public static void DeleteComment(Guid commentKey)
            using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
                db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
                var comment = db.Comments
                    .SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key == commentKey);

                List<CommentLike> commentLikesToDelete = new List<CommentLike>();

                foreach (CommentLike like in comment.CommentLikes)

                foreach (var item in commentLikesToDelete)

Exemple #2
 public static void Remove(User entity)
     using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
        public static OrganizationAccount FindBy(Guid key)
            OrganizationAccount organizationAccountFound = new OrganizationAccount();
              //  ContentStream contentStreamFound = null;
            using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
               var result = (from organizationAccount in db.OrganizationAccounts
                                            where organizationAccount.Key == key
                                            select organizationAccount).FirstOrDefault();

                //contentStreamFound = (from cs in db.ContentStreams
                //                               .Include("Posts.Author")
                //                                .Include("Posts.Comments.Author")
                //                      where cs.Owner.ReferenceKey == organizationAccountFound.Key
                //                      select cs).FirstOrDefault();

                //if (organizationAccountFound != null)
                //    if (contentStreamFound != null)
                //    {
                //        organizationAccountFound.Wall = contentStreamFound;
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        ContentStream emptyWall = new ContentStream();
                //        emptyWall.Posts = new List<Post>();
                //        organizationAccountFound.Wall = emptyWall;
                //    }
                //    return null;
                organizationAccountFound.Key = result.Key;
                organizationAccountFound.Name = result.Name;
                organizationAccountFound.Organization = result.Organization;
                organizationAccountFound.Description = result.Description;
                organizationAccountFound.Location = result.Location;
                organizationAccountFound.PartnershipsReceived = new List<PartnershipStateInfo>();
                organizationAccountFound.PartnershipsRequested = new List<PartnershipStateInfo>();
                organizationAccountFound.AllianceMemberships = new List<AllianceMembershipStateInfo>();
                organizationAccountFound.Wall = new ContentStream();
                organizationAccountFound.Wall.Posts = new List<Post>();
                return organizationAccountFound;
Exemple #4
 public static Byte[] GetProfilePictureByUserKey(Guid key)
     Byte[] foundPicture = null;
     using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
         foundPicture = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == key).ProfilePicture;
         return foundPicture;
Exemple #5
 public static User FindBy(Guid key)
     User foundUser = null;
     using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
         foundUser = db.Users.Single(x => x.Key == key);
         return foundUser;
        public static byte[] GetHeaderPictureByOrganizationKey(Guid key)
            byte[] result = null;
            using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
                result = db.Organizations.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key == key).HeaderPicture;

                return result;
Exemple #7
 public static IEnumerable<User> FindAll()
     IEnumerable<User> result = null;
     using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
         result = from user in db.Users
                      select user;
         return result;
        public static IEnumerable<Organization> FindAll()
            IEnumerable<Organization> result = null;
            using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
                result = from organizations in db.Organizations
                         select organizations;

                return result;
Exemple #9
 public static IEnumerable<UserAccount> GetAllAccountsByUserKey(Guid key)
     IEnumerable<UserAccount> results = null;
     using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
         results = from userAccounts in db.UserAccounts
                   where userAccounts.User.Key == key
                   select userAccounts;
         return results;
 public static IEnumerable<Alliance> FindAll()
     IEnumerable<Alliance> results = null;
     using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
         results = from alliances in db.Alliances
                       select alliances;
         return results;
        //public static Boolean isPotentiallyRelatedWithThisViewerAsOrganization(string userAccountEmail)
        //    return true;
        public static IEnumerable<OrganizationAccount> FindAll()
            IEnumerable<OrganizationAccount> result = null;

            using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
                result = from organizationAccount in db.OrganizationAccounts
                         select organizationAccount;

                return result.ToList();
Exemple #12
 public static IEnumerable<Group> FindAll()
     IEnumerable<Group> results = null;
     using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
         results = from g in db.Groups
                       select g;
         return results;
        public static Organization FindBy(Guid key)
            Organization result = null;
            using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
                result = (from organization in db.Organizations
                          where organization.Key == key
                          select organization).FirstOrDefault();

                return result;
        public static Alliance FindBy(Guid key)
            Alliance allianceFound = new Alliance();
               // ContentStream contentStreamFound = null;
            using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
                                            //                .Include("Wall.Posts.Author.User")
                var result = (from alliance in db.Alliances
                                     where alliance.Key == key
                                     select alliance).FirstOrDefault();

