/// <summary>
        /// Get the intersection between a line and a plane.
        //  If the line and plane are not parallel, the function outputs true, otherwise false.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="intersection"></param>
        /// <param name="ray"></param>
        /// <param name="plane"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool LinePlaneIntersection(out Vector3 intersection, Ray ray, ExtPlane plane)
            float   length;
            float   dotNumerator;
            float   dotDenominator;
            Vector3 vector;

            intersection = Vector3.zero;

            //calculate the distance between the linePoint and the line-plane intersection point
            dotNumerator   = Vector3.Dot((plane.Point - ray.origin), plane.Normal);
            dotDenominator = Vector3.Dot(ray.direction, plane.Normal);

            //line and plane are not parallel
            if (dotDenominator != 0.0f)
                length = dotNumerator / dotDenominator;

                //create a vector from the linePoint to the intersection point
                vector = ExtVector3.SetVectorLength(ray.direction, length);

                //get the coordinates of the line-plane intersection point
                intersection = ray.origin + vector;


            //output not valid
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// draw a line
        /// </summary>
        public static bool DrawLineTrunk(bool trunk, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Color color, float size, out bool hasChanged)
            hasChanged = false;

            Vector3    direction = (p1 - p2);
            Vector3    middle    = ExtVector3.GetMeanOfXPoints(p1, p2);
            Quaternion rotation  = ExtQuaternion.QuaternionFromLine(p1, p2, Vector3.up);

            Handles.color = color;
            float scaleCylinder = direction.magnitude;

            if (!trunk)
                Matrix4x4 scaleMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(middle, rotation, new Vector3(size, size, scaleCylinder));
                using (new Handles.DrawingScope(scaleMatrix))
                    Handles.CylinderHandleCap(0, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, 1, EventType.Repaint);

            if (!Event.current.alt && Event.current.button != 2 && Handles.Button(
                trunk      = !trunk;
                hasChanged = true;
Exemple #3
        //Returns true if "point" is in a rectangle mad up of RectA to RectD. The line point is assumed to be on the same
        //plane as the rectangle. If the point is not on the plane, use ProjectPointOnPlane() first.
        public static bool IsPointIn2DRectangle(Vector3 point, Vector3 rectA, Vector3 rectC, Vector3 rectB, Vector3 rectD)
            Vector3 vector;
            Vector3 linePoint;

            //get the center of the rectangle
            vector = rectC - rectA;
            float size = -(vector.magnitude / 2f);

            vector = ExtVector3.AddVectorLength(vector, size);
            Vector3 middle = rectA + vector;

            Vector3 xVector = rectB - rectA;
            float   width   = xVector.magnitude / 2f;

            Vector3 yVector = rectD - rectA;
            float   height  = yVector.magnitude / 2f;

            linePoint = ExtLine.ProjectPointOnLine(middle, xVector.normalized, point);
            vector    = linePoint - point;
            float yDistance = vector.magnitude;

            linePoint = ExtLine.ProjectPointOnLine(middle, yVector.normalized, point);
            vector    = linePoint - point;
            float xDistance = vector.magnitude;

            if ((xDistance <= width) && (yDistance <= height))
    /// <summary>
    /// Raycast from mouse Position in scene view for future mouseClick object
    /// </summary>
    public static HitSceneView SetCurrentOverObject(HitSceneView newHit, bool setNullIfNot = true)
        RaycastHit _saveRaycastHit;
        Ray        worldRay = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(Event.current.mousePosition);

        //first a test only for point
        //if (Physics.Raycast(worldRay, out saveRaycastHit, Mathf.Infinity, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer(gravityAttractorEditor.layerPoint), QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
        if (Physics.Raycast(worldRay, out _saveRaycastHit, Mathf.Infinity))
            if (_saveRaycastHit.collider.gameObject != null)
                newHit.objHit   = _saveRaycastHit.collider.gameObject;
                newHit.pointHit = _saveRaycastHit.point;
                newHit.normal   = _saveRaycastHit.normal;
            if (setNullIfNot)
                newHit.objHit   = null;
                newHit.pointHit = ExtVector3.GetNullVector();
Exemple #5
        public virtual void UpdatePosition()
            Vector3 target = _spline.EvaluatePositionAtUnit(_pathPosition, _positionUnits)
                             + _toMove.right * _offsetFromSpline.x + _toMove.up * _offsetFromSpline.y;

