//creates a cutout
        private void Create_Cutout(double PointOnGraphic_X, double PointOnGraphic_Y, double PointOnGraphic_Z, SolidEdgeGeometry.Face selected_face,
                                   int[] face_norm, string selected_face_normal)
            PartDocument _doc = _application.ActiveDocument as PartDocument;

            RefPlanes refPlanes = null;
            RefPlane  refPlane  = null;

            refPlanes = _doc.RefPlanes;
            //Adding parallel refplane to the selected face
            refPlane = refPlanes.AddParallelByDistance(selected_face, 0.0, ReferenceElementConstants.igNormalSide, false, false, true, false);

            Relations2d     relations2D     = null;
            ProfileSets     profileSets     = null;
            ProfileSet      profileSet      = null;
            Profiles        profiles        = null;
            Profile         profile         = null;
            Lines2d         lines2D         = null;
            Models          models          = null;
            Model           model           = null;
            Sketchs         sketchs         = null;
            Sketch          sketch          = null;
            ExtrudedCutouts extrudedCutouts = null;

            sketchs = _doc.Sketches;
            sketch  = sketchs.Add();

            profileSets = _doc.ProfileSets;
            profileSet  = profileSets.Add();
            profiles    = sketch.Profiles;

            profile     = profiles.Add(refPlane);
            lines2D     = profile.Lines2d;
            relations2D = (Relations2d)profile.Relations2d;

            //adding a 2D profile for the cutout
            lines2D.AddBy2Points(0.03, -0.055, 0.045, -0.055);
            lines2D.AddBy2Points(0.045, -0.055, 0.045, -0.04);
            lines2D.AddBy2Points(0.045, -0.04, 0.03, -0.04);
            lines2D.AddBy2Points(0.03, -0.04, 0.03, -0.055);


            models = _doc.Models;
            model  = models.Item(1);

            extrudedCutouts = model.ExtrudedCutouts;

            //adding a new extruded cutout
            extrudedCutouts.AddThroughNext(Profile: profile,
                                           ProfileSide: FeaturePropertyConstants.igLeft,
                                           ProfilePlaneSide: FeaturePropertyConstants.igLeft
        async void ISEMouseEvents.MouseClick(short sButton, short sShift, double dX, double dY, double dZ, object pWindowDispatch, int lKeyPointType, object pGraphicDispatch)
            if (checkhole)
                    //MessageBox.Show($"dx{1000 * dX}, dy{1000 * dY}, dz{1000 * dZ}");
                    _getting_suggestions = true;

                    _application = SolidEdgeCommunity.SolidEdgeUtils.Connect();

                    PartDocument _doc   = _application.ActiveDocument as PartDocument;
                    Model        _model = _doc.Models.Item(1);
                    Holes        _holes = _model.Holes;
                    var          cc     = _holes.Count;

                    var selected_face = pGraphicDispatch as SolidEdgeGeometry.Face;

                    Array minparams = new double[2] as Array;
                    Array maxparams = new double[2] as Array;
                    selected_face.GetParamRange(ref minparams, ref maxparams);
                    var mins = minparams as double[];
                    var maxs = maxparams as double[];

                    Array u = new double[2] {
                        mins[0] + 0.5 * (maxs[0] - mins[0]),
                        mins[1] + 0.5 * (maxs[1] - mins[1])

                    Array n = new double[3] as Array;

                    //getting the normal vector of the selected face
                    selected_face.GetNormal(1, ref u, ref n);
                    var   norm      = n as double[];
                    int   x         = (int)Math.Round(norm[0]);
                    int   y         = (int)Math.Round(norm[1]);
                    int   z         = (int)Math.Round(norm[2]);
                    int[] face_norm = new int[3]
                        x, y, z

                    string Face_normal_vector = string.Format("{0:0}{1:0}{2:0}", x, y, z);