                //contentStreamFound = (from cs in db.ContentStreams
                //                                                .Include("Posts.Author")
                //                                                .Include("Posts.PostLikes")
                //                                                .Include("Posts.Comments.Author")
                //                                                .Include("Posts.Comments.CommentLikes")
                //                                                where cs.Owner.ReferenceKey == allianceFound.Key
                //                                                select cs).FirstOrDefault();

                //if (contentStreamFound != null)
                //    var newPostList = contentStreamFound.Posts.OrderByDescending(x => x.PublishDateTime).ToList();
                //    foreach (var post in newPostList)
                //    {
                //        var newCommentList = post.Comments.OrderBy(x => x.PublishDateTime).ToList();
                //        post.Comments = newCommentList;
                //    }
                //    contentStreamFound.Posts = newPostList;
                //    contentStreamFound = new ContentStream();
                //    contentStreamFound.Posts = new List<Post>();

               // allianceFound.Wall = contentStreamFound;

                allianceFound.Key = result.Key;
                allianceFound.Name = result.Name;
                allianceFound.Description = result.Description;

                allianceFound.AllianceMemberships = result.AllianceMemberships;

                return allianceFound;
        public static void DeletePost(Guid  postKey)
            using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
              //  db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
                var post = db.Posts
                    .SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key == postKey);

                List<CommentLike> commentLikesToDelete = new List<CommentLike>();
                List<Comment> commentsToDelete = new List<Comment>();
                List<PostLike> postLikesToDelete = new List<PostLike>();

                foreach (Comment comment in post.Comments)
                    foreach (CommentLike like in comment.CommentLikes)
                foreach (PostLike like in post.PostLikes)

                foreach (var item in commentLikesToDelete)

                foreach (var item in commentsToDelete)

                foreach (var item in postLikesToDelete)


Exemple #16
        public static Group FindBy(Guid key)
            Group groupFound = new Group() ;
            //ContentStream contentStreamFound = new ContentStream();
            //contentStreamFound.Posts = new List<Post>();

            using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
                var result = (from g in db.Groups
                              where g.Key == key
                              select g).FirstOrDefault();
                //contentStreamFound = (from cs in db.ContentStreams
                //                                    .Include("Posts.Author")
                //                                    .Include("Posts.PostLikes")
                //                                    .Include("Posts.Comments.Author")
                //                                    .Include("Posts.Comments.CommentLikes")
                //                      where cs.Owner.ReferenceKey  == groupFound.Key
                //                      select cs).FirstOrDefault();

                //if (contentStreamFound != null)
                //    var newPostList = contentStreamFound.Posts.OrderByDescending(x => x.PublishDateTime).ToList();
                //    foreach (var post in newPostList)
                //    {
                //        var newCommentList = post.Comments.OrderBy(x => x.PublishDateTime).ToList();
                //        post.Comments = newCommentList;
                //    }
                //    contentStreamFound.Posts = newPostList;
                //    contentStreamFound = new ContentStream();
                //    contentStreamFound.Posts = new List<Post>();
                //groupFound.Wall = contentStreamFound;
                groupFound.Key = result.Key;
                groupFound.Name = result.Name;
                groupFound.Description = result.Description;
                groupFound.GroupMemberships = result.GroupMemberships;
                return groupFound;
        public static SystemAuthenticationToken AttemptAuthentication(string email, string password)
            if (UserAlreadyExists(email))
                SystemAccount result = null;
                using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
                    result = db.SystemAccounts
                                            .Single(x => x.Email == email);

                    if (result.Password == password)

