private void AdjustPropertiesForGasBody()
            HasGreenhouseEffect  = false;
            VolatileGasInventory = Ratio.FromDecimalFractions(GlobalConstants.NOT_APPLICABLE);
            BoilingPointWater    = Temperature.FromKelvins(GlobalConstants.NOT_APPLICABLE);

            Temperature = Temperature.FromKelvins(GlobalConstants.NOT_APPLICABLE);
            GreenhouseRiseTemperature = TemperatureDelta.Zero;
            Albedo             = Ratio.FromDecimalFractions(Extensions.About(GlobalConstants.GAS_GIANT_ALBEDO, 0.1));
            WaterCoverFraction = Ratio.Zero;
            CloudCoverFraction = Ratio.Zero;
            IceCoverFraction   = Ratio.Zero;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the inventory of volatiles in a planet's atmosphere
        /// as a result of outgassing. This value is used to calculate
        /// the planet's surface pressure. Implements Fogg's eq. 17.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mass">Planet mass in solar masses</param>
        /// <param name="escapeVelocity">Planet escape velocity in cm/sec</param>
        /// <param name="rmsVelocity">Planet RMS velocity in cm/sec</param>
        /// <param name="stellarMass">Mass of the planet's star in solar masses</param>
        /// <param name="zone">Planet's "zone" in the system</param>
        /// <param name="hasGreenhouseEffect">True if the planet is experiencing
        /// a runaway greenhouse effect</param>
        /// <param name="hasAccretedGas">True if the planet has accreted any</param>
        public virtual Ratio GetVolatileGasInventory(Mass massSM,
                                                     Speed escapeVelocity,
                                                     Speed rmsVelocity,
                                                     Mass sunMass,
                                                     Mass gasMassSM,
                                                     int orbitZone,
                                                     bool hasGreenhouse)
            var hasAccretedGas = gasMassSM / massSM > 0.000001;

            // This implements Fogg's eq.17.  The 'inventory' returned is unitless.

            var velocityRatio = escapeVelocity / rmsVelocity;

            if (velocityRatio >= GlobalConstants.GAS_RETENTION_THRESHOLD)
                double proportionConst;
                switch (orbitZone)
                case 1:
                    proportionConst = 100000.0;                                /* 100 . 140 JLB */

                case 2:
                    proportionConst = 75000.0;

                case 3:
                    proportionConst = 250.0;

                    proportionConst = 0.0;
                var earthUnits = massSM * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES;
                var volInv     = Extensions.About((proportionConst * earthUnits) / sunMass, 0.2);
                if (hasGreenhouse || hasAccretedGas)
                return(Ratio.FromDecimalFractions(volInv / 100.0));                /* 100 . 140 JLB */

        private Angle GetRandomInclination(Length semiMajorAxis)
            var inclination = ((int)(Math.Pow(semiMajorAxis.Kilometers / GlobalConstants.ASTRONOMICAL_UNIT_KM, 0.2) * Extensions.About(GlobalConstants.EARTH_AXIAL_TILT, 0.4)) % 360);
