public void TestSizeImageSwap()
            Bitmap imgOrigin = Resource1.testBeforeFilter;

            Bitmap imgResult = ExtBitmap.SwapFilter(imgOrigin);

            Assert.AreEqual(imgOrigin.Size, imgResult.Size);
        public void extensionTest()
            Bitmap imageFiltreeTest = ExtBitmap.Laplacian5x5Filter(imageInitiale, false);

            String extensionImageInitiale = Path.GetExtension(imageInitiale.ToString());
            String extensionImageFiltree  = Path.GetExtension(imageFiltreeTest.ToString());

            Assert.AreEqual(extensionImageInitiale, extensionImageFiltree);
        private static Bitmap ConvertirParaProcesar(Bitmap original)
            Bitmap resultado = Grayscale.CommonAlgorithms.BT709.Apply(ExtBitmap.Laplacian3x3Filter(original, true));

            resultado.Save("Convertida" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond + ".bmp");

        public void TestPrewittFilter()
            Bitmap or = GetImage.GetOriginalBitmap();

            Bitmap whawewant = GetImage.GetBitmapFromFile("Prewitt.jpg");

            Bitmap filtered = ExtBitmap.PrewittFilter(or, false);

            Assert.IsTrue(GetImage.Equals(filtered, whawewant));
        public void TestLaplacian_5x5()
            Bitmap or = GetImage.GetOriginalBitmap();

            Bitmap whawewant = GetImage.GetBitmapFromFile("Laplacian_5x5.jpg");

            Bitmap filtered = ExtBitmap.Laplacian5x5Filter(or, false);

            Assert.IsTrue(GetImage.Equals(filtered, whawewant));
        public void TestKirschFilterGrayScale()
            Bitmap or = GetImage.GetOriginalBitmap();

            Bitmap whawewant_but_in_gray = GetImage.GetBitmapFromFile("KirschGrayscale.jpg");

            Bitmap filtered_but_in_gray = ExtBitmap.KirschFilter(or, true);

            Assert.IsTrue(GetImage.Equals(filtered_but_in_gray, whawewant_but_in_gray));
        public void pixelIntegrityTest()
            Bitmap imageFiltree = ExtBitmap.Laplacian5x5Filter(imageInitiale, false);

            for (int x = 0; x < imageFiltree.Height; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < imageFiltree.Width; y++)
                    Assert.AreEqual(imageFiltreeLaplacian.GetPixel(y, x), imageFiltree.GetPixel(y, x));
Exemple #8
        public void ExtBitmapCopyToSquareCanvasTest()
            // get the class through interface
            IBitmap bitmap = new ExtBitmap();

            // get an image and set a canvas width
            Bitmap originalBitmap = Properties.Resources.panda;
            int    canvasWidth    = 559;

            // run the method to copy the image to the suqare canvas
            bitmap.CopyToSquareCanvas(originalBitmap, canvasWidth);

        public void colorPixelTest()
            Bitmap imageFiltreeTest = ExtBitmap.Laplacian5x5Filter(imageInitiale, false);

            for (int i = 0; i < imageFiltreeTest.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < imageFiltreeTest.Height; j++)
                    Color couleurPixelSouhaite = imageFiltreeLaplacian.GetPixel(i, j);
                    Color couleurPixelTest     = imageFiltreeTest.GetPixel(i, j);

                    Assert.AreEqual(couleurPixelSouhaite, couleurPixelTest);
Exemple #10
        //Tests that the image output corresponds to what is expected in terms of color by testing all the pixels
        public void TestColorPixelSobel()
            Bitmap imgTest   = Resource1.InTheArmySobel;
            Bitmap imgResult = ExtBitmap.Sobel3x3Filter(Resource1.InTheArmyOriginal, false);

            for (int i = 0; i < imgTest.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < imgTest.Height; j++)
                    Color pixelRef = imgTest.GetPixel(i, j);
                    Color pixelRes = imgResult.GetPixel(i, j);

