Exemple #1
    public static double RemapFromSeedDecimal(double min, double max, System.Random randomSeed)
        double zeroToOneValue = randomSeed.NextDouble();
        double minToMaxValue  = ExtMathf.Remap(zeroToOneValue, 0, 1, min, max);

Exemple #2
    public static float RemapFromSeedDecimal(float min, float max, System.Random randomSeed)
        float zeroToOneValue = (float)randomSeed.NextDouble();
        float minToMaxValue  = ExtMathf.Remap(zeroToOneValue, 0, 1, min, max);

Exemple #3
    /// <summary>
    /// here we have a min & max, we remap the random 0,1 value finded to this min&max
    /// warning: we cast it into an int at the end
    /// use:
    /// System.Random seed = ExtRandom.Seedrandom("hash");
    /// int randomInt = ExtRandom.RemapFromSeed(0, 50, seed);
    /// </summary>
    public static int RemapFromSeed(double min, double max, System.Random randomSeed)
        double zeroToOneValue = randomSeed.NextDouble();
        int    minToMaxValue  = (int)ExtMathf.Remap(zeroToOneValue, 0, 1, min, max);

        public float GetCurrentSpeedForwardClamped01()
            float currentVelocity  = entityController.GetActualAccelerationForward().magnitude;
            float velocityRemapped = ExtMathf.Remap(currentVelocity, 0, 10, 0, 1);

            //Debug.Log("velocity forward not mapped: " + currentVelocity);
        public float GetCurrentSpeedClamped01()
            float currentVelocity  = entityController.GetActualVelocity();
            float velocityRemapped = ExtMathf.Remap(currentVelocity, 0, 10, 0, 1);

            //Debug.Log("velocity remapped: " + velocityRemapped + "(actual: " + currentVelocity + ")");
        /// <summary>
        /// move up-down in the dolly
        /// </summary>
        private void InputDolly()
            Vector2 dirInput = _cameraInput;

            if (Mathf.Abs(dirInput.y) >= _deadZoneVerti)
                float remapedInput = ExtMathf.Remap(Mathf.Abs(dirInput.y), _deadZoneVerti, 1f, 0f, 1f);
                _followPercent -= _speedDolly * remapedInput * Mathf.Sign(dirInput.y) * Time.deltaTime;
                _followPercent  = Mathf.Clamp(_followPercent, 0, 1f);
        /// <summary>
        /// return a value from 0 to 1, representing the "player input", with rb acceleration
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public float GetMagnitudeAcceleration()
            float playerInput = entityAction.GetMagnitudeInput();

            //TODO: a super lerp;
            //min: minAcceleration
            //max: speedMove
            //current: currentSpeedMove
            float remapCurrentSpeed = ExtMathf.Remap(currentSpeedMove, minAcceleration, speedMove, 0, 1);

            return(remapCurrentSpeed * playerInput);
        /// <summary>
        /// tel to zoom
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="zoomRatio">between -1 and 1</param>
        public void InputZoom(float speedRatio = 1f)
            if (Mathf.Abs(_trigerZoom) >= _deadZoneZoom)
                float remapedInput      = ExtMathf.Remap(Mathf.Abs(_trigerZoom), _deadZoneVerti, 1f, 0f, 1f);
                float localScaleAllAxis = _toScale.localScale.x;
                localScaleAllAxis += _speedZoom * remapedInput * speedRatio * Mathf.Sign(_trigerZoom) * Time.deltaTime;
                localScaleAllAxis  = Mathf.Clamp(localScaleAllAxis, _minMaxZoom.x, _minMaxZoom.y);

                _toScale.localScale = new Vector3(localScaleAllAxis, localScaleAllAxis, localScaleAllAxis);

        /// <summary>
        /// rotate left-right
        /// </summary>
        private void InputRotate()
            //start or continue ease rotate
            Vector2 dirInput = _cameraInput;

            //if margin turn is ok for HORIZ move
            if (Mathf.Abs(dirInput.x) >= _deadZoneHoriz)

                float remapedInput = ExtMathf.Remap(Mathf.Abs(dirInput.x), _deadZoneHoriz, 1f, 0f, 1f) * Mathf.Sign(dirInput.x);

                _toRotate.Rotate(0, _easeRotate.EvaluateWithDeltaTime() * remapedInput, 0);
Exemple #10
            public void CalculateEmptyCellIndexBasedOnPosition(float heightItem, float margin)
                if (!IsDragging ||
                    HowManyCellAreDisplayed < 2 ||
                    FirstItem.y == 0 ||
                    LastItem.y == 0)

                float min           = FirstItem.y + margin;
                float max           = LastItem.y + heightItem + margin;
                float mousePosition = SetBetween(Event.current.mousePosition.y, min, max);
                int   numberItem    = HowManyCellAreDisplayed;

                float percent      = 1 - ExtMathf.Remap(mousePosition, min, max, 0f, 1f);
                float indexPrecise = ExtMathf.Remap(percent, 0, 1, 0, numberItem);
                int   index        = Mathf.RoundToInt(indexPrecise - (1f / numberItem));

                index = SetBetween(index, 0, numberItem);
                CurrentIndexShouldPointEmptyCell = index;
Exemple #11
        public void DisplayRight()
            if (!EditorPrefs.GetBool(UnityEssentialsPreferences.SHOW_PEEK_MENU, true))
            float percent = EditorPrefs.GetFloat(UnityEssentialsPreferences.POSITION_IN_TOOLBAR, UnityEssentialsPreferences.DEFAULT_TOOLBAR_POSITION);

            if (percent <= 0.5f)
            Rect left = ToolbarExtender.GetRightRect();

            percent = ExtMathf.Remap(percent, 0.5f, 1f, 0f, 1f);
            float width = (left.width - SIZE_SLIDER) / 1 * percent;

            GUILayout.Label("", GUILayout.MinWidth(0), GUILayout.Width(width));
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
            Rect finalRect = SetupLocalRect(width);