Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the base position of the robot in world coordinate space if it is moved by an external axis.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> The position of the robot as a plane. </returns>
        private Plane GetPositionPlane()
            // NOTE: Only works for a robot info with an maximum of one external linear axis

            // Deep copy the current position / base plane
            Plane plane = new Plane(_robot.BasePlane);

            // Check if an external axis is attached to the robot
            for (int i = 0; i < _robot.ExternalAxes.Count; i++)
                ExternalAxis externalAxis = _robot.ExternalAxes[i];
                int          logic        = externalAxis.AxisNumber;

                // Moves Robot?
                if (externalAxis.MovesRobot == true)
                    // An External Linear Axis that moves the robot
                    if (externalAxis is ExternalLinearAxis externalLinearAxis)
                        if (_target.ExternalJointPosition[logic] == 9e9)
                            externalLinearAxis.AxisCurve.ClosestPoint(_targetPlane.Origin, out double param);
                            plane.Origin = externalLinearAxis.AxisCurve.PointAt(param);

                            plane = externalLinearAxis.CalculatePosition(_target.ExternalJointPosition, out _);

                    // An External Rotational Axis that moves the robot
                    else if (externalAxis is ExternalRotationalAxis externalRotationalAxis)
                        plane = externalRotationalAxis.CalculatePosition(_target.ExternalJointPosition, out _);

                    // Other External Axis types that move the robot
                        plane = externalAxis.CalculatePosition(_target.ExternalJointPosition, out _);

                    // Break the loop since one axternal axis can move the robot.

            // Returns the position plane of the robot
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the External Joint Position of the Inverse Kinematics solution.
        /// This method does not check the external axis limits.
        /// </summary>
        public void CalculateExternalJointPosition()
            // Clear current solution

            if (_target is RobotTarget robotTarget)
                // NOTE: Only works for a robot with one external axis that moves the robot.
                double count = 0; // Counts the number of external axes that move the robot.

                // Calcualtes the position of the external axes for each external axis
                for (int i = 0; i < _robot.ExternalAxes.Count; i++)
                    ExternalAxis externalAxis = _robot.ExternalAxes[i];
                    Interval     axisLimits   = _robot.ExternalAxes[i].AxisLimits;
                    int          logic        = externalAxis.AxisNumber;

                    // External Linear axis
                    if (externalAxis is ExternalLinearAxis externalLinearAxis)
                        // External Linear Axis that moves the robot
                        if (externalLinearAxis.MovesRobot == true && count == 0)
                            // Checks if the position the external linear axis needs to be negative or positive
                            externalLinearAxis.AxisCurve.ClosestPoint(_robot.BasePlane.Origin, out double robotBasePlaneParam);
                            externalLinearAxis.AxisCurve.ClosestPoint(_positionPlane.Origin, out double basePlaneParam);

                            if (basePlaneParam >= robotBasePlaneParam)
                                _externalJointPosition[logic] = _positionPlane.Origin.DistanceTo(_robot.BasePlane.Origin);

                                _externalJointPosition[logic] = -_positionPlane.Origin.DistanceTo(_robot.BasePlane.Origin);

                            count += 1;

                        // External Linear axis that does not move the robot
                            if (robotTarget.ExternalJointPosition[logic] == 9e9)
                                _externalJointPosition[logic] = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(axisLimits.Min, axisLimits.Max));
                                _externalJointPosition[logic] = robotTarget.ExternalJointPosition[logic];

                    // External Rotational Axis
                    else if (externalAxis is ExternalRotationalAxis)
                        if (robotTarget.ExternalJointPosition[logic] == 9e9)
                            _externalJointPosition[logic] = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(axisLimits.Min, axisLimits.Max));
                            _externalJointPosition[logic] = robotTarget.ExternalJointPosition[logic];

                    // Other External Axis types
                        if (robotTarget.ExternalJointPosition[logic] == 9e9)
                            _externalJointPosition[logic] = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(axisLimits.Min, axisLimits.Max));
                            _externalJointPosition[logic] = robotTarget.ExternalJointPosition[logic];

            // Joint Target
                _externalJointPosition = _target.ExternalJointPosition.Duplicate();
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the forward kinematics solution with the Joint Positions stored inside this Forward Kinematics instance.
        /// </summary>
        public void Calculate()
            // Clear current solution