                    Assert.AreEqual(pixelRef, pixelRes);
Exemple #11
        public void TestRainbowFilter()
            //get images from Resources
            Bitmap testImage  = Properties.Resources.original_wide;
            Bitmap realResult = Properties.Resources.original_wide_rainbow;

            //apply filter on test image
            Bitmap result = ExtBitmap.ApplyRainbowFilter(testImage);

            //get Hash from images
            string resultImageHash     = TestFunctions.GetImageHash(result);
            string realResultImageHash = TestFunctions.GetImageHash(realResult);

            Assert.AreEqual(resultImageHash, realResultImageHash);
        //Tests that the image output corresponds to what is expected in terms of color by testing all the pixels
        public void TestColorPixelSwap()
            Bitmap imgTest   = Resource1.filterTest;
            Bitmap imgResult = ExtBitmap.SwapFilter(Resource1.testBeforeFilter);

            for (int i = 0; i < imgTest.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < imgTest.Height; j++)
                    Color pixelRef = imgTest.GetPixel(i, j);
                    Color pixelRes = imgResult.GetPixel(i, j);

                    Assert.AreEqual(pixelRef, pixelRes);
        public void TestPrewitt()
            //get images from Resources
            Bitmap testImage  = Properties.Resources.original;
            Bitmap realResult = Properties.Resources.original_prewitt;

            //apply filter on test image
            Bitmap result = ExtBitmap.PrewittFilter(testImage, false);

            //get Hash from images
            string resultImageHash     = TestFunctions.GetImageHash(result);
            string realResultImageHash = TestFunctions.GetImageHash(realResult);

            Assert.AreEqual(resultImageHash, realResultImageHash);
Exemple #14
 //  Return a bitmap with the Prewitt edge applied on it
 public Bitmap PrewittEdge(Bitmap selectedSource, bool grayscale = true)
         // Apply the Prewitt edge on the bitmap with selectedSource in parameter
         // And store the result in resultBitmap
         Bitmap resultBitmap = ExtBitmap.ConvolutionEdge(selectedSource,
                                                         1.0, 0, grayscale);
         // return the resultBitmap
     catch (Exception e)
         // If there is an exception catch it and return null
         Console.WriteLine("Image is null");
Exemple #15
        public void TestImageLaplacian3x3()
            Bitmap testedBitmap;

            //Resize with the size of canvas
            testedBitmap = ExtBitmap.CopyToSquareCanvas(originalBitmapTest, 600);
            //send a photo to modify it
            testedBitmap = ExtBitmap.Laplacian3x3Filter(testedBitmap, false);

            //Retrieve the already modified photo
            Bitmap testBitmap = null;
            string FileName   = @"C:\Users\quent\Documents\GitHub\Image_Filtering_Detection\UnitTestImageDection\Laplacian3x3.png";

            StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(FileName);

            testBitmap = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromStream(streamReader.BaseStream);

            Assert.AreEqual(testBitmap.GetPixel(2, 2), testedBitmap.GetPixel(2, 2));
Exemple #16
        public void TestImageWidthInforiorToMatrixShouldNotEnterForLoopsModifyingTheImage()
            //Bitmap for testing
            Bitmap testBitmap = new Bitmap(1, 1);
            //Bitmap sent to Edge Filter
            Bitmap receivedAfterTest = ExtBitmap.Laplacian3x3Filter(testBitmap, false);

            //Lock bytes of image for creating a byter array buffer
            BitmapData sourceData = testBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0,
                                                                      testBitmap.Width, testBitmap.Height),

            //Create 2 byte arrays with full image dimensions (height x width (number of byter for first pixel line)
            byte[] pixelBuffer  = new byte[sourceData.Stride * sourceData.Height];
            byte[] resultBuffer = new byte[sourceData.Stride * sourceData.Height];