            _toMove.position = ExtVector3.OwnSmoothDamp(_toMove.position, target, ref _refPositionVelocity, _dampingTimePosition, Mathf.Infinity, Time.fixedDeltaTime);
Exemple #6
        //public static void GenerateAndSwitchBranch(ControllerStick stick, SplineBase splineA, SplineBase splineB, float from, float to, SplineBase.PositionUnits positionUnits)
        //    SplineBase generatedSpline = BranchBetweenSplines.GenerateBranch(splineA, splineB, from, to, positionUnits);
        //    stick.ChangeSpline(generatedSpline, 0);

        public void BasicPositionAndOffset(float offset)
            Vector3 target = PositionWithoutOffsetFromSpline(offset)
                             + _toMove.right * _offsetFromSpline.x + _toMove.up * _offsetFromSpline.y;

            _toMove.position = ExtVector3.OwnSmoothDamp(_toMove.position, target, ref _refPositionVelocity, _dampingTimePosition, Mathf.Infinity, Time.fixedDeltaTime);
 //This helps keep the size consistent no matter how far we are from it.
 float GetDistanceMultiplier()
     if (_target == null)
     return(Mathf.Max(.01f, Mathf.Abs(ExtVector3.MagnitudeInDirection(_target.position - transform.position, MyCamera.transform.forward))));
Exemple #8
 /// <summary>
 /// return true if the position is inside the sphape
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="otherPosition">position to test</param>
 /// <returns>true if inside the shape</returns>
 public bool IsInsideShape(Vector3 otherPosition)
     if (_circle.IsAbove(otherPosition))
         return(ExtVector3.Distance(otherPosition, Position) <= _realRadius);
Exemple #9
        public Vector3 GetActualAccelerationForward()
            Vector3 dirForward  = GetActualDirForward();
            Vector3 dirVelocity = rb.velocity;

            Vector3 projected = ExtVector3.GetProjectionOfAOnB(dirVelocity, dirForward, baseGravity.GetMainAndOnlyGravity());

            //Debug.DrawRay(rb.transform.position, dirForward, Color.blue);
            //Debug.DrawRay(rb.transform.position, dirVelocity, Color.red);
            //Debug.DrawRay(rb.transform.position, projected, Color.green);
Exemple #10
        ///     2 ------2------ 3
        ///   1 |             3 |
        ///  1 ------4----- 4   |
        ///  |  |      3    |   |
        ///  | 4|           | 2 |
        ///  |       1      |
        ///  |              |

        public ExtQuad(Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3, Vector3 p4) : this()
            _position = ExtVector3.GetMeanOfXPoints(p1, p2, p3, p4);
            Vector3 x = p1 - p2;
            Vector3 y = p1 - p4;

            Vector3 up = Vector3.Cross(x, y);

            _rotation   = ExtRotation.QuaternionFromVectorDirector(up, x.FastNormalized());
            _rotation   = ExtRotation.RotateQuaternion(_rotation, new Vector3(-90, 0, 0));
            _localScale = new Vector3(y.magnitude, 1, x.magnitude);
Exemple #11
        private void ApplyChange()
            //_camera.transform.position = _follow.position;
            //_camera.transform.LookAt(_lookAt, _upReference.up);

            _camera.transform.position = ExtVector3.OwnSmoothDamp(_camera.transform.position, _follow.position, ref _refPositionVelocity, _dampingPosition, Mathf.Infinity, Time.deltaTime);
            Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(_lookAt.position - _camera.transform.position, _upReference.up);

            //target = target * Quaternion.Euler(_offsetRotation);
            _camera.transform.rotation = ExtRotation.OwnSmoothDamp(_camera.transform.rotation, targetRotation, ref _refRotationVelocity, _dampingLookAt, Time.deltaTime);
Exemple #12
        private static void GroupGravityFields()
            GameObject[] selected = Selection.gameObjects;
            if (selected.Length == 0)

            List <GameObject> selectedWithAttractor = new List <GameObject>(selected.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < selected.Length; i++)
                Attractor action = selected[i].GetComponentInChildren <Attractor>();
                if (action != null)

            //first, do not group anything if one of them is already grouped
            for (int i = 0; i < selectedWithAttractor.Count; i++)
                AttractorGroup parent = selectedWithAttractor[i].GetComponentInParent <AttractorGroup>();
                if (parent != null)