            // Check axis limits

            // Deep copy the mehses if the pose should be calculated
            if (_hideMesh == false)
                _posedInternalAxisMeshes = _robot.Meshes.ConvertAll(mesh => mesh.DuplicateMesh());
                _posedExternalAxisMeshes = new List <List <Mesh> >();

            // Get initial position plane
            _positionPlane = new Plane(_robot.BasePlane);

            // Count the number of external linear axes that is used: it is now limited to one
            double count = 0;

            // Calculates external axes positions
            _posedExternalAxisPlanes = new Plane[_robot.ExternalAxes.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < _robot.ExternalAxes.Count; i++)
                // Get the external axis
                ExternalAxis externalAxis = _robot.ExternalAxes[i];
                int          logic        = _robot.ExternalAxes[i].AxisNumber;

                // Get external axis plane
                _posedExternalAxisPlanes[i] = externalAxis.CalculatePositionSave(_externalJointPosition);

                // Check if an external axis moves the robot and calculate the position plane.
                if (externalAxis.MovesRobot == true && count == 0)
                    _positionPlane = externalAxis.CalculatePosition(_externalJointPosition, out bool inLimits);
                    count         += 1;

            // Move relative to base
            Transform transNow;

            transNow = Transform.PlaneToPlane(_robot.BasePlane, _positionPlane);

            // Calculates internal axes
            // First caculate all tansformations (rotations)
            // Axis 1
            Transform rot1;
            Plane     planeAxis1 = new Plane(_robot.InternalAxisPlanes[0]);

            rot1 = Transform.Rotation(_robotJointPosition[0] * Math.PI / 180, planeAxis1.ZAxis, planeAxis1.Origin);
            // Axis 2
            Transform rot2;
            Plane     planeAxis2 = new Plane(_robot.InternalAxisPlanes[1]);

            rot2 = Transform.Rotation(_robotJointPosition[1] * Math.PI / 180, planeAxis2.ZAxis, planeAxis2.Origin);
            // Axis 3
            Transform rot3;
            Plane     planeAxis3 = new Plane(_robot.InternalAxisPlanes[2]);

            planeAxis3.Transform(rot2 * rot1);
            rot3 = Transform.Rotation(_robotJointPosition[2] * Math.PI / 180, planeAxis3.ZAxis, planeAxis3.Origin);
            // Axis 4
            Transform rot4;
            Plane     planeAxis4 = new Plane(_robot.InternalAxisPlanes[3]);

            planeAxis4.Transform(rot3 * rot2 * rot1);
            rot4 = Transform.Rotation(_robotJointPosition[3] * Math.PI / 180, planeAxis4.ZAxis, planeAxis4.Origin);
            // Axis 5
            Transform rot5;
            Plane     planeAxis5 = new Plane(_robot.InternalAxisPlanes[4]);

            planeAxis5.Transform(rot4 * rot3 * rot2 * rot1);
            rot5 = Transform.Rotation(_robotJointPosition[4] * Math.PI / 180, planeAxis5.ZAxis, planeAxis5.Origin);
            // Axis 6
            Transform rot6;
            Plane     planeAxis6 = new Plane(_robot.InternalAxisPlanes[5]);

            planeAxis6.Transform(rot5 * rot4 * rot3 * rot2 * rot1);
            rot6 = Transform.Rotation(_robotJointPosition[5] * Math.PI / 180, planeAxis6.ZAxis, planeAxis6.Origin);

            // Apply transformations on tcp plane
            _tcpPlane = new Plane(_robot.ToolPlane);
            _tcpPlane.Transform(transNow * rot6 * rot5 * rot4 * rot3 * rot2 * rot1);

            // Get posed meshes
            if (_hideMesh == false)
                // Base link transform
                // Link_1 tranform
                _posedInternalAxisMeshes[1].Transform(transNow * rot1);
                // Link_2 tranform
                _posedInternalAxisMeshes[2].Transform(transNow * rot2 * rot1);
                // Link_3 tranform
                _posedInternalAxisMeshes[3].Transform(transNow * rot3 * rot2 * rot1);
                // Link_4 tranform
                _posedInternalAxisMeshes[4].Transform(transNow * rot4 * rot3 * rot2 * rot1);
                // Link_5 tranform
                _posedInternalAxisMeshes[5].Transform(transNow * rot5 * rot4 * rot3 * rot2 * rot1);
                // Link_6 tranform
                _posedInternalAxisMeshes[6].Transform(transNow * rot6 * rot5 * rot4 * rot3 * rot2 * rot1);
                // End-effector transform
                _posedInternalAxisMeshes[7].Transform(transNow * rot6 * rot5 * rot4 * rot3 * rot2 * rot1);

