Exemple #1
        public BlockContext(ResolveContext rc, ExplicitBlock block, TypeSpec returnType)
            : this(rc.MemberContext, block, returnType)
            if (rc.IsUnsafe)
                flags |= ResolveContext.Options.UnsafeScope;

            if (rc.HasSet(ResolveContext.Options.CheckedScope))
                flags |= ResolveContext.Options.CheckedScope;

            if (rc.IsInProbingMode)
                flags |= ResolveContext.Options.ProbingMode;

            if (rc.HasSet(ResolveContext.Options.FieldInitializerScope))
                flags |= ResolveContext.Options.FieldInitializerScope;

            if (rc.HasSet(ResolveContext.Options.ExpressionTreeConversion))
                flags |= ResolveContext.Options.ExpressionTreeConversion;

            if (rc.HasSet(ResolveContext.Options.BaseInitializer))
                flags |= ResolveContext.Options.BaseInitializer;
Exemple #2
		public BlockContext (IMemberContext mc, ExplicitBlock block, TypeSpec returnType)
			: base (mc)
			if (returnType == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("returnType");

			this.return_type = returnType;

			// TODO: check for null value
			CurrentBlock = block;
Exemple #3
            public FieldInitializerContext(IMemberContext mc, BlockContext constructorContext)
                : base(mc, null, constructorContext.ReturnType)
                flags          |= Options.FieldInitializerScope | Options.ConstructorScope;
                this.ctor_block = constructorContext.CurrentBlock.Explicit;

                if (ctor_block.IsCompilerGenerated)
                    CurrentBlock = ctor_block;
Exemple #4
		public BlockContext (IMemberContext mc, ExplicitBlock block, TypeSpec returnType)
			: base (mc)
			if (returnType == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("returnType");

			this.return_type = returnType;

			// TODO: check for null value
			CurrentBlock = block;
Exemple #5
        public BlockContext(ResolveContext rc, ExplicitBlock block, TypeSpec returnType)
            : this(rc.MemberContext, block, returnType)
            if (rc.IsUnsafe)
                flags |= ResolveContext.Options.UnsafeScope;

            if (rc.HasSet(ResolveContext.Options.CheckedScope))
                flags |= ResolveContext.Options.CheckedScope;
Exemple #6
		public BlockContext (ResolveContext rc, ExplicitBlock block, TypeSpec returnType)
			: this (rc.MemberContext, block, returnType)
			if (rc.IsUnsafe)
				flags |= ResolveContext.Options.UnsafeScope;

			if (rc.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.CheckedScope))
				flags |= ResolveContext.Options.CheckedScope;

			if (!rc.ConstantCheckState)
				flags &= ~Options.ConstantCheckState;

			if (rc.IsInProbingMode)
				flags |= ResolveContext.Options.ProbingMode;

			if (rc.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.FieldInitializerScope))
				flags |= ResolveContext.Options.FieldInitializerScope;

			if (rc.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.ExpressionTreeConversion))
				flags |= ResolveContext.Options.ExpressionTreeConversion;

			if (rc.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.BaseInitializer))
				flags |= ResolveContext.Options.BaseInitializer;
Exemple #7
 public TryFinally(Statement stmt, ExplicitBlock fini, Location loc)
     : base(stmt, loc)
     this.fini = fini;
Exemple #8
            Method GenerateNumberMatcher()
                var loc        = Location;
                var parameters = ParametersCompiled.CreateFullyResolved(
                    new [] {
                    new Parameter(new TypeExpression(Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, loc), "obj", 0, null, loc),
                    new Parameter(new TypeExpression(Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, loc), "value", 0, null, loc),
                    new Parameter(new TypeExpression(Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Bool, loc), "enumType", 0, null, loc),
                    new [] {

                var m = new Method(this, new TypeExpression(Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Bool, loc),
                                   Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.STATIC | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN, new MemberName("NumberMatcher", loc),
                                   parameters, null);

                parameters [0].Resolve(m, 0);
                parameters [1].Resolve(m, 1);
                parameters [2].Resolve(m, 2);

                ToplevelBlock top_block = new ToplevelBlock(Compiler, parameters, loc);

                m.Block = top_block;

                // if (enumType)
                //		return Equals (obj, value);
                var equals_args = new Arguments(2);

                equals_args.Add(new Argument(top_block.GetParameterReference(0, loc)));
                equals_args.Add(new Argument(top_block.GetParameterReference(1, loc)));

                var if_type = new If(
                    top_block.GetParameterReference(2, loc),
                    new Return(new Invocation(new SimpleName("Equals", loc), equals_args), loc),


