Exemple #1
        public override IQueryable ModifyQuery(ExpressionOptions options)
            MethodInfo method;
            var        action = default(Delegate);

            if (!_delegates.TryGetValue(options.Query.GetType(), out action) &&
                options.Query.GetType().TryGetMethod("Include", null, out method))
                var instance = Expression.Parameter(options.Query.GetType(), "i");
                var path     = Expression.Parameter(typeof(string), "p");
                action = Expression.Lambda(Expression.Call(instance, method, path), instance, path).Compile();
                _delegates[options.Query.GetType()] = action;

            var queryresult = options.Query;

            if (action != null)
                foreach (var child in Children)
                    queryresult = (IQueryable)action.DynamicInvoke(queryresult, child.Text);

Exemple #2
        protected static bool IsOwnerMemberAccessible(MemberInfo member, ExpressionOptions options)
            bool accessAllowed = false;

            // Get the allowed access defined in the options
            if (IsMemberPublic(member) == true)
                accessAllowed = (options.OwnerMemberAccess & BindingFlags.Public) != 0;
                accessAllowed = (options.OwnerMemberAccess & BindingFlags.NonPublic) != 0;

            // See if the member has our access attribute defined
            ExpressionOwnerMemberAccessAttribute attr = (ExpressionOwnerMemberAccessAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(member, typeof(ExpressionOwnerMemberAccessAttribute));

            if (attr == null)
                // No, so return the access level
                // Member has our access attribute defined; use its access value instead
 public object ConvertTo(Project project, Type type, ExpressionOptions options)
     if (type.IsArray)
         if (type == typeof(ITaskItem[]))
             return(ConvertToITaskItemArray(project, options));
             return(ConvertToArray(project, type, options));
         if (type == typeof(ITaskItem))
             return(ConvertToITaskItem(project, options));
             return(ConvertToNonArray(project, type, options));
Exemple #4
        public override Expression BuildLinqExpression(ExpressionOptions options)
            var property = options.Item;
            var alias    = this.Children[1].Text;
            var filter   = this.Children[2];

            var underlyingType = property.Type;

            if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(property.Type) && property.Type.GetGenericArguments().Any())
                underlyingType = property.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                //We will sometimes need to cater for special cases here, such as Enumerating BsonValues
                //underlyingType = Configuration.EnumerableTypeMap(underlyingType);
                var enumerable = typeof(IEnumerable <>).MakeGenericType(underlyingType);
                property = Expression.Convert(property, enumerable);

            var parameter = Expression.Parameter(underlyingType, alias);

            var lambda = Expression.Lambda(
                filter.BuildLinqExpression(options.Clone().WithItem(parameter)), new[] { parameter });

            return(Expression.Call(typeof(Enumerable), "All", new[] { underlyingType }, property, lambda));
        object ConvertToObject(string raw, Type type, ExpressionOptions options)
            if (type == typeof(bool))
                bool value;
                if (boolValues.TryGetValue(raw, out value))

            if (type == typeof(string))

            if (type.IsPrimitive)
                return(Convert.ChangeType(raw, type));

            if (type == typeof(DateTime))

            throw new Exception(String.Format("Unsupported type: {0}", type));
        string ConvertToString(Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (object o in objects)
                string s = o as string;
                if (s != null)

                IReference br = o as IReference;
                if (br != null)
                    sb.Append(br.ConvertToString(project, options));
                    throw new Exception("BUG: Invalid type in objects collection.");
Exemple #7
        // when evaluating items: expand: true
        // all other times, expand: true
        // so, always true, ignore @options
        public string ConvertToString(Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
            if (project == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("project");

            if (is_registry)
                string val = (String)Registry.GetValue(reg_key, reg_value, String.Empty);
                BuildProperty bp = project.EvaluatedProperties[name];
                if (bp == null)

                if (options == ExpressionOptions.DoNotExpandItemRefs)

                return(bp.ConvertToString(project, ExpressionOptions.ExpandItemRefs));
Exemple #8
        public static LiteralElement CreateFromInteger(string image, IServiceProvider services)
            LiteralElement element = default(LiteralElement);

            element = CreateSingle(image, services);

            if ((element != null))

            element = CreateDecimal(image, services);

            if ((element != null))

