public static System.Drawing.Image GetBlockImageFromDrawing(string blockName)
            System.Drawing.Bitmap blockBmp = null;

            Database db  = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database;
            Document doc = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;

            ObjectId BlockId = ObjectId.Null;

            using (Transaction nativeTrans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                using (BlockTable bt = nativeTrans.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable)
                    if (bt.Has(blockName))
                        BlockId = bt[blockName];

            Manager gsm = doc.GraphicsManager;

            // now set the block sizes to something standard
            Point2d screenSize = (Point2d)Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.GetSystemVariable("SCREENSIZE");

            // set up the image sizes
            int width  = (int)screenSize.X;
            int height = (int)screenSize.Y;

            // now create an off screen device
            KernelDescriptor descriptor = new KernelDescriptor();

            descriptor.addRequirement(Autodesk.AutoCAD.UniqueString.Intern("3D Drawing"));
            GraphicsKernel kernal = Manager.AcquireGraphicsKernel(descriptor);

            using (Device offDevice = gsm.CreateAutoCADOffScreenDevice(kernal))
                // now size the device
                offDevice.OnSize(new System.Drawing.Size(width, height));

                // now create the view
                using (View view = new View())
                    // add the new view object to the device

                    // update it

                    // ok now create the model
                    using (Model model = gsm.CreateAutoCADModel(kernal))
                        using (Transaction nativeTrans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                            using (BlockTable bt = nativeTrans.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable)
                                // now iterate through our block tables
                                foreach (ObjectId id in bt)
                                    if (id == BlockId)
                                        // open the btr for read
                                        using (BlockTableRecord btr = nativeTrans.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTableRecord)
                                            // add the btr to the view
                                            view.Add(btr, model);

                                                // get the extents of the btr
                                                Extents3d extents = new Extents3d();
                                                Vector3d  buffer  = new Vector3d(2, 2, 0);

                                                _extMin = extents.MinPoint;
                                                _extMax = extents.MaxPoint;
                                                SetViewTo(view, db);

                                                // snap the image
                                                System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);

                                                blockBmp = view.GetSnapshot(rect);
                                            // reset the view for the next iteration
        //Does not update dynamic blocks
        public static void exportblockstosvg()
            DocumentCollection docCol   = Application.DocumentManager;
            Database           localDb  = docCol.MdiActiveDocument.Database;
            Document           doc      = docCol.MdiActiveDocument;
            CivilDocument      civilDoc = Autodesk.Civil.ApplicationServices.CivilApplication.ActiveDocument;

            Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;

                using (Transaction tx = localDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                //using (Database symbolerDB = new Database(false, true))
                        System.Data.DataTable fjvKomponenter = IntersectUtilities.CsvReader.ReadCsvToDataTable(
                            @"X:\AutoCAD DRI - 01 Civil 3D\FJV Komponenter.csv", "FjvKomponenter");

                        //symbolerDB.ReadDwgFile(@"X:\0371-1158 - Gentofte Fase 4 - Dokumenter\01 Intern\" +
                        //                       @"02 Tegninger\01 Autocad\Autocad\01 Views\0.0 Fælles\Symboler.dwg",
                        //                       System.IO.FileShare.Read, true, "");

                        BlockTable bt = tx.GetObject(localDb.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;

                        foreach (oid Oid in bt)
                            BlockTableRecord btr = tx.GetObject(Oid, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTableRecord;

                            if (ReadStringParameterFromDataTable(btr.Name, fjvKomponenter, "Navn", 0) != null)// &&
                            //btr.Name == "DN32 90gr twin")
                                Extents3d bbox = new Extents3d();

                                float width  = ts(Math.Abs(bbox.MaxPoint.X - bbox.MinPoint.X));
                                float height = ts(Math.Abs(bbox.MaxPoint.Y - bbox.MinPoint.Y));

                                //PP = None, NP = Vertical flip, PN = Horizontal flip, NN = Vertical and Horizontal flip
                                //NN is the same as rotating 180°
                                Flip[] flips = new Flip[4] {
                                    Flip.PP, Flip.PN, Flip.NN, Flip.NP
                                string[] flipNames = new string[] { "_PP", "_PN", "_NN", "_NP" };

                                for (int i = 0; i < flips.Length; i++)
                                    Svg.SvgDocument svg = new Svg.SvgDocument()
                                        Width   = width,
                                        Height  = height,
                                        ViewBox = new Svg.SvgViewBox(ts(bbox.MinPoint.X),
                                                                     width, height)

                                    var group = new Svg.SvgGroup();
                                    //WCS ORIGO transform matrix
                                    double[] dMatrix = new double[16] {
                                        1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1
                                    Matrix3d transform = new Matrix3d(dMatrix);
                                    DrawOrDiscardEntity(btr, tx, transform, group);//, upscale);
                                    AddTransforms(group, flips[i]);

                                    svg.Write(@"X:\AutoCAD DRI - 01 Civil 3D\Svg\"
                                              + btr.Name + flipNames[i] + ".svg");
                    catch (System.Exception ex)

            catch (System.Exception ex)
        private void createBlock()
            // создание определения блока
            using (var bt = CPS.DbExport.BlockTableId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable)
                IdBtrEnd = getIdBtrEnd(bt);

