void OpenTab( string path ) { foreach ( FATabStripItem page in _TabControl1.Items ) if ( page.Tag is string ) if ( ( string )page.Tag == path ) { _TabControl1.SelectedItem = page; return; } FATabStripItem faTabStripItem = new FATabStripItem( ); faTabStripItem.Title = Path.GetFileName( path ); FastColoredTextBox RB1 = new FastColoredTextBox( ); #region TextBox Properties RB1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; RB1.CurrentLineColor = Color.FromArgb( 255, 255, 64 ); RB1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb( 70, 70, 70 ); RB1.ForeColor = Color.White; RB1.PreferredLineWidth = 0; RB1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; RB1.Cursor = Cursors.IBeam; RB1.ChangedLineColor = Color.DarkRed; RB1.ChangedLineWidth = 2; RB1.LeftBracket = '['; RB1.LeftBracket2 = '('; RB1.LeftBracket3 = '{'; RB1.RightBracket = ']'; RB1.RightBracket2 = ')'; RB1.RightBracket3 = '}'; RB1.BracketsStyle = RB1.BracketsStyle2 = RB1.BracketsStyle3 = new MarkerStyle( new SolidBrush( Color.FromArgb( 0, 160, 160 ) ) ); RB1.SelectionStyle.BackgroundBrush = new SolidBrush( preferencesWindow.colors[ 4 ] ); RB1.Font = preferencesWindow.f; RB1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; RB1.IndentBackColor = Color.FromArgb( 120, 120, 120 ); RB1.LineNumberColor = Color.FromArgb( 225, 225, 225 ); #endregion bool iswait = true; RB1.TextChanged += new EventHandler<TextChangedEventArgs>( ( object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e ) => { new Thread( new ThreadStart( ( ) => { if ( !RB1.IsHandleCreated ) return; faTabStripItem.Saved = false; _TabControl1.BeginInvoke( new MethodInvoker( ( ) => { _TabControl1.Invalidate( ); } ) ); if ( RB1.BackColor != Color.FromArgb( 50, 50, 50 ) ) RB1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb( 50, 50, 50 ); RB1.BeginInvoke( new MethodInvoker( ( ) => { new Thread( new ThreadStart( ( ) => { try { string txt = RB1.Text; List<Token> lineStream = tokenizer.Tokenize( new Range( RB1, 0, RB1.Selection.Start.iLine == 0 ? 0 : RB1.Selection.Start.iLine - 1, RB1.Lines[ RB1.Selection.Start.iLine == RB1.LinesCount - 1 ? RB1.Selection.Start.iLine : RB1.Selection.Start.iLine + 1 ].Length, RB1.Selection.Start.iLine == RB1.LinesCount - 1 ? RB1.Selection.Start.iLine : RB1.Selection.Start.iLine + 1 ).Text , RB1.Selection.Start.iLine == 0 ? 1 : RB1.Selection.Start.iLine ); Lexer.Lexing( ref lineStream ); PaintTextBox( RB1, lineStream ); try { RB1.TabLength = int.Parse( preferencesWindow.tab_spaces.Text ); RB1.TabLength = 4; if ( iswait ) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( int.Parse( preferencesWindow.paint_delay.Text ) ); else iswait = true; } catch { MessageBox.Show( this, "Fix code editor at preferences window \r\nPath: File->Preferences->Scripts and codes" ); return; } if ( RB1.Text != txt ) return; RB1.VisibleRange.ClearStyles( false ); RB1.VisibleRange.ClearFoldingMarkers( false ); List<Token> lt = tokenizer.Tokenize( RB1.VisibleRange.Text ); Lexer.Lexing( ref lt ); PaintTextBox( RB1, lt ); } catch { MessageBox.Show(this, "Exception caught while painting" ); } } ) ).Start( ); } ) ); } ) ).Start( ); } ); RB1.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler( ( object sender, KeyEventArgs kea ) => { RB1.SelectionStyle.BackgroundBrush = new SolidBrush( preferencesWindow.colors[ 4 ] ); RB1.Font = preferencesWindow.f; //runningForm.savedProject = false; int speccount = 0; bool isstr = false; int ind = RB1.Selection.Start.iChar; List<Char> txt = RB1[ RB1.Selection.Start.iLine ]; txt.ForEach( new Action<Char>( ( Char c ) => { if ( --ind <= -1 ) return; if ( c.c == '"' || c.c == '\'' ) isstr = isstr == false; } ) ); if ( isstr ) return; string astr = RB1.Text.Substring( 0, RB1.SelectionStart ); int startline = astr.LastIndexOf( '\n', RB1.SelectionStart - 1 ); if ( startline == -1 ) startline = 0; string astr2 = astr.Substring( startline ); if ( kea.KeyValue == 219 && kea.Shift ) { kea.Handled = true; RB1.InsertText( " {\r\n" + new string( ' ', RB1[ RB1.Selection.Start.iLine ].StartSpacesCount + RB1.TabLength ) ); iswait = false; RB1.OnTextChanged( ); } else if ( kea.KeyValue == 8 && RB1.SelectionStart > 0 && RB1.SelectionLength == 0 ) { astr = RB1.Text; startline = astr.LastIndexOf( '\n', RB1.SelectionStart - 1 ) + 1; if ( astr.Substring( startline, RB1.SelectionStart - startline ) == new string( ' ', RB1.SelectionStart - startline ) ) { speccount = RB1.SelectionStart - startline; if ( startline != 0 ) speccount += 2; RB1.SelectionStart -= speccount; RB1.SelectionLength = speccount; RB1.SelectedText = ""; kea.Handled = true; } } else if ( kea.KeyValue == 13 ) { int spaces = RB1[ RB1.Selection.Start.iLine ].StartSpacesCount; if ( RB1.Selection.CharAfterStart == '\n' ) return; RB1.InsertText( "\r\n" + new string( ' ', spaces ) ); kea.Handled = true; } else if ( kea.KeyValue == 221 && kea.Shift ) { kea.Handled = true; int spaces = RB1[ RB1.Selection.Start.iLine ].StartSpacesCount; if ( astr2.Replace( " ", "" ) == "\n" ) { if ( astr2.Length > RB1.TabLength + 1 ) { RB1.SelectionStart -= RB1.TabLength; RB1.SelectionLength = RB1.TabLength; RB1.SelectedText = "}\r\n" + new string( ' ', spaces - RB1.TabLength ); } else { RB1.SelectionStart = startline + 1; RB1.SelectionLength = astr2.Length - 1; RB1.SelectedText = "}\r\n"; } } else { if ( spaces < RB1.TabLength + 1 ) { RB1.InsertText( "\r\n}\r\n" + new string( ' ', spaces ) ); } else { RB1.InsertText( "\r\n" + new string( ' ', spaces - RB1.TabLength ) + "}\r\n" + new string( ' ', spaces - RB1.TabLength ) ); } } } } ); RB1.Text = File.ReadAllText( path ); RB1.Height = RB1.Width = 2500; faTabStripItem.Controls.Add( RB1 ); faTabStripItem.Tag = path; _TabControl1.Items.Add( faTabStripItem ); List<Token> lt2 = tokenizer.Tokenize( RB1.Text ); Lexer.Lexing( ref lt2 ); PaintTextBox( RB1, lt2 ); RB1.OnTextChanged( ); RB1.ClearLineChanges( ); faTabStripItem.Saved = true; OpenTab( path ); _TabControl1.Invalidate( ); }
private void propertiesToolStripMenuItem_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { FATabStripItem item=new FATabStripItem(); item.Title = "Properties"; item.Controls.Add( new FormProperties( Path.Combine( treeView1.SelectedNode.Tag as string, "projectdata.dat" ) ) ); _TabControl1.Items.Add( _TabControl1.SelectedItem = item ); }
void SaveTab( FATabStripItem item ) { if ( item.Tag is string ) { FormProperties fp = default( FormProperties ); bool setted = false; TreeNode project=default(TreeNode); foreach ( TreeNode node in treeView1.Nodes ) if ( ( item.Tag as string ).Contains( node.Tag as string ) ) { project = node; break; } foreach ( FATabStripItem item2 in _TabControl1.items ) { if ( item2.Controls[ 0 ] is FormProperties && !setted ) { if ( ( ( ( FormProperties )item2.Controls[ 0 ] ).Path ).StartsWith( project.Tag as string ) ) { fp = ( FormProperties )item2.Controls[ 0 ]; setted = true; break; } } } if ( !setted ) fp = new FormProperties( Path.Combine( project.Tag as string, "projectdata.dat" ) ); if ( !item.Saved ) fp.ver_4.Value += 1; fp.MemoryCore.Save( Path.Combine( project.Tag as string, "projectdata.dat" ) ); try { ( ( FATabStripItem )fp.Parent ).Saved = true; } catch { } string filename = item.Tag as string; if ( File.Exists( filename ) ) File.Delete( filename ); File.WriteAllText( filename, ( ( FastColoredTextBox )item.Controls[ 0 ] ).Text ); item.Saved = true; } else if ( item.Controls[ 0 ] is FormProperties ) { FormProperties properties = ( FormProperties )item.Controls[ 0 ]; properties.MemoryCore.Save( properties.Path ); item.Saved = true; } }
public override void Initialize(IComponent component) { base.Initialize(component); TabStrip = component as FATabStripItem; }
private void projectToolStripMenuItem1_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { NewProjectResult result = new NewProjectResult( ); new NewProject( result ).ShowDialog( ); if ( !result.Cancelled ) { Directory.CreateDirectory( "projects\\" + result.Name + "\\Source" ); Directory.CreateDirectory( "projects\\" + result.Name + "\\Source-Debug" ); Directory.CreateDirectory( "projects\\" + result.Name + "\\Build\\Debug" ); Directory.CreateDirectory( "projects\\" + result.Name + "\\Build\\Release" ); Directory.CreateDirectory( "projects\\" + result.Name + "\\Data" ); foreach ( string import in result.importfrom ) DirectoryCopy( import, "projects\\" + result.Name ); int tab=int.Parse(preferencesWindow.tab_spaces.Text); File.WriteAllText( "projects\\" + result.Name + "\\Data\\main", @"using System; namespace " + result.Name.Replace( ' ', '_' ) + @" { " + new string( ' ', tab ) + @"class Program { " + new string( ' ', tab * 2 ) + @"static void Main() { " + new string( ' ', tab * 3 ) + @" " + new string( ' ', tab * 2 ) + @"} " + new string( ' ', tab ) + @"} }" ); LoadProject( "projects\\" + result.Name ); FormProperties prop = new FormProperties( "projects\\" + result.Name + "\\projectdata.dat" ); if ( File.Exists( "pkg.m" ) ) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader( "pkg.m" ); while ( !reader.EndOfStream ) { Package package = new Package( ); MemorizePortable mem = new MemorizePortable( ); mem.AddOwner( package ); mem.Load( reader ); if ( package.Name == "BaseProject" ) { prop.MemoryCore.AddOwner( package ); } } reader.Close( ); } prop.MemoryCore.Save( prop.Path ); FATabStripItem item = new FATabStripItem( ); item.Title = "Properties"; item.Controls.Add( new FormProperties( prop.Path ) ); _TabControl1.Items.Add( _TabControl1.SelectedItem = item ); OpenTab( "projects\\" + result.Name + "\\Data\\main" ); } }