            ExpressionOptions options = (ExpressionOptions)services.GetService(typeof(ExpressionOptions));

            // Convert to a double if option is set
            if (options.IntegersAsDoubles == true)
                return(DoubleLiteralElement.Parse(image, services));

Exemple #9
 public static string Parse(string line, ExpressionOptions options)
     if (line.IndexOf("#(") > -1)
         MatchCollection matches = _exprTriggerRegEx.Matches(line);
         int             offset  = 0;
         foreach (Match match in matches)
             string result;
                 result = ParseExpression(match).Evaluate(options).ToString();
             catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
                 result = ex.InnerException.ToString().Replace('\n', ' ').Replace('\r', ' ');
             catch (Exception ex)
                 result = ex.ToString().Replace('\n', ' ').Replace('\r', ' ');
             //line = line.Replace(match.Value, result);
             line    = line.Remove(match.Index + offset, match.Length).Insert(match.Index + offset, result);
             offset += result.Length - match.Length;
        internal ITaskItem[] ConvertToITaskItemArray(Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
            if (converting)
                // found ref to @this while trying to ConvertToITaskItemArray
                // for @this!
                ITaskItem [] items = new ITaskItem [1];
                items [0] = new TaskItem(FinalValue);

            converting = true;
                Expression exp = new Expression();

                // in non-evaluation phase, properties are always expanded
                exp.Parse(FinalValue, ParseOptions.Split | (options == ExpressionOptions.ExpandItemRefs ?
                                                            ParseOptions.AllowItems : ParseOptions.None));
                return((ITaskItem[])exp.ConvertTo(project, typeof(ITaskItem[]), options));
                converting = false;
Exemple #11
        public override Expression BuildLinqExpression(ExpressionOptions options)
            var        parameter       = options.Item ?? Expression.Parameter(options.InputType, "o");
            Expression childExpression = options.Expression;

            var temp = parameter;

            foreach (var child in this.Children)
                childExpression = child.BuildLinqExpression(options.Clone().WithExpression(childExpression).WithItem(temp));
                temp            = childExpression;

            Debug.Assert(childExpression != null, "childExpression should never be null");

            var methodName = "OrderBy";

            //(query.Provider.GetType().Name.Contains("DbQueryProvider") || query.Provider.GetType().Name.Contains("MongoQueryProvider")) &&
            if (!this.IsFirstChild)
                methodName = "ThenBy";

            var lambda = Expression.Lambda(childExpression, new[] { parameter as ParameterExpression });

            return(Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), methodName, new[] { options.Query.ElementType, childExpression.Type }, options.Query.Expression, lambda));
Exemple #12
        // In eval phase, any ref'ed item would've already been expanded
        // or it doesnt exist, so dont expand again
        // In non-eval, items have _already_ been expanded, so dont expand again
        // So, ignore @options
        internal string ConvertToString(Expression transform,
                                        Expression separator, ExpressionOptions options)
            string separatorString;

            // Item refs are not expanded for separator or transform
            if (separator == null)
                separatorString = ";";
                separatorString = (string)separator.ConvertTo(parentProject, typeof(string),

            string[] items = new string [buildItems.Count];
            int      i     = 0;

            foreach (BuildItem bi in  buildItems)
                items [i++] = bi.ConvertToString(transform, ExpressionOptions.DoNotExpandItemRefs);
            return(String.Join(separatorString, items));
Exemple #13
        public ITaskItem [] ConvertToITaskItemArray(Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
            List <ITaskItem> items = new List <ITaskItem> ();

