public ActionResult PopoverSummary(int id) { var model = new ProfileViewModel(); if (id == 0) { id = Identity.Current.CustomerID; } model.Customer = Customers.GetCustomer(id); if (model.Customer.RankID == 0) { var volumes = ExigoDAL.GetCustomerVolumes(new GetCustomerVolumesRequest { CustomerID = id, PeriodTypeID = PeriodTypes.Default }); model.Customer.RankID = volumes.PayableAsRank.RankID; } if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { return(PartialView("Partials/_ProfilePopover", model)); } else { return(View(model)); } }
public void Initialize(int customerID) { var weeklyVolumes = ExigoDAL.GetCustomerVolumes(new GetCustomerVolumesRequest { CustomerID = customerID, PeriodTypeID = PeriodTypes.Weekly }); this.WeeklyVolumes = weeklyVolumes; }
public ActionResult Index(string token) { var model = new ProfileViewModel(); var id = Convert.ToInt32(Security.Decrypt(token, Identity.Current.CustomerID)); if (id == 0 || (id != Identity.Current.CustomerID && !ExigoDAL.IsCustomerInlDownline(Identity.Current.CustomerID, id))) { id = Identity.Current.CustomerID; } model.Customer = Customers.GetCustomer(id); model.Volumes = ExigoDAL.GetCustomerVolumes(new GetCustomerVolumesRequest { CustomerID = id, PeriodTypeID = PeriodTypes.Default }); if (model.Volumes == null) { model.Volumes = new VolumeCollection(); } if (model.Customer.EnrollerID > 0) { model.Customer.Enroller = Customers.GetCustomer(Convert.ToInt32(model.Customer.EnrollerID)); if (model.Customer.EnrollerID == model.Customer.SponsorID) { model.Customer.Sponsor = model.Customer.Enroller; } } if (model.Customer.SponsorID > 0 && model.Customer.SponsorID != model.Customer.EnrollerID) { model.Customer.Sponsor = Customers.GetCustomer(Convert.ToInt32(model.Customer.SponsorID)); } if (model.Customer.RankID == 0) { model.Customer.RankID = model.Volumes.PayableAsRank.RankID; } if (model.Customer.EnrollerID != Identity.Current.CustomerID && model.Customer.CustomerID != Identity.Current.CustomerID) { model.IsInEnrollerTree = ExigoDAL.IsCustomerInEnrollerDownline(Identity.Current.CustomerID, model.Customer.CustomerID); } if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { return(PartialView("Partials/_Profile", model)); } else { return(View(model)); } }
public ActionResult Rank() { var model = new RankViewModel(); //Pull in all the ranks model.Ranks = RankService.GetRanks().OrderBy(c => c.RankID); var currentperiod = ExigoDAL.GetCurrentPeriod(PeriodTypes.Default); //Get the current rank from the current paid as rank from the current commission period model.CurrentRank = ExigoDAL.GetCustomerVolumes(new GetCustomerVolumesRequest { CustomerID = Identity.Current.CustomerID, PeriodTypeID = currentperiod.PeriodTypeID, PeriodID = currentperiod.PeriodID }).PayableAsRank; //Get the next rank so we can jump to the next qualification model.NextRank = model.Ranks.OrderBy(c => c.RankID).Where(c => c.RankID > model.CurrentRank.RankID).FirstOrDefault(); return(View(model)); }
// This method also get the "currentRankID" that is passed in the call to GetRankAdvancementCard public JsonNetResult GetVolumes() { var customerID = Identity.Current.CustomerID; try { var volumes = Cache.Get("Dashboard_VolumesCard_{0}".FormatWith(customerID), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(WidgetCacheTimeout), () => ExigoDAL.GetCustomerVolumes(new GetCustomerVolumesRequest { CustomerID = customerID, PeriodTypeID = PeriodTypes.Default }) ); // Get the Current Rank that is used for the Rank Advancement call var currentRankID = (volumes != null) ? volumes.PayableAsRank.RankID : 0; var html = this.RenderPartialViewToString("Cards/Volumes", volumes); return(new JsonNetResult(new { success = true, currentRankID, html })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new JsonNetResult(new { success = false, message = ex.Message })); } }