// Methods
 public Item QueryItemById(int id)
     var itemIdSpec = new ExpressionSpecification<Item>(i => i.Id == id);
     var items = _itemRepository
         .Select(itemIdSpec, _includedProperties)
     return items;
        public void OrTestCase4()
            var left = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => true );
            var target = left.Or( x => true );

            var actual = target.IsSatisfiedByWithMessages( String.Empty );
            Assert.AreEqual( 0, actual.Count() );
        public void OrTestCase()
            var left = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => true );
            var target = left.Or( x => true );

            var actual = target.IsSatisfiedBy( String.Empty );
            Assert.IsTrue( actual );
        public void ExpressionReturnsTrueWhenSpecifactionIsFalse(TestObject testObject, bool result)
            var specification1 = new ExpressionSpecification <TestObject>(p => p.BooleanProperty);

            var notSpecification = new NotSpecification <TestObject>(specification1);

            ExpressionSpecificationTester.TestSpecification(notSpecification, testObject, result);
        public void XOrTestCase3()
            var left = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => false );
            var target = left.XOr( x => false );

            var actual = target.IsSatisfiedBy( String.Empty );
            Assert.IsFalse( actual );
        public void IsSatisfiedByReturnsTrueWhenSpecifactionIsFalse(TestObject testObject, bool result)
            var specification1 = new ExpressionSpecification <TestObject>(p => p.BooleanProperty);

            var notSpecification = new NotSpecification <TestObject>(specification1);

Exemple #7
        public void ExpressionReturnsTrueWhenAllSpecifactionsAreTrue(TestObject testObject, bool result)
            var specification1 = new ExpressionSpecification <TestObject>(p => p.BooleanProperty);
            var specification2 = new ExpressionSpecification <TestObject>(p => p.BooleanProperty1);

            var andSpecification = new AndSpecification <TestObject>(specification1, specification2);

            ExpressionSpecificationTester.TestSpecification(andSpecification, testObject, result);
Exemple #8
        public void AndTest4()
            var left   = new ExpressionSpecification <String>(x => true);
            var target = left.And(x => true);

            var actual = target.IsSatisfiedByWithMessages(String.Empty);

            Assert.Equal(0, actual.Count());
Exemple #9
        public void IsSatisfiedByWithMessagesTest()
            var target = new ExpressionSpecification <String>(x => x.Length > 5);
            var actual = target.IsSatisfiedByWithMessages("123")

            Assert.Equal(1, actual.Count);
Exemple #10
        public List <CPFormField> GetFormFieldCol(int formId)
            ISpecification <CPFormField> specification;

            specification = new ExpressionSpecification <CPFormField>(t => t.FormId.Equals(formId));
            IList <CPFormField> col = this._CPFormFieldRep.GetByCondition(specification);

Exemple #11
        public List <CODepUserRelate> GetDepUserRelate(int depId)
            ISpecification <CODepUserRelate> specification;

            specification = new ExpressionSpecification <CODepUserRelate>(t => t.DepId.Equals(depId));
            IList <CODepUserRelate> col = this._CODepUserRelateRep.GetByCondition(specification);

Exemple #12
        // Methods
        public Item QueryItemById(int id)
            var itemIdSpec = new ExpressionSpecification <Item>(i => i.Id == id);
            var items      = _itemRepository
                             .Select(itemIdSpec, _includedProperties)

Exemple #13
        public void Implicit_To_Func()
            var lessThan5      = new ExpressionSpecification <int>(i => i < 5);
            Func <int, bool> f = lessThan5.Function;

            f = lessThan5;
            Assert.That(f(1), Is.True);
            Assert.That(f(6), Is.False);
        public void XOrTestCase10()
            var left = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => false, "msgLeft" );
            var target = left.XOr( x => true, "msgRight" );

            var actual = target.IsSatisfiedByWithMessages( String.Empty )
            Assert.AreEqual( 0, actual.Count() );
        public void AndTestCase1()
            var left = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => true );
            var target = left.And( x => false );

            var actual = target.IsSatisfiedBy( String.Empty );
Exemple #16
        public void OrTestNullCheck1()
            var left = new ExpressionSpecification <String>(x => true);
            Func <String, Boolean> expression = null;
            // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
            Action test = () => left.Or(expression);

            test.ShouldThrow <ArgumentNullException>();
Exemple #17
        public List <CPPortalModule> GetModulesByParent(int parentModuleId = -1, int sysId = 1)
            ISpecification <CPPortalModule> specification;

            specification = new ExpressionSpecification <CPPortalModule>(t => t.ParentId.Equals(parentModuleId) && t.IsShow == true && t.SysId == sysId);
            IList <CPPortalModule> col = this._CPPortalModuleRep.GetByCondition(specification);

            return(col.OrderBy(t => t.ShowOrder).ToList());
Exemple #18
        public void Implicit_To_Expression()
            var lessThan5 = new ExpressionSpecification <int>(i => i < 5);
            Expression <Func <int, bool> > e = lessThan5.Expression;

            e = lessThan5;
            Assert.That(e.Compile().Invoke(1), Is.True);
            Assert.That(e.Compile().Invoke(6), Is.False);
        public void SatisfiesWithMessagesTestCase()
            var specification = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => x.Length > 3 )
                .And( x => x.StartsWith( "1" ) );

            var actual = "1234".SatisfiesWithMessages( specification )
            Assert.AreEqual( 0, actual.Count );
            public void InvokeNull_NotRaiseException()
                Expression <Func <object, bool> > expression = candidate => true;
                var sut = new ExpressionSpecification <object>(expression);

                var exception = Record.Exception(() => sut.GetExpression().Compile().Invoke(null));

Exemple #21
        public void MoreThan10_Or_LessThan5()
            ISpecification <int> moreThan10 = ExpressionSpecification.For <int>(i => i > 10);
            ISpecification <int> lessThan5  = new ExpressionSpecification <int>(i => i < 5);
            ISpecification <int> subject    = lessThan5.Or(moreThan10);

            Assert.That(subject, Must.Not.Be.SatisfiedBy(7));
            Assert.That(subject, Must.Be.SatisfiedBy(3).And(13));
Exemple #22
        public List <COUser> GetAllUser()
            ISpecification <COUser> specification;

            specification = new ExpressionSpecification <COUser>(t => t.IsCanLogin.Value.Equals(true) && t.IsOutUser.Value.Equals(false));
            IList <COUser> col = this._COUserRep.GetByCondition(specification);

Exemple #23
        public void MoreThan5_AndOp_LessThan10()
            ExpressionSpecification <int> lessThan10 = ExpressionSpecification.For <int>(i => i < 10);
            var moreThan5 = new ExpressionSpecification <int>(i => i > 5);
            ExpressionSpecification <int> subject = lessThan10 && moreThan5;

            Assert.That(subject, Must.Be.SatisfiedBy(7));
            Assert.That(subject, Must.Not.Be.SatisfiedBy(3).Or(13));
Exemple #24
        public List <CPFormChildTable> GetFormChildTable(int formId)
            ISpecification <CPFormChildTable> specification;

            specification = new ExpressionSpecification <CPFormChildTable>(t => t.FormId.Equals(formId));
            IList <CPFormChildTable> col = this._CPFormChildTableRep.GetByCondition(specification);

Exemple #25
        public void MoreThan10_OrOp_LessThan5()
            ExpressionSpecification <int> moreThan10 = ExpressionSpecification.For <int>(i => i > 10);
            var lessThan5 = new ExpressionSpecification <int>(i => i < 5);
            ExpressionSpecification <int> subject = lessThan5 || moreThan10;

            Assert.That(subject, Must.Not.Be.SatisfiedBy(7));
            Assert.That(subject, Must.Be.SatisfiedBy(3).Or(13));
Exemple #26
        public void OrTest4()
            var left   = new ExpressionSpecification <String>(x => true);
            var target = left.Or(x => true);

            var actual = target.IsSatisfiedByWithMessages(String.Empty);

        public void AndTestCase3()
            var target = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => false );
            var other = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => false );

            var actual = target.And( other );
            var result = actual.IsSatisfiedBy( String.Empty );
            Assert.IsFalse( result );
        public void AndTestCaseNullCheck()
            var target = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => false );
            ExpressionSpecification<String> other = null;

            Action test = () => target.And( other );

Exemple #29
        public void IsSatisfiedByReturnsTrueWhenAnySpecifactionIsTrue(TestObject testObject, bool expectedResult)
            var specification1 = new ExpressionSpecification <TestObject>(p => p.BooleanProperty);
            var specification2 = new ExpressionSpecification <TestObject>(p => p.BooleanProperty1);

            var orSpecification = new OrSpecification <TestObject>(specification1, specification2);

Exemple #30
            public void NullCandidate_NoException()
                Expression <Func <object, bool> > expression = candidate => true;
                var sut = new ExpressionSpecification <object>(expression);

                var exception = Record.Exception(() => sut.IsSatisfiedBy(null, out _));

Exemple #31
        public void ExpressionReturnsTrueWhenAnySpecifactionIsTrue(TestObject testObject, bool expectedResult)
            var specification1 = new ExpressionSpecification <TestObject>(p => p.BooleanProperty);
            var specification2 = new ExpressionSpecification <TestObject>(p => p.BooleanProperty1);

            var orSpecification = new OrSpecification <TestObject>(specification1, specification2);

            ExpressionSpecificationTester.TestSpecification(orSpecification, testObject, expectedResult);
Exemple #32
        public void IsSatisfiedByReturnsTrueWhenAllSpecifactionsAreTrue(TestObject testObject, bool result)
            var specification1 = new ExpressionSpecification <TestObject>(p => p.BooleanProperty);
            var specification2 = new ExpressionSpecification <TestObject>(p => p.BooleanProperty1);

            var andSpecification = new AndSpecification <TestObject>(specification1, specification2);

            public void InvokeTrueExpression_ReturnTrue()
                Expression <Func <object, bool> > expression = candidate => true;
                var sut = new ExpressionSpecification <object>(expression);

                var result = sut.GetExpression().Compile().Invoke(new object());

Exemple #34
        public void OrTest3()
            var left   = new ExpressionSpecification <String>(x => false);
            var target = left.Or(x => false);

            var actual = target.IsSatisfiedBy(String.Empty);

        public void OrTest8()
            var left   = new ExpressionSpecification <String>(x => true, "msgLeft");
            var target = left.Or(x => true, "msgRight");

            var actual = target.IsSatisfiedByWithMessages(String.Empty);

            Assert.Equal(0, actual.Count());
Exemple #36
        public void AndTestNullCheck1()
            var left = new ExpressionSpecification <String>(x => true);
            Func <String, Boolean> expression = null;
            // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
            Action test = () => left.And(expression);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(test);
        public async Task <int> CountPages([FromQuery] CarQuery query)
            ISpecification <Car> numberPlateFilter =
                new ExpressionSpecification <Car> (e => EF.Functions.Like(e.NumberPlate, $"%{query.Search.Trim()}%"));
            ISpecification <Car> carTypeFilter = new ExpressionSpecification <Car> (e => query.CarTypeId == 0 ? true : e.CarTypeId == query.CarTypeId);
            ISpecification <Car> carExpSpec    = numberPlateFilter.And(carTypeFilter);

            return(await carRepository.CountPages(query.PageSize, carExpSpec));
Exemple #38
        public void AndTest8()
            var left   = new ExpressionSpecification <String>(x => true, "msgLeft");
            var target = left.And(x => true, "msgRight");

            var actual = target.IsSatisfiedByWithMessages(String.Empty);

Exemple #39
            public void TrueExpression_ReturnTrue()
                Expression <Func <object, bool> > expression = candidate => true;
                var sut = new ExpressionSpecification <object>(expression);

                var result = sut.IsSatisfiedBy(new object());

        public void XOrTestCase4()
            var left = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => true );
            var target = left.XOr( x => true );

            var actual = target.IsSatisfiedByWithMessages( String.Empty )
            Assert.AreEqual( 1, actual.Count );
            Assert.AreEqual( "The given object matches both specifications.", actual[0] );
        public void AndTestCase3()
            var left = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => false );
            var right = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => true );
            var target = new AndSpecification<String>( left, right );

            var actual = target.And( new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => false ) );
            var result = actual.IsSatisfiedBy( String.Empty );
            Assert.IsFalse( result );
        public void SatisfiesWithMessagesTestCase2()
            var specification = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => x.Length > 3, "msg1" )
                .And( x => x.StartsWith( "1" ), "msg2" );

            var actual = "234".SatisfiesWithMessages( specification )
            Assert.AreEqual( 2, actual.Count );
            Assert.AreEqual( 1, actual.Count( x => x == "msg1" ) );
            Assert.AreEqual( 1, actual.Count( x => x == "msg2" ) );
        public void WhereNotTestCase()
            var target = new List<Int32> { 1, 10, 100, 1000 };
            var specification = new ExpressionSpecification<Int32>( x => x >= 100 );

            var actual = target.WhereNot( specification )
            Assert.AreEqual( 2, actual.Count );
            Assert.AreEqual( 1, actual.Count( x => x == 1 ) );
            Assert.AreEqual( 1, actual.Count( x => x == 10 ) );
Exemple #44
        public void Test_And_Specification()
            ISpecification<int> rule1 = new ExpressionSpecification<int>(x => x == 1, "rule1 failed");
            ISpecification<int> rule2 = new ExpressionSpecification<int>(x => x == 2, "rule2 failed");
            ISpecification<int> rule3 = new ExpressionSpecification<int>(x => x == 3, "rule3 failed");
            ISpecification<int> rule4 = rule1.Or(rule2).Or(rule3);

            var result = rule4.ValidateWithMessages(4);

            Assert.IsTrue(result.Count > 0);
        public void AndTestCase11()
            var left = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => false, "msgLeft" );
            var target = left.And( x => false, "msgRight" );

            var actual = target.IsSatisfiedByWithMessages( String.Empty )

                  .HaveCount( 2 );
                  .Contain( "msgLeft", "msgRight" );
Exemple #46
        public static void Main()
            var someBookstore = new Bookstore("Shakespeare and Company");

            var witchesAbroad = new Book("Witches abroad", Genre.Fantasy, 301);
            var hatFullOfSky = new Book("Hat full of sky", Genre.Fantasy, 310);
            var gameOfThrones = new Book("Game of thrones", Genre.Fantasy, 900);
            var deathOnTheNile = new Book("Death on the Nile", Genre.Crime, 400);
            var historyOfTheBalkans = new Book("History of the Balkans", Genre.History, 1120);


            var ruleOnlyFantasy = new ExpressionSpecification<Book>(b => b.Genre == Genre.Fantasy);
            var ruleLargeBooks = new ExpressionSpecification<Book>(b => b.Pages > 1000);
            var rulePagesBelow500 = new ExpressionSpecification<Book>(b => b.Pages < 500);
            var ruleFantasyOrLargeBooks = ruleOnlyFantasy.Or(ruleLargeBooks);

            var allBooks = someBookstore.All();

            var largeBooks = allBooks.FindAll(b => ruleLargeBooks.IsSatisfiedBy(b));
            Console.WriteLine("Large books:");
            foreach (var book in largeBooks)


            var fantasyAndLargeBooks = allBooks.FindAll(b => ruleFantasyOrLargeBooks.IsSatisfiedBy(b));
            Console.WriteLine("Fantasy and large books:");
            foreach (var book in fantasyAndLargeBooks)

        public void Main(string[] args)
            var ehSolteiro = new ExpressionSpecification<Pessoa>(p => p.EstadoCivil == EstadoCivil.Solteiro);
              var ehHomem = new ExpressionSpecification<Pessoa>(p => p.Sexo == Sexo.Masculino);
              var ehHomemSolteiro = ehSolteiro & ehHomem;
              var ouHomemOuSolteiro = ehHomem ^ ehSolteiro;

              var log = new Microsoft.Framework.Logging.LoggerFactory();
              log.MinimumLevel = Microsoft.Framework.Logging.LogLevel.Verbose;

              using (var db = new PessoaDbContext())
              .Select(x => x).ToList().ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x));


              Console.WriteLine("Finished OK.");
Exemple #48
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var mobiles = new List<Mobile>() {
                new Mobile(MobileBrand.Apple, MobileType.Smart),
                new Mobile(MobileBrand.Samsung, MobileType.Smart),
                new Mobile(MobileBrand.Samsung, MobileType.Basic)

            var smartSpecification = new ExpressionSpecification<Mobile>(mobile => mobile.Type == MobileType.Smart);
            var appleSpecification = new ExpressionSpecification<Mobile>(mobile => mobile.Brand == MobileBrand.Apple);
            // find all smart mobiles;
            var smartMobiles = mobiles.FindAll(mobile => smartSpecification.IsSatisfiedBy(mobile));
            // find all apple smart mobiles;
            var andSpecification = new AndSpecification<Mobile>(smartSpecification, appleSpecification);
            var appleSmartMobiles = mobiles.FindAll(mobile => andSpecification.IsSatisfiedBy(mobile));

            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

Exemple #49
        public string Login(string username, string password)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                return "";
            var filter = new ExpressionSpecification<Employee>(
                (e) => e.UserName == username);
            var employees = repository.Find(filter);

            if (employees == null || employees.Count() == 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("Invalid user name or password.");

            var employee = employees.First();
            if (employee.Password != password)
                throw new ApplicationException("Invalid username or password.");
            return "Login successful!";
        public void IsSatisfiedByTestCase()
            var left = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => true );
            var right = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => true );

            var target = new AndSpecification<String>( left, right );
            var actual = target.IsSatisfiedBy( String.Empty );
            Assert.IsTrue( actual );
 public void XOrTestCaseNullCheck1()
     var left = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => true );
     Func<String, Boolean> expression = null;
     Action test = () => left.XOr( expression );
        public void XOrTestCase7()
            var left = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => false );
            var target = left.XOr( x => false );

            var actual = target.IsSatisfiedByWithMessages( String.Empty )
            Assert.AreEqual( 2, actual.Count() );
            Assert.IsNull( actual[0] );
            Assert.IsNull( actual[1] );
 public IEnumerable<Item> QueryItems()
     var allSpec = new ExpressionSpecification<Item>();
     var items = _itemRepository.Select(allSpec, _includedProperties);
     return items;
        public void XOrTestCase()
            var left = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => true );
            var right = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => true );
            var target = new XOrSpecification<String>( left, right );

            var actual = target.XOr( new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => true ) );
            var result = actual.IsSatisfiedBy( String.Empty );
            Assert.IsTrue( result );
Exemple #55
        // Methods
        static List<Item> GetItems()
            using (var uow = new TpcUnitOfWork(Context))
                // Insert item...
                var itemRepository = uow.GetRepository<Item>();

                var spec = new ExpressionSpecification<Item>()
                    .Not(i => (i.Header.Title.Contains("H")))
                    .Or(i => i.Amount >= 300);

                var include = new PropertyNavigator<Item>()
                    .Include(i => i.Header)
                    .Include(i => i.Entry)

                return itemRepository
                    .Select(spec, include)
        public void IsSatisfiedByWithMessagesTestCas3()
            var left = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => false );
            var right = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => false );

            var target = new AndSpecification<String>( left, right );
            var actual = target.IsSatisfiedByWithMessages( String.Empty )
            Assert.AreEqual( 2, actual.Count );
            Assert.IsNull( actual[0] );
            Assert.IsNull( actual[1] );
        public void IsSatisfiedByWithMessagesTestCase4()
            var left = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => true, "msgLeft" );
            var right = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => true, "msgRight" );

            var target = new AndSpecification<String>( left, right );
            var actual = target.IsSatisfiedByWithMessages( String.Empty )
            Assert.AreEqual( 0, actual.Count );
        public void XOrTestCaseNullCheck()
            var left = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => false );
            var right = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => true );
            var target = new AndSpecification<String>( left, right );

            ExpressionSpecification<String> other = null;
            Action test = () => target.XOr( other );

        public void IsSatisfiedByWithMessagesTestCase7()
            var left = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => false, "msgLeft" );
            var right = new ExpressionSpecification<String>( x => false, "msgRight" );

            var target = new XOrSpecification<String>( left, right );
            var actaul = target.IsSatisfiedByWithMessages( String.Empty )
            Assert.AreEqual( 2, actaul.Count );
            Assert.AreEqual( 1, actaul.Count( x => x == "msgLeft" ) );
            Assert.AreEqual( 1, actaul.Count( x => x == "msgRight" ) );
 public IEnumerable<Item> QueryItemsByUserId(int userId)
     var itemUserIdSpec = new ExpressionSpecification<Item>(i => i.UserId == userId);
     var items = _itemRepository.Select(itemUserIdSpec, _includedProperties);
     return items;