            if (IsQualified)
                // Bucket would have item lists with same metadata values,
                // so just get the value from the first item
                BuildItemGroup group;
                if (project.TryGetEvaluatedItemByNameBatched(itemName, out group))
                    BuildItemGroupToITaskItems(group, items, true);
                // Get unique metadata values from _all_ item lists
                foreach (BuildItemGroup group in project.GetAllItemGroups())
                    BuildItemGroupToITaskItems(group, items, false);

            return(items.Count == 0 ? null : items.ToArray());
Exemple #14
        public override Expression BuildLinqExpression(ExpressionOptions options)
            var        parameter       = options.Item ?? Expression.Parameter(options.InputType, "o");
            Expression childExpression = options.Expression;

            var temp = parameter;

            foreach (var child in this.Children.Cast <ODataNode>())
                childExpression = child.BuildLinqExpression(options.Clone().WithExpression(childExpression).WithItem(temp));
                temp            = childExpression;

            Debug.Assert(childExpression != null, "childExpression should never be null");

            var methodName = "OrderByDescending";

            if (!this.IsFirstChild)
                methodName = "ThenByDescending";

            var lambda = Expression.Lambda(childExpression, new[] { parameter as ParameterExpression });

            return(Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), methodName, new[] { options.Query.ElementType, childExpression.Type }, options.Query.Expression, lambda));
 public override Expression BuildLinqExpression(ExpressionOptions options)
     if (base.Type == TokenType.Identifier)
         var param = options.Item as ParameterExpression;
         if (param != null && param.Name == this.Text)
         if (options.DynamicAccessor != null)
             return(Expression.Invoke(options.DynamicAccessor, new[] { options.Item, Expression.Constant(this.Text) }));
         return(Expression.Property(options.Item, this.Text));
         var parent = options.Item;
         foreach (var child in this.Children)
             parent = child.BuildLinqExpression(options.Clone().WithItem(parent));
Exemple #16
        internal ITaskItem ConvertToITaskItem(Expression transform, ExpressionOptions options)
            TaskItem taskItem;

            taskItem = new TaskItem(GetItemSpecFromTransform(transform, options), evaluatedMetadata);
 public override object Evaluate(ExpressionOptions options)
     // Evaluate if required or if the expression is invalid
     if ((options & ExpressionOptions.EVALUATE_ALWAYS) > 0 || !IsValid)
         int      paramCount  = _parameters.Length;
         object[] paramValues = new object[paramCount];
         for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++)
             if (_parameters[i] != null)
                 paramValues[i] = _parameters[i].Evaluate(options);
         _value = _func.Invoke(paramValues);
         if (_value == null)
         IsValid = true;
Exemple #18
        public ITaskItem[] ConvertToITaskItemArray(Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
            var items = new ITaskItem[1];

            items[0] = new TaskItem(ConvertToString(project, options));

		public ITaskItem [] ConvertToITaskItemArray (Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
			BuildItemGroup group;
			if (project.TryGetEvaluatedItemByNameBatched (itemName, out group))
				return group.ConvertToITaskItemArray (transform, separator, options);
				return null;
		// when evaluating property, allowItems=false, so,
		// ItemRef will _not_ get created, so this wont get hit
		// when evaluating items, expand: true
		// other cases, expand: true
		public string ConvertToString (Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
			BuildItemGroup group;
			if (project.TryGetEvaluatedItemByNameBatched (itemName, out group))
				return group.ConvertToString (transform, separator, options);
				return String.Empty;
 internal ExpressionOptions ApplyTo(ExpressionOptions options)
     return(options with
         EnableFunctions = EnableFunctions ?? options.EnableFunctions,
         EnableVariables = EnableVariables ?? options.EnableVariables
Exemple #22
 public void Resolve(IServiceProvider services)
     MyServices = services;
     MyOptions  = (ExpressionOptions)services.GetService(typeof(ExpressionOptions));
     MyContext  = (ExpressionContext)services.GetService(typeof(ExpressionContext));
 public ISqlExpressionBuilder Select(IEnumerable <string> columns, ExpressionOptions option)
     if (option == ExpressionOptions.Overwrite)
Exemple #24
 public override Expression BuildLinqExpression(ExpressionOptions options)
                new[] { options.Query.ElementType },
Exemple #25
 public override object Evaluate(ExpressionOptions options)
     // Evaluate if required or if the expression is invalid
     if ((options & ExpressionOptions.EVALUATE_ALWAYS) > 0 || !IsValid)
         _value  = GUIPropertyManager.GetProperty(_propertyName);
         IsValid = true;
		object Invoke (Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
			var flags = BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Public;
			object target;

