private void CopyTo(ResponseCreditCardInfo clone) { clone.Pan = Pan; clone.ExpiryDate = ExpiryDate.Parse(ExpiryDate.ToString()); clone.CardType = CardType; clone.CardDescription = CardDescription; }
public override string ToString() { return(base.ToString() + "Kortets udløbsdato: " + ExpiryDate.ToString("MM/yy") + "\n" + "Kredit grænse: " + CreditLimit + "\n" + "Månedlig grænse: " + MonthlyLimit + "\n"); }
public void CanCreateEmptyExpDate() { var ex = new ExpiryDate(); Assert.IsTrue(!ex.Date.HasValue); Assert.IsFalse(ex.GoodTillCanceled); Assert.IsTrue(ex.ToString() == "TODAY"); }
public void CanCreateGtcExpDate() { var ex = new ExpiryDate(true); Assert.IsTrue(!ex.Date.HasValue); Assert.IsTrue(ex.GoodTillCanceled); Assert.IsTrue(ex.ToString() == "GTC"); }
public void CanCreateSpecificExpDate() { var ex = new ExpiryDate(new DateTime(2014, 9, 15)); Assert.IsTrue(ex.Date.HasValue); Assert.IsFalse(ex.GoodTillCanceled); Assert.IsTrue(ex.ToString() == "20140915"); }
internal byte[] GetSignificateData() { var s = string.Join(":", Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ExpiryDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Type.ToString()); return(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s)); }
public void ToString_ContainsInformationAboutDateTime() { // Arrange var date = DateTime.Now; ExpiryDate expiryDate = date; // Act string mesage = expiryDate.ToString(); // Assert Assert.Contains(mesage, date.ToString("s")); }
public override string GetProperty(string propertyName) { switch (propertyName) { case "ExpiryDate": return(ExpiryDate.ToString()); //break; case "PackType": return(PackType); //break; case "Ingridients": return(Ingridients); //break; default: return(""); //break; } }
public string ToXml(string privateKey) { string xml = string.Format(@"<slyce-license version=""{0}""> <product>{1}</product> <license serial=""{2}"" type=""{3}"" hardware-id=""{4}"" expiry-date=""{5}"" quantity=""{6}"" /> <order reference=""{7}"" date=""{8}""> <purchaser company=""{9}"" name=""{10}"" email=""{11}"" phone=""{12}""> <address line1=""{13}"" line2=""{14}"" city=""{15}"" country=""{16}"" /> </purchaser> </order> <signature /> </slyce-license>" , Version, Product, Serial, Type, HardwareId, ExpiryDate.ToString("d MMM yyyy"), Quantity, OrderReference, OrderDate, Company, Name, Email, Phone, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, AddressCity, AddressCountry); xml = LicenseHelper.FormatXml(xml); string signature = LicenseHelper.CreateSignature(xml.Substring(xml.IndexOf(@"?>") + 2).Replace("<signature />", "").Replace(" ", " ").Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "").Replace("\t", ""), privateKey); xml = xml.Replace("<signature />", "<signature>" + signature + "</signature>"); return(LicenseHelper.FormatXml(xml)); }
public override string ToString() { return(ExpiryDate.ToString()); }
private void btnAlter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { clsUtility.ExecuteSQLQuery(" SELECT * FROM Users WHERE USER_ID = '" + clsUtility.UserID + "' AND Can_Edit = 'Y' "); if (clsUtility.sqlDT.Rows.Count > 0) { /////////////////////////////////////////// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.txtItemID.Text) | string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.txtItemName.Text) | string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.txtUnit.Text) | cmbGroup.SelectedValue == null | cmbGroup.SelectedIndex == -1 | cmbDefaultWarehouse.SelectedValue == null | cmbDefaultWarehouse.SelectedIndex == -1) { errorProvider.SetError(txtItemName, "Required"); errorProvider.SetError(txtUnit, "Required"); errorProvider.SetError(cmbGroup, "Required"); errorProvider.SetError(cmbDefaultWarehouse, "Required"); } else { /////////////////////////////// errorProvider.Clear(); string VATapplicable = null; string Expiry, ExpiryDate; if (chkExp.Checked) { ExpiryDate = dtpExpDate.Value.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); Expiry = "Y"; } else { ExpiryDate = ""; Expiry = "N"; } if (cbVATapplicable.Checked) { VATapplicable = "Y"; } else { VATapplicable = "N"; } try { clsUtility.ExecuteSQLQuery(" UPDATE ItemInformation SET ItemName='" + txtItemName.Text + "',UnitOfMeasure='" + txtUnit.Text + "',Batch='" + txtBatch.Text + "',GROUP_ID='" + cmbGroup.SelectedValue.ToString() + "',Barcode='" + txtBarcode.Text + "',Cost='" + clsUtility.num_repl(txtPurchaseCost.Text) + "',Price='" + clsUtility.num_repl(txtSalesPrice.Text) + "',ReorderPoint='" + clsUtility.num_repl(txtReorderPoint.Text) + "',VAT_Applicable='" + VATapplicable + "', WarehouseID = '" + cmbDefaultWarehouse.