private void UpdatePasword(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { db = new FCS_DBModel(); string password = Password.Password.ToString(); string verifiedPW = VerifyPassword.Password.ToString(); string hashedPassword = PasswordHashing.GetHashString(password); if (password.Length < 5) { MessageBox.Show("Please pick a longer password (Minimum length of 5)"); } else if (password != verifiedPW) { MessageBox.Show("Passwords do not match!"); } else { try { var staff = (from p in db.Staff where p.StaffID == StaffID select p).First(); staff.StaffPassword = hashedPassword; db.SaveChanges(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong. Please try again."); } this.Close(); } }
private void Add_Contact(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (ContactFirstName != null && ContactFirstName != "" && ContactLastName != null && ContactLastName != "") { FCS_DBModel db = new FCS_DBModel(); DonorContact d = new DonorContact(); d.ContactFirstName = ContactFirstName; d.ContactLastName = ContactLastName; d.ContactPhone = ContactPhone; d.ContactEmail = ContactEmail; d.DonorID = DonorID; db.DonorContacts.Add(d); if (ContactPhone.Length < 11) { db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("The phone number entered is invalid."); } } //add both patient and household else { MessageBox.Show("Please check the data entered."); } }
private void Refresh_InKindServiceGrid(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var db = new FCS_DBModel(); var join1 = (from p in db.Donors join dc in db.DonorContacts on p.DonorID equals dc.DonorID join d in db.Donations on p.DonorID equals d.DonorID join ki in db.In_Kind_Service on d.DonationID equals ki.DonationID where (p.DonorType == "Anonymous" || p.DonorType == "Individual") && d.EventID == null select new InKindService { DonorID = p.DonorID, DonationID = d.DonationID, ServiceID = ki.ServiceID, DonorFirstName = dc.ContactFirstName, DonorLastName = dc.ContactLastName, StartDateTime = ki.StartDateTime, EndDateTime = ki.EndDateTime, RatePerHour = ki.RatePerHour, ServiceDescription = ki.ServiceDescription, Length = ki.ServiceLength, Value = ki.ServiceValue }); Service_DataGrid.ItemsSource = join1.ToList(); }
private void EditGrant(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { var db = new FCS_DBModel(); try { DataGrid dg = sender as DataGrid; GrantsDataGrid p = (GrantsDataGrid)dg.SelectedItems[0]; // OR: Patient p = (Patient)dg.SelectedItem; UpdateGrant up = new UpdateGrant(p); //Grant prop ID & donation ID with expense //p.DonationID var expenseTotal = (from ex in db.Expenses where ex.DonationID == p.DonationID select ex).Count(); if (expenseTotal > 0) { up.DonAmount.IsEnabled = false; up.AmountRem.IsEnabled = false; } up.DonationDate.SelectedDate = p.DonationDate; up.DonationExpiration.SelectedDate = p.ExpirationDate; up.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception error) { } Refresh_GrantGrid(sender, e); }
private void Refresh_GrantGrid(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var db = new FCS_DBModel(); var join1 = from d in db.Donations join dr in db.Donors on d.DonorID equals dr.DonorID join gp in db.GrantProposals on dr.DonorID equals gp.DonorID join dp in db.DonationPurposes on d.DonationID equals dp.DonationID join p in db.Purposes on dp.PurposeID equals p.PurposeID where gp.GrantStatus == "Accepted" && d.GrantProposalID == gp.GrantProposalID select new GrantsDataGrid { GrantName = gp.GrantName, DonationAmount = d.DonationAmount, DonationAmountRemaining = d.DonationAmountRemaining, DonationDate = d.DonationDate, ExpirationDate = d.DonationExpirationDate, DonationID = d.DonationID, DonorID = dr.DonorID, GrantProposalID = gp.GrantProposalID, PurposeName = p.PurposeName, PurposeDescription = p.PurposeDescription }; // ... Assign ItemsSource of DataGrid. Grant_DataGrid.ItemsSource = join1.ToList(); }