            Selection.activeGameObject = null;
            Transform commonParent = ExtObjectEditor.FindCommonParent(selectedWithAttractor, selectedWithAttractor[0].transform.parent);


            GameObject newParent = new GameObject("AttractorGroup");

            newParent.transform.position = ExtVector3.GetMeanOfXPoints(selectedWithAttractor.ToArray(), out Vector3 sizeBoundingBox, true);
            AttractorGroup newGroup = newParent.AddComponent <AttractorGroup>();

            //UnityEditor.Editor splineEditorGeneric = UnityEditor.Editor.CreateEditor(newGroup, typeof(GravityFieldsGroupEditor));
            //GravityFieldsGroupEditor groupEditor = (GravityFieldsGroupEditor)splineEditorGeneric;

            SetupSiblingOfNewGroup(selectedWithAttractor, commonParent, newParent);

            ExtReflection.SetExpanded(newParent, true);
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// from a given point in space, order the face, from the closest to the farrest from the point
        ///         cube
        ///      6 ------------ 7
        ///    / |    3       / |
        ///  5 ------------ 8   |
        ///  |   |          |   |
        ///  | 5 |     6    | 2-|------------  face
        ///  |   |   1      |   |
        ///  |  2 ----------|-- 3
        ///  |/       4     | /
        ///  1 ------------ 4
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static FloatRange[] GetOrdersOfFaceFromPoint(ExtCube cube, Vector3 point)
            FloatRange[] faceDistance = new FloatRange[6];

            faceDistance[0] = new FloatRange(1, ExtVector3.DistanceSquared(ExtVector3.GetMeanOfXPoints(cube.P1, cube.P5, cube.P8, cube.P4), point));
            faceDistance[1] = new FloatRange(2, ExtVector3.DistanceSquared(ExtVector3.GetMeanOfXPoints(cube.P4, cube.P8, cube.P7, cube.P3), point));
            faceDistance[2] = new FloatRange(3, ExtVector3.DistanceSquared(ExtVector3.GetMeanOfXPoints(cube.P5, cube.P6, cube.P7, cube.P8), point));
            faceDistance[3] = new FloatRange(4, ExtVector3.DistanceSquared(ExtVector3.GetMeanOfXPoints(cube.P1, cube.P2, cube.P3, cube.P4), point));
            faceDistance[4] = new FloatRange(5, ExtVector3.DistanceSquared(ExtVector3.GetMeanOfXPoints(cube.P2, cube.P6, cube.P5, cube.P1), point));
            faceDistance[5] = new FloatRange(6, ExtVector3.DistanceSquared(ExtVector3.GetMeanOfXPoints(cube.P3, cube.P7, cube.P6, cube.P2), point));

            faceDistance = FloatRange.Sort(faceDistance);
Exemple #14
    public static Vector3 GetMiddleOfXVector(Vector3[] arrayVect)
        Vector3 sum = Vector3.zero;

        for (int i = 0; i < arrayVect.Length; i++)
            if (ExtVector3.IsNullVector(arrayVect[i]))

            sum += arrayVect[i];
Exemple #15
        //This function returns a point which is a projection from a point to a plane.
        public static Vector3 ProjectPointInPlaneMethod2(Vector3 planeNormal, Vector3 planePoint, Vector3 point)
            float   distance;
            Vector3 translationVector;

            //First calculate the distance from the point to the plane:
            distance = SignedDistancePlanePoint(planeNormal, planePoint, point);

            //Reverse the sign of the distance
            distance *= -1;

            //Get a translation vector
            translationVector = ExtVector3.SetVectorLength(planeNormal, distance);

            //Translate the point to form a projection
            return(point + translationVector);
    /// <summary>
    /// take into acount unidirectinnal option, return null if not found
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private Vector3 GetGoodPointUnidirectionnal(Vector3 p, Vector3 foundPosition)
        //Vector3 projectedOnPlane = TriPlane.Project(EdgeAb.A, TriNorm.normalized, p);
        Vector3 dirPlayer = p - foundPosition;

        float dotPlanePlayer = ExtVector3.DotProduct(dirPlayer.normalized, TriNorm.normalized);

        if ((dotPlanePlayer < 0 && !inverseDirection) || dotPlanePlayer > 0 && inverseDirection)
            Debug.DrawRay(p, dirPlayer, Color.yellow, 5f);
            Debug.DrawRay(p, TriNorm.normalized, Color.black, 5f);
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// save the last position on ground
        /// </summary>
        public void SaveLastPositionOnground()
            if (entityController.GetMoveState() == EntityController.MoveState.InAir)

            worldLastNormal = playerGravity.GetMainAndOnlyGravity();   //avoir toujours une normal à jour
            float distForSave = (WorldLastPositionGetIndex(0) - entityController.rb.transform.position).sqrMagnitude;

