public void NewPersonIsSuccesfullyAddedToDatabase() { ExtendedDatabase db = new ExtendedDatabase(new Person(2, "Joro")); db.Add(new Person(1, "Pesho")); Assert.IsTrue(personComparer.Equals(db[1], expectedPerson)); }
public void FindByUserUnknowUserNameArgument() { var persons = new Person(1, "a"); var db = new ExtendedDatabase(persons); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => db.FindByUsername("b")); }
public void FindByUsernameShouldWorkCorrectly() { this.db = new ExtendedDatabase(new Person(1, "Pesho")); Assert.AreEqual("Pesho", this.db.FindByUsername("Pesho").UserName); Assert.AreEqual(1, this.db.FindByUsername("Pesho").Id); }
public void FindByUserIdNegativeIdShouldThrowException() { ExtendedDatabase database = new ExtendedDatabase(); Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => database.FindById(-1)); }
public void FndByID_Check_ExceptionThrown_TryToFindWithNegativeIdParameter() { ExtendedDatabase database = new ExtendedDatabase(); Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => database.FindById(-1)); }
public void FindByIdNonExistingPersonShouldThrow() { var persons = new Person[] { pesho, gosho }; var db = new ExtendedDatabase(persons); Assert.That(() => db.FindById(558877), Throws.InvalidOperationException); }
public void RemoveEmptyCollectionShouldThrow() { var persons = new Person[] { }; var db = new ExtendedDatabase(persons); Assert.That(() => db.Remove(), Throws.InvalidOperationException); }
public void Test_Add_Range_Exception_With_Empty_People() { Person[] people = new Person[17]; Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => this.database = new ExtendedDatabase(people)); }
public void Test_Add_Null_People() { Person[] people = new Person[5]; Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => this.database = new ExtendedDatabase(people)); }
public void TestIfConstructorIsInitializedWith16People() { //Arrange this.extendedDatabase = new /*ExtendedDatabase.*/ ExtendedDatabase(initialPeople); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(DatabaseCapacity, this.extendedDatabase.Count); }
public void Setup() { this.person1 = new Person(100, "Pesho"); this.person2 = new Person(101, "Gosho"); this.person3 = new Person(102, "Shepo"); this.database = new ExtendedDatabase(this.person1, this.person2); }
public void ExceptionIsThrownWhenUsernameInputIsNullOrEmpty() { ExtendedDatabase db = new ExtendedDatabase(new Person(1, "Pesho")); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => db.FindByUsername(null), "Username cannot be null"); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => db.FindByUsername(string.Empty), "Username cannot be null"); }
public void PersonIsSuccesfullyRemovedFromDatabase() { ExtendedDatabase db = new ExtendedDatabase(new Person(1, "Tosho"), new Person(2, "Gancho")); db.Remove(); Assert.That(db[1], Is.EqualTo(null)); }
public void ExceptionIsThrownWhenNewPersonIsAddedToFullDatabase() { Person[] input = Enumerable.Repeat(new Person(4, "Gosho"), 16).ToArray(); ExtendedDatabase db = new ExtendedDatabase(input); Assert.That(() => db.Add(new Person(6, "Stancho")), Throws.InvalidOperationException.With.Message.EqualTo("Database is full")); }
public void FindByUsernameNullArgumentShouldThrow() { var persons = new Person[] { pesho, gosho }; var db = new ExtendedDatabase(persons); Assert.That(() => db.FindByUsername(null), Throws.ArgumentNullException); }
public void ValidIfThrowsExceptionWhenTryingToFindPersonWhoIsEmptyOrNull(string message) { var database = new ExtendedDatabase(shortData); Assert.That(() => database.FindByUsername(null), Throws.ArgumentNullException, message); Assert.That(() => database.FindByUsername(""), Throws.ArgumentNullException, message); }
public void FindByUsernameIsCaseSensitive() { var persons = new Person[] { pesho, gosho }; var db = new ExtendedDatabase(persons); Assert.That(() => db.FindByUsername("GOSHO"), Throws.InvalidOperationException); }
public void AddMethodShouldIncreaseTheCountAndAddPersonCorrectly(string message) { var testDatabase = new ExtendedDatabase(shortData); testDatabase.Add(new Person(739319304, "Martincho")); Assert.AreEqual(6, testDatabase.Count, message); }