/// <summary> /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify /// the contents of this method with the code editor. /// </summary> public void InitializeComponent( ) { System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources = new System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(typeof(PrefWindow)); this.button1 = new VarocalCross.FATabStrip(); this.faTabStripItem1 = new VarocalCross.FATabStripItem(); this.groupBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox(); this.update_download_startup = new RadioButton(); this.update_download_ask = new RadioButton(); this.update_reminds = new RadioButton(); this.update_none = new RadioButton(); this.label1 = new Label(); this.recently_number = new TextBox(); this.backup_number = new TextBox(); this.last_startup = new CheckBox(); this.backup = new CheckBox(); this.faTabStripItem2 = new VarocalCross.FATabStripItem(); this.text_italic = new CheckBox(); this.label2 = new Label(); this.code_colors = new System.Windows.Forms.ListBox(); this.tab_spaces = new TextBox(); this.text_bold = new CheckBox(); this.label3 = new Label(); this.rect_change = new Button(); this.paint_delay = new TextBox(); this.but_font = new Button(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.button1)).BeginInit(); this.button1.SuspendLayout(); this.faTabStripItem1.SuspendLayout(); this.groupBox1.SuspendLayout(); this.faTabStripItem2.SuspendLayout(); this.SuspendLayout(); // // button1 // this.button1.AlwaysShowClose = false; this.button1.AlwaysShowMenuGlyph = false; this.button1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; this.button1.Items.AddRange(new VarocalCross.FATabStripItem[] { this.faTabStripItem1, this.faTabStripItem2}); this.button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); this.button1.Name = "button1"; this.button1.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(1, 26, 1, 1); this.button1.SelectedItem = this.faTabStripItem1; this.button1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(681, 167); this.button1.TabIndex = 8; this.button1.Text = "button1"; // // faTabStripItem1 // this.faTabStripItem1.CanClose = false; this.faTabStripItem1.Controls.Add(this.groupBox1); this.faTabStripItem1.Controls.Add(this.label1); this.faTabStripItem1.Controls.Add(this.recently_number); this.faTabStripItem1.Controls.Add(this.backup_number); this.faTabStripItem1.Controls.Add(this.last_startup); this.faTabStripItem1.Controls.Add(this.backup); this.faTabStripItem1.IsDrawn = true; this.faTabStripItem1.Name = "faTabStripItem1"; this.faTabStripItem1.Selected = true; this.faTabStripItem1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(679, 140); this.faTabStripItem1.StripRect = ((System.Drawing.RectangleF)(resources.GetObject("faTabStripItem1.StripRect"))); this.faTabStripItem1.TabIndex = 0; this.faTabStripItem1.Title = "General"; // // groupBox1 // this.groupBox1.Controls.Add(this.update_download_startup); this.groupBox1.Controls.Add(this.update_download_ask); this.groupBox1.Controls.Add(this.update_reminds); this.groupBox1.Controls.Add(this.update_none); this.groupBox1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225))))); this.groupBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(399, 6); this.groupBox1.Name = "groupBox1"; this.groupBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(258, 106); this.groupBox1.TabIndex = 7; this.groupBox1.TabStop = false; this.groupBox1.Text = "Update Settings"; // // update_download_startup // this.update_download_startup.AutoSize = true; this.update_download_startup.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; this.update_download_startup.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 9.75F); this.update_download_startup.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225))))); this.update_download_startup.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(7, 80); this.update_download_startup.Name = "update_download_startup"; this.update_download_startup.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(206, 19); this.update_download_startup.TabIndex = 9; this.update_download_startup.Text = "Download and Update on startup"; // // update_download_ask // this.update_download_ask.AutoSize = true; this.update_download_ask.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; this.update_download_ask.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 9.75F); this.update_download_ask.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225))))); this.update_download_ask.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(7, 60); this.update_download_ask.Name = "update_download_ask"; this.update_download_ask.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(204, 19); this.update_download_ask.TabIndex = 8; this.update_download_ask.Text = "Download and Ask me for restart"; // // update_reminds // this.update_reminds.AutoSize = true; this.update_reminds.Checked = true; this.update_reminds.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; this.update_reminds.