            //Debug.Log("dist save: " + distForSave);
            //si la distance entre les 2 point est trop grande, dans tout les cas, save la nouvelle position !
            if (distForSave > sizeDistanceForSavePlayerPos)
                WorldLastPositionSet(entityController.rb.transform.position); //save la position onGround
                                                                              //ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugWireSphere(WorldLastPositionGetIndex(0), Color.red, 0.5f, 1f);
            //si la normal à changé, update la position + normal !
            else if (worldPreviousNormal != worldLastNormal)
                //ici changement de position SEULEMENT si l'angle de la normal diffère de X
                float anglePreviousNormal = Vector3.Angle(worldPreviousNormal, entityController.rbRotateObject.up);
                float angleNormalPlayer   = Vector3.Angle(worldLastNormal, entityController.rbRotateObject.up);
                //ici gérer les normal à zero ??
                float diff;
                if (ExtVector3.IsAngleCloseToOtherByAmount(anglePreviousNormal, angleNormalPlayer, differenceAngleNormalForUpdatePosition, out diff))
                    //Debug.Log("ici l'angle est trop proche, ducoup ne pas changer de position");

                    //ni de normal ??
                    //ici change la normal, ET la position
                    WorldLastPositionSet(entityController.rb.transform.position); //save la position onGround
                    worldPreviousNormal = worldLastNormal;

                    //ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugWireSphere(WorldLastPositionGetIndex(0), Color.yellow, 0.5f, 1f);
                    //Debug.DrawRay(entityController.rb.transform.position, worldPreviousNormal, Color.yellow, 1f);
Exemple #18
        public ExtCylinder(Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, float radius = 0.25f) : this()
            _position = ExtVector3.GetMeanOfXPoints(p1, p2);
            _rotation = ExtQuaternion.QuaternionFromLine(p1, p2, Vector3.up);
            _rotation = ExtRotation.RotateQuaternion(_rotation, new Vector3(90, 0, 0));

            _localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);

            _cylinderMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(_position, _rotation, _localScale * 1);

            //why radius a 0.25, and lenght * 0.8 ?? I don't know,
            //it's there to match the first constructor(position, rotation, scale)
            _radius = radius;
            _lenght = ExtVector3.Distance(p2, p1) * 0.8f;

            _lenghtSquared     = _lenght * _lenght;
            _radiusSquared     = _radius * _radius;
            _realRadius        = _radius * MaxXY(_localScale);
            _realSquaredRadius = _realRadius * _realRadius;

Exemple #19
    /// <summary>
    /// get closest point from an array of points
    /// </summary>
    public static Vector3 GetClosestPoint(Vector3 posEntity, Vector3[] arrayPos, ref int indexFound)
        float sqrDist = 0;

        indexFound = -1;

        int firstIndex = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < arrayPos.Length; i++)
            if (ExtVector3.IsNullVector(arrayPos[i]))

            float dist = (posEntity - arrayPos[i]).sqrMagnitude;
            if (firstIndex == 0)
                indexFound = i;
                sqrDist    = dist;
            else if (dist < sqrDist)
                sqrDist    = dist;
                indexFound = i;

        if (indexFound == -1)
            //Debug.LogWarning("nothing found");
        /// <summary>
        /// calculate the normal direction, based on the hit forward
        /// </summary>
        public void CalculateStraffDirection(Vector3 normalHit)
            Vector3 playerDir = entityController.GetFocusedForwardDirPlayer();
            //Debug.Log("ici calcul straff, normal hit: " + normalHit);

            //Debug.DrawRay(rb.transform.position, playerDir, Color.red, 5f);

            Vector3 upPlayer     = playerGravity.GetMainAndOnlyGravity();
            float   dotWrongSide = Vector3.Dot(upPlayer, normalHit);