private void ShowProblems() { var toggle = PatientProblemsCheckBoxes.Children; List <int> currentProblems = new List <int>(); FCS_DBModel db = new FCS_DBModel(); PatientProblem patProb = new PatientProblem(); int patID = db.Patients.Where(x => x.PatientOQ == patientOQ).Select(x => x.PatientID).Distinct().First(); foreach (var item in db.PatientProblems.Where(x => x.PatientID == patID).Select(x => x.ProblemID)) { currentProblems.Add(item); } foreach (var item in toggle) { foreach (var curProb in currentProblems) { if (curProb == GetProblemID(((ContentControl)item).Content.ToString())) { ((ToggleButton)item).IsChecked = true; } } } }
public void Determine_Problems(string OQ) { FCS_DBModel db = new FCS_DBModel(); var toggle = PatientProblemsCheckBoxes.Children; var problemTable = db.Problems; foreach (var item in toggle) { string checkboxProblemName = (((ContentControl)item).Content).ToString(); if (((ToggleButton)item).IsChecked == true) { try { PatientProblem patProb = new PatientProblem(); int patID = db.Patients.Where(x => x.PatientOQ == OQ).Select(x => x.PatientID).Distinct().First(); patProb.PatientID = patID; patProb.ProblemID = GetProblemID(checkboxProblemName); db.PatientProblems.Add(patProb); db.SaveChanges(); //var problem = } catch (Exception error) { } } } }
private void Refresh_SessionsGrid(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { FCS_DBModel db = new FCS_DBModel(); int patientID = db.Patients.Where(x => x.PatientOQ == patientOQ).Select(x => x.PatientID).Distinct().First(); var join1 = from s in db.Staff join a in db.Appointments on s.StaffID equals a.StaffID join ex in db.Expenses on a.AppointmentID equals ex.AppointmentID join et in db.ExpenseTypes on ex.ExpenseTypeID equals et.ExpenseTypeID where ex.PatientID == patientID select new SessionsGrid { StaffFirstName = s.StaffFirstName, StaffLastName = s.StaffLastName, AppointmentStart = a.AppointmentStartDate, AppointmentEnd = a.AppointmentEndDate, ExpenseDueDate = ex.ExpenseDueDate, ExpensePaidDate = ex.ExpensePaidDate, DonorBill = ex.DonorBill, PatientBill = ex.PatientBill, TotalExpense = ex.TotalExpenseAmount, ExpenseType = et.ExpenseType1, ExpenseDescription = et.ExpenseDescription }; // ... Assign ItemsSource of DataGrid. var grid = sender as DataGrid; grid.ItemsSource = join1.ToList(); } catch { } }
/// <summary> /// This function refreshes the grid for the Sessions tab with data from the database /// </summary> private void Refresh_SessionGrid() { var db = new FCS_DBModel(); var join1 = from s in db.Staff join a in db.Appointments on s.StaffID equals a.StaffID join ex in db.Expenses on a.AppointmentID equals ex.AppointmentID join et in db.ExpenseTypes on ex.ExpenseTypeID equals et.ExpenseTypeID join p in db.Patients on ex.PatientID equals p.PatientID select new SessionsGrid { StaffFirstName = s.StaffFirstName, StaffLastName = s.StaffLastName, ClientFirstName = p.PatientFirstName, ClientLastName = p.PatientLastName, AppointmentStart = a.AppointmentStartDate, AppointmentEnd = a.AppointmentEndDate, ExpenseDueDate = ex.ExpenseDueDate, ExpensePaidDate = ex.ExpensePaidDate, DonorBill = ex.DonorBill, PatientBill = ex.PatientBill, TotalExpense = ex.TotalExpenseAmount, ExpenseType = et.ExpenseType1, ExpenseDescription = et.ExpenseDescription, ExpenseID = ex.ExpenseID, CancellationType = a.AppointmentCancelationType }; // Set the data to the grid Session_DataGrid.ItemsSource = join1.ToList(); }
private void Add_Client(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Patient tempPatient = new Patient(); Problem tempProblem = new Problem(); FCS_DBModel db = new FCS_DBModel(); Determine_AgeGroup(combobox_AgeGroup.SelectedIndex); Determine_EthnicGroup(combobox_ethnicity.SelectedIndex); Determine_Gender(combobox_Gender.SelectedIndex); var togglePatientProblems = PatientProblemsCheckBoxes.Children; try { // Check to see if there needs to be a new household made first if ((bool)check_FirstHouseholdMember.IsChecked) { Determine_Income(combobox_IncomeBracket.SelectedIndex); Determine_County(combobox_County.SelectedIndex); PatientHousehold household = new PatientHousehold(); household.HouseholdCounty = County; household.HouseholdIncomeBracket = Income; household.HouseholdPopulation = HouseholdPopulation; db.PatientHouseholds.Add(household); db.SaveChanges(); tempPatient.HouseholdID = household.HouseholdID; } else { tempPatient.HouseholdID = db.Patients.Where(x => x.PatientOQ == familyOQNumber).Select(x => x.HouseholdID).Distinct().First(); } bool isHeadOfHouse = (bool)check_HeadOfHousehold.IsChecked; tempPatient.PatientOQ = patientOQ; tempPatient.PatientFirstName = firstName; tempPatient.PatientLastName = lastName; tempPatient.PatientAgeGroup = ageGroup; tempPatient.PatientEthnicity = ethnicGroup; tempPatient.PatientGender = PatientGender; tempPatient.NewClientIntakeHour = DateTime.Now; tempPatient.IsHead = headOfHouse; tempPatient.RelationToHead = (headOfHouse) ? "Head" : relationToHead; db.Patients.Add(tempPatient); db.SaveChanges(); Determine_Problems(patientOQ, togglePatientProblems); this.Close(); } catch (Exception error) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong, please double check your entry values.\n\n"); MessageBox.Show("Error: " + error.ToString()); } }
private void EditDonor(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { try { DataGrid dg = sender as DataGrid; DonorsDataGrid p = (DonorsDataGrid)dg.SelectedItems[0]; // OR: Patient p = (Patient)dg.SelectedItem; var db = new FCS_DBModel(); if (p.DonorType == "Individual") { //Open in individual view Models.DonorContact query = (from doncontacts in db.DonorContacts where doncontacts.DonorID == p.DonorID select doncontacts).First(); UpdateIndividualDonor id = new UpdateIndividualDonor(p, query, StaffRole); id.dType.SelectedIndex = 1; id.oName.IsEnabled = false; id.ShowDialog(); } else if (p.DonorType == "Anonymous") { Models.DonorContact query = (from doncontacts in db.DonorContacts where doncontacts.DonorID == p.DonorID select doncontacts).First(); UpdateIndividualDonor id = new UpdateIndividualDonor(p, query, StaffRole); id.ShowDialog(); id.UpdateIndDonor.IsEnabled = false; id.dType.SelectedIndex = 2; id.fName.IsEnabled = false; id.lName.IsEnabled = false; id.oName.IsEnabled = false; id.donA1.IsEnabled = false; id.donA2.IsEnabled = false; id.cPhone.IsEnabled = false; id.dCity.IsEnabled = false; id.cPhone.IsEnabled = false; id.dState.IsEnabled = false; id.dZip.IsEnabled = false; id.cEmail.IsEnabled = false; } else { UpdateDonor up = new UpdateDonor(p, StaffRole); up.ShowDialog(); } } catch { } // Refresh the grid after editing Refresh_DonorGrid(sender, e); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// This is to handle the refreshing AND filtering of the Client Page /// </summary> private void Refresh_ClientGrid(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string filterText = textbox_Search.Text; string selectedItem = combobox_Search.Text; var db = new FCS_DBModel(); var clients = from patient in db.Patients join patienthouse in db.PatientHouseholds on patient.HouseholdID equals patienthouse.HouseholdID select new PatientGrid { PatientOQ = patient.PatientOQ, PatientID = patient.PatientID, FirstName = patient.PatientFirstName, LastName = patient.PatientLastName, Gender = patient.PatientGender, AgeGroup = patient.PatientAgeGroup, Ethnicity = patient.PatientEthnicity, Time = patient.NewClientIntakeHour, IsHead = patient.IsHead, RelationToHead = patient.RelationToHead }; switch (selectedItem) { case Definition.Filter_AgeGroup: clients = clients.Where(x => x.AgeGroup.Contains(filterText)); break; case Definition.Filter_ClientOQ: clients = clients.Where(x => x.PatientOQ.Contains(filterText)); break; case Definition.Filter_Ethnicity: clients = clients.Where(x => x.Ethnicity.Contains(filterText)); break; case Definition.Filter_FirstName: clients = clients.Where(x => x.FirstName.Contains(filterText)); break; case Definition.Filter_LastName: clients = clients.Where(x => x.LastName.Contains(filterText)); break; default: break; } // Set the patient grid to have the (possibly limited) items PatientGrid.ItemsSource = clients.ToList(); GC.Collect(); }