                // if (obj is Enum || obj == null)
                //		return false;

                var if_enum = new If(
                    new Binary(Binary.Operator.LogicalOr,
                               new Is(top_block.GetParameterReference(0, loc), new TypeExpression(Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Enum, loc), loc),
                               new Binary(Binary.Operator.Equality, top_block.GetParameterReference(0, loc), new NullLiteral(loc))),
                    new Return(new BoolLiteral(Compiler.BuiltinTypes, false, loc), loc),


                var system_convert = new MemberAccess(new QualifiedAliasMember("global", "System", loc), "Convert", loc);
                var expl_block     = new ExplicitBlock(top_block, loc, loc);

                // var converted = System.Convert.ChangeType (obj, System.Convert.GetTypeCode (value));
                var lv_converted = LocalVariable.CreateCompilerGenerated(Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, top_block, loc);

                var arguments_gettypecode = new Arguments(1);

                arguments_gettypecode.Add(new Argument(top_block.GetParameterReference(1, loc)));

                var gettypecode = new Invocation(new MemberAccess(system_convert, "GetTypeCode", loc), arguments_gettypecode);

                var arguments_changetype = new Arguments(1);

                arguments_changetype.Add(new Argument(top_block.GetParameterReference(0, loc)));
                arguments_changetype.Add(new Argument(gettypecode));

                var changetype = new Invocation(new MemberAccess(system_convert, "ChangeType", loc), arguments_changetype);

                expl_block.AddStatement(new StatementExpression(new SimpleAssign(new LocalVariableReference(lv_converted, loc), changetype, loc)));

                // return converted.Equals (value)
                var equals_arguments = new Arguments(1);

                equals_arguments.Add(new Argument(top_block.GetParameterReference(1, loc)));
                var equals_invocation = new Invocation(new MemberAccess(new LocalVariableReference(lv_converted, loc), "Equals"), equals_arguments);

                expl_block.AddStatement(new Return(equals_invocation, loc));

                var catch_block = new ExplicitBlock(top_block, loc, loc);

                catch_block.AddStatement(new Return(new BoolLiteral(Compiler.BuiltinTypes, false, loc), loc));
                top_block.AddStatement(new TryCatch(expl_block, new List <Catch> ()
                    new Catch(catch_block, loc)
                }, loc, false));


Exemple #9
			Method GenerateNumberMatcher ()
				var loc = Location;
				var parameters = ParametersCompiled.CreateFullyResolved (
					new [] {
						new Parameter (new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, loc), "obj", 0, null, loc),
						new Parameter (new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, loc), "value", 0, null, loc),
						new Parameter (new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Bool, loc), "enumType", 0, null, loc),
					new [] {

				var m = new Method (this, new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Bool, loc),
					Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.STATIC | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN, new MemberName ("NumberMatcher", loc),
					parameters, null);

				parameters [0].Resolve (m, 0);
				parameters [1].Resolve (m, 1);
				parameters [2].Resolve (m, 2);

				ToplevelBlock top_block = new ToplevelBlock (Compiler, parameters, loc);
				m.Block = top_block;

				// if (enumType)
				//		return Equals (obj, value);
				var equals_args = new Arguments (2);
				equals_args.Add (new Argument (top_block.GetParameterReference (0, loc)));
				equals_args.Add (new Argument (top_block.GetParameterReference (1, loc)));

				var if_type = new If (
					              top_block.GetParameterReference (2, loc),
					              new Return (new Invocation (new SimpleName ("Equals", loc), equals_args), loc),

				top_block.AddStatement (if_type);

				// if (obj is Enum || obj == null)
				//		return false;

				var if_enum = new If (
					              new Binary (Binary.Operator.LogicalOr,
						              new Is (top_block.GetParameterReference (0, loc), new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Enum, loc), loc),
						              new Binary (Binary.Operator.Equality, top_block.GetParameterReference (0, loc), new NullLiteral (loc))),
					              new Return (new BoolLiteral (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, false, loc), loc),

				top_block.AddStatement (if_enum);

				var system_convert = new MemberAccess (new QualifiedAliasMember ("global", "System", loc), "Convert", loc);
				var expl_block = new ExplicitBlock (top_block, loc, loc);

				// var converted = System.Convert.ChangeType (obj, System.Convert.GetTypeCode (value));
				var lv_converted = LocalVariable.CreateCompilerGenerated (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, top_block, loc);

				var arguments_gettypecode = new Arguments (1);
				arguments_gettypecode.Add (new Argument (top_block.GetParameterReference (1, loc)));

				var gettypecode = new Invocation (new MemberAccess (system_convert, "GetTypeCode", loc), arguments_gettypecode);

				var arguments_changetype = new Arguments (1);
				arguments_changetype.Add (new Argument (top_block.GetParameterReference (0, loc)));
				arguments_changetype.Add (new Argument (gettypecode));

				var changetype = new Invocation (new MemberAccess (system_convert, "ChangeType", loc), arguments_changetype);

				expl_block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (new SimpleAssign (new LocalVariableReference (lv_converted, loc), changetype, loc)));

				// return converted.Equals (value)
				var equals_arguments = new Arguments (1);
				equals_arguments.Add (new Argument (top_block.GetParameterReference (1, loc)));
				var equals_invocation = new Invocation (new MemberAccess (new LocalVariableReference (lv_converted, loc), "Equals"), equals_arguments);
				expl_block.AddStatement (new Return (equals_invocation, loc));

				var catch_block = new ExplicitBlock (top_block, loc, loc);
				catch_block.AddStatement (new Return (new BoolLiteral (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, false, loc), loc));
				top_block.AddStatement (new TryCatch (expl_block, new List<Catch> () {
					new Catch (catch_block, loc)
				}, loc, false));

				m.Define ();
				m.PrepareEmit ();
				AddMember (m);

				return m;
			public FieldInitializerContext (IMemberContext mc, ResolveContext constructorContext)
				: base (mc, Options.FieldInitializerScope | Options.ConstructorScope)
				this.ctor_block = constructorContext.CurrentBlock.Explicit;
Exemple #11
 public Except(ExplicitBlock block, Location loc)
     this.block = block;
     this.loc   = loc;
			void FabricateBodyStatement ()
				// Delegate obj1 = backing_field
				// do {
				//   Delegate obj2 = obj1;
				//   obj1 = Interlocked.CompareExchange (ref backing_field, Delegate.Combine|Remove(obj2, value), obj1);
				// } while ((object)obj1 != (object)obj2)

				var field_info = ((EventField) method).backing_field;
				FieldExpr f_expr = new FieldExpr (field_info, Location);
				if (!IsStatic)
					f_expr.InstanceExpression = new CompilerGeneratedThis (Parent.CurrentType, Location);

				var obj1 = LocalVariable.CreateCompilerGenerated (field_info.MemberType, block, Location);
				var obj2 = LocalVariable.CreateCompilerGenerated (field_info.MemberType, block, Location);

				block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (new SimpleAssign (new LocalVariableReference (obj1, Location), f_expr)));

				var cond = new BooleanExpression (new Binary (Binary.Operator.Inequality,
					new Cast (new TypeExpression (Module.Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, Location), new LocalVariableReference (obj1, Location), Location),
					new Cast (new TypeExpression (Module.Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, Location), new LocalVariableReference (obj2, Location), Location)));

				var body = new ExplicitBlock (block, Location, Location);
				block.AddStatement (new Do (body, cond, Location, Location));

				body.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (
					new SimpleAssign (new LocalVariableReference (obj2, Location), new LocalVariableReference (obj1, Location))));

				var args_oper = new Arguments (2);
				args_oper.Add (new Argument (new LocalVariableReference (obj2, Location)));
				args_oper.Add (new Argument (block.GetParameterReference (0, Location)));

				var op_method = GetOperation (Location);

				var args = new Arguments (3);
				args.Add (new Argument (f_expr, Argument.AType.Ref));
				args.Add (new Argument (new Cast (
					new TypeExpression (field_info.MemberType, Location),
					new Invocation (MethodGroupExpr.CreatePredefined (op_method, op_method.DeclaringType, Location), args_oper),
				args.Add (new Argument (new LocalVariableReference (obj1, Location)));

				var cas = Module.PredefinedMembers.InterlockedCompareExchange_T.Resolve (Location);
				if (cas == null)

				body.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (new SimpleAssign (
					new LocalVariableReference (obj1, Location),
					new Invocation (MethodGroupExpr.CreatePredefined (cas, cas.DeclaringType, Location), args))));
Exemple #13
		// Initializes all hoisted variables
		public void EmitStoreyInstantiation (EmitContext ec, ExplicitBlock block)
			// There can be only one instance variable for each storey type
			if (Instance != null)
				throw new InternalErrorException ();

			// Create an instance of this storey
			ResolveContext rc = new ResolveContext (ec.MemberContext);
			rc.CurrentBlock = block;

			var storey_type_expr = CreateStoreyTypeExpression (ec);
			var source = new New (storey_type_expr, null, Location).Resolve (rc);

			// When the current context is async (or iterator) lift local storey
			// instantiation to the currect storey
			if (ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod is StateMachineInitializer && (block.HasYield || block.HasAwait)) {
				// Unfortunately, normal capture mechanism could not be used because we are
				// too late in the pipeline and standart assign cannot be used either due to
				// recursive nature of GetStoreyInstanceExpression
				var field = ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod.Storey.AddCompilerGeneratedField (
					LocalVariable.GetCompilerGeneratedName (block), storey_type_expr, true);

				field.Define ();
				field.Emit ();

				var fexpr = new FieldExpr (field, Location);
				fexpr.InstanceExpression = new CompilerGeneratedThis (ec.CurrentType, Location);
				fexpr.EmitAssign (ec, source, false, false);
				Instance = fexpr;
			} else {
				var local = TemporaryVariableReference.Create (source.Type, block, Location);
				if (source.Type.IsStruct) {
					local.LocalInfo.CreateBuilder (ec);
				} else {
					local.EmitAssign (ec, source);

				Instance = local;

			EmitHoistedFieldsInitialization (rc, ec);

			// TODO: Implement properly
			//SymbolWriter.DefineScopeVariable (ID, Instance.Builder);
Exemple #14
		// Creates a link between hoisted variable block and the anonymous method storey
		// An anonymous method can reference variables from any outer block, but they are
		// hoisted in their own ExplicitBlock. When more than one block is referenced we
		// need to create another link between those variable storeys
		public void AddReferenceFromChildrenBlock (ExplicitBlock block)
			if (children_references == null)
				children_references = new List<ExplicitBlock> ();

			if (!children_references.Contains (block))
				children_references.Add (block);
Exemple #15
		public AnonymousMethodStorey (ExplicitBlock block, TypeDefinition parent, MemberBase host, TypeParameters tparams, string name, MemberKind kind)
			: base (parent, MakeMemberName (host, name, parent.PartialContainer.CounterAnonymousContainers, tparams, block.StartLocation),
				tparams, 0, kind)
			OriginalSourceBlock = block;
			ID = parent.PartialContainer.CounterAnonymousContainers++;
Exemple #16
		public override void Emit()
			var base_type = Parent.PartialContainer.BaseType;
			if (base_type != null && Block != null) {
				var base_dtor = MemberCache.FindMember (base_type,
					new MemberFilter (MetadataName, 0, MemberKind.Destructor, null, null), BindingRestriction.InstanceOnly) as MethodSpec;

				if (base_dtor == null)
					throw new NotImplementedException ();

				MethodGroupExpr method_expr = MethodGroupExpr.CreatePredefined (base_dtor, base_type, Location);
				method_expr.InstanceExpression = new BaseThis (base_type, Location);

				var try_block = new ExplicitBlock (block, block.StartLocation, block.EndLocation) {
					IsCompilerGenerated = true
				var finaly_block = new ExplicitBlock (block, Location, Location) {
					IsCompilerGenerated = true

				// 0-size arguments to avoid CS0250 error
				// TODO: Should use AddScopeStatement or something else which emits correct
				// debugger scope
				finaly_block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (new Invocation (method_expr, new Arguments (0)), Location.Null));

				var tf = new TryFinally (try_block, finaly_block, Location);
				block.WrapIntoDestructor (tf, try_block);

			base.Emit ();
 public FieldInitializerContext(IMemberContext mc, ResolveContext constructorContext)
     : base(mc, Options.FieldInitializerScope | Options.ConstructorScope)
     this.ctor_block = constructorContext.CurrentBlock.Explicit;
Exemple #18
			public FieldInitializerContext (IMemberContext mc, BlockContext constructorContext)
				: base (mc, null, constructorContext.ReturnType)
				flags |= Options.FieldInitializerScope | Options.ConstructorScope;
				this.ctor_block = constructorContext.CurrentBlock.Explicit;

				if (ctor_block.IsCompilerGenerated)
					CurrentBlock = ctor_block;