            //here the slope is nice for normal forward ?
            if (1 - dotWrongSide < dotMarginNiceSlope)
                //Debug.Log("nice slope, do nothing: dot: " + dotWrongSide + "(max: " + dotMarginNiceSlope + ")");
                playerStraff = entityController.GetFocusedForwardDirPlayer();
                //Debug.Log("can straff !");
                Vector3 relativeDirPlayer = entityAction.GetRelativeDirection();
                float   dotRight          = 0f;
                float   dotLeft           = 0f;
                int     rightOrLeft       = ExtVector3.IsRightOrLeft(normalHit, upPlayer, relativeDirPlayer, ref dotRight, ref dotLeft);

                Vector3 right = Vector3.Cross(normalHit, upPlayer);

                if (rightOrLeft == 1)
                    playerStraff = ExtVector3.GetProjectionOfAOnB(relativeDirPlayer, right, upPlayer, minMaxMagnitude.x, minMaxMagnitude.y);// right * (dotRight);
                    if (groundForwardCheck.IsAdvancedForwardCastRightOrLeft())
                        //Debug.LogWarning("zero ! warning, slide if not both " + playerStraff);
                        if (playerStraff.magnitude < minMagnitudeSlideWhenCastRightOrLeft)
                            playerStraff = playerStraff.normalized * minMagnitudeSlideWhenCastRightOrLeft;
                        //playerStraff = right;

                    //Debug.DrawRay(rb.position, playerStraff, Color.magenta, 0.1f);
                    //Debug.Log("ok right");
                else if (rightOrLeft == -1)
                    playerStraff = ExtVector3.GetProjectionOfAOnB(relativeDirPlayer, -right, upPlayer, minMaxMagnitude.x, minMaxMagnitude.y);//-right * dotLeft;
                    if (groundForwardCheck.IsAdvancedForwardCastRightOrLeft())
                        //Debug.LogWarning("zero ! warning, slide if not both" + playerStraff);
                        if (playerStraff.magnitude < minMagnitudeSlideWhenCastRightOrLeft)
                            playerStraff = playerStraff.normalized * minMagnitudeSlideWhenCastRightOrLeft;
                        //playerStraff = -right;

                    //Debug.DrawRay(rb.position, playerStraff, Color.magenta, 0.1f);
                    //Debug.Log("ok left");
                    if (entityAction.GetDirInput().x < 0 && (entityRotate.InputFromCameraOrientation == ExtRotation.OrientationRotation.FORWARD_AND_LEFT ||
                                                             entityRotate.InputFromCameraOrientation == ExtRotation.OrientationRotation.FORWARD_AND_RIGHT))
                        //Debug.Log("left ?");
                        playerStraff = -right;
                    else if (entityAction.GetDirInput().x < 0 && (entityRotate.InputFromCameraOrientation == ExtRotation.OrientationRotation.BEHIND_AND_LEFT ||
                                                                  entityRotate.InputFromCameraOrientation == ExtRotation.OrientationRotation.BEHIND_AND_RIGHT))
                        //Debug.Log("right ?");
                        playerStraff = right;
                    else if (entityAction.GetDirInput().x > 0 && (entityRotate.InputFromCameraOrientation == ExtRotation.OrientationRotation.FORWARD_AND_LEFT ||
                                                                  entityRotate.InputFromCameraOrientation == ExtRotation.OrientationRotation.FORWARD_AND_RIGHT))
                        //Debug.Log("right ?");
                        playerStraff = right;
                    else if (entityAction.GetDirInput().x > 0 && (entityRotate.InputFromCameraOrientation == ExtRotation.OrientationRotation.BEHIND_AND_LEFT ||
                                                                  entityRotate.InputFromCameraOrientation == ExtRotation.OrientationRotation.BEHIND_AND_RIGHT))
                        //Debug.Log("left ?");
                        playerStraff = -right;
                    //Debug.LogError("forward ???");
                    playerStraff = Vector3.zero;
        private void ForwardWallCheck()
            RaycastHit hitInfo;

            isAdvancedForward = isForwardAdvanceNormalOk = false;

            //do nothing if not moving
            if (!entityAction.IsMoving())
            //do nothing if input and forward player are not equal
            if (!entityController.IsLookingTowardTheInput(dotMarginImpact))


            if (Physics.SphereCast(rb.transform.position, sizeRadiusForward, entityController.GetFocusedForwardDirPlayer(), out hitInfo,
                                   distForward, entityController.layerMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
                //if (!IsSphereGravityAndNormalNotOk(hitInfo))
                //    return;