                        SystemAuthenticationToken token = new SystemAuthenticationToken();
                        token.IsAuthenticated = true;
                        CompleteProfile completeProfile = new CompleteProfile();
                        completeProfile.BasicProfile = result.Holder;

                            case AccountType.UserAccount :
                                  var ua = db.UserAccounts
                                                        .SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key == result.Holder.ReferenceKey);
                                  completeProfile.FullName = ua.User.FirstName + " " + ua.User.LastName;
                                  completeProfile.Description1 = ua.OrganizationAccount.Name;
                                  completeProfile.Description2 = ua.OrganizationAccount.Organization.Name;
                            case AccountType.OrganizationAccount:
                                var oa = db.OrganizationAccounts
                                               .SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key == result.Holder.ReferenceKey);
                                completeProfile.FullName = oa.Name;
                                completeProfile.Description1 = oa.Description;
                                  completeProfile.Description2 = oa.Organization.Name;


                        token.MyProfile = completeProfile;
                        token.Email = email;
                        token.LastSuccesfulLogin = DateTime.Now;
                        //register the new check
                        //result.LastCheck = DateTime.Now;
                        return token;
                        SystemAuthenticationToken token = new SystemAuthenticationToken() { Email = email, IsAuthenticated = false };
                        return token;

                SystemAuthenticationToken token = new SystemAuthenticationToken() { Email = email, IsAuthenticated = false };
                return token;
        //private FHNWPrototypeDB db = null;
        //public SecurityRepository()
        //    //db = new FHNWPrototypeDB();
        public static CompleteProfile GetCompleteProfileFromUserEmail(string userEmail)
            CompleteProfile result = new CompleteProfile();
            result.BasicProfile = new BasicProfile();

            using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
                BasicProfile  profile = db.SystemAccounts.Include("Holder").FirstOrDefault(x => x.Email == userEmail).Holder;

                if (profile.ReferenceType == AccountType.UserAccount)
                    var ua = db.UserAccounts
                                            .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == profile.ReferenceKey);
                    result.BasicProfile.ReferenceKey = ua.Key;
                    result.BasicProfile.ReferenceType = AccountType.UserAccount;
                    result.FullName = ua.User.FirstName + " " + ua.User.LastName;
                    result.Description1 = ua.OrganizationAccount.Name;
                    result.Description2 = ua.OrganizationAccount.Organization.Name;
                if (profile.ReferenceType == AccountType.OrganizationAccount)
                    var oa = db.OrganizationAccounts
                                                    .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == profile.ReferenceKey);
                    result.BasicProfile.ReferenceKey = oa.Key;
                    result.BasicProfile.ReferenceType = AccountType.OrganizationAccount;
                    result.FullName = oa.Name;
                    result.Description1 = oa.Description;
                    result.Description2 = oa.Organization.Name;

                return result;

 public static void RegisterLastCheck(BasicProfile profile)
     using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
         var account = db.SystemAccounts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Holder.ReferenceKey == profile.ReferenceKey);
         account.LastCheck = DateTime.Now;
 public static IEnumerable<AllianceMembershipStateInfo> GetAllAllianceMembershipsByAllianceKey(Guid key)
     IEnumerable<AllianceMembershipStateInfo> results = null;
     using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
         results = from membership in db.AllianceMemberships
                       where membership.AllianceRequested.Key == key
                       select membership;
         return results;
 public static byte[] GetProfilePictureByAllianceKey(Guid key)
     byte[] results = null;
     using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
         results = db.Alliances.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == key).ProfilePicture;
         return results;
 public static void DeleteRetweet(Guid  retweetKey)
     using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
         db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
         var retweet = db.Retweets
             .SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key == retweetKey );
         retweet.Tweet = null;
        public static int UnLikePost(Guid AuthorUserAccountKey, Guid postKey)
            using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
                var thisPost = db.Posts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == postKey);
                var author = db.UserAccounts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == AuthorUserAccountKey);
                var unlike = db.PostLikes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Post.Key == postKey && x.Author.ReferenceKey == AuthorUserAccountKey);


