public Stmt GetImpl(Ctx ctx)
                var obj          = ctx.MethodParameter(0, "obj");
                var toType       = ctx.MethodParameter(1, "toType");
                var canCastTo    = new ExprVarLocal(ctx, ctx.Type.MakeArray()).Named("canCastTo");
                var mGetType     = ctx.Module.Import(typeof(object).GetMethod("GetType"));
                var getTypeCall  = new ExprCall(ctx, mGetType, obj.Expr).Named("getTypeCall");
                var assignableTo = new ExprJsTypeData(ctx, TypeData.AssignableTo).Named("assignableTo");
                var i            = new ExprVarLocal(ctx, ctx.Int32).Named("i");
                var t            = new ExprVarLocal(ctx, ctx.Type).Named("temp");
                var js           = @"
if (obj == null) return true;
temp = getTypeCall;
if (!temp) return false; // Required because C# objects received via JSON may have null type when type is never refered to in JS
if (temp === toType) return true;
canCastTo = temp.assignableTo;
for (i = canCastTo.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    if (canCastTo[i] === toType)
        return true;
return false;
                var stmt         = new StmtJsExplicit(ctx, js, obj, toType, canCastTo, getTypeCall, assignableTo, i, t);

Exemple #2
        public static Stmt get_FullName(Ctx ctx)
            var eNamespace = new ExprJsTypeData(ctx, TypeData.Namespace).Named("namespace");
            var eName      = new ExprJsTypeData(ctx, TypeData.Name).Named("name");
            var stmt       = new StmtJsExplicit(ctx, "return this.namespace+\".\";", ctx.ThisNamed, eNamespace, eName);

        public static Stmt GetValue(Ctx ctx)
            var value           = ctx.Local(ctx.Object, "value");
            var index           = ctx.MethodParameter(0, "index");
            var thisType        = ctx.Local(ctx.Type, "thisType");
            var thisGetTypeCall = new ExprCall(ctx, (Func <Type>)(new object().GetType), ctx.This).Named("thisGetTypeCall");
            var eElementType    = new ExprJsTypeData(ctx, TypeData.ElementType).Named("eElementType");
            var eIsValueType    = new ExprJsTypeData(ctx, TypeData.IsValueType).Named("eIsValueType");
            var js   = @"
value = this[index];
thisType = thisGetTypeCall;
return thisType.eElementType.eIsValueType ? {v:value, _:thisType.eElementType} : value;
            var stmt = new StmtJsExplicit(ctx, js, ctx.ThisNamed, value, index, thisType, thisGetTypeCall, eElementType, eIsValueType);

 protected override ICode VisitJsTypeData(ExprJsTypeData e)
        public static Stmt Encode(Ctx ctx)
            var arg      = ctx.MethodParameter(0, "arg");
            var id       = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "id");
            var todo     = ctx.Local(ctx.Object, "todo");
            var todoOfs  = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "todoOfs");
            var enc      = ctx.Local(ctx.Object, "enc");
            var obj      = ctx.Local(ctx.Object, "obj");
            var json     = ctx.Local(ctx.Object, "json");
            var jsonPart = ctx.Local(ctx.Object, "jsonPart");
            var o        = ctx.Local(ctx.Object, "o");
            var type     = ctx.Local(ctx.Type, "type");
            var oKey     = ctx.Local(ctx.String, "oKey");
            var isRoot   = ctx.Local(ctx.Boolean, "isRoot");
            var i        = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "i");
            var isArray  = new ExprJsTypeData(ctx, TypeData.IsArray).Named("isArray");
            var jsName   = new ExprJsTypeData(ctx, TypeData.JsName).Named("jsName");
            var jsIsDict = new ExprJsTypeData(ctx, TypeData.IsDictionary).Named("jsIsDict");
            var slots    = ctx.Local(ctx.Object, "slots");
            var ret      = ctx.Local(ctx.Object, "ret");
            // Value-types will be boxed on entry
            var js   = @"
try {
id = 0;
if (arg && arg._) {
    arg.$$ = '0';
todo = [arg];
todoOfs = 0;
enc = function(o, isRoot) {
    if (o === null || o === undefined) {
        return null;
    var type = o._;
    if (!type) { // Unboxed value-type/primitive
        if (typeof(o) !== 'object' || o instanceof Array) { // primitive number, boolean, string, 64-bit number (array)
            if (typeof(o) === 'number') { // Number
                if (isNaN(o)) {
                    return [0];
                if (o === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
                    return [-1];
                if (o === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
                    return [1];
            return o;
        } else {
            // Non-primitive value-type
            var ret = {};
            for (var oKey in o) {
                ret[oKey] = enc(o[oKey]);
            return ret;
    if (isRoot) {
        // Direct object encoding required
        if (type.jsIsDict) {
            var ret = { '_': type.jsName, 'v': [] };
            var slots = o[type.jsIsDict[0]];
            for (var i=0; i<slots.length; i++) {
                if (slots[i] && slots[i][type.jsIsDict[1]] >= 0) {
                    ret.v.push(enc(slots[i][type.jsIsDict[2]]), enc(slots[i][type.jsIsDict[3]]));
            return ret;
        if (type && type.isArray) {
            var ret = { '_': type.jsName, 'v': [] };
            for (var i=0; i<o.length; i++) {
            return ret;
        } else {
            var ret = { '_': type.jsName };
            for (var oKey in o) {
                if (oKey.charAt(0) !== '_' && oKey.charAt(0) !== '$') {
                    ret[oKey] = enc(o[oKey]);
            return ret;
    } else {
        if (!o.$$) {
            o.$$ = (++id).toString();
        return [o.$$];
json = [];
while (todo.length > todoOfs) {
    obj = todo[todoOfs++];
    jsonPart = enc(obj, true);
    json.push([(obj && obj.$$) || '0', jsonPart]);
for (i = 0; i<todo.length; i++) {
    if (todo[i] && todo[i].$$) {
        delete todo[i].$$;
return json;
} catch (eeee) {
console.log('Ex: ' + eeee);
throw eeee;
            var stmt = new StmtJsExplicit(ctx, js, arg, id, todo, todoOfs, enc, obj, json, jsonPart, o, type, oKey, isRoot, i, isArray, ret, jsName, jsIsDict, slots);