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' " + " WHERE ITEM_ID ='" + ITEM_ID + "' "); clsUtility.ExecuteSQLQuery("UPDATE Stock SET Quantity='" + clsUtility.num_repl(txtOpeningStock.Text) + "', ExpiryDate='" + ExpiryDate.ToString() + "', WarehouseID='" + cmbWarehouse.SelectedValue.ToString() + "', SHELF_ID='" + clsUtility.fltr_combo(cmbShelf).ToString() + "', Expiry='" + Expiry.ToString() + "' WHERE ITEM_ID ='" + ITEM_ID + "' AND WarehouseID='" + WarehouseID + "' "); UploadImage(txtItemID.Text); btnReset.PerformClick(); txtItemID.Text = ""; clsUtility.MesgBoxShow("msgUpdate", "info"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } ////////////////////////////// } /////////////////////////////////////////// } else { clsUtility.MesgBoxShow("msgPermission", "err"); } }
/// <summary> /// ExpiyDate 转换为字符串 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string GetStrExpiryDate() { strExpiryDate = ExpiryDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); return(strExpiryDate); }
private void CopyTo(RequestCreditCardInfo clone) { clone.CardNumber = CardNumber; clone.Cvv = Cvv; clone.ExpiryDate = ExpiryDate.Parse(ExpiryDate.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Overrides the ToString() method to show the info of the object /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override string ToString() { return(base.ToString() + $" Expiry Date: {ExpiryDate.ToString("MM/yy")}. Online use: {UsableOnline}. International use: {UsableInternationaly}"); }
public override string ToString() { return($"Subject: '{Subject}'\nExpires: {ExpiryDate.ToString("s")}\nThumb.: {Thumbprint}"); }
private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { clsUtility.ExecuteSQLQuery(" SELECT * FROM Users WHERE USER_ID = '" + clsUtility.UserID + "' AND Can_Add = 'Y' "); if (clsUtility.sqlDT.Rows.Count > 0) { /////////////////////////////////////////// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.txtItemName.Text) | string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.txtUnit.Text) | cmbGroup.SelectedValue == null | cmbGroup.SelectedIndex == -1 | cmbDefaultWarehouse.SelectedValue == null | cmbDefaultWarehouse.SelectedIndex == -1) { errorProvider.SetError(txtItemName, "Required"); errorProvider.SetError(txtUnit, "Required"); errorProvider.SetError(cmbGroup, "Required"); errorProvider.SetError(cmbDefaultWarehouse, "Required"); } else { string Expiry, ExpiryDate; if (chkExp.Checked) { ExpiryDate = dtpExpDate.Value.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); Expiry = "Y"; } else { ExpiryDate = ""; Expiry = "N"; } if (chkAutoBarcode.Checked) { errorProvider.Clear(); string barcode = null; string VATapplicable = null; string ITEM_ID = null; if (cbVATapplicable.Checked) { VATapplicable = "Y"; } else { VATapplicable = "N"; } try { /////////////////////////// clsUtility.ExecuteSQLQuery(" INSERT INTO ItemInformation(ItemName,UnitOfMeasure,Batch,GROUP_ID,Barcode,Cost,Price,ReorderPoint,VAT_Applicable, WarehouseID) VALUES " + " ('" + txtItemName.Text + "','" + txtUnit.Text + "','" + txtBatch.Text + "','" + cmbGroup.SelectedValue.ToString() + "','" + clsUtility.GenarateAutoBarcode(barcode) + "','" + clsUtility.num_repl(txtPurchaseCost.Text) + "','" + clsUtility.num_repl(txtSalesPrice.Text) + "','" + clsUtility.num_repl(txtReorderPoint.Text) + "','" + VATapplicable + "','" + cmbDefaultWarehouse.SelectedValue.ToString() + "') "); clsUtility.ExecuteSQLQuery("SELECT ITEM_ID FROM ItemInformation ORDER BY ITEM_ID DESC"); ITEM_ID = clsUtility.sqlDT.Rows[0]["ITEM_ID"].ToString(); clsUtility.ExecuteSQLQuery(" INSERT INTO Stock(ITEM_ID,Quantity,ExpiryDate,WarehouseID, SHELF_ID, Expiry) VALUES ('" + ITEM_ID + "','" + clsUtility.num_repl(txtOpeningStock.Text) + "','" + ExpiryDate.ToString() + "','" + cmbWarehouse.SelectedValue.ToString() + "', '" + clsUtility.fltr_combo(cmbShelf) + "', '" + Expiry + "') "); UploadImage(ITEM_ID); btnReset.PerformClick(); clsUtility.MesgBoxShow("msgSaved", "info"); /////////////////// } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } else { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.txtBarcode.Text)) { errorProvider.SetError(txtBarcode, "Required"); } else { errorProvider.Clear(); string VATapplicable = null; if (cbVATapplicable.Checked) { VATapplicable = "Y"; } else { VATapplicable = "N"; } try { string ITEM_ID = null; clsUtility.ExecuteSQLQuery(" INSERT INTO ItemInformation(ItemName,UnitOfMeasure,Batch,GROUP_ID,Barcode,Cost,Price,ReorderPoint,VAT_Applicable, WarehouseID) VALUES " + " ('" + txtItemName.Text + "','" + txtUnit.Text + "','" + txtBatch.Text + "','" + cmbGroup.SelectedValue.ToString() + "','" + txtBarcode.Text + "','" + clsUtility.num_repl(txtPurchaseCost.Text) + "','" + clsUtility.num_repl(txtSalesPrice.Text) + "','" + clsUtility.num_repl(txtReorderPoint.Text) + "','" + VATapplicable + "','" + cmbDefaultWarehouse.SelectedValue.ToString() + "') "); clsUtility.ExecuteSQLQuery("SELECT ITEM_ID FROM ItemInformation ORDER BY ITEM_ID DESC"); ITEM_ID = clsUtility.sqlDT.Rows[0]["ITEM_ID"].ToString(); clsUtility.ExecuteSQLQuery(" INSERT INTO Stock(ITEM_ID,Quantity,ExpiryDate,WarehouseID, SHELF_ID, Expiry) VALUES ('" + ITEM_ID + "','" + clsUtility.num_repl(txtOpeningStock.Text) + "','" + ExpiryDate.ToString() + "','" + cmbWarehouse.SelectedValue.ToString() + "', '" + clsUtility.fltr_combo(cmbShelf) + "', '" + Expiry + "') "); UploadImage(ITEM_ID); btnReset.PerformClick(); clsUtility.MesgBoxShow("msgSaved", "info"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } } } /////////////////////////////////////////// } else { clsUtility.MesgBoxShow("msgPermission", "err"); } }
public bool HaveColumn(string columnName, string columnValue, out bool retValueMatched) { bool ret = false; bool valueMatched = false; if (columnName == "InfoPageID") { ret = true; if (InfoPageID.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "InfoPageGUID") { ret = true; if (InfoPageGUID.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "RevisionNo") { ret = true; if (RevisionNo.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "UserID") { ret = true; if (UserID.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "UserGUID") { ret = true; if (UserGUID.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "CreatedDate") { ret = true; if (CreatedDate.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "LastUpdateDate") { ret = true; if (LastUpdateDate.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "CreatedUserID") { ret = true; if (CreatedUserID.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "CreatedUserGUID") { ret = true; if (CreatedUserGUID.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "InfoPageName") { ret = true; if (InfoPageName.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "InfoPageDescription") { ret = true; if (InfoPageDescription.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "InfoCategoryID") { ret = true; if (InfoCategoryID.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "InfoCategoryGUID") { ret = true; if (InfoCategoryGUID.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "AccessGroupID") { ret = true; if (AccessGroupID.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "AccessGroupGUID") { ret = true; if (AccessGroupGUID.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "AsyncLoading") { ret = true; if (AsyncLoading.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "Commentable") { ret = true; if (Commentable.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "CommentorRoleList") { ret = true; if (CommentorRoleList.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "CommentorGroupList") { ret = true; if (CommentorGroupList.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "CommentorHideRoleList") { ret = true; if (CommentorHideRoleList.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "CommentorHideGroupList") { ret = true; if (CommentorHideGroupList.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "IsActive") { ret = true; if (IsActive.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "ExpiryDate") { ret = true; if (ExpiryDate.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "IsCommon") { ret = true; if (IsCommon.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "IsPublic") { ret = true; if (IsPublic.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "Sequence") { ret = true; if (Sequence.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } if (columnName == "IsDeleted") { ret = true; if (IsDeleted.ToString() == columnValue) { valueMatched = true; } } retValueMatched = valueMatched; return(ret); }