                return thisPost.PostLikes.Count;
        public static int UnLikeComment(Guid AuthorKey, Guid commentKey)
            using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
                var thisComment = db.Comments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == commentKey);
                //var author = db.BasicProfiles.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ReferenceKey  == AuthorKey);
                var unlike = db.CommentLikes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Comment.Key == commentKey && x.Author.ReferenceKey == AuthorKey);

                return thisComment.CommentLikes.Count;
        public static Guid SubmitNewTweet(Guid AuthorKey, Guid wallOwnerReferenceKey, string text)
            using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
                Guid newGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
                var wall = db.ContentStreams
                    .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Owner.ReferenceKey == wallOwnerReferenceKey);
                var author = db.BasicProfiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ReferenceKey == AuthorKey);

                Tweet newTweet = new Tweet();
                newTweet.Author = author;
                newTweet.Key = newGuid;
                newTweet.PublishDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                newTweet.Text = text;
                newTweet.Wall = wall;


                var hashtag = text.Substring(0,text.IndexOf(" "));
                var tag = db.Tags.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.Name==hashtag);
                var suscriptions = db.Suscriptions.Where(x=>x.ReferencePoint==tag.Key).ToList();

                //suscribe the author to receive notifications from this post, from now on
                //Suscription thisSuscription = new Suscription { Key = Guid.NewGuid(), Type = SuscriptionType.TweetOnTagIBelong, Suscriber = author, ReferencePoint = newGuid };


                //register the event of liking the post
                if (AuthorKey != wallOwnerReferenceKey)
                    Event thisEvent = new Event { Key = Guid.NewGuid(), PostOrComment = newGuid, Type = EventType.LikedMyPost, TriggeredBy = author, TriggeredOn = DateTime.Now };


                    Notification notification = new Notification { Key = Guid.NewGuid(), Event = thisEvent, NotifiedTo = wall.Owner };


                return newGuid;
 public static bool UserAlreadyExists(string email)
     Boolean result=false ;
     using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
         if (db.SystemAccounts.Count(x => x.Email == email) > 0)
             result = true;
         return result;
        public static void RegisterNewSystemAccount(string email, string password, bool isCorporateAccount)
            if (!UserAlreadyExists(email))
                SystemAccount newAccount = new SystemAccount();
                newAccount.Email = email;
                newAccount.Password = password;
                //newAccount.Key = Guid.NewGuid();
               // newAccount.IsConfirmed = true;
                Guid newRecordGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
                if (isCorporateAccount)
                    BasicProfile basicProfile = new BasicProfile() { ReferenceKey = newRecordGuid, ReferenceType = AccountType.OrganizationAccount };
                  //  CompleteProfile completeProfile = new CompleteProfile { BasicProfile=basicProfile  };
                    OrganizationAccount newOrganizationAccount = new OrganizationAccount() { Key=newRecordGuid, Name="OrganizationAccount" };
                    newAccount.Holder = basicProfile ;
                    using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())

                    BasicProfile basicProfile = new BasicProfile() { ReferenceKey = newRecordGuid, ReferenceType = AccountType.UserAccount  };
                   // CompleteProfile completeProfile = new CompleteProfile { BasicProfile=basicProfile  };
                    UserAccount newUserAccount = new UserAccount() { Key=newRecordGuid };
                    newAccount.Holder = basicProfile ;
                    using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())

               // newAccount.IsCorporateAccount = isCorporateAccount;
               // newAccount.CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now;

        public static Guid SubmitNewPost(Guid AuthorKey, Guid wallOwnerReferenceKey, string text)
            using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
                Guid newGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
                var wall = db.ContentStreams
                    .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Owner.ReferenceKey == wallOwnerReferenceKey);
                var author = db.BasicProfiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ReferenceKey == AuthorKey);

