private void GetDataIdentifiersRecursiveUsingIndex(IEnumerable<byte> bytesSoFar, int depth, Int64 offset, ICollection<Guid> result, StreamStateBehaviour indexStreamStateBehaviour, ExposeProgressDelegate anotherDataIdentifierFoundDelegate)
            AllocationTableStruct indexStructs = GetIndexStruct(offset, indexStreamStateBehaviour);
            for (int currentByteValue = 0; currentByteValue <= 255; currentByteValue++)
                if (indexStructs.Pointers[currentByteValue] == 0)
                    // not used, recursion stops
                    // clone bytes so far, extend with current byte
                    var bytesForGuid = new List<byte>();
                    bytesForGuid.Add((byte) currentByteValue);

                    if (depth == 15)
                        var newGuid = new Guid(bytesForGuid.ToArray());

                        // notify outside world we found another hit, if the outside world wants to hear about it
                        if (anotherDataIdentifierFoundDelegate != null)
                        // recursion stops; this is the last byte
                        // continue recursion
                        long newOffset = indexStructs.Pointers[currentByteValue];
                        GetDataIdentifiersRecursiveUsingIndex(bytesForGuid, depth + 1, newOffset, result, indexStreamStateBehaviour, anotherDataIdentifierFoundDelegate);
        public void RestoreIndexFile(AddFileBehaviour addFileBehaviour, StreamStateBehaviour indexStreamStateBehaviour, StreamStateBehaviour dataStreamStateBehaviour, ExposeProgressDelegate exposeProgressDelegate)
            // the following method also checks whether the index file exists or not,
            // if exists, it throws an exception

            switch (indexStreamStateBehaviour)
                case StreamStateBehaviour.OpenNewStreamForReadingAndWriting:
                    // ok
                    throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Unexpected indexStreamStateBehaviour {0}", indexStreamStateBehaviour));

            switch (dataStreamStateBehaviour)
                case StreamStateBehaviour.OpenNewStreamForReading:
                    // ok
                    throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Unexpected dataStreamStateBehaviour {0}", dataStreamStateBehaviour));

            using (IndexStream = FileStreamFactory.CreateFileStream(IndexFilename, StreamStateBehaviour.OpenNewStreamForReadingAndWriting))
                using (DataStream = FileStreamFactory.CreateFileStream(DataFilename, StreamStateBehaviour.OpenNewStreamForReading))
                    long dataSize = DataStream.Length;
                    long offset = OffsetFirstDataBlock;

                    while (true)
                        InterpretedDataFileDataStruct retrieveFileStruct = GetInterpretedDataStructUsingExistingStream(offset);

                        // the offset in the index file should point to the starting location 
                        // of the data struct, this is not the offset where the actual data of
                        // the file is stored, but the start of the struct before the actual data.

                        Guid dataIdentifier = retrieveFileStruct.DataIdentification;

                        // if the data file contains duplicate dataIdentifiers, we will override previous ones (which
                        // is acceptable, as new files are appeneded to the data file, so more up to date files are stored
                        // after older ones).
                        BuildIndex(dataIdentifier, offset, BuildIndexBehaviour.OverrideWhenAlreadyExists, StreamStateBehaviour.UseExistingStream);

                        // jump to the next data block
                        offset = retrieveFileStruct.BinaryDataOffset + retrieveFileStruct.BinaryDataSizeInBytes;

                        // inform the outside world about the progress we've made,
                        // in case the outside world is interested
                        if (exposeProgressDelegate != null)

                        if (offset >= dataSize)
                            // reach the end of the file

            if (exposeProgressDelegate != null)
        public List<Guid> GetAllDataIdentifiersBasedUponFileStorageIndexFile(StreamStateBehaviour indexStreamStateBehaviour, ExposeProgressDelegate exposeProgressDelegate)
            List<Guid> result;

            switch (indexStreamStateBehaviour)
                case StreamStateBehaviour.UseExistingStream:
                    result = new List<Guid>();
                    long offset = OffsetFirstIndexBlock;
                    var bytes = new List<byte>();
                    int depth = 0;

                    GetDataIdentifiersRecursiveUsingIndex(bytes, depth, offset, result, indexStreamStateBehaviour, exposeProgressDelegate);

                case StreamStateBehaviour.OpenNewStreamForReading:
                    // open the index stream for reading and make a recursive call
                    using (IndexStream = new FileStream(IndexFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                        result = GetAllDataIdentifiersBasedUponFileStorageIndexFile(StreamStateBehaviour.UseExistingStream, exposeProgressDelegate);

                    throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("indexStreamStateBehaviour {0} is not supported", indexStreamStateBehaviour));

            if (exposeProgressDelegate != null)

            return result;