private void initializeMainTable() { MainTable = new List <List <object> >(); MainTable.Add(new List <object> { new { text = OfferType, colSpan = 4, bold = true, fontSize = 14, fillColor = "#EEE" }, new { }, new { }, new { } }); MainTable.Add(new List <object> { new { text = CompanyName, colSpan = 3, bold = true, fillColor = "#EEE" }, new { }, new { }, new { text = (BidReceivedDate == null) ? "-" : BidReceivedDate?.ToString("dd-MM-yy"), fillColor = "#EEE" } }); MainTable.Add(new List <object> { new { text = "", colSpan = 2, bold = true, fillColor = "#EEE" }, new { }, "Expiry: ", (ExpiryDate == null) ? "-" : ExpiryDate?.ToString("dd-MM-yy") }); MainTable.Add(new List <object> { new { text = "", colSpan = 2, bold = true, fillColor = "#EEE" }, new { }, "Reference Number: ", ReferenceNumber ?? "-" }); if (VendorResponse == VendorResponse.Responded) { MainTable.Add(new List <object> { new { text = "Description", bold = true }, new { text = "Quantity", bold = true }, new { text = "Unit Price", bold = true }, new { text = "Total", bold = true } }); var i = 0; foreach (var item in ScopeItems) { List <object> row = new List <object>(); row.Add((++i).ToString() + ". " + item.Description); row.Add(item.Quantity); row.Add(item.UnitPrice.ToString()); row.Add(item.TotalPrice.ToString()); MainTable.Add(row); } i = 0; } else { MainTable.Add(new List <object> { new { text = "Description", bold = true }, new { text = "Quantity", bold = true }, new { text = "Unit Price", bold = true }, new { text = "Total", bold = true } }); MainTable.Add(new List <object> { new { colSpan = 4, rowSpan = 4, alignment = "center", text = BriefDescription }, new { }, new { }, new { } }); } _mainRows = MainTable.Count; }
/// <summary> /// Overrides the ToString() method to show the info of the object /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override string ToString() { return(base.ToString() + $" MonthlyLimit: {MonthlyLimit}. Expiry Date: {ExpiryDate.ToString("MM/yy")}. Credit limit: {CreditLimit}. Daily limit: {DailyLimit}"); }
public string GetProperty(string propertyName, string format, CultureInfo formatProvider, UserInfo accessingUser, Scope accessLevel, ref bool propertyNotFound) { var outputFormat = string.Empty; if (format == string.Empty) { outputFormat = "g"; } var lowerPropertyName = propertyName.ToLowerInvariant(); if (accessLevel == Scope.NoSettings) { propertyNotFound = true; return(PropertyAccess.ContentLocked); } propertyNotFound = true; var result = string.Empty; var isPublic = true; switch (lowerPropertyName) { case "url": propertyNotFound = false; result = PropertyAccess.FormatString(PortalAlias.HTTPAlias, format); break; case "fullurl": //return portal alias with protocol propertyNotFound = false; result = PropertyAccess.FormatString(Globals.AddHTTP(PortalAlias.HTTPAlias), format); break; case "passwordreminderurl": //if regsiter page defined in portal settings, then get that page url, otherwise return home page. propertyNotFound = false; var reminderUrl = Globals.AddHTTP(PortalAlias.HTTPAlias); if (RegisterTabId > Null.NullInteger) { reminderUrl = Globals.RegisterURL(string.Empty, string.Empty); } result = PropertyAccess.FormatString(reminderUrl, format); break; case "portalid": propertyNotFound = false; result = (PortalId.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider)); break; case "portalname": propertyNotFound = false; result = PropertyAccess.FormatString(PortalName, format); break; case "homedirectory": propertyNotFound = false; result = PropertyAccess.FormatString(HomeDirectory, format); break; case "homedirectorymappath": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = PropertyAccess.FormatString(HomeDirectoryMapPath, format); break; case "logofile": propertyNotFound = false; result = PropertyAccess.FormatString(LogoFile, format); break; case "footertext": propertyNotFound = false; var footerText = FooterText.Replace("[year]", DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()); result = PropertyAccess.FormatString(footerText, format); break; case "expirydate": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = (ExpiryDate.