public void FindByUsernameNegativeArgumentShouldThrow() { var persons = new Person[] { pesho, gosho }; var db = new ExtendedDatabase(persons); Assert.That(() => db.FindById(-5), Throws.Exception); }
public void FindByUserNameMethodShouldWorkCorrectly(string message) { var database = new ExtendedDatabase(shortData); var actualPerson = database.FindByUsername("Arwen"); Assert.AreEqual(shortData[0], actualPerson, message); }
public void Numbers() { var persons = new Person[17]; ExtendedDatabase db; Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => db = new ExtendedDatabase(persons)); }
public void FindByIdMethodShouldWorkCorrectly(string message) { var database = new ExtendedDatabase(shortData); var targetPerson = database.FindById(12345678); Assert.AreEqual(shortData[0], targetPerson, message); }
public void FindByIdEmptyCollectionShouldThrowException() { ExtendedDatabase database = new ExtendedDatabase(); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => database.FindById(1)); }
public void ValidIfInternalArrayLenghtIsSixteen(string message) { var database = new ExtendedDatabase(accurateData); int lenght = database.Count; Assert.AreEqual(16, lenght, message); }
public void IfNameIsNullOrEmpty_ShouldReturnException() { ExtendedDatabase dataBase = new ExtendedDatabase(new Person(3213, "Gosho")); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => dataBase.FindByUsername(null)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => dataBase.FindByUsername(string.Empty)); }
public void AddMethodShouldThrowInvalidOperationExceptionIfWeTryToAdd17Person() { Person[] people = new Person[16]; people[0] = new Person(1, "Pesho1"); people[1] = new Person(12, "Pesho2"); people[2] = new Person(123, "Pesho3"); people[3] = new Person(1234, "Pesho4"); people[4] = new Person(12345, "Pesho5"); people[5] = new Person(123456, "Pesho6"); people[6] = new Person(1234567, "Pesho7"); people[7] = new Person(12345678, "Pesho8"); people[8] = new Person(123456789, "Pesho9"); people[9] = new Person(12345678910, "Pesho10"); people[10] = new Person(1234567891011, "Pesho11"); people[11] = new Person(123456789101112, "Pesho12"); people[12] = new Person(12345678910111213, "Pesho13"); people[13] = new Person(1234567891011121314, "Pesho14"); people[14] = new Person(1234567891011121315, "Pesho15"); people[15] = new Person(1234567891011121316, "Pesho16"); var db = new ExtendedDatabase(people); var additionalPerson = new Person(23123132, "Shano"); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => db.Add(additionalPerson)); }
public void Setup() { this.person = new Person(1213123132132332353, "username"); this.extendedDatabase = new ExtendedDatabase(); this.gosho = new Person(123, "Gosho"); this.pesho = new Person(321, "Pesho"); }
public void ConstructorShouldBeInitializedWithExatly16People() { Person[] people = new Person[16]; people[0] = new Person(1, "Pesho1"); people[1] = new Person(12, "Pesho2"); people[2] = new Person(123, "Pesho3"); people[3] = new Person(1234, "Pesho4"); people[4] = new Person(12345, "Pesho5"); people[5] = new Person(123456, "Pesho6"); people[6] = new Person(1234567, "Pesho7"); people[7] = new Person(12345678, "Pesho8"); people[8] = new Person(123456789, "Pesho9"); people[9] = new Person(12345678910, "Pesho10"); people[10] = new Person(1234567891011, "Pesho11"); people[11] = new Person(123456789101112, "Pesho12"); people[12] = new Person(12345678910111213, "Pesho13"); people[13] = new Person(1234567891011121314, "Pesho14"); people[14] = new Person(1234567891011121315, "Pesho15"); people[15] = new Person(1234567891011121316, "Pesho16"); var extendedDatabase = new ExtendedDatabase(people); var actualCount = extendedDatabase.Count; var expectedCount = 16; Assert.AreEqual(expectedCount, actualCount); }
public void FindByIdMethodThrowIfNumberOfIdIsNegative() { ExtendedDatabase database = new ExtendedDatabase(); long id = -1; Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => database.FindById(id)); }
public void CantAddPeopleWithTheSameId() { Person[] pp = { pesho, gosho }; var db = new ExtendedDatabase(pp); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => db.Add(new Person(123, "Pesdho"))); }