private void CreateWorkoutForYussuf() //NYI
            //show a button that will cancel the workout routine

            //Variables set up. These will need to be user input via a dialog
            int             numberOfExercises = 2;
            MuscleGroupEnum muscleGroup       = MuscleGroupEnum.Abs;
            bool            highRep           = true; //this guy is for high reps low weight, or low reps high weight

            List <ExerciseItem> exercisesByGroup = AllExerciseItems.Where(x => x.MuscleGroup == muscleGroup).ToList();

            if (numberOfExercises > exercisesByGroup.Count)
                throw new Exception("There are not enough exercises in the selected group to make a routine of the requested size"); //Handle this a bit better, possibly from within the dialog itself
            Random rnd = new Random();

            List <ExerciseItem> workoutExercises = exercisesByGroup.OrderBy(x => rnd.Next()).Take(numberOfExercises).ToList(); //this works, but also has the possiblity to get the same item twice, we dont really want that. or do we?

            List <ExerciseItem> tempStoredExercises = ExerciseItemsToDo.ToList();                                              //this isnt a permanent solution as temporarily storing things like this means it wont get saved on app close which is rather frustrating. Best action would be to create a new table in the db to store these

            //At this point we need to figure out the starting weights
            foreach (ExerciseItem ex in workoutExercises)
                //show some dialog to get the starting weight
                //for now just use the given weight as the starting weight.

            ExerciseItemsToDo.Clear(); //remove the old list. Its ok though, it should be stored ;)

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfExercises; i++)
        private void ShowEditRosterDialog()
            var dialogViewModel      = new EditRosterViewModel(AllExerciseItems);
            List <ExerciseItem> temp = AllExerciseItems.ToList();

            bool?success = dialogService.ShowDialog <EditRosterView>(this, dialogViewModel);

            if (success == true)
                foreach (var rosterItem in dialogViewModel.RosterItems)
                    ExerciseItem exerciseItem = temp.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GUIDID == rosterItem.GUIDID);
                    exerciseItem.IsUsedInRoster = rosterItem.IsUsedInRoster;


                    if (!temp.Contains(exerciseItem))
                        exerciseItem.DueTime = DateTime.Now;
                    if (exerciseItem.IsUsedInRoster)

            else //revert it to the way it was
        private void LoadExerciseList()
                //Need to fix the data store to cope when there are new columns added to existing db
                AllExerciseItems = dataStore.LoadAllExerciseItems();

                foreach (ExerciseItem item in AllExerciseItems)
                    item.MarkExerciseCompletedChanged += OnMarkExerciseCompletedChanged; //attach all the handlers regardless. it should make things a bit easier later on
                    item.DeleteExercise += OnDeleteExercise;
                    item.EditExericse   += OnEditExercise;
                    if (item.IsUsedInRoster)


                OnUpdateTimerTick(null, null); //first time fire to update everything on load
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex is System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException || ex is System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
                    Debug.WriteLine("No Exercise Item List found in: " + rootProgramDirectory);
        private void OnDeleteExercise(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ExerciseItem itemToDelete = sender as ExerciseItem;

        private void RebuildList()
            List <ExerciseItem> temp = ExerciseItemsToDo.OrderBy(x => x.DueTime).ToList();

            foreach (var item in temp)
        private void ShowCreateExerciseDialog()
            var dialogViewModel = new CreateExerciseViewModel();

            bool?success = dialogService.ShowDialog <CreateExerciseView>(this, dialogViewModel);

            DateTime today = DateTime.Today;

            if (success == true)
                if (dialogViewModel.ItemToAdd.IsDailyRecurrence)
                    dialogViewModel.ItemToAdd.DueTime = today;
                else if (dialogViewModel.ItemToAdd.IsWeeklyRecurrence)
                    // The (... + 7) % 7 ensures we end up with a value in the range [0, 6]
                    int requiredDueDay = ((int)dialogViewModel.ItemToAdd.WeeklyRecurrenceDay - (int)today.DayOfWeek + 7) % 7;
                    dialogViewModel.ItemToAdd.DueTime = today.AddDays(requiredDueDay);
                else if (dialogViewModel.ItemToAdd.IsMonthlyRecurrence)
                    int requiredDueMonth = ((int)dialogViewModel.ItemToAdd.MonthlyRecurrenceDay - (int)today.Month + DateTime.DaysInMonth(today.Year, today.Month)) % DateTime.DaysInMonth(today.Year, today.Month);
                    dialogViewModel.ItemToAdd.DueTime = today.AddDays(requiredDueMonth + 1); //dont ask me why i need a plus 1. I dont know



                if (dialogViewModel.ItemToAdd.IsUsedInRoster)
                    dialogViewModel.ItemToAdd.MarkExerciseCompletedChanged += OnMarkExerciseCompletedChanged; //check that you dont need to explicitly unsub when this item is removed
                    dialogViewModel.ItemToAdd.EditExericse   += OnEditExercise;
                    dialogViewModel.ItemToAdd.DeleteExercise += OnDeleteExercise;
                    OnUpdateTimerTick(null, null);