLAG_64BIT : 0));

				List<String> RequiredDependencies = null;
				if (Specification.RequiredDependencyCount > 0)
					RequiredDependencies = new List<String>();
					for (UInt32 i = 0; i < Specification.RequiredDependencyCount; i++)
				List<String> OptionalDependencies = null;
				if (Specification.OptionalDependencyCount > 0)
					OptionalDependencies = new List<String>();
					for (UInt32 i = 0; i < Specification.OptionalDependencyCount; i++)

				return new AgentJobSpecification(ConnectionConfiguration.AgentJobGuid, (EJobTaskFlags)Flags, ExecutableName, Parameters, RequiredDependencies, OptionalDependencies);
		static FJobSpecification MarshalJobSpecification(IntPtr SpecificationPtr)
			FJobSpecificationMarshalHelper Helper = (FJobSpecificationMarshalHelper)Marshal.PtrToStructure(SpecificationPtr, typeof(FJobSpecificationMarshalHelper));

			FJobSpecification Specification = new FJobSpecification();
			Specification.ExecutableName = FStringMarshaler.MarshalNativeToManaged(Helper.ExecutableName);
			Specification.Parameters = FStringMarshaler.MarshalNativeToManaged(Helper.Parameters);
			Specification.Flags = Helper.Flags;

			Specification.RequiredDependencyCount = Helper.RequiredDependencyCount;
			Specification.RequiredDependencies = new String[Specification.RequiredDependencyCount];
			for (UInt32 Index = 0; Index < Specification.RequiredDependencyCount; Index++)
				Specification.RequiredDependencies[Index] = FStringMarshaler.MarshalNativeToManaged(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(Helper.RequiredDependencies, (Int32)Index * 8));

			Specification.OptionalDependencyCount = Helper.OptionalDependencyCount;
			Specification.OptionalDependencies = new String[Specification.OptionalDependencyCount];
			for (UInt32 Index = 0; Index < Specification.OptionalDependencyCount; Index++)
				Specification.OptionalDependencies[Index] = FStringMarshaler.MarshalNativeToManaged(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(Helper.OptionalDependencies, (Int32)Index * 8));

			Specification.DescriptionCount = Helper.DescriptionCount;
			Specification.DescriptionKeys = new String[Specification.DescriptionCount];
			Specification.DescriptionValues = new String[Specification.DescriptionCount];
			for (UInt32 Index = 0; Index < Specification.DescriptionCount; Index++)
				Specification.DescriptionKeys[Index] = FStringMarshaler.MarshalNativeToManaged(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(Helper.DescriptionKeys, (Int32)Index * 8));
				Specification.DescriptionValues[Index] = FStringMarshaler.MarshalNativeToManaged(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(Helper.DescriptionValues, (Int32)Index * 8));

			return Specification;
		 * Begins a Job specification, which allows a series of Tasks to be specified
		 * via AddTask. When Tasks are done being specified, call EndJobSpecification.
		 * The default behavior will be to execute the Job executable with the
		 * specified parameters. If Tasks are added for the Job, they are expected
		 * to be requested by the executable run for the Job. If no Tasks are added
		 * for the Job, it is expected that the Job executable will perform its
		 * operations without additional Task input from Swarm.
		 * @param Specification32 A structure describing a new 32-bit Job (can be an empty specification)
		 * @param Specification64 A structure describing a new 64-bit Job (can be an empty specification)
		 * @return Int32 Error code (< 0 is an error)
		public virtual Int32 BeginJobSpecification(FJobSpecification Specification32, FJobSpecification Specification64)
			StartTiming("BeginJobSpecification-Managed", true );

			Int32 ReturnValue = Constants.INVALID;
			if (Connection != null)
				if (ConnectionConfiguration.AgentJobGuid != null)
					// Convert the specifications from native to managed
					AgentJobSpecification NewSpecification32 = ConvertJobSpecification(ref Specification32, false);
					AgentJobSpecification NewSpecification64 = ConvertJobSpecification(ref Specification64, true);

					// Ensure all the files are in the cache with the right cache compatible name
					if (NewSpecification32 != null)
						ReturnValue = CacheAllFiles(NewSpecification32);
					if (NewSpecification64 != null && (NewSpecification32 == null || ReturnValue < 0))
						ReturnValue = CacheAllFiles(NewSpecification64);

					if (ReturnValue >= 0)
						// Pack up the optional descriptions into Hashtables and pass them along
						UInt32 DescriptionIndex;
						Hashtable NewDescription32 = null;
						Hashtable NewDescription64 = null;
						// 32-bit specification description 
						if (Specification32.DescriptionCount > 0)
								NewDescription32 = new Hashtable();
								NewDescription32["Version"] = ESwarmVersionValue.VER_1_0;
								for (DescriptionIndex = 0; DescriptionIndex < Specification32.DescriptionCount; DescriptionIndex++)
									String NewKey = Specification32.DescriptionKeys[DescriptionIndex];
									String NewValue = Specification32.DescriptionValues[DescriptionIndex];
									NewDescription32[NewKey] = NewValue;
							catch (Exception Ex)
								// Failed to transfer optional description, log and continue
								Log(EVerbosityLevel.Critical, ELogColour.Red, "[Interface:BeginJobSpecification] Error with Specification32 Description: " + Ex.Message);
								NewDescription32 = null;
						// 64-bit specification description 
						if (Specification64.DescriptionCount > 0)
								NewDescription64 = new Hashtable();
								NewDescription64["Version"] = ESwarmVersionValue.VER_1_0;
								for (DescriptionIndex = 0; DescriptionIndex < Specification64.DescriptionCount; DescriptionIndex++)
									String NewKey = Specification64.DescriptionKeys[DescriptionIndex];
									String NewValue = Specification64.DescriptionValues[DescriptionIndex];
									NewDescription64[NewKey] = NewValue;
							catch (Exception Ex)
								// Failed to transfer optional description, log and continue
								Log(EVerbosityLevel.Critical, ELogColour.Red, "[Interface:BeginJobSpecification] Error with Specification64 Description: " + Ex.Message);
								NewDescription64 = null;

						StartTiming("BeginJobSpecification-Remote", false);
							ReturnValue = Connection.BeginJobSpecification(ConnectionHandle, NewSpecification32, NewDescription32, NewSpecification64, NewDescription64);
						catch (Exception Ex)
							Log(EVerbosityLevel.Critical, ELogColour.Red, "[Interface:BeginJobSpecification] Error: " + Ex.Message);
							ReturnValue = Constants.ERROR_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED;
					ReturnValue = Constants.ERROR_JOB_NOT_FOUND;
				ReturnValue = Constants.ERROR_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND;

			return ReturnValue;