public void WillThrowAnExceptionWithOnlyOneRetry() { var executor = new Executor(3, new InvalidOperationException()); var proxy = (Executor)proxyGenerator.CreateClassProxyWithTarget(typeof(Executor), executor, new[] { new RetryInterceptor(1) }); proxy.Execute(); Assert.Fail(); }
public override void Eval(Executor exec) { string sHelpFile = Config.gsDataFolder + "\\help.html"; StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(sHelpFile); sw.WriteLine("<html><head><title>Cat Help File</title></head><body>"); /* sw.WriteLine("<h1><a name='level0prims'></a>Level 0 Primitives</h1>"); OutputTable(sw, "level0", exec); sw.WriteLine("<h1><a name='level1prims'></a>Level 1 Primitives</h1>"); OutputTable(sw, "level1", exec); sw.WriteLine("<h1><a name='level2prims'></a>Level 2 Primitives</h1>"); OutputTable(sw, "level2", exec); sw.WriteLine("<h1><a name='otherprims'></a>Other Functions</h1>"); OutputTable(sw, "", exec); */ sw.WriteLine("<h1>Instructions</h1>"); OutputAllTable(sw, exec); sw.WriteLine("<h1>Definitions</h1>"); sw.WriteLine("<pre>"); foreach (Function f in exec.GetAllFunctions()) { sw.WriteLine(f.GetImplString(true)); } sw.WriteLine("</pre>"); sw.WriteLine("</body></html>"); sw.Close(); Output.WriteLine("saved help file to " + sHelpFile); }
public static void Bury(Executor exec) { var count = exec.DataStack.Pop<Tokens.Number>().Value; var token = exec.DataStack.Pop<IToken>(); exec.DataStack.Bury(token, (int) count); }
public static void Dig(Executor exec) { var count = exec.DataStack.Pop<Tokens.Number>().Value; var token = exec.DataStack.Dig<IToken>((int) count); exec.DataStack.Push(token); }
public CharacterHandler(char toHandle, Executor Execute, bool stop) { this.toHandle = toHandle; this.Condition = SimpleCheck; this.Execute = Execute; this.stop = stop; }
public IOutputExecutor Create(Settings settings) { Executor = Executor.WithForsetiConfigurationFile(settings.ForsetiConfigurationFile, verbose: settings.VerboseOutput); Executor.ReportWith<Forseti.AppVeyor.Reporter>(); Executor.RegisterWatcher<Forseti.ConsoleReporter.ConsoleHarnessWatcher>(); return this; }
public static void If(Executor exec) { var code = exec.DataStack.Pop<Tokens.CodeBlock>().Value; var condition = exec.DataStack.Pop<Tokens.Number>().Value != 0; if (condition) exec.CodeStack.PushRange(code); }
/// <param name="options">Compile options</param> /// <param name="runInSeparateAppDomain">Should be set to true for production code, but there are issues with NUnit, so tests need to set this to false.</param> public bool Compile(CompilerOptions options, bool runInSeparateAppDomain) { try { AppDomain ad = null; var actualOut = Console.Out; try { Console.SetOut(new StringWriter()); // I don't trust the third-party libs to not generate spurious random messages, so make sure that any of those messages are suppressed. var er = new ErrorReporterWrapper(_errorReporter, actualOut); Executor executor; if (runInSeparateAppDomain) { var setup = new AppDomainSetup { ApplicationBase = Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(Executor).Assembly.Location) }; ad = AppDomain.CreateDomain("SCTask", null, setup); executor = (Executor)ad.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(typeof(Executor).Assembly.FullName, typeof(Executor).FullName); } else { executor = new Executor(); } return executor.Compile(options, er); } finally { if (ad != null) { AppDomain.Unload(ad); } if (actualOut != null) { Console.SetOut(actualOut); } } } catch (Exception ex) { _errorReporter.InternalError(ex, null, TextLocation.Empty); return false; } }
public static void Redef(Executor exec) { var to = exec.DataStack.Pop<Tokens.Symbol>().Value; var from = exec.DataStack.Pop<Tokens.Symbol>().Value; exec.Methods[to] = exec.Methods[from]; }
public static void Def(Executor exec) { var name = exec.DataStack.Pop<Tokens.Symbol>().Value; var code = exec.DataStack.Pop<Tokens.CodeBlock>().Value; exec.Methods[name] = new Executor.CodeblockFunction(code.ToList()); }
public static void Swap(Executor exec) { var a = exec.DataStack.Pop<IToken>(); var b = exec.DataStack.Pop<IToken>(); exec.DataStack.Push(a); exec.DataStack.Push(b); }
public void SetUp() { symbols = A.Fake<Symbols>(); tokenizer = A.Fake<Tokenizer>(); executor = A.Fake<Executor>(); sut = new Interpreter(symbols, tokenizer, executor); }
public override ICommand Execute() { using (Executor executor = new Executor(this)) { executor.Execute(); return this; } }
public override void Eval(Executor exec) { string s = exec.PopString(); Executor aux = new Executor(exec); aux.Execute(s); exec.Push(aux.GetStackAsList()); }