			if (Instance == null) {
				target = null;
				flags |= BindingFlags.Static;
			} else {
				var mir = Instance as MemberInvocationReference;
				if (mir != null) {
					target = mir.Invoke (project, options);
					if (target == null) {
						throw new NotImplementedException ("Instance method on null value");

					type = target.GetType ();
				} else {
					target = Instance.ConvertToString (project, options);
					type = typeof (string);

				flags |= BindingFlags.Instance;

			object[] args;
			if (Arguments == null) {
				flags |= BindingFlags.GetProperty;
				args = null;
			} else {
				flags |= BindingFlags.InvokeMethod;
				ExpandArguments (project, options);
				args = PrepareMethodArguments (flags);
				if (args == null)
					throw new InvalidProjectFileException (string.Format ("Method '{0}({1})' arguments cannot be evaluated'", name, string.Join (", ", Arguments.ToArray ())));

			object value;
			try {
				value = type.InvokeMember (name, flags, null, target, args, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
			} catch (MissingFieldException) {
				// It can be field/constant instead of a property
				if (args == null && Instance == null) {
					flags &= ~BindingFlags.GetProperty;
					flags |= BindingFlags.GetField;
					value = type.InvokeMember (name, flags, null, null, null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
				} else {

			return value;
        public ISqlExpressionBuilder Order(string column, OrderOptions options, ExpressionOptions expOptions)
            ColumnExpression col = _CreateColumnByName(column);

            if (expOptions == ExpressionOptions.Overwrite)
            _stmtOrder.Columns.Add(col, options);
Exemple #28
        public static object ParseExpression(string expressionText, ExpressionOptions options)
            //Match match = _functionRegEx.Match(expressionText);
            Match match = _expressionRegEx.Match(expressionText);

            if (match != null)
        static void TestParse(string expression, ExpressionNode expected, ExpressionOptions options = ExpressionOptions.None)
            var expr = ExpressionParser.Parse(expression, options, 0);

            AssertEqual(expected, expr, 0);

            const int baseOffset = 123;

            expr = ExpressionParser.Parse(expression, options, baseOffset);
            AssertEqual(expected, expr, baseOffset);
Exemple #30
        public QbservableServiceOptions(QbservableServiceOptions clone)
            Contract.Requires(clone != null);

            sendServerErrorsToClients = clone.sendServerErrorsToClients;
            enableDuplex = clone.enableDuplex;
            allowExpressionsUnrestricted = clone.allowExpressionsUnrestricted;
            expressionOptions            = clone.expressionOptions;
            evaluationContext            = clone.evaluationContext;
Exemple #31
        public override Expression BuildLinqExpression(ExpressionOptions options)
            var child = GetValueNode();

            if (child != null)

Exemple #32
        string GetItemSpecFromTransform(Expression transform, ExpressionOptions options)
            StringBuilder sb;

            if (transform == null)
                if (options == ExpressionOptions.ExpandItemRefs)
                    // With usual code paths, this will never execute,
                    // but letting this be here, incase BI.ConvertTo*
                    // is called directly
                    Expression expr = new Expression();
                    expr.Parse(finalItemSpec, ParseOptions.AllowItemsNoMetadataAndSplit);

