private void InitComponent(EyeDeviceType eyeDeviceType) { //Set Variables _eyeDeviceType = eyeDeviceType; if (_eyeDeviceType == EyeDeviceType.None) { return; } else if (_eyeDeviceType == EyeDeviceType.EyeTribe) { _eyeDeviceEyeTribe = new EyeDevice_EyeTribe(); } else if (_eyeDeviceType == EyeDeviceType.Tobii) { _eyeDeviceTobii = new EyeDevice_Tobii(); } //Set Button this.bt_connect.Background = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.OrangeRed; this.bt_calibrate.IsEnabled = false; this.bt_accept.IsEnabled = false; this.bt_accept.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden; this.lb_calibrationQ.Content = "Calibration Quality:"; if (!hasFixation()) { this.g_gdthreshold.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden; } this.g_eyeTraceBox.Children.Clear(); switch (_eyeDeviceType) { case EyeDeviceType.EyeTribe: if (_eyeDeviceEyeTribe != null) { this.g_eyeTraceBox.Children.Add(_eyeDeviceEyeTribe.GetGazeStatusBox()); _eyeDeviceEyeTribe.CalibrateOnResult += new EyeDevice_EyeTribe.CalibrateEventHandler(OnCalibrateResult); } break; case EyeDeviceType.Tobii: if (_eyeDeviceTobii != null) { this.g_eyeTraceBox.Children.Add(_eyeDeviceTobii.GetGazeStatusBox()); _eyeDeviceTobii.OnFixation += new EyeDevice_Tobii.FixationEventHandler(OnFixation); } break; default: break; } }
/********************* Eye Device ***************************/ private void cb_eyeDevice_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { //Get Eye Device Type string text = (sender as System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox).SelectedIndex.ToString(); this._EyeDeviceType = (EyeDeviceType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EyeDeviceType), text); //Close eye device if (_EyeDeviceUC != null) { if (_EyeDeviceUC.hasFixation()) { _EyeDeviceUC.OnFixationEvent -= OnGazeFixationEvent; } this._EyeDeviceUC.Dispose(); this._EyeDeviceUC = null; } //Do if (this._EyeDeviceType == EyeDeviceType.None) { this.g_eyedevice.Children.Clear(); if (this.Height > 291) { this.Height = this.Height - 260; } this.bt_start.IsEnabled = true; } else { //new eye device _EyeDeviceUC = new EyeDevice(_EyeDeviceType); if (_EyeDeviceUC.hasFixation()) { _EyeDeviceUC.OnFixationEvent += OnGazeFixationEvent; } this.bt_start.IsEnabled = false; if (this.Height <= 291) { this.Height = this.Height + 260; } this.g_eyedevice.Children.Clear(); this.g_eyedevice.Children.Add(_EyeDeviceUC); } }
public EyeDevice(EyeDeviceType eyeDeviceType) { InitializeComponent(); InitComponent(eyeDeviceType); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); this._isRecording = false; this._frameCount = 0; this._width = SystemInformation.VirtualScreen.Width; this._height = SystemInformation.VirtualScreen.Height; this._stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); this._screenArea = Rectangle.Empty; this.bt_Save.IsEnabled = false; this._writer = new VideoFileWriter(); _screenNames = new List <string>(); _screenNames.Add(@"Select ALL"); foreach (var screen in Screen.AllScreens) { _screenNames.Add(screen.DeviceName); } this.cb_screenSelector.ItemsSource = _screenNames; this.cb_screenSelector.SelectedIndex = 0; // Codec ComboBox this.cb_VideoCodec.ItemsSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(VideoCodec)); this.cb_VideoCodec.SelectedIndex = 0; // BitRate 2000kbit/s 2000000 1000000 this.cb_BitRate.ItemsSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(BitRate)); this.cb_BitRate.SelectedIndex = 5; // Eye Device Selection this.cb_eyeDevice.ItemsSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(EyeDeviceType)); this.cb_eyeDevice.SelectedIndex = 0; _EyeDeviceType = EyeDeviceType.None; //URL ReadWriter _URLReadWriteThread = new Thread(URLReadWriter); // Mouse and Eye Timer this._MouseGazeTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(); this._MouseGazeTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnMouseGazeTimedEvent); //Lock DB data _MKEventLock = new object(); _URLEventLock = new object(); _RawdataLock = new object(); //DB Event ID _MKEventID = 0; _URLEventID = 0; _RawdataID = 1; //_FirstRaw = true; _FixationID = 0; //FPS and Video time(ms) _FPS = 10; _VideoTime = 0; //Get data _isGettingData = false; //Get URL data _URLData = new string[] { null, null }; _getURL = false; _isNewURL = false; //_WebPos = new System.Windows.Point(); _WebPos = null; _WebPosTemp = null; _isNewStartScroll = false; _isNextURLSave = false; _WinPos = null; Console.SetOut(TextWriter.Null); }