                //ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugWireSphere(rb.transform.position + (entityController.GetFocusedForwardDirPlayer()) * (distForward), Color.yellow, sizeRadiusForward, 0.1f);
                //Debug.DrawRay(rb.transform.position, (entityController.GetFocusedForwardDirPlayer()) * (distForward), Color.yellow, 5f);
                //ExtDrawGuizmos.DebugWireSphere(hitInfo.point, Color.red, 0.1f, 0.1f);

                isForwardWall = true;

                Vector3 normalHit           = hitInfo.normal;
                Vector3 upPlayer            = entityGravity.GetMainAndOnlyGravity();
                Vector3 tmpDirSurfaceNormal = ExtVector3.GetSurfaceNormal(rb.transform.position,
                if (tmpDirSurfaceNormal != Vector3.zero)
                    dirSurfaceNormal = tmpDirSurfaceNormal;

                entitySlide.CalculateStraffDirection(dirSurfaceNormal);    //calculate SLIDE

                float dotWrongSide = Vector3.Dot(upPlayer, normalHit);
                if (dotWrongSide < -dotMarginImpact)
                    //Debug.Log("forward too inclined, dotImpact: " + dotWrongSide + "( max: " + dotMarginImpact + ")");
                    isForbiddenForward = true;

                //int isForbidden = ExtList.ContainSubStringInArray(walkForbiddenForwardUp, LayerMask.LayerToName(hitInfo.transform.gameObject.layer));
                if (!IsNormalOk(hitInfo))
                    //here we are in front of a forbidden wall !!
                    isForbiddenForward = true;

                    entityBumpUp.HereBumpUp(hitInfo, dirSurfaceNormal);
                    if (groundCheck.IsFlying() && !inAirForwardWall)
                        isForbiddenForward = true;
                        //HERE FORWARD, DO SWITCH !!

                        isForbiddenForward = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// return true if the position is inside the sphape
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="otherPosition">position to test</param>
 /// <returns>true if inside the shape</returns>
 public bool IsInsideShape(Vector3 otherPosition)
     return(ExtVector3.Distance(otherPosition, Position) <= _realRadius);
 private static float SmoothDampAngle(float current, float target, ref float currentVelocity, float smoothTime, float maxSpeed, float deltaTime)
     target = current + DeltaAngle(current, target);
     return(ExtVector3.OwnSmoothDamp(current, target, ref currentVelocity, smoothTime, maxSpeed, deltaTime));
    public Vector3 ClosestPointTo(Vector3 p)
        // Find the projection of the point onto the edge

        var  uab       = EdgeAb.Project(p);
        var  uca       = EdgeCa.Project(p);
        bool isInPlane = false;

        Vector3 rightPositionIfOutsidePlane = CalculateCornerAndLine(p, uab, uca, ref isInPlane);

        if (!infinitePlane)
            //ici on est dans un plan fini, si on dis de ne pas prendre
            //en compte les borders, juste tomber !
            if (noGravityBorders && !isInPlane)
                //Debug.Log("ici on est PAS dans le plane, juste tomber !");
            else if (noGravityBorders && isInPlane)
                //Debug.Log("ici on est DANS le plane, ET en noGravityBorder: tester la normal ensuite !");
                if (unidirectionnal)
                    return(GetGoodPointUnidirectionnal(p, TriPlane.Project(EdgeAb.A, TriNorm.normalized, p)));  //get the good point (or null) in a plane unidirectionnal
                    //ici en gravityBorder, et on est dans le plan, et c'esst multi directionnel, alors OK dac !
                    return(TriPlane.Project(EdgeAb.A, TriNorm.normalized, p));
            else if (!noGravityBorders && unidirectionnal)
                //here not infinite, and WITH borders AND unidirectionnal
                if (isInPlane)
                    return(GetGoodPointUnidirectionnal(p, TriPlane.Project(EdgeAb.A, TriNorm.normalized, p)));  //get the good point (or null) in a plane unidirectionnal
                    return(GetGoodPointUnidirectionnal(p, rightPositionIfOutsidePlane));
                //here Not infinite, WITH borders, NO unidirectionnal
                if (isInPlane)
                    return(TriPlane.Project(EdgeAb.A, TriNorm.normalized, p));
            if (unidirectionnal)
                return(GetGoodPointUnidirectionnal(p, TriPlane.Project(EdgeAb.A, TriNorm.normalized, p)));  //get the good point (or null) in a plane unidirectionnal