                                                  typeof(string), ExpressionOptions.ExpandItemRefs));
                // Transform, _DONT_ expand itemrefs
                sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (object o in transform.Collection)
                    if (o is string)
                    else if (o is PropertyReference)
                    else if (o is ItemReference)
                    else if (o is MetadataReference)
Exemple #33
        private void SetupOptions(ExpressionOptions options, bool isGeneric)
            // Make sure we clone the options
            _myOptions           = options;
            _myOptions.IsGeneric = isGeneric;

            if (isGeneric)
                _myOptions.ResultType = typeof(T);

Exemple #34
		public object ConvertTo (Project project, Type type, ExpressionOptions options)
			if (type.IsArray) {
				if (type == typeof (ITaskItem[]))
					return ConvertToITaskItemArray (project, options);
					return ConvertToArray (project, type, options);
			} else {
				if (type == typeof (ITaskItem))
					return ConvertToITaskItem (project, options);
					return ConvertToNonArray (project, type, options);
		// when evaluating items: expand: true
		// all other times, expand: true
		// so, always true, ignore @options
		public string ConvertToString (Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
			if (project == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("project");
			BuildProperty bp = project.EvaluatedProperties [name];
			if (bp == null)
				return String.Empty;

			if (options == ExpressionOptions.DoNotExpandItemRefs)
				return bp.FinalValue;

			return bp.ConvertToString (project, ExpressionOptions.ExpandItemRefs);
		// when evaluating items: expand: true
		// all other times, expand: true
		// so, always true, ignore @options
		public ITaskItem[] ConvertToITaskItemArray (Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
			BuildProperty bp = project.EvaluatedProperties [name];
			if (bp == null)
				return null;

			if (options == ExpressionOptions.DoNotExpandItemRefs) {
				List<ITaskItem> list = new List<ITaskItem> ();
				foreach (string s in bp.FinalValue.Split (new char[] {';'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
					list.Add (new TaskItem (s));
				return list.ToArray ();

			return bp.ConvertToITaskItemArray (project, ExpressionOptions.ExpandItemRefs);
		public ITaskItem [] ConvertToITaskItemArray (Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
			List<ITaskItem> items = new List<ITaskItem> ();
			if (IsQualified) {
				// Bucket would have item lists with same metadata values,
				// so just get the value from the first item
				BuildItemGroup group;
				if (project.TryGetEvaluatedItemByNameBatched (itemName, out group))
					BuildItemGroupToITaskItems (group, items, true);
			} else {
				// Get unique metadata values from _all_ item lists
				foreach (BuildItemGroup group in project.GetAllItemGroups ())
					BuildItemGroupToITaskItems (group, items, false);

			return items.Count == 0 ? null : items.ToArray ();
Exemple #38
		string ConvertToString (Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
			foreach (object o in objects) {
				string s = o as string;
				if (s != null) {
					sb.Append (s);

				IReference br = o as IReference;
				if (br != null)
					sb.Append (br.ConvertToString (project, options));
					throw new Exception ("BUG: Invalid type in objects collection.");
			return sb.ToString ();
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the LatexExpression class and copies the specified expression data to it.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="expression">The expression to clone.</param>
 public LatexExpression(LatexExpression expression)
     Parent = expression.Parent;
     Name = expression.Name;
     ExprType = expression.ExprType;
     MathMode = expression.MathMode;
     Customization = expression.Customization;
     if (expression.Options != null)
         Options = new ExpressionOptions();
     if (expression.Expressions != null)
         Expressions = new List<List<LatexExpression>>(expression.Expressions);
Exemple #40
		// Concat rules (deduced)
		// - ItemRef can concat only with a string ';' or PropertyRef ending in ';'
		// - MetadataRef can concat with anything other than ItemRef
		// - PropertyRef cannot be right after a ItemRef
		//   PropertyRef concats if it doesn't end in ';'
		// - string cannot concat with ItemRef unless it is ';'.
		//   string concats if it ends in ';'
		ITaskItem[] ConvertToITaskItemArray (Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
			List <ITaskItem> finalItems = new List <ITaskItem> ();
			object prev = null;
			bool prev_can_concat = false;

			foreach (object o in objects) {
				bool can_concat = prev_can_concat;

				string str = o as string;
				if (str != null) {
					string trimmed_str = str.Trim ();
					if (!IsSemicolon (str) && trimmed_str.Length > 0 && prev != null && prev is ItemReference)
						// non-empty, non-semicolon string after item ref
						ThrowCantConcatError (prev, str);

					if (trimmed_str.Length == 0 && prev is string && IsSemicolon ((string) prev)) {
						// empty string after a ';', ignore it