public UpdateGrant(GrantsDataGrid g) { FCS_DBModel db = new FCS_DBModel(); Donation d = new Donation(); foreach (var item in db.Purposes) { purpose.Add(item.PurposeName); } DataContext = purpose; GrantName = g.GrantName; DonationAmount = g.DonationAmount; DonationAmountRemaining = g.DonationAmountRemaining; PurposeName = g.PurposeName; PurposeDescription = g.PurposeDescription; PurposeID = g.PurposeID; DonationID = g.DonationID; DonorID = g.DonorID; GrantProposalID = g.GrantProposalID; InitializeComponent(); DonAmount.Focus(); var restricted = (from item in db.Donations where item.DonationID == DonationID select item.Restricted).First(); if (restricted == true) { var donationTable = (from don in db.Donations join dp in db.DonationPurposes on don.DonationID equals dp.DonationID join p in db.Purposes on dp.PurposeID equals p.PurposeID where don.DonationID == DonationID select new { don.DonationID, don.DonationExpirationDate, don.Restricted, dp.PurposeID }).First(); DonationDate.IsEnabled = false; DonationExpiration.SelectedDate = donationTable.DonationExpirationDate; restrictedCheckBox.IsChecked = true; PurposeComboBox.SelectedItem = (from p in db.Purposes join dp in db.DonationPurposes on p.PurposeID equals dp.PurposeID join don in db.Donations on dp.DonationID equals don.DonationID where dp.PurposeID == donationTable.PurposeID select p.PurposeName).First(); } }
private void AddGrant(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { FCS_DBModel db = new FCS_DBModel(); Donation d = new Donation(); if (IsEvent) { d.DonorID = DonorID; d.Restricted = false; d.InKind = false; d.DonationAmount = DonationAmount; d.DonationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DonationDate.ToString()); d.EventID = EventID; d.DonationAmountRemaining = DonationAmount; db.Donations.Add(d); } else { d.DonorID = DonorID; d.Restricted = false; d.InKind = false; d.DonationAmount = DonationAmount; d.DonationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DonationDate.ToString()); d.DonationAmountRemaining = DonationAmount; db.Donations.Add(d); } if (restrictedCheckBox.IsChecked == true) { Purpose p = new Purpose(); DonationPurpose dp = new DonationPurpose(); string purposeName = PurposeComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); int PurposeID = db.Purposes.Where(x => x.PurposeName == purposeName).Select(x => x.PurposeID).First(); d.Restricted = true; d.DonationExpirationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DonationExpiration.ToString()); dp.DonationID = d.DonationID; dp.PurposeID = PurposeID; dp.DonationPurposeAmount = DonationAmount; db.DonationPurposes.Add(dp); db.Donations.Remove(d); db.Donations.Add(d); } db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Make sure to input all the correct data."); } }
public void deletePurpose(int DonationID) { FCS_DBModel db = new FCS_DBModel(); var donPurp = db.DonationPurposes.Where(x => x.DonationID == DonationID); if (donPurp != null) { foreach (var item in donPurp) { db.DonationPurposes.Remove(item); } db.SaveChanges(); } }
private void AddNewSession(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { DataGrid dg = sender as DataGrid; FCS_DBModel db = new FCS_DBModel(); int patientID = db.Patients.Where(x => x.PatientOQ == patientOQ).Select(x => x.PatientID).Distinct().First(); AddSession ans = new AddSession(patientID); ans.AMPM_Start.SelectedIndex = 0; ans.AMPM_End.SelectedIndex = 0; ans.ExpensePaidDate.IsEnabled = false; ans.ShowDialog(); Refresh_Sessions(sender, e); }
private bool check_ValidFamilyOQNumber(string familyOQ) { FCS_DBModel db = new FCS_DBModel(); int householdID = -1; householdID = db.Patients.Where(x => x.PatientOQ == familyOQ).Select(x => x.HouseholdID).Distinct().First(); if (householdID == -1) { return(false); } return(true); }
private void DeleteAccount(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Delete this Account?", "Confirmation", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); db = new FCS_DBModel(); var staff = (from s in db.Staff where s.StaffID == StaffID select s).First(); db.Staff.Remove(staff); db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); }
public AddNewGrant(int dID, int gpID) { FCS_DBModel db = new FCS_DBModel(); foreach (var item in db.Purposes) { purpose.Add(item.PurposeName); } DataContext = purpose; DonorID = dID; GrantProposalID = gpID; InitializeComponent(); text_GrantAmount.Focus(); }