        //ici le plan est infini, OU fini mais on est dedant

        // The closest point is in the triangle so
        // project to the plane to find it
        //Vector3 projectedPoint = TriPlane.Project(EdgeAb.A, TriNorm.normalized, p);
        return(TriPlane.Project(EdgeAb.A, TriNorm.normalized, p));
        IEnumerator TransformSelected(TransformType type)
            isTransforming      = true;
            totalScaleAmount    = 0;
            totalRotationAmount = Quaternion.identity;

            Vector3 originalTargetPosition = _target.position;
            Vector3 planeNormal            = (transform.position - _target.position).normalized;
            Vector3 axis                  = GetSelectedAxisDirection();
            Vector3 projectedAxis         = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(axis, planeNormal).normalized;
            Vector3 previousMousePosition = Vector3.zero;

            while (!Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
                Ray     mouseRay      = MyCamera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                Vector3 mousePosition = Geometry.LinePlaneIntersect(mouseRay.origin, mouseRay.direction, originalTargetPosition, planeNormal);

                if (previousMousePosition != Vector3.zero && mousePosition != Vector3.zero)
                    if (type == TransformType.Move)
                        float moveAmount = ExtVector3.MagnitudeInDirection(mousePosition - previousMousePosition, projectedAxis) * moveSpeedMultiplier;
                        _target.Translate(axis * moveAmount, Space.World);

                    if (type == TransformType.Scale)
                        Vector3 projected   = (selectedAxis == Axis.Any) ? transform.right : projectedAxis;
                        float   scaleAmount = ExtVector3.MagnitudeInDirection(mousePosition - previousMousePosition, projected) * scaleSpeedMultiplier;

                        //WARNING - There is a bug in unity 5.4 and 5.5 that causes InverseTransformDirection to be affected by scale which will break negative scaling. Not tested, but updating to 5.4.2 should fix it - https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/transformdirection-and-inversetransformdirection-operations-are-affected-by-scale
                        Vector3 localAxis = (space == TransformSpace.Local && selectedAxis != Axis.Any) ? _target.InverseTransformDirection(axis) : axis;

                        if (selectedAxis == Axis.Any)
                            _target.localScale += (ExtVector3.Abs(_target.localScale.normalized) * scaleAmount);
                            _target.localScale += (localAxis * scaleAmount);

                        totalScaleAmount += scaleAmount;

                    if (type == TransformType.Rotate)
                        if (selectedAxis == Axis.Any)
                            Vector3 rotation = transform.TransformDirection(new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y"), -Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"), 0));
                            _target.Rotate(rotation * allRotateSpeedMultiplier, Space.World);
                            totalRotationAmount *= Quaternion.Euler(rotation * allRotateSpeedMultiplier);
                            Vector3 projected    = (selectedAxis == Axis.Any || ExtVector3.IsParallel(axis, planeNormal)) ? planeNormal : Vector3.Cross(axis, planeNormal);
                            float   rotateAmount = (ExtVector3.MagnitudeInDirection(mousePosition - previousMousePosition, projected) * rotateSpeedMultiplier) / GetDistanceMultiplier();
                            _target.Rotate(axis, rotateAmount, Space.World);
                            totalRotationAmount *= Quaternion.Euler(axis * rotateAmount);


                previousMousePosition = mousePosition;

                yield return(null);

            totalRotationAmount = Quaternion.identity;
            totalScaleAmount    = 0;
            isTransforming      = false;
Exemple #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a rotation of up attempting to face in the general direction of forward.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="up"></param>
 /// <param name="targForward"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Quaternion FaceRotation(Vector3 forward, Vector3 up)
     forward = ExtVector3.GetForwardTangent(forward, up);
     return(Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, up));
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Set isGrounded
        /// sphere cast down just beyond the bottom of the capsule to see/
        /// if the capsule is colliding round the bottom
        /// </summary>
        private void GroundChecking(float magnitudeToCheck, ref bool groundValue, Vector3 dirRay)
            if (entityJump && entityJump.IsJumpedAndNotReady())
            //isGrounded = false;

            RaycastHit hitInfo;