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider)); break; case "userregistration": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = (UserRegistration.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider)); break; case "banneradvertising": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = (BannerAdvertising.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider)); break; case "currency": propertyNotFound = false; result = PropertyAccess.FormatString(Currency, format); break; case "administratorid": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = (AdministratorId.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider)); break; case "email": propertyNotFound = false; result = PropertyAccess.FormatString(Email, format); break; case "hostfee": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = (HostFee.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider)); break; case "hostspace": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = (HostSpace.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider)); break; case "pagequota": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = (PageQuota.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider)); break; case "userquota": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = (UserQuota.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider)); break; case "administratorroleid": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = (AdministratorRoleId.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider)); break; case "administratorrolename": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = PropertyAccess.FormatString(AdministratorRoleName, format); break; case "registeredroleid": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = (RegisteredRoleId.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider)); break; case "registeredrolename": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = PropertyAccess.FormatString(RegisteredRoleName, format); break; case "description": propertyNotFound = false; result = PropertyAccess.FormatString(Description, format); break; case "keywords": propertyNotFound = false; result = PropertyAccess.FormatString(KeyWords, format); break; case "backgroundfile": propertyNotFound = false; result = PropertyAccess.FormatString(BackgroundFile, format); break; case "admintabid": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = AdminTabId.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider); break; case "supertabid": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = SuperTabId.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider); break; case "splashtabid": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = SplashTabId.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider); break; case "hometabid": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = HomeTabId.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider); break; case "logintabid": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = LoginTabId.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider); break; case "registertabid": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = RegisterTabId.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider); break; case "usertabid": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = UserTabId.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider); break; case "defaultlanguage": propertyNotFound = false; result = PropertyAccess.FormatString(DefaultLanguage, format); break; case "users": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = Users.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider); break; case "pages": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = Pages.ToString(outputFormat, formatProvider); break; case "contentvisible": isPublic = false; break; case "controlpanelvisible": isPublic = false; propertyNotFound = false; result = PropertyAccess.Boolean2LocalizedYesNo(ControlPanelVisible, formatProvider); break; } if (!isPublic && accessLevel != Scope.Debug) { propertyNotFound = true; result = PropertyAccess.ContentLocked; } return(result); }
void Stickers_BeforeWriting(IDatabaseObject item, IDBObjectWritingOptions writingOptions, ref bool cancel) { if (IsModified) { Description = string.Format("{0} - {2}; кол-во - {1}", Nomenclature.Description, Quantity, ExpiryDate.ToString(DATE_FORMAT)); } }