private void Delete_Grant(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { FCS_DBModel db = new FCS_DBModel(); System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Delete this Grant?", "Confirmation", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { var donationPurposes = (from p in db.DonationPurposes where p.PurposeID == PurposeID select p); DeletePurposes delPurp = new DeletePurposes(); delPurp.deletePurpose(DonationID); } //var purpose = (from p in db.Purposes // where p.PurposeID == PurposeID // select p).First(); var donation = (from d in db.Donations where d.DonationID == DonationID select d).First(); //try { // var donationPurpose = (from dp in db.DonationPurposes // where dp.DonationID == donation.DonationID // select dp); // foreach (var item in donationPurpose) // { // db.DonationPurposes.Remove(item); // db.SaveChanges(); // } //} //catch //{ //} var grantProposal = (from d in db.GrantProposals where d.GrantProposalID == GrantProposalID select d).First(); grantProposal.GrantStatus = "Pending"; db.Donations.Remove(donation); db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("This grant has been deleted and its associated proposal has been set to Pending."); this.Close(); }
private void Refresh_AdminGrid(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var db = new FCS_DBModel(); var join1 = (from p in db.Staff select new AdminDataGrid { StaffID = p.StaffID, StaffUserName = p.StaffUserName, StaffFirstName = p.StaffFirstName, StaffLastName = p.StaffLastName, StaffTitle = p.StaffTitle, StaffDBRole = p.StaffDBRole }); Admin_DataGrid.ItemsSource = join1.ToList(); }
private void button_DeleteHousehold_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { int householdID = int.Parse(text_HouseholdID.Text); FCS_DBModel db = new FCS_DBModel(); var household = (from h in db.PatientHouseholds where h.HouseholdID == householdID select h).First(); db.PatientHouseholds.Remove(household); db.SaveChanges(); } catch { } }
private void Events_Grid(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var db = new FCS_DBModel(); var join1 = (from p in db.FundRaisingEvents select new EventsDataGrid { EventID = p.EventID, EventStartDateTime = p.EventStartDateTime, EventEndDateTime = p.EventEndDateTime, EventName = p.EventName, EventDescription = p.EventDescription }); var grid = sender as DataGrid; grid.ItemsSource = join1.ToList(); }
public CreateMoneyDonation(int donorID, bool isEvent, int eventID) { FCS_DBModel db = new FCS_DBModel(); foreach (var item in db.Purposes) { purpose.Add(item.PurposeName); } DataContext = purpose; EventID = eventID; IsEvent = isEvent; DonorID = donorID; InitializeComponent(); text_DonationAmount.Focus(); }
private void button_AddPatient_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { Patient tempPatient = new Patient(); Problem tempProblem = new Problem(); FCS_DBModel db = new FCS_DBModel(); if ((bool)check_NewHousehold.IsChecked) { int HouseholdPopulation = int.Parse(text_HouseholdPop.Text); string Income = text_Income.Text; string County = text_county.Text; PatientHousehold household = new PatientHousehold(); household.HouseholdCounty = County; household.HouseholdIncomeBracket = Income; household.HouseholdPopulation = HouseholdPopulation; db.PatientHouseholds.Add(household); db.SaveChanges(); tempPatient.HouseholdID = household.HouseholdID; } else { tempPatient.HouseholdID = int.Parse(text_HouseholdID.Text); } tempPatient.PatientOQ = text_PatientOQ.Text; tempPatient.PatientAgeGroup = text_AgeGroup.Text; tempPatient.PatientEthnicity = text_Ethnicity.Text; tempPatient.PatientFirstName = text_FirstName.Text; tempPatient.PatientGender = text_Gender.Text; tempPatient.PatientLastName = text_LastName.Text; tempPatient.RelationToHead = text_RelationToHEad.Text; tempPatient.IsHead = (bool)check_IsHead.IsChecked; tempPatient.NewClientIntakeHour = DateTime.Now; db.Patients.Add(tempPatient); db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception error) { } }
