public override string ToString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(this.GetType().ToString()); sb.AppendLine(Account.ToString()); sb.AppendLine($"CardNumber: {CardNumber}"); sb.AppendLine($"Age Limit {this.AgeLimit}"); sb.AppendLine($"International card: {this.CanBeUsedInternationally}"); sb.AppendLine($"Expires: {Expires.ToLocalTime().ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)}"); return(sb.ToString()); }
internal string ToServerString() { string result = Name + EqualsLiteral + Value; if (m_comment != null && m_comment.Length > 0) { result += SeparatorLiteral + CookieFields.CommentAttributeName + EqualsLiteral + m_comment; } if (m_commentUri != null) { result += SeparatorLiteral + CookieFields.CommentUrlAttributeName + EqualsLiteral + QuotesLiteral + m_commentUri.ToString() + QuotesLiteral; } if (m_discard) { result += SeparatorLiteral + CookieFields.DiscardAttributeName; } if (!m_domainImplicit && m_domain != null && m_domain.Length > 0) { result += SeparatorLiteral + CookieFields.DomainAttributeName + EqualsLiteral + m_domain; } if (Expires != DateTime.MinValue) { int seconds = (int)(Expires.ToLocalTime() - DateTime.Now).TotalSeconds; if (seconds < 0) { // This means that the cookie has already expired. Set Max-Age to 0 // so that the client will discard the cookie immediately. seconds = 0; } result += SeparatorLiteral + CookieFields.MaxAgeAttributeName + EqualsLiteral + seconds.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } if (!m_pathImplicit && m_path != null && m_path.Length > 0) { result += SeparatorLiteral + CookieFields.PathAttributeName + EqualsLiteral + m_path; } if (!Plain && !m_portImplicit && m_port != null && m_port.Length > 0) { // QuotesLiteral are included in _port. result += SeparatorLiteral + CookieFields.PortAttributeName + EqualsLiteral + m_port; } if (m_version > 0) { result += SeparatorLiteral + CookieFields.VersionAttributeName + EqualsLiteral + m_version.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } return(result == EqualsLiteral ? null : result); }