/// <summary>
        /// The command action to generate an html document for the selected month.
        /// </summary>
        public void PostToBlogCommandAction(object parameter)
            if (MonthlyReportDocument == null)

            ExportMonthlyReportToToHtml exporter =
                new ExportMonthlyReportToToHtml(SelectedMonthTally, ReportsTallies, new List <string>(), true);
            string title;
            string content;

            if (exporter.GetAsBlogPost(out title, out content))
                BlogReadWrite.ViewModels.AddBlogPostViewModel addPostVM =
                    new BlogReadWrite.ViewModels.AddBlogPostViewModel()
                    BlogPostTitle   = title,
                    BlogPostContent = content,
                    ApplictionName  = "Books DB",
                    WindowTitle     = "Books Blogger"

                BlogReadWrite.Views.AddBlogPostView bloggerDialog = new BlogReadWrite.Views.AddBlogPostView
                    DataContext = addPostVM

        /// <summary>
        /// The command action to generate an html document for the selected month.
        /// </summary>
        public void SaveAsHtmlCommandAction(object parameter)
            if (MonthlyReportDocument == null)

            // Create image files for the charts.
            IList <string> chartFiles = new List <string>();


            ExportMonthlyReportToToHtml exporter =
                new ExportMonthlyReportToToHtml(SelectedMonthTally, ReportsTallies, chartFiles);
            string outfile;

            if (exporter.WriteToFile(out outfile))