            //Vector3 dirRaycast = playerGravity.GetMainAndOnlyGravity() * (radius + magnitudeToCheck);
            //Debug.DrawRay(rb.transform.position, dirRaycast * -1, Color.blue, 0.1f);
            if (Physics.SphereCast(rb.transform.position, sizeRadiusRayCast, dirRay, out hitInfo,
                                   magnitudeToCheck, entityController.layerMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
                //si on est sur un mur Galaxy...
                if (entityController.IsMarioGalaxyPlatform(LayerMask.LayerToName(hitInfo.collider.gameObject.layer)))
                //&& !entityGravityAttractorSwitch.IsNormalIsOkWithCurrentGravity(hitInfo.normal, entityGravityAttractorSwitch.GetDirGAGravity()))
                    //si on était en l'air, test la gravité par rapport à la vrai gravité !
                    if (isFlying && !baseGravityAttractorSwitch.IsNormalIsOkWithCurrentGravity(hitInfo.normal, -baseGravityAttractorSwitch.GravityDirection))
                        Debug.Log("here sphereAirMove tell us we are in a bad normal, (we were inAir before) continiue to fall");
                        groundValue = false;
                    else if (!isFlying && !baseGravityAttractorSwitch.IsNormalIsOkWithCurrentGravity(hitInfo.normal, baseGravityAttractorSwitch.GetWantedGravityOnGround()))
                        Debug.Log("here sphereAirMove tell us we are in a bad normal, (we were onGround Before, first time fly ?) continiue to fall");
                        groundValue = false;

                if (SetCurrentPlatform(hitInfo.collider.transform))
                    //Debug.Log("test de fastForward ?");

                groundValue = true;

                if (calculateSurfaceNormal)
                    dirSurfaceNormal = ExtVector3.GetSurfaceNormal(rb.transform.position,
                                                                   baseGravity.GetMainAndOnlyGravity() * -0.01f,
                    dirSurfaceNormal = hitInfo.normal;

                bool previous = fastForward && fastForward.IsInFastForward() && !fastForward.SwithcingIsRunning();
                if (CanChangeNormal(hitInfo))
                    dirNormal = hitInfo.normal;
                    pointHit  = hitInfo.point;

                    if (fastForward && previous && fastForward.IsInFastForward())
                        //Debug.LogWarning("mmm ici ???");
                        dirNormal = dirSurfaceNormal;

                     * Vector3 tmpOrientedGravity = dirNormal;
                     * if (fastForward && fastForward.DoChangeOrientationManually(hitInfo, ref tmpOrientedGravity))
                     * {
                     *  Debug.LogWarning("ici fast forwaard");
                     *  dirNormal = tmpOrientedGravity.normalized;
                     * }
                groundValue = false;
                //dirNormal = baseGravity.GetMainAndOnlyGravity() * 1;
 public double Project(Vector3 p) => ExtVector3.DotProduct(Delta, p - A) / LengthSquared;
 //public bool IsAbove(Vector3 q) => Direction.Dot(q - Point) > 0;
 public bool IsAbove(Vector3 q) => ExtVector3.DotProduct(q - Point, Direction) > 0;
Exemple #30
    /// <summary>
    /// return the middle of X points (POINTS, NOT vector)
    /// </summary>
    public static Vector3 GetMiddleOfXPoint(Vector3[] arrayVect, bool barycenter = true)
        if (arrayVect.Length == 0)

        if (!barycenter)
            Vector3 sum = Vector3.zero;
            for (int i = 0; i < arrayVect.Length; i++)
                sum += arrayVect[i];
            return(sum / arrayVect.Length);
            if (arrayVect.Length == 1)

            float xMin = arrayVect[0].x;
            float yMin = arrayVect[0].y;
            float zMin = arrayVect[0].z;
            float xMax = arrayVect[0].x;
            float yMax = arrayVect[0].y;
            float zMax = arrayVect[0].z;

            for (int i = 1; i < arrayVect.Length; i++)
                if (arrayVect[i].x < xMin)
                    xMin = arrayVect[i].x;
                if (arrayVect[i].x > xMax)
                    xMax = arrayVect[i].x;

                if (arrayVect[i].y < yMin)
                    yMin = arrayVect[i].y;
                if (arrayVect[i].y > yMax)
                    yMax = arrayVect[i].y;

                if (arrayVect[i].z < zMin)
                    zMin = arrayVect[i].z;
                if (arrayVect[i].z > zMax)
                    zMax = arrayVect[i].z;
            Vector3 lastMiddle = new Vector3((xMin + xMax) / 2, (yMin + yMax) / 2, (zMin + zMax) / 2);