					// empty string _after_ a itemref, not an error
					prev_can_concat = !(str.Length > 0 && str [str.Length - 1] == ';') && trimmed_str.Length > 0;
					AddItemsToArray (finalItems,
							ConvertToITaskItemArrayFromString (str),
					prev = o;

				IReference br = o as IReference;
				if (br == null)
					throw new Exception ("BUG: Invalid type in objects collection.");

				if (o is ItemReference) {
					if (prev != null && !(prev is string && (string)prev == ";"))
						ThrowCantConcatError (prev, br);

					prev_can_concat = true;
				} else if (o is MetadataReference) {
					if (prev != null && prev is ItemReference)
						ThrowCantConcatError (prev, br);

					prev_can_concat = true;
				} else if (o is PropertyReference) {
					if (prev != null && prev is ItemReference)
						ThrowCantConcatError (prev, br);

					string value = ((PropertyReference) o).GetValue (project);
					prev_can_concat = !(value.Length > 0 && value [value.Length - 1] == ';');

				AddItemsToArray (finalItems, br.ConvertToITaskItemArray (project, options), can_concat);

				prev = o;

			// Trim and Remove empty items
			List<ITaskItem> toRemove = new List<ITaskItem> ();
			for (int i = 0; i < finalItems.Count; i ++) {
				string s = ((ITaskItem2)finalItems [i]).EvaluatedIncludeEscaped.Trim ();
				if (s.Length == 0)
					toRemove.Add (finalItems [i]);
					((ITaskItem2)finalItems [i]).EvaluatedIncludeEscaped = s;
			foreach (ITaskItem ti in toRemove)
				finalItems.Remove (ti);
			return finalItems.ToArray ();
Exemple #41
		ITaskItem ConvertToITaskItem (Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
			if (objects == null)
				throw new Exception ("Cannot cast empty expression to ITaskItem.");

			ITaskItem[] items = ConvertToITaskItemArray (project, options);
			if (items.Length > 1)
				//FIXME: msbuild gives better errors
				throw new Exception (String.Format ("Exactly one item required, but got: {0}", items.Length));

			if (items.Length == 0) return null;
			return items [0];
Exemple #42
		internal ITaskItem ConvertToITaskItem (Expression transform, ExpressionOptions options)
			TaskItem taskItem;
			taskItem = new TaskItem (GetItemSpecFromTransform (transform, options), evaluatedMetadata);
			return taskItem;
		public string ConvertToString (Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
			return ConvertResult (Invoke (project, options));
 public override object Evaluate(ExpressionOptions options)
   // Evaluate if required or if the expression is invalid
   if ((options & ExpressionOptions.EVALUATE_ALWAYS) > 0 || !IsValid)
     int paramCount = _parameters.Length;
     object[] paramValues = new object[paramCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++)
       paramValues[i] = _parameters[i].Evaluate(options);
     _value = _func.Invoke(paramValues);
     IsValid = true;
   return _value;
		// In eval phase, any ref'ed item would've already been expanded
		// or it doesnt exist, so dont expand again
		// In non-eval, items have _already_ been expanded, so dont expand again
		// So, ignore @options
		internal ITaskItem[] ConvertToITaskItemArray (Expression transform, Expression separator, ExpressionOptions options)
			if (separator != null)
				// separator present, so return as a single "join'ed" string
				return new ITaskItem [] {
					new TaskItem (ConvertToString (transform, separator, options))