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 9.75F); this.update_reminds.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225))))); this.update_reminds.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(7, 40); this.update_reminds.Name = "update_reminds"; this.update_reminds.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(217, 19); this.update_reminds.TabIndex = 7; this.update_reminds.TabStop = true; this.update_reminds.Text = "Reminds me when there is a update"; // // update_none // this.update_none.AutoSize = true; this.update_none.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; this.update_none.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 9.75F); this.update_none.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225))))); this.update_none.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(7, 20); this.update_none.Name = "update_none"; this.update_none.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(52, 19); this.update_none.TabIndex = 6; this.update_none.Text = "None"; // // label1 // this.label1.AutoSize = true; this.label1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 9.75F); this.label1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225))))); this.label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(11, 5); this.label1.Name = "label1"; this.label1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(199, 15); this.label1.TabIndex = 0; this.label1.Text = "How many recently programs show"; // // recently_number // this.recently_number.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(70)))), ((int)(((byte)(70)))), ((int)(((byte)(70))))); this.recently_number.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 9.75F); this.recently_number.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225))))); this.recently_number.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(40, 22); this.recently_number.Name = "recently_number"; this.recently_number.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(116, 23); this.recently_number.TabIndex = 1; this.recently_number.Text = "8"; // // backup_number // this.backup_number.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(70)))), ((int)(((byte)(70)))), ((int)(((byte)(70))))); this.backup_number.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 9.75F); this.backup_number.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225))))); this.backup_number.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(40, 106); this.backup_number.Name = "backup_number"; this.backup_number.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(116, 23); this.backup_number.TabIndex = 4; this.backup_number.Text = "3"; // // last_startup // this.last_startup.AutoSize = true; this.last_startup.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; this.last_startup.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 9.75F); this.last_startup.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225))))); this.last_startup.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(7, 64); this.last_startup.Name = "last_startup"; this.last_startup.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(196, 19); this.last_startup.TabIndex = 2; this.last_startup.Text = "Load last opened file on startup"; // // backup // this.backup.AutoSize = true; this.backup.Checked = true; this.backup.CheckState = System.Windows.Forms.CheckState.Checked; this.backup.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; this.backup.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 9.75F); this.backup.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225))))); this.backup.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(7, 85); this.backup.Name = "backup"; this.backup.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(313, 19); this.backup.TabIndex = 3; this.backup.Text = "Keep backup copies of files (with extension .tb1, .tb2)"; // // faTabStripItem2 // this.faTabStripItem2.CanClose = false; this.faTabStripItem2.Controls.Add(this.text_italic); this.faTabStripItem2.Controls.Add(this.label2); this.faTabStripItem2.Controls.Add(this.code_colors); this.faTabStripItem2.Controls.Add(this.tab_spaces); this.faTabStripItem2.Controls.Add(this.text_bold); this.faTabStripItem2.Controls.Add(this.label3); this.faTabStripItem2.Controls.Add(this.rect_change); this.faTabStripItem2.Controls.Add(this.paint_delay); this.faTabStripItem2.Controls.Add(this.but_font); this.faTabStripItem2.IsDrawn = true; this.faTabStripItem2.Name = "faTabStripItem2"; this.faTabStripItem2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(679, 140); this.faTabStripItem2.StripRect = ((System.Drawing.RectangleF)(resources.GetObject("faTabStripItem2.StripRect"))); this.faTabStripItem2.TabIndex = 1; this.faTabStripItem2.Title = "Scripts and Codes"; // // text_italic // this.text_italic.AutoSize = true; this.text_italic.