public FBQData pickRandomQuestion()
        int     questionType = Random.Range(0, questionList.Count); //picks a random question type from the list
        FBQData returnData   = questionList[questionType]();        //executes the function corresponding to the new question type

    //Generates a new question
    void newQuestion()
        //FBQData qData = fbq.pickRandomQuestion(); //The method from the other class that picks a random question
        FBQData qData = fbq.pickRandomQuestion(questionTypes); //The method from the other class that picks a random question

        codeQuestion.GetComponent <Text>().text = qData.code;  //gets the code, feedback, and answer from the returned object
        wrongAnswerFeedback =;
        correctAnswer       = qData.answer;
    //Allows the user to restrict random questions to certain types
    public FBQData pickRandomQuestion(int[] questionTypes)
        //Checks if the indicies are in range.  If not, aborts
        foreach (int x in questionTypes)
            if (x >= questionList.Count || x < 0)
                Debug.Log("Numbers in questionTypes are out of Range.  Adjust the values placed into the inspector.");
                Debug.Log(questionList.Count + " " + x);
                return(new FBQData("", "", 0));

        FBQData returnData = questionList[questionTypes[Random.Range(0, questionTypes.Length)]]();  //executes the function corresponding to the new question type