            // для каждой панели - копирование объектв торца с преобразование в координаты модели
            // список копируемых объектов торуа с привязкой к объекту блока панели для дальнейшего перемещения объектов в 0,0 в блоке торца
            foreach (var panelBlRef in itemLefEndsByY)
                Dictionary<ObjectId, PanelBlRefExport> dictIdsEndEnts = new Dictionary<ObjectId, PanelBlRefExport>();
                if (isLeftSide)
                    panelBlRef.PanelBtrExport.IdsEndsLeftEntity.ForEach(e => dictIdsEndEnts.Add(e, panelBlRef));
                    panelBlRef.PanelBtrExport.IdsEndsRightEntity.ForEach(e => dictIdsEndEnts.Add(e, panelBlRef));
                ObjectIdCollection ids = new ObjectIdCollection(dictIdsEndEnts.Keys.ToArray());
                using (IdMapping mapping = new IdMapping())
                    CPS.DbExport.DeepCloneObjects(ids, IdBtrEnd, mapping, false);

                    //перемещение объектов в блоке
                    var moveMatrix = Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(0, panelBlRef.Position.Y - Position.Y, 0));
                    foreach (ObjectId id in ids)
                        var ent = mapping[id].Value.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite, false, true) as Entity;

            // перемещение вех объектов торца в 0
            var btr = IdBtrEnd.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTableRecord;
            Extents3d extFull = new Extents3d();
            foreach (ObjectId idEnt in btr)
                using (var ent = idEnt.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite, false, true) as Entity)
                    ent.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(-extFull.MinPoint.X, 0, 0)));

            ////сопоставление скопированных объектов с панелями
            //Dictionary<ObjectId, PanelBlRefExport> dictIdsCopyedEndEnts = new Dictionary<ObjectId, PanelBlRefExport>();
            //foreach (IdPair itemIdMap in mapping)
            //   var panelBlRef = dictIdsEndEnts[itemIdMap.Key];
            //   dictIdsCopyedEndEnts.Add(itemIdMap.Key, panelBlRef);

            //// удаление выбранных объектов
            //foreach (ObjectId idEnt in ids)
            //   var ent = t.GetObject(idEnt, OpenMode.ForWrite, false, true) as Entity;
            //   ent.Erase();

            // вставка блока
            if (!IsExistsBlockEnd)
                using (var blRef = new BlockReference(Position, IdBtrEnd))
                    using (var ms = SymbolUtilityServices.GetBlockModelSpaceId(CPS.DbExport).GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord)
                        ms.Database.TransactionManager.TopTransaction.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(blRef, true);
Exemple #4
        private void createBlock()
            // создание определения блока
            var bt = CPS.DbExport.BlockTableId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;

            IdBtrEnd = getIdBtrEnd(bt);

            // для каждой панели - копирование объектв торца с преобразование в координаты модели
            // список копируемых объектов торуа с привязкой к объекту блока панели для дальнейшего перемещения объектов в 0,0 в блоке торца
            foreach (var panelBlRef in itemLefEndsByY)
                var dictIdsEndEnts = new Dictionary <ObjectId, PanelBlRefExport>();
                if (isLeftSide)
                    panelBlRef.PanelBtrExport.IdsEndsLeftEntity.ForEach(e => {
                        if (e.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbBlockReference")
                            dictIdsEndEnts.Add(e, panelBlRef);
                    panelBlRef.PanelBtrExport.IdsEndsRightEntity.ForEach(e =>
                        if (e.ObjectClass.Name == "AcDbBlockReference")
                            dictIdsEndEnts.Add(e, panelBlRef);
                var ids = new ObjectIdCollection(dictIdsEndEnts.Keys.ToArray());
                using (IdMapping mapping = new IdMapping())
                    CPS.DbExport.DeepCloneObjects(ids, IdBtrEnd, mapping, false);

                    //перемещение объектов в блоке
                    var moveMatrix = Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(0, panelBlRef.Position.Y - Position.Y, 0));
                    foreach (ObjectId id in ids)
                        var ent = mapping[id].Value.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite, false, true) as Entity;

            // перемещение вех объектов торца в 0
            var btrEnd  = IdBtrEnd.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTableRecord;
            var extFull = new Extents3d();

            var tiles = new List <BlockReference>();

            foreach (ObjectId idEnt in btrEnd)
                var ent = idEnt.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite, false, true) as Entity;
                ent.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(-extFull.MinPoint.X, 0, 0)));
                if (ent is BlockReference)
                    var blRefTile = ent as BlockReference;
                    var blName    = blRefTile.GetEffectiveName();
                    if (blName.Equals(Settings.Default.BlockTileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            // Выравнивание блоков плиток
            if (tiles.Any())
                var xTile = tiles.First().Position.X;
                foreach (var item in tiles)
                    if (item.Position.X != xTile)
                        var moveMatrixTileX = Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(xTile - item.Position.X, 0, 0));

            ////сопоставление скопированных объектов с панелями
            //Dictionary<ObjectId, PanelBlRefExport> dictIdsCopyedEndEnts = new Dictionary<ObjectId, PanelBlRefExport>();
            //foreach (IdPair itemIdMap in mapping)
            //   var panelBlRef = dictIdsEndEnts[itemIdMap.Key];
            //   dictIdsCopyedEndEnts.Add(itemIdMap.Key, panelBlRef);

            //// удаление выбранных объектов
            //foreach (ObjectId idEnt in ids)
            //   var ent = t.GetObject(idEnt, OpenMode.ForWrite, false, true) as Entity;
            //   ent.Erase();

            // вставка блока
            if (!IsExistsBlockEnd)
                using (var blRef = new BlockReference(Position, IdBtrEnd))
                    using (var ms = SymbolUtilityServices.GetBlockModelSpaceId(CPS.DbExport).GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord)
                        ms.Database.TransactionManager.TopTransaction.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(blRef, true);