                    //Accessing 3D mouse coordinates
                    _mouse.PointOnGraphic(out int PointOnGraphicFlag, out double PointOnGraphic_X, out double PointOnGraphic_Y, out double PointOnGraphic_Z);
                    MessageBox.Show($"PointonGraphic {PointOnGraphicFlag}, {PointOnGraphic_X}, {PointOnGraphic_Y}, {PointOnGraphic_Z}");

                    // create_hole(PointOnGraphic_X, PointOnGraphic_Y, PointOnGraphic_Z, selected_face, face_norm, Face_normal_vector);

                    List <HoleInfo> _holeInfos = new List <HoleInfo>();

                    foreach (Hole hole in _holes)
                        HoleInfo _holeInfo = default(HoleInfo);
                        SolidEdgePart.HoleData _holedata = hole.HoleData as SolidEdgePart.HoleData;
                        _holeInfo.diameter = 1000 * _holedata.HoleDiameter;
                        Profile profile = hole.Profile as Profile;
                        Holes2d holes2d = profile.Holes2d as Holes2d;
                        Hole2d  hole2d  = holes2d.Item(1);

                        double x_2d, y_2d, x_3d, y_3d, z_3d;
                        hole2d.GetCenterPoint(out x_2d, out y_2d);
                        profile.Convert2DCoordinate(x_2d, y_2d, out x_3d, out y_3d, out z_3d);

                        _holeInfo.xd = x_2d * 1000;
                        _holeInfo.yd = y_2d * 1000;
                        _holeInfo.x  = x_3d * 1000;
                        _holeInfo.y  = y_3d * 1000;
                        _holeInfo.z  = z_3d * 1000;

                        RefPlane plane   = profile.Plane as RefPlane;
                        Array    normals = new double[3] as Array;
                        plane.GetNormal(ref normals);

                        double[] ns = normals as double[];
                        _holeInfo.nx = ns[0];
                        _holeInfo.ny = ns[1];
                        _holeInfo.nz = ns[2];

                        // MessageBox.Show(string.Format("diam: {0:0.000} x: {1:0.000}, y: {2:0.000}, z: {3:0.000}, nx: {3:0.000}, ny: {3:0.000}, nz: {3:0.000}",
                        //                            _holeInfo.diameter, _holeInfo.x, _holeInfo.y, _holeInfo.z, _holeInfo.nx, _holeInfo.ny, _holeInfo.nz));

                    _holeInfos = _holeInfos.OrderBy(p => p.diameter).ToList();

                    string query = "http://trapezohedron.shapespace.com:9985/v1/suggestions?query={\"status\": {\"v\": [";
                    bool   first = true;

                    //adding the hole diameters to query
                    foreach (HoleInfo hi in _holeInfos)
                        if (!first)
                            query += ", ";
                        first = false;
                        string add_v = String.Format("\"{0:0.0}\"", hi.diameter);
                        query += add_v;
                    query += "], \"e\": [";

                    double dist_bucket_size = 50;
                    int    v_source         = 0;
                    first = true;
                    foreach (HoleInfo hi_source in _holeInfos)
                        int    v_dest            = 0;
                        string bucket_dir_source = string.Format("{0:0.0000}{1:0.0000}{2:0.0000}", hi_source.nx, hi_source.ny, hi_source.nz);
                        // MessageBox.Show($"Source {hi_source.x}, {hi_source.y}, {hi_source.z} --- {hi_source.nx}, {hi_source.ny}, {hi_source.nz} ");
                        // MessageBox.Show($"{bucket_dir_source}");
                        foreach (HoleInfo hi_dest in _holeInfos)
                            if (v_dest > v_source)
                                //MessageBox.Show($"destination {hi_dest.x}, {hi_dest.y}, {hi_dest.z} --- {hi_dest.nx}, {hi_dest.ny}, {hi_dest.nz}");
                                if (!first)
                                    query += ", ";
                                first = false;