public static void Unpack(Executor exec) { var block = exec.DataStack.Pop<Tokens.PackedBlock>().Value; var count = block.Count; exec.DataStack.PushRange(block); exec.DataStack.Push(new Tokens.Number(count)); }
public static void PackedResize(Executor exec) { var size = (int) exec.DataStack.Pop<Tokens.Number>().Value; var value = exec.DataStack.Peek<Tokens.PackedBlock>().Value; if (value.Count > size) value.RemoveRange(value.Count - size - 1, size); else if (value.Count < size) value.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat<IToken>(null, size - value.Count)); }
public static void Dive(Executor exec) { var count = exec.DataStack.Pop<Tokens.Number>().Value; var code = exec.DataStack.Pop<Tokens.CodeBlock>().Value; exec.DataStack.Dive += (int) count; exec.CodeStack.PushRange(new IToken[] { new Tokens.Number(-count), new Tokens.Method(" dive") }); exec.CodeStack.PushRange(code); }
public void SetUp() { instruction = new InstructionTestDouble(); var registry = new Registry { { 0x00, opcode, instruction, AddressingMode.Implied} }; model = new ProgrammingModel(); memory = new Memory(); executor = new Executor(registry, model, memory); }
public PartialViewExecutor( MethodInfo method ) { var name = method.Name; if ( !name.StartsWith( PartialRenderAdapter.partialExecutorMethodPrefix ) ) throw new InvalidOperationException(); Name = name.Substring( PartialRenderAdapter.partialExecutorMethodPrefix.Length ); _parameters = method.GetParameters(); _executor = CreateExecutor( method ); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { IExecutor executor = new Executor(); executor.TaskCompleted += Completed; foreach (int i in Enumerable.Range(1, NumTasks)) { executor.ExecuteAsync(i); } _countdown.Wait(); Environment.Exit(0); }
public static void Pack(Executor exec) { var count = exec.DataStack.Pop<Tokens.Number>().Value; List<IToken> Tokens = new List<IToken>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Tokens.Add(exec.DataStack.Pop<IToken>()); } exec.DataStack.Push(new Tokens.PackedBlock(Tokens)); }
public bool Execute(ISession session, MigrationResources resources) { _logger.Debug("Initialize database versioner"); var versioner = new Versioner(session, new Logger<Version>()); _logger.Debug("Initialize executor"); var executor = new Executor(session, versioner, new Logger<Executor>()); _logger.Debug("Execute migrations"); return executor.Execute(resources); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Enter string to match:"); string toMatch = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Start to compute keys, trying to find match for \"{0}\".", toMatch); char[] keyspace = new char[] { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z','A','B','C','D','E', 'F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R', 'S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','1','2','3','4','5', '6','7','8','9','0','!','$','#','@','-' }; Executor executor = new Executor(keyspace); var iterations = Program.GetEstimatedIterations(keyspace, toMatch.ToCharArray()); Console.WriteLine("Need to compute {0} keys to match your input.", iterations); // just a rough estimation Console.WriteLine("Approximate time needed: {0} ms", iterations / 5000); char[] lookupKey = toMatch.ToCharArray(); bool isMatched = false; ulong generatedKeyCount = 0; Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); while(!isMatched) { char[] currentKey = executor.ComputeNextKey(); generatedKeyCount++; if (generatedKeyCount % 500000 == 0) { Console.Write('.'); } if (currentKey.Length != lookupKey.Length) { continue; } for(var i = currentKey.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!(currentKey[i] == lookupKey[i])) { break; } if (i == 0) { isMatched = true; } } } stopWatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Found match."); Console.WriteLine("Generated {0} keys, took {1}ms.", generatedKeyCount, stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString()); Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . . "); Console.ReadKey(true); }
public override void Eval(Executor exec) { Output.WriteLine("Some basic commands to get you started:"); Output.WriteLine(" \"filename\" #load - loads a source file"); Output.WriteLine(" [...] #trace - runs a function in trace mode"); Output.WriteLine(" #test_all - runs all unit tests"); Output.WriteLine(" [...] #type - shows the type of a function"); Output.WriteLine(" [...] #metacat - optimizes a function by applying rewriting rules"); Output.WriteLine(" #defs - lists all loaded commands"); Output.WriteLine(" \"instruction\" #def - detailed help on an instruction"); Output.WriteLine(" \"prefix\" #defmatch - