public virtual void AddParserItem(FF_FlowInitiation flowInitiation, int gmuId, int appId, IFFParser parser, FFTgtParseBufferHandler action)
            using (ILogMethod method = Log.LogMethod("FFParserDictionary", "AddTargetParser"))
                    FFParserItem item = null;

                    if (!this.ContainsKey(gmuId))
                        this.Add(gmuId, (item = new FFParserItem()));
                        item = this[gmuId];

                    item.GmuId = gmuId;
                    item.AppId = appId;

                    FFParserItemInfo itemInfo = item[flowInitiation];
                    itemInfo.Parser = parser;
                    itemInfo.Action = action;
                catch (Exception ex)
        protected override IFreeformEntity ParseBufferInternal(IFreeformEntity parent, IFreeformEntity rootEntity, ref IFreeformEntity entity, byte[] buffer, int offset, int length)
            if (length == 0)
            int sessionId = -1;

            if (buffer != null)
                if (length < 0)
                    length = buffer.Length;
                bool hasSubTargets = this.HasSubTargets;

                while (offset < length)
                    int    id         = buffer[offset];
                    int    combinedId = id;
                    byte   length2    = 0;
                    byte[] buffer2    = null;

                    if (rootEntity != null &&
                        rootEntity is IFreeformEntity_Msg)
                        combinedId = rootEntity.CreateCombinedId(id, false);

                    if (HasSubTargets)
                        length2 = buffer[++offset]; // we may get zero length buffer
                        if (length2 > 0)
                            buffer2 = new byte[length2];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, ++offset, buffer2, 0, buffer2.Length);
                            offset += 1;
                        buffer2 = new byte[buffer.Length - 1];
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, ++offset, buffer2, 0, buffer2.Length);

                    if (buffer2 != null)
                        IFreeformEntity_MsgTgt target    = null;
                        bool         isSecured           = false;
                        bool         isResponseRequired  = false;
                        bool         isResponseRequired2 = false;
                        FFParserItem parserItem          = this.GetParserItem(rootEntity, id);
                        int          appId = id;

                        // not found, then try it with combined id
                        if (parserItem == null)
                            parserItem = this.GetParserItem(rootEntity, combinedId);

                        // found
                        if (parserItem != null)
                            // check if response required
                            id = id.GetRequestResponseId(out isResponseRequired);

                            // check if the packet is secured
                            appId = parserItem.AppId.GetRequestResponseId(out isResponseRequired2);

                            FFTgtParseBufferHandler action = parserItem[this.FlowInitiation].Action;
                            if (action != null)
                                target = action(parent as IFreeformEntity_MsgTgt, id, length2, buffer2);
                                IFFParser parser = parserItem.GetParser(this.FlowInitiation);
                                if (parser != null)
                                    target = parser.ParseBuffer(rootEntity, appId, buffer2) as IFreeformEntity_MsgTgt;

                        // secured target
                        if (target is FFTgt_B2B_Encrypted)
                            rootEntity.EncryptedTarget = target;
                            isSecured = true;

                        entity = target;
                        if (target != null)
                            target.TargetID           = appId;
                            target.TargetLength       = length2;
                            target.EntityData         = buffer2;
                            target.IsSecured          = isSecured;
                            target.IsResponseRequired = isResponseRequired;
                            if (parent != null)
                            if (target is IFreeformEntity_MsgTgt_Primary &&
                                rootEntity != null)
                                rootEntity.EntityPrimaryTarget = target;

                    if (hasSubTargets)
                        offset += length2;

        public virtual void AddBufferEntityParser(int gmuId, int appId, IFFParser parser, FFTgtParseBufferHandler action)
            using (ILogMethod method = Log.LogMethod(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "AddBufferEntityParser"))
                    FF_FlowInitiation flowDirection = this.FlowInitiation;
                    if (_subParsers == null)
                        _subParsers = new FFParserDictionary();
                    if (_parserMappings == null)
                        _parserMappings = new IntDictionary <int>();

                    if (parser != null && parser.FlowInitiation != FF_FlowInitiation.Any)
                        flowDirection = parser.FlowInitiation;

                    _subParsers.AddParserItem(flowDirection, gmuId, appId, parser, action);
                    if (appId != -1 &&
                        _parserMappings.Add(appId, gmuId);
                catch (Exception ex)
 public virtual void AddBufferEntityParser(int gmuId, int appId, FFTgtParseBufferHandler action)
     this.AddBufferEntityParser(gmuId, appId, null, action);
        public virtual void AddBufferEntityParser(Type gmuIdEnum, Type appIdEnum, IFFParser parser, FFTgtParseBufferHandler action)
            using (ILogMethod method = Log.LogMethod(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "AddBufferEntityParser"))
                    //Array gmuIdValues = Enum.GetValues(gmuIdEnum);
                    //Array appIdValues = Enum.GetValues(appIdEnum);

                    //if (gmuIdValues.Length == appIdValues.Length)
                    //    for (int i = 0; i < gmuIdValues.Length; i++)
                    //    {
                    //        this.AddBufferEntityParser((int)gmuIdValues.GetValue(i), (int)appIdValues.GetValue(i), parser, action);
                    //    }
                    string[] gmuIdNames = Enum.GetNames(gmuIdEnum);
                    foreach (var gmuIdName in gmuIdNames)
                            object gmuIdValue = Enum.Parse(gmuIdEnum, gmuIdName, true);
                            object appIdValue = Enum.Parse(appIdEnum, gmuIdName, true);
                            this.AddBufferEntityParser((int)gmuIdValue, (int)appIdValue, parser, action);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            method.InfoV("::: ENUM ERROR : Unable to convert from ({0}) to ({1})", gmuIdEnum.FullName, appIdEnum.FullName);
                catch (Exception ex)
 public virtual void AddBufferEntityParser(Type gmuIdEnum, Type appIdEnum, FFTgtParseBufferHandler action)
     this.AddBufferEntityParser(gmuIdEnum, appIdEnum, null, action);