                                string bucket_dir_dest = string.Format("{0:0.0000}{1:0.0000}{2:0.0000}", hi_dest.nx, hi_dest.ny, hi_dest.nz);
                                double e_dist          = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(hi_source.x - hi_dest.x, 2) + Math.Pow(hi_source.y - hi_dest.y, 2) + Math.Pow(hi_source.z - hi_dest.z, 2));
                                //MessageBox.Show($"Bucket_dir_dest {bucket_dir_dest}, e_dist {e_dist}");
                                double e_dist_bucket = Math.Ceiling(e_dist / dist_bucket_size);
                                //MessageBox.Show($"e_dist_bucket {e_dist_bucket}");
                                string add_e = string.Format("[[\"{0:0.0}\", \"{1:0.0}\"], \"{2:0}\"]", hi_source.diameter, hi_dest.diameter, e_dist_bucket);
                                if (bucket_dir_source == bucket_dir_dest)
                                    add_e += string.Format(",[[\"{0:0.0}\", \"{1:0.0}\"], \"co_dir\"]", hi_source.diameter, hi_dest.diameter);
                                    //add_e += string.Format("[[\"{0:0.0}\", \"{1:0.0}\"], \"co_dir\"]", hi_source.diameter, hi_dest.diameter);
                                query += add_e;
                            v_dest += 1;
                        v_source += 1;

                    // query += "]}, \"location\":[[[\"32.0\", \"*\"], \"co_dir\"],";
                    query += "]}, \"location\": [";

                    first = true;
                    //Calculating distance from the mouse location to the hole center points
                    foreach (HoleInfo H_dest in _holeInfos)
                        if (!first)
                            query += ", ";
                        first = false;

                        double e_dest        = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(H_dest.x - (1000 * PointOnGraphic_X), 2) + Math.Pow(H_dest.y - (1000 * PointOnGraphic_Y), 2) + Math.Pow(H_dest.z - (1000 * PointOnGraphic_Z), 2));
                        double e_dist_bucket = Math.Ceiling(e_dest / dist_bucket_size);
                        string add_e         = string.Format("[[\"{0:0.0}\", \"*\"], \"{1:0}\"]", H_dest.diameter, e_dist_bucket);

                        string Hole_Normal_vector = string.Format("{0:0}{1:0}{2:0}", H_dest.nx, H_dest.ny, H_dest.nz);
                        if (Hole_Normal_vector == Face_normal_vector)
                            add_e += string.Format(", [[\"{0:0.0}\", \"*\"], \"co_dir\"]", H_dest.diameter);
                            //MessageBox.Show($"2D coordinates {H_dest.xd},{H_dest.yd}");

                        query += add_e;
                    query += "]}";


                    //string query = "http://trapezohedron.shapespace.com:9985/v1/suggestions?query={\"status\": {\"v\": [\"32.0\", \"57.0\"], \"e\": [[[\"32.0\", \"57.0\"], \"co_dir\"]]}, \"location\": [[[\"32.0\", \"*\"], \"co_dir\"]]}";
                    var values = new Dictionary <string, string> {

                    var content  = new FormUrlEncodedContent(values);
                    var response = await _client.GetAsync(query);

                    var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();


                    string pattern = @"\d*\.\d";
                    matchCollection = Regex.Matches(responseString, pattern);

                    count = matchCollection.Count;
                    Match = new double[count];
                    int    i     = 0;
                    string match = "";

                    foreach (Match m in matchCollection)
                        match   += string.Format("{0} ", m.Value);
                        Match[i] = Convert.ToDouble(m.Value);
                    // MessageBox.Show($"{match}");

                    create_hole(PointOnGraphic_X, PointOnGraphic_Y, PointOnGraphic_Z, selected_face, face_norm, Face_normal_vector);
                    _getting_suggestions = false;
                catch (Exception ex)

            if (checkcutout)
                    //MessageBox.Show("cutout feature selected");
                    _getting_suggestions = true;