                // External axis meshes
                for (int i = 0; i < _robot.ExternalAxes.Count; i++)
                    _posedExternalAxisMeshes.Add(_robot.ExternalAxes[i].PosedMeshes.ConvertAll(mesh => mesh.DuplicateMesh()));
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object can be used to retrieve data from input parameters and
        /// to store data in output parameters.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            // Clears Work Objects List

            // Input variables
            List <string>       names        = new List <string>();
            List <Plane>        planes       = new List <Plane>();
            List <ExternalAxis> externalAxes = new List <ExternalAxis>();

            // Catch the input data
            if (!DA.GetDataList(0, names))
            if (!DA.GetDataList(1, planes))
            if (!DA.GetDataList(2, externalAxes))
                externalAxes = new List <ExternalAxis>()

            // Replace spaces
            names = HelperMethods.ReplaceSpacesAndRemoveNewLines(names);

            // Get longest Input List
            int[] sizeValues = new int[3];
            sizeValues[0] = names.Count;
            sizeValues[1] = planes.Count;
            sizeValues[2] = externalAxes.Count;
            int biggestSize = HelperMethods.GetBiggestValue(sizeValues);

            // Keeps track of used indicies
            int nameCounter   = -1;
            int planesCounter = -1;
            int axisCounter   = -1;

            // Creates work objects
            WorkObject        workObject;
            List <WorkObject> workObjects = new List <WorkObject>();

            for (int i = 0; i < biggestSize; i++)
                string       name         = "";
                Plane        plane        = new Plane();
                ExternalAxis externalAxis = null;

                // Names counter
                if (i < sizeValues[0])
                    name = names[i];
                    name = names[nameCounter] + "_" + (i - nameCounter);

                // Planes counter
                if (i < sizeValues[1])
                    plane = planes[i];
                    plane = planes[planesCounter];

                // Axis counter
                if (i < sizeValues[2])
                    externalAxis = externalAxes[i];
                    externalAxis = externalAxes[axisCounter];

                // Make work object
                workObject = new WorkObject(name, plane, externalAxis);

            // Output
            _workObjects = workObjects;
            DA.SetDataList(0, workObjects);

            #region Object manager
            // Gets ObjectManager of this document
            _objectManager = DocumentManager.GetDocumentObjectManager(this.OnPingDocument());

            // Clears Work Object Name
            for (int i = 0; i < _woNames.Count; i++)

            // Removes lastName from WorkObjectNameList
            if (_objectManager.WorkObjectNames.Contains(_lastName))

            // Adds Component to WorkObjectsByGuid Dictionary
            if (!_objectManager.WorkObjectsByGuid.ContainsKey(this.InstanceGuid))
                _objectManager.WorkObjectsByGuid.Add(this.InstanceGuid, this);

            // Checks if the work object name is already in use and counts duplicates
            #region Check name in object manager
            _namesUnique = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < names.Count; i++)
                if (_objectManager.WorkObjectNames.Contains(names[i]))
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Work Object Name already in use.");
                    _namesUnique = false;
                    _lastName    = "";
                    // Adds Work Object Name to list

                    // Run SolveInstance on other Work Objects with no unique Name to check if their name is now available

                    _lastName = names[i];

                // Checks if variable name exceeds max character limit for RAPID Code
                if (HelperMethods.VariableExeedsCharacterLimit32(names[i]))
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Work Object Name exceeds character limit of 32 characters.");

                // Checks if variable name starts with a number
                if (HelperMethods.VariableStartsWithNumber(names[i]))
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Work Object Name starts with a number which is not allowed in RAPID Code.");

            // Recognizes if Component is Deleted and removes it from Object Managers target and name list
            GH_Document doc = this.OnPingDocument();
            if (doc != null)
                doc.ObjectsDeleted += DocumentObjectsDeleted;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the interpolated path for a linear movement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="movement"> The movement as a linear movement type. </param>
        private void LinearMovementFromRobotTarget(Movement movement)
            // Set the correct tool for this movement

            // Points for path
            List <Point3d> points = new List <Point3d>();

            // Get the final joint positions of this movement
            _robot.InverseKinematics.Movement = movement;

            // Get the External Joint Positions
            ExternalJointPosition towardsExternalJointPosition = _robot.InverseKinematics.ExternalJointPosition.Duplicate();

            // External Joint Position change
            ExternalJointPosition externalJointPositionChange = (towardsExternalJointPosition - _lastExternalJointPosition) / _interpolations;

            // TODO: Check with last movement to speed up the process? As in old path generator?