            //Copy byte of image to byte array
            Marshal.Copy(sourceData.Scan0, pixelBuffer, 0, pixelBuffer.Length);
            //Unlock bytes image

            //Craete the testing result Bitmap
            Bitmap resultTestBitmap = new Bitmap(testBitmap.Width, testBitmap.Height);

            //Lock byte for copying bytes
            BitmapData resultData = resultTestBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0,
                                                                            resultTestBitmap.Width, resultTestBitmap.Height),

            //Copy byte array to data
            Marshal.Copy(resultBuffer, 0, resultData.Scan0, resultBuffer.Length);
            //Unlock bits for bitmap

            //Compare single pixel
            Assert.AreEqual(resultTestBitmap.GetPixel(0, 0), receivedAfterTest.GetPixel(0, 0));
        public void TestLaplacian3x3()
            // Definition of start image and control image
            Bitmap startPicture   = Properties.Resources.firefox;
            Bitmap controlPicture = Properties.Resources.firefox_filtered;

            // Instanciation of a ExtBitmap
            ExtBitmap eb = new ExtBitmap();

            // Execution of the method
            Bitmap resultPicture = eb.Laplacian3x3Filter(startPicture);

            // Test the size of result image
            Assert.AreEqual(resultPicture.Size, startPicture.Size);

            // Control each pixel
            for (int i = 0; i < controlPicture.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < controlPicture.Height; j++)
                    Assert.AreEqual(resultPicture.GetPixel(i, j), controlPicture.GetPixel(i, j));
Exemple #18
        public void TestCopyToSquareCanvasWithSamllerCanvas()
            //Initialize sizes
            float bpmHeight  = 200f;
            float bpmWidth   = 200f;
            int   canvasSize = 100;

            //Determine the ratio for expected results
            float ratio = bpmWidth / canvasSize;

            //Send bitmap with height, width and canvas to tested method
            Bitmap bpmAfterMethodCanvas = ExtBitmap.CopyToSquareCanvas(new Bitmap((int)bpmWidth, (int)bpmHeight), canvasSize);

            //All expected sizes
            float bpmWidthExpected  = canvasSize;
            float bpmHeightExpected = bpmHeight / ratio;
            //Tested sizes
            float widthResult  = (float)bpmAfterMethodCanvas.Width;
            float heigthResult = (float)bpmAfterMethodCanvas.Height;

            //Compare values
            Assert.AreEqual(bpmWidthExpected, widthResult);
            Assert.AreEqual(bpmHeightExpected, heigthResult);
Exemple #19
 public override Bitmap Apply(Bitmap bitmap)
     return(ExtBitmap.PrewittFilter(bitmap, true));
Exemple #20
 public override Bitmap Apply(Bitmap bitmap)
Exemple #21
 public override Bitmap Apply(Bitmap bitmap)
     return(ExtBitmap.KirschFilter(bitmap, true));
        //Tests that the method returns null if a null image is used
        public void TestEmptyImageKirsch()
            Bitmap imgNull = null;

Exemple #23
        //Tests that the method returns null if a null image is used
        public void TestEmptyImageSobel()
            Bitmap imgNull = null;

Exemple #24
 public override Bitmap Apply(Bitmap bitmap)
     return(ExtBitmap.Laplacian3x3Filter(bitmap, true));
Exemple #25
 public override Bitmap Apply(Bitmap bitmap)
     return(ExtBitmap.Sobel3x3Filter(bitmap, true));
 public override Bitmap Apply(Bitmap bitmap)
Exemple #27
 public override Bitmap Apply(Bitmap bitmap)
     return(ExtBitmap.Laplacian5x5Filter(bitmap, false));
        //Tests that the method returns null if a null image is used
        public void TestEmptyImageSwap()
            Bitmap imgNull = null;

        public void sizeTest()
            Bitmap imageFiltree = ExtBitmap.Laplacian5x5Filter(imageInitiale);

            Assert.AreEqual(imageInitiale.Size, imageFiltree.Size);