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; this.text_italic.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 9.75F); this.text_italic.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225))))); this.text_italic.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(577, 61); this.text_italic.Name = "text_italic"; this.text_italic.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(52, 19); this.text_italic.TabIndex = 5; this.text_italic.Text = "Italic"; this.text_italic.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.text_italic_CheckedChanged); // // label2 // this.label2.AutoSize = true; this.label2.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 9.75F); this.label2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225))))); this.label2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(3, 0); this.label2.Name = "label2"; this.label2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(71, 15); this.label2.TabIndex = 2; this.label2.Text = "Tab amount"; // // code_colors // this.code_colors.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(70)))), ((int)(((byte)(70)))), ((int)(((byte)(70))))); this.code_colors.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(150)))), ((int)(((byte)(150)))), ((int)(((byte)(150))))); this.code_colors.FormattingEnabled = true; this.code_colors.ItemHeight = 18; this.code_colors.Items.AddRange( new object[ ] { "Keywords", "Values", "Comments", "Resources", "Selection"} ); this.code_colors.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(499, 1); this.code_colors.Name = "code_colors"; this.code_colors.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(69, 112); this.code_colors.TabIndex = 0; this.code_colors.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.code_colors_SelectedIndexChanged); // // tab_spaces // this.tab_spaces.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(70)))), ((int)(((byte)(70)))), ((int)(((byte)(70))))); this.tab_spaces.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 9.75F); this.tab_spaces.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225))))); this.tab_spaces.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(40, 21); this.tab_spaces.Name = "tab_spaces"; this.tab_spaces.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(116, 23); this.tab_spaces.TabIndex = 3; this.tab_spaces.Text = "4"; // // text_bold // this.text_bold.AutoSize = true; this.text_bold.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; this.text_bold.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 9.75F); this.text_bold.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225))))); this.text_bold.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(577, 36); this.text_bold.Name = "text_bold"; this.text_bold.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(48, 19); this.text_bold.TabIndex = 4; this.text_bold.Text = "Bold"; this.text_bold.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.text_bold_CheckedChanged); // // label3 // this.label3.AutoSize = true; this.label3.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 9.75F); this.label3.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225))))); this.label3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(3, 51); this.label3.Name = "label3"; this.label3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(198, 15); this.label3.TabIndex = 4; this.label3.Text = "Show auto-color after delay (msec)"; // // rect_change // this.rect_change.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.rect_change.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; this.rect_change.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 9.75F); this.rect_change.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray; this.rect_change.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(577, 1); this.rect_change.Name = "rect_change"; this.rect_change.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(92, 29); this.rect_change.TabIndex = 3; this.rect_change.Text = "Change"; this.rect_change.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.rect_change.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.rect_change_Click); // // paint_delay // this.paint_delay.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(70)))), ((int)(((byte)(70)))), ((int)(((byte)(70))))); this.paint_delay.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 9.75F); this.paint_delay.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225))))); this.paint_delay.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(40, 74); this.paint_delay.Name = "paint_delay"; this.paint_delay.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(116, 23); this.paint_delay.TabIndex = 5; this.paint_delay.Text = "750"; // // but_font // this.but_font.