            // First target plane in WORLD coordinate space
            _robot.ForwardKinematics.Calculate(_lastRobotJointPosition, _lastExternalJointPosition);
            Plane plane1 = _robot.ForwardKinematics.TCPPlane;

            // Second target plane in WORK OBJECT coordinate space
            RobotTarget robotTarget = movement.Target as RobotTarget;
            Plane       plane2      = robotTarget.Plane;

            // Correction for rotation of the target plane on a movable work object
            if (movement.WorkObject.ExternalAxis != null)
                ExternalAxis externalAxis = movement.WorkObject.ExternalAxis;
                Transform    trans        = externalAxis.CalculateTransformationMatrix(_lastExternalJointPosition * -1, out _);

            // Re-orient the starting plane to the work object coordinate space of the second target plane
            Plane     globalWorkObjectPlane = new Plane(movement.WorkObject.GlobalWorkObjectPlane);
            Transform orient = Transform.ChangeBasis(Plane.WorldXY, globalWorkObjectPlane);


            // Target plane position and orientation change per interpolation step
            Vector3d posChange   = (plane2.Origin - plane1.Origin) / _interpolations;
            Vector3d xAxisChange = (plane2.XAxis - plane1.XAxis) / _interpolations;
            Vector3d yAxisChange = (plane2.YAxis - plane1.YAxis) / _interpolations;

            // Correct axis configuration, tool and work object
            RobotTarget subTarget   = new RobotTarget(robotTarget.Name, Plane.WorldXY, robotTarget.AxisConfig);
            Movement    subMovement = new Movement(subTarget);

            subMovement.RobotTool  = movement.RobotTool;
            subMovement.WorkObject = movement.WorkObject;

            // New external joint position
            ExternalJointPosition newExternalJointPosition = _lastExternalJointPosition;

            // Create the sub target planes, robot joint positions and external joint positions for every interpolation step
            for (int i = 0; i < _interpolations; i++)
                // Create new plane: the local target plane (in work object coordinate space)
                Plane plane = new Plane(plane1.Origin + posChange * i, plane1.XAxis + xAxisChange * i, plane1.YAxis + yAxisChange * i);

                // Update the target and movement
                subTarget.Plane = plane;
                subTarget.ExternalJointPosition = newExternalJointPosition;
                subMovement.Target = subTarget;

                // Calculate joint positions
                _robot.InverseKinematics.Movement = subMovement;

                // Auto Axis Config
                if (_linearConfigurationControl == false)
                    if (i == 0)

                // Add te calculated joint positions and plane to the class property

                // Add error messages (check axis limits)
                _errorText.AddRange(_robot.InverseKinematics.ErrorText.ConvertAll(item => string.Copy(item)));

                // Add the plane
                Plane globalPlane = subMovement.GetPosedGlobalTargetPlane();

                // Always add the first point to list with paths
                if (i == 0)
                    points.Add(new Point3d(globalPlane.Origin));

                // Only add the other point if this point is different
                else if (points[points.Count - 1] != globalPlane.Origin)
                    points.Add(new Point3d(globalPlane.Origin));

                // Update the external joint position
                newExternalJointPosition += externalJointPositionChange;

            // Add last point
            Point3d lastPoint = movement.GetPosedGlobalTargetPlane().Origin;

            if (points[points.Count - 1] != lastPoint)

            // Generate path curve
            if (points.Count > 1)
                _paths.Add(Curve.CreateInterpolatedCurve(points, 3));

            // Get the final joint positions of this movement
            _robot.InverseKinematics.Movement = movement;

            // Auto Axis Config
            if (_linearConfigurationControl == false)

            // Add error messages (check axis limits)
            _errorText.AddRange(_robot.InverseKinematics.ErrorText.ConvertAll(item => string.Copy(item)));

            // Add last Joint Poistions
            _lastRobotJointPosition    = _robot.InverseKinematics.RobotJointPosition.Duplicate();
            _lastExternalJointPosition = _robot.InverseKinematics.ExternalJointPosition.Duplicate();