                    _application = SolidEdgeCommunity.SolidEdgeUtils.Connect();

                    PartDocument    _doc             = _application.ActiveDocument as PartDocument;
                    Model           _model           = _doc.Models.Item(1);
                    ExtrudedCutouts _extrudedCutouts = _model.ExtrudedCutouts;
                    int             a = _extrudedCutouts.Count;

                    var selected_face = pGraphicDispatch as SolidEdgeGeometry.Face;

                    Array minparams = new double[2] as Array;
                    Array maxparams = new double[2] as Array;
                    selected_face.GetParamRange(ref minparams, ref maxparams);
                    var mins = minparams as double[];
                    var maxs = maxparams as double[];

                    Array u = new double[2] {
                        mins[0] + 0.5 * (maxs[0] - mins[0]),
                        mins[1] + 0.5 * (maxs[1] - mins[1])

                    Array n = new double[3] as Array;

                    //getting the normal vector of the selected face
                    selected_face.GetNormal(1, ref u, ref n);
                    var   norm      = n as double[];
                    int   x         = (int)Math.Round(norm[0]);
                    int   y         = (int)Math.Round(norm[1]);
                    int   z         = (int)Math.Round(norm[2]);
                    int[] face_norm = new int[3]
                        x, y, z

                    string Face_normal_vector = string.Format("{0:0}{1:0}{2:0}", x, y, z);

                    //Accessing 3D mouse coordinates
                    _mouse.PointOnGraphic(out int PointOnGraphicFlag, out double PointOnGraphic_X, out double PointOnGraphic_Y, out double PointOnGraphic_Z);

                    List <CutoutInfo> _Cutoutinfos = new List <CutoutInfo>();

                    foreach (ExtrudedCutout extrudedCutout in _extrudedCutouts)
                        CutoutInfo _cutoutInfo = default(CutoutInfo);
                        _cutoutInfo.KeyPoints = new List <double>();

                        Profile profile = extrudedCutout.Profile as Profile;
                        SolidEdgeFrameworkSupport.Lines2d lines2D = profile.Lines2d;

                        double x_3d, y_3d, z_3d, x_3D, y_3D, z_3D;
                        int    handletype;
                        SolidEdgeFramework.KeyPointType KeyPointType;

                        int rc = lines2D.Count;

                        for (int j = 1; j <= rc; j++)
                            var ii      = lines2D.Item(j);
                            int keycout = ii.KeyPointCount;

                            for (int i = 0; i < keycout; i++)
                                ii.GetKeyPoint(i, out x_3d, out y_3d, out z_3d, out KeyPointType, out handletype);

                                profile.Convert2DCoordinate(x_3d, y_3d, out x_3D, out y_3D, out z_3D);

                                _cutoutInfo.KeyPoints.Add(x_3D * 1000);
                                _cutoutInfo.KeyPoints.Add(y_3D * 1000);
                                _cutoutInfo.KeyPoints.Add(z_3D * 1000);

                        RefPlane plane   = profile.Plane as RefPlane;
                        Array    normals = new double[3] as Array;
                        plane.GetNormal(ref normals);

                        //getting the normal vector of the cutout profile
                        double[] ns = normals as double[];
                        _cutoutInfo.nx = ns[0];
                        _cutoutInfo.ny = ns[1];
                        _cutoutInfo.nz = ns[2];


                    var dd = _Cutoutinfos[0].KeyPoints[0];

                    foreach (CutoutInfo info in _Cutoutinfos)
                        string Cutout_normal_vector = string.Format("{0:0}{1:0}{2:0}", Math.Round(info.nx), Math.Round(info.ny), Math.Round(info.nz));
                        if (Face_normal_vector == Cutout_normal_vector)

                    Create_Cutout(PointOnGraphic_X, PointOnGraphic_Y, PointOnGraphic_Z, selected_face, face_norm, Face_normal_vector);
                catch (Exception ex)

            if (checkslot)
                    // MessageBox.Show("Slot feature selected");