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(150)))), ((int)(((byte)(150)))), ((int)(((byte)(150))))); this.but_font.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 9.75F); this.but_font.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(50)))), ((int)(((byte)(50)))), ((int)(((byte)(50))))); this.but_font.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(577, 89); this.but_font.Name = "but_font"; this.but_font.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(87, 29); this.but_font.TabIndex = 6; this.but_font.Text = "Font"; this.but_font.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.but_font.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.but_font_Click); // // PrefWindow // this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(7F, 15F); this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font; this.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(50)))), ((int)(((byte)(50)))), ((int)(((byte)(50))))); this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(681, 167); this.Controls.Add(this.button1); this.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Calibri", 9.75F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225)))), ((int)(((byte)(225))))); this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow; this.Name = "PrefWindow"; this.Text = "Preferences"; this.FormClosing += new System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventHandler(this.PrefWindow_FormClosing); this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.PrefWindow_Load); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.button1)).EndInit(); this.button1.ResumeLayout(false); this.faTabStripItem1.ResumeLayout(false); this.faTabStripItem1.PerformLayout(); this.groupBox1.ResumeLayout(false); this.groupBox1.PerformLayout(); this.faTabStripItem2.ResumeLayout(false); this.faTabStripItem2.PerformLayout(); this.ResumeLayout(false); }
private void CreateTab(string fileName) { try { var tb = new FastColoredTextBox(); tb.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(31, 39, 42); tb.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200); tb.IndentBackColor = Color.FromArgb(5, 7, 15); tb.LineNumberColor = Color.FromArgb(10, 192, 200); // tb.SelectionColor = Color.FromArgb(200,255,240,150); tb.SelectionColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 240, 150); /// tb.FoldingIndicatorColor = Color.FromArgb(240,208,88,37); tb.FoldingIndicatorColor = Color.FromArgb(240, 255, 196, 68); // tb.High = Color.FromArgb(240,208,88,37); // tb.Font = new Font("Courier New", 9.75f,FontStyle.Bold); tb.Font = new Font("Consolas", 9.75f, FontStyle.Bold); tb.ContextMenuStrip = cmMain; tb.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tb.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; //tb.VirtualSpace = true; tb.LeftPadding = 17; tb.Language = Language.CSharp; tb.AddStyle(sameWordsStyle);//same words style var tab = new FATabStripItem(fileName != null?Path.GetFileName(fileName):"[new]", tb); tab.Tag = fileName; // tab.Cor = Color.FromArgb(255,196,68); if (fileName != null) { tb.OpenFile(fileName); } tb.Tag = new TbInfo(); tsFiles.AddTab(tab); tsFiles.SelectedItem = tab; tb.Focus(); // tb.DelayedTextChangedInterval = 1000; tb.DelayedTextChangedInterval = 1; // tb.DelayedEventsInterval = 500; tb.DelayedEventsInterval = 1; tb.TextChangedDelayed += new EventHandler <TextChangedEventArgs>(tb_TextChangedDelayed); tb.SelectionChangedDelayed += new EventHandler(tb_SelectionChangedDelayed); tb.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(tb_KeyDown); tb.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(tb_MouseMove); tb.ChangedLineColor = changedLineColor; if (btHighlightCurrentLine.Checked) { tb.CurrentLineColor = currentLineColor; } tb.ShowFoldingLines = btShowFoldingLines.Checked; tb.HighlightingRangeType = HighlightingRangeType.VisibleRange; //create autocomplete popup menu AutocompleteMenu popupMenu = new AutocompleteMenu(tb); popupMenu.Items.ImageList = ilAutocomplete; popupMenu.Opening += new EventHandler <CancelEventArgs>(popupMenu_Opening); BuildAutocompleteMenu(popupMenu); (tb.Tag as TbInfo).popupMenu = popupMenu; tab.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 196, 68); //NotWork? } catch (Exception ex) { if (MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Error) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Retry) { CreateTab(fileName); } } }
public void closeTab(FATabStripItem tab) { this.tbStrip.Items.Remove(tab); DataManager.settings.openedTabs.Remove(((OpenableFile)tab.Tag).File.FullName); }
private void processTabChanges(object sender, EventArgs e) { FATabStripItem tab = (FATabStripItem)sender; TabStripUtils.flagTabAsModified(tab); }
public static bool isTagFlaggedAsModified(FATabStripItem tab) { return(tab.Title.StartsWith("*")); }