private void AddPurposeButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { FCS_DBModel db = new FCS_DBModel(); Purpose purpose = db.Purposes.Create(); purpose.PurposeName = PurposeName.Text; purpose.PurposeDescription = PurposeDescription.Text; db.Purposes.Add(purpose); try { db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Please make sure all fields are correct"); } }
private void AddGrant(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { //MessageBox.Show(DonationAmount.ToString() + "\n" + DonationDate + "\n" + // PurposeName + "\n" + PurposeDescription); FCS_DBModel db = new FCS_DBModel(); Donation d = new Donation(); d.DonorID = DonorID; d.Restricted = false; d.InKind = false; d.DonationAmount = DonationAmount; d.DonationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DonationDate.ToString()); d.DonationAmountRemaining = DonationAmount; d.GrantProposalID = GrantProposalID; db.Donations.Add(d); if (restrictedCheckBox.IsChecked == true) { Purpose p = new Purpose(); DonationPurpose dp = new DonationPurpose(); string purposeName = PurposeComboBox.SelectedValue.ToString(); int PurposeID = db.Purposes.Where(x => x.PurposeName == purposeName).Select(x => x.PurposeID).First(); d.Restricted = true; d.DonationExpirationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DonationExpiration.ToString()); d.GrantProposalID = GrantProposalID; dp.DonationID = d.DonationID; dp.PurposeID = PurposeID; dp.DonationPurposeAmount = DonationAmount; db.DonationPurposes.Add(dp); db.Donations.Remove(d); db.Donations.Add(d); } db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot add Grant" + "\n" + ex); } }
private void Add_Contact(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (DonorFirstName != null && DonorFirstName != "" && DonorLastName != null && DonorLastName != "" && ContactPhone != null && ContactPhone != "" && ContactEmail != null && ContactEmail != "") { FCS_DBModel db = new FCS_DBModel(); //MessageBox.Show(DonorFirstName + "\n" + DonorLastName + "\n" + ContactPhone + "\n" + ContactEmail + "\n" + DonorAddress1 + "\n" + DonorAddress2 // + "\n" + DonorCity + "\n" + DonorState + "\n" + DonorZip + "\n" + DonorType + "\n" + OrganizationName); Donor d = new Donor(); DonorContact dc = new DonorContact(); d.DonorType = DonorType; d.OrganizationName = OrganizationName; d.DonorAddress1 = DonorAddress1; d.DonorAddress2 = DonorAddress2; d.DonorState = DonorState; d.DonorCity = DonorCity; d.DonorZip = DonorZip; db.Donors.Add(d); db.SaveChanges(); dc.ContactFirstName = DonorFirstName; dc.ContactLastName = DonorLastName; dc.ContactPhone = ContactPhone; dc.ContactEmail = ContactEmail; dc.DonorID = d.DonorID; db.DonorContacts.Add(dc); db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Add the correct fields."); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Make sure your phone number is 10 digits or less."); } }
private void Delete_Client(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Delete this Client?", "Confirmation", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { FCS_DBModel db = new FCS_DBModel(); int patID = db.Patients.Where(x => x.PatientOQ == patientOQ).Select(x => x.PatientID).Distinct().First(); var patient = (from p in db.Patients where p.PatientID == patID select p).First(); var patProblems = (from p in db.PatientProblems where p.PatientID == patID select p); db.Patients.Remove(patient); foreach (var item in patProblems) { db.PatientProblems.Remove(item); } db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } }
private void button_DeletePatient_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { string patientOQ = text_PatientOQ.Text; FCS_DBModel db = new FCS_DBModel(); int patID = db.Patients.Where(x => x.PatientOQ == patientOQ).Select(x => x.PatientID).Distinct().First(); var patient = (from p in db.Patients where p.PatientID == patID select p).First(); var patProblems = (from p in db.PatientProblems where p.PatientID == patID select p); db.Patients.Remove(patient); foreach (var item in patProblems) { db.PatientProblems.Remove(item); } db.SaveChanges(); } catch { } }