                Post newPost = new Post();
                newPost.Author = author;
                newPost.Key = newGuid;
                newPost.PublishDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                newPost.Text = text;
                newPost.Wall = wall;


                Suscription thisSuscription = null;
                Suscription thisSuscription2 = null;
                Event thisEvent = null;
                Notification notification = null;

                //suscribe the author to receive notifications from this post, from now on
                if (AuthorKey != wallOwnerReferenceKey)
                    thisSuscription = new Suscription { Key = Guid.NewGuid(), Type = SuscriptionType.MyPost  , Suscriber = author, ReferencePoint = newGuid };
                    thisSuscription2 = new Suscription { Key = Guid.NewGuid(), Type = SuscriptionType.PostOnMyWall , Suscriber = wall.Owner, ReferencePoint = newGuid };


                    //register the event of liking the post

                    thisEvent = new Event { Key = Guid.NewGuid(), PostOrComment = newGuid, Type = EventType.NewPostOnMyWall , TriggeredBy = author, TriggeredOn = DateTime.Now };


                    //dont notify if its yourself

                    notification = new Notification { Key = Guid.NewGuid(), Event = thisEvent, NotifiedTo = wall.Owner };


                return newGuid;
        public static CompleteProfile GetCompleteProfile(BasicProfile profile)
            CompleteProfile  result = new CompleteProfile();
            BasicProfile basicProfile = new BasicProfile();
            using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
                if (profile.ReferenceType == AccountType.UserAccount)
                    var ua = db.UserAccounts
                                            .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == profile.ReferenceKey);
                    result.BasicProfile.ReferenceKey = ua.Key;
                    result.BasicProfile.ReferenceType = AccountType.UserAccount;
                    result.FullName = ua.User.FirstName + " " + ua.User.LastName;
                    result.Description1 = ua.OrganizationAccount.Name;
                    result.Description2 = ua.OrganizationAccount.Organization.Name;
                if (profile.ReferenceType == AccountType.OrganizationAccount)
                    var oa = db.OrganizationAccounts
                                                    .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == profile.ReferenceKey);
                    result.BasicProfile.ReferenceKey = oa.Key;
                    result.BasicProfile.ReferenceType = AccountType.OrganizationAccount;
                    result.FullName = oa.Name;
                    result.Description1 = oa.Description;
                    result.Description2 = oa.Organization.Name;
                if (profile.ReferenceType == AccountType.Group )
                    var g = db.Groups.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == profile.ReferenceKey);
                    result.BasicProfile.ReferenceKey = g.Key;
                    result.BasicProfile.ReferenceType = AccountType.Group;
                    result.FullName = g.Name;
                    result.Description1 = g.Description;
                    result.Description2 = g.Description;
                if (profile.ReferenceType == AccountType.Alliance )
                    var al = db.Groups.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == profile.ReferenceKey);
                    result.BasicProfile.ReferenceKey = al.Key;
                    result.BasicProfile.ReferenceType = AccountType.Alliance;
                    result.FullName = al.Name;
                    result.Description1 = al.Description;
                    result.Description2 = al.Description;

            return result;
        public static Guid SubmitNewRetweet(Guid AuthorKey, Guid tweetKey)
            using (var db = new FHNWPrototypeDB())
                Guid newGuid = Guid.NewGuid();

                var wall = db.ContentStreams.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Owner.ReferenceKey == AuthorKey);

                var tweet = db.Tweets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == tweetKey);
                // var author = db.UserAccounts.Single(x => x.Key == AuthorKey);
                var author = db.BasicProfiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ReferenceKey == AuthorKey);

                Retweet newRetweet = new Retweet();
                newRetweet.Author = author;
                newRetweet.Key = newGuid;
                newRetweet.PublishDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                newRetweet.Tweet = tweet;
                newRetweet.Wall = wall;

                return newGuid;