                    _getting_suggestions = true;

                    _application = SolidEdgeCommunity.SolidEdgeUtils.Connect();

                    PartDocument _doc   = _application.ActiveDocument as PartDocument;
                    Model        _model = _doc.Models.Item(1);
                    Slots        slots  = _model.Slots;
                    int          cc     = slots.Count;

                    var selected_face = pGraphicDispatch as SolidEdgeGeometry.Face;

                    Array minparams = new double[2] as Array;
                    Array maxparams = new double[2] as Array;
                    selected_face.GetParamRange(ref minparams, ref maxparams);
                    var mins = minparams as double[];
                    var maxs = maxparams as double[];

                    Array u = new double[2] {
                        mins[0] + 0.5 * (maxs[0] - mins[0]),
                        mins[1] + 0.5 * (maxs[1] - mins[1])

                    Array n = new double[3] as Array;

                    //getting the normal vector of the selected face
                    selected_face.GetNormal(1, ref u, ref n);
                    var   norm      = n as double[];
                    int   x         = (int)Math.Round(norm[0]);
                    int   y         = (int)Math.Round(norm[1]);
                    int   z         = (int)Math.Round(norm[2]);
                    int[] face_norm = new int[3]
                        x, y, z

                    string Face_normal_vector = string.Format("{0:0}{1:0}{2:0}", x, y, z);

                    //Accessing 3D mouse coordinates
                    _mouse.PointOnGraphic(out int PointOnGraphicFlag, out double PointOnGraphic_X, out double PointOnGraphic_Y, out double PointOnGraphic_Z);

                    List <Slotinfo> _Slotinfos = new List <Slotinfo>();

                    foreach (Slot slot in slots)
                        Slotinfo _SlotInfo = default(Slotinfo);
                        _SlotInfo.KeyPoints = new List <double>();

                        Profile      profile = slot.Profile as Profile;
                        Lines2d      lines2D = profile.Lines2d;
                        int          lincount = lines2D.Count;
                        double       x_3d, y_3d, z_3d, x_3D, y_3D, z_3D;
                        int          handletype;
                        KeyPointType KeyPointType;

                        int rc = lines2D.Count;

                        for (int j = 1; j <= rc; j++)
                            var ii      = lines2D.Item(j);
                            int keycout = ii.KeyPointCount;

                            for (int i = 0; i < keycout; i++)
                                ii.GetKeyPoint(i, out x_3d, out y_3d, out z_3d, out KeyPointType, out handletype);

                                profile.Convert2DCoordinate(x_3d, y_3d, out x_3D, out y_3D, out z_3D);

                                _SlotInfo.KeyPoints.Add(x_3D * 1000);
                                _SlotInfo.KeyPoints.Add(y_3D * 1000);
                                _SlotInfo.KeyPoints.Add(z_3D * 1000);

                        RefPlane plane   = profile.Plane as RefPlane;
                        Array    normals = new double[3] as Array;
                        plane.GetNormal(ref normals);

                        //getting the normal vector of the cutout profile
                        double[] ns = normals as double[];
                        _SlotInfo.nx = ns[0];
                        _SlotInfo.ny = ns[1];
                        _SlotInfo.nz = ns[2];

                    var dd = _Slotinfos[0].KeyPoints[0];

                    foreach (Slotinfo info in _Slotinfos)
                        //Comparing the normal vector of the face to the slot normal vector
                        string Slot_normal_vector = string.Format("{0:0}{1:0}{2:0}", Math.Round(info.nx), Math.Round(info.ny), Math.Round(info.nz));
                        if (Face_normal_vector == Slot_normal_vector)

                    Create_Slot(PointOnGraphic_X, PointOnGraphic_Y, PointOnGraphic_Z, selected_face, face_norm, Face_normal_vector);
                catch (Exception ex)