public static GUIStyle Style(Color bgColor, int off = -1)
            GUIStyle newStyle = new GUIStyle(;

            if (off < 0)
                if (Screen.dpi != 120)
                    newStyle.border = new RectOffset(off, off, off, off);
                else if (FEditor_OneShotLog.CanDrawLog("dpi"))
                    Debug.Log("<b>[HEY! UNITY DEVELOPER!]</b> It seems you have setted up incorrect DPI settings for unity editor. Check <b>Unity.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Change DPI Settings -> Replace Scaling -> System / System (Upgraded)</b> And restart Unity Editor.");
                newStyle.border = new RectOffset(off, off, off, off);

            Color[] solidColor = new Color[1] {

            Texture2D bg = new Texture2D(1, 1);

            bg.SetPixels(solidColor); bg.Apply();
            newStyle.normal.background = bg;

        public static GUIStyle Style(RectOffset padding, RectOffset margin, Color bgColor, Vector4 off, int zeroBorder = 0)
            GUIStyle newStyle = new GUIStyle(;
            bool     g        = false;

            if (off.x < 0)
                if (Screen.dpi == 120)
                    if (FEditor_OneShotLog.CanDrawLog("dpi"))
                        Debug.Log("<b>[HEY! UNITY DEVELOPER!]</b> It seems you have setted up incorrect DPI settings for unity editor. Check <b>Unity.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Change DPI Settings -> Replace Scaling -> System / System (Upgraded)</b> And restart Unity Editor.");
                    g = true;
                g = true;
            if (g)
                newStyle.border = new RectOffset((int)off.x, (int)off.y, (int)off.z, (int)off.w);
            newStyle.margin  = margin;
            newStyle.padding = padding;

            Texture2D bg;

            if (zeroBorder < 1)
                bg = new Texture2D(1, 1);
                bg.SetPixels(new Color[1] {
                }); bg.Apply();
                int s = 16;
                bg            = new Texture2D(s, s);
                bg.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
                Color[] c = new Color[s * s];
                for (int x = 0; x < s; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < s; y++)
                        if (x < zeroBorder || x >= (s - zeroBorder) || y < zeroBorder || y >= (s - zeroBorder))
                            c[x + y * s] = Color.clear;
                            c[x + y * s] = bgColor;

                bg.SetPixels(c); bg.Apply();

            newStyle.normal.background = bg;