			ITaskItem[] array = new ITaskItem [buildItems.Count];
			int i = 0;
			foreach (BuildItem item in buildItems)
				array [i++] = item.ConvertToITaskItem (transform, ExpressionOptions.DoNotExpandItemRefs);
			return array;
Exemple #46
		object ConvertToNonArray (Project project, Type type, ExpressionOptions options)
			return ConvertToObject (ConvertToString (project, options), type, options);
 /// <summary>
 /// Preforms the post-parse procedure of the options.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="options">The raw options string to parse.</param>
 private void ParseOptions(string options)
     if (options == null) { return; }
     var splittedOptions = options.Split(',');
     Options = new ExpressionOptions();
     Options.AsKeyValue = new Dictionary<string,string>(splittedOptions.Length);
     foreach (var option in splittedOptions)
         var keyValue = option.Split('=');
         Options.AsKeyValue.Add(keyValue[0].Trim(), keyValue.Length > 1? keyValue[1].Trim() : null);
     Options.AsExpressions = new List<LatexExpression>();
     string beginning = options;
     string end;
     LatexExpression expr;
     int index = 0;
     bool verbatimMode = false;
     bool whitespaceBefore = false;
     while ((expr = ReadFromTextReader(this, 0, ref index, ref verbatimMode,
         MathMode | ExprType == ExpressionType.InlineMath | ExprType == ExpressionType.BlockMath,
         Customization, beginning, null, out end, ref whitespaceBefore)) != null)
         beginning = end;
		public ITaskItem[] ConvertToITaskItemArray (Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
			var items = new ITaskItem[1];
			items[0] = new TaskItem (ConvertToString (project, options));

			return items;
 public static object ParseExpression(string expressionText, ExpressionOptions options)
   //Match match = _functionRegEx.Match(expressionText);
   Match match = _expressionRegEx.Match(expressionText);
   if (match != null)
     return ParseExpression(match).Evaluate(options);
   return null;
		public string ConvertToString (Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
			return project.GetMetadataBatched (itemName, metadataName);
		// In eval phase, any ref'ed item would've already been expanded
		// or it doesnt exist, so dont expand again
		// In non-eval, items have _already_ been expanded, so dont expand again
		// So, ignore @options
		internal string ConvertToString (Expression transform,
						 Expression separator, ExpressionOptions options)
			string separatorString;
			// Item refs are not expanded for separator or transform
			if (separator == null)
				separatorString = ";";
				separatorString = (string) separator.ConvertTo (parentProject, typeof (string),
			string[] items = new string [buildItems.Count];
			int i = 0;
			foreach (BuildItem bi in  buildItems)
				items [i++] = bi.ConvertToString (transform, ExpressionOptions.DoNotExpandItemRefs);
			return String.Join (separatorString, items);
		void ExpandArguments (Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
			for (int i = 0; i < Arguments.Count; ++i) {
				string arg = Arguments [i].Trim ();
				if (string.Equals (arg, "null", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
					arg = null;
				} else {
					arg = Expression.ParseAs<string> (arg, ParseOptions.None,
						project, options);

					arg = arg.Trim (ArgumentTrimChars);

				Arguments [i] = arg;
 public static string Parse(string line, ExpressionOptions options)
   if (line.IndexOf("#(") > -1)
     MatchCollection matches = _exprTriggerRegEx.Matches(line);
     int offset = 0;
     foreach (Match match in matches)
       string result;
         result = ParseExpression(match).Evaluate(options).ToString();
       catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
         result = ex.InnerException.ToString().Replace('\n', ' ').Replace('\r', ' ');
       catch (Exception ex)
         result = ex.ToString().Replace('\n', ' ').Replace('\r', ' ');
       //line = line.Replace(match.Value, result);
       line = line.Remove(match.Index + offset, match.Length).Insert(match.Index + offset, result);
       offset += result.Length - match.Length;
   return line;
		public ITaskItem[] ConvertToITaskItemArray (Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
			throw new NotImplementedException ();
Exemple #55
		// during item's eval phase, any item refs in this item, have either
		// already been expanded or are non-existant, so expand can be _false_
		// during prop's eval phase, this isn't reached, as it parses expressions
		// with allowItems=false, so no ItemReferences are created at all
		// at other times, item refs have already been expanded, so expand: false
		internal string ConvertToString (Expression transform, ExpressionOptions options)
			return GetItemSpecFromTransform (transform, options);
Exemple #56
		// during property's eval phase, this is never reached, as PropertyReference
		// handles the eval case
		// during item's eval phase, we have expand: true, that's what we
		// do here..
		// during non-eval, expand: true
		// So, its always true here
		internal string ConvertToString (Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
			if (converting) {
				// found ref to @this while trying to ConvertToString
				// for @this!
				return FinalValue;

			converting = true;
			try {
				Expression exp = new Expression ();

				// in non-evaluation phase, properties are always expanded
				exp.Parse (FinalValue, options == ExpressionOptions.ExpandItemRefs ?
							ParseOptions.AllowItems : ParseOptions.None);
				return (string) exp.ConvertTo (project, typeof (string), options);
			} finally {
				converting = false;
Exemple #57
		string GetItemSpecFromTransform (Expression transform, ExpressionOptions options)
			StringBuilder sb;
			if (transform == null) {
				if (options == ExpressionOptions.ExpandItemRefs) {
					// With usual code paths, this will never execute,
					// but letting this be here, incase BI.ConvertTo*
					// is called directly
					Expression expr = new Expression ();
					expr.Parse (finalItemSpec, ParseOptions.AllowItemsNoMetadataAndSplit);

					return (string) expr.ConvertTo (parent_item_group.ParentProject,
							typeof (string), ExpressionOptions.ExpandItemRefs);
				} else {
					return finalItemSpec;
			} else {
				// Transform, _DONT_ expand itemrefs
				sb = new StringBuilder ();
				foreach (object o in transform.Collection) {
					if (o is string) {
						sb.Append ((string)o);
					} else if (o is PropertyReference) {
						sb.Append (((PropertyReference)o).ConvertToString (
					} else if (o is ItemReference) {
						sb.Append (((ItemReference)o).ConvertToString (
					} else if (o is MetadataReference) {
						sb.Append (GetMetadata (((MetadataReference)o).MetadataName));
				return sb.ToString ();
Exemple #58
		object ConvertToArray (Project project, Type type, ExpressionOptions options)
			ITaskItem[] items = ConvertToITaskItemArray (project, options);

			Type element_type = type.GetElementType ();
			Array arr = Array.CreateInstance (element_type, items.Length);
			for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i ++)
				arr.SetValue (ConvertToObject (items [i].ItemSpec, element_type, options), i);
			return arr;
Exemple #59
		internal ITaskItem[] ConvertToITaskItemArray (Project project, ExpressionOptions options)
			if (converting) {
				// found ref to @this while trying to ConvertToITaskItemArray
				// for @this!
				ITaskItem []items = new ITaskItem [1];
				items [0] = new TaskItem (FinalValue);
				return items;

			converting = true;
			try {
				Expression exp = new Expression ();

				// in non-evaluation phase, properties are always expanded
				exp.Parse (FinalValue, ParseOptions.Split | (options == ExpressionOptions.ExpandItemRefs ?
							ParseOptions.AllowItems : ParseOptions.None));
				return (ITaskItem[]) exp.ConvertTo (project, typeof (ITaskItem[]), options);
			} finally {
				converting = false;
Exemple #60
		object ConvertToObject (string raw, Type type, ExpressionOptions options)
			if (type == typeof (bool)) {
				bool value;
				if (boolValues.TryGetValue (raw, out value))
					return value;
					return false;

			if (type == typeof (string))
				return raw;

			if (type.IsPrimitive)
				return Convert.ChangeType (raw, type);

			if (type == typeof (DateTime))
				return DateTime.Parse (raw);

			throw new Exception (String.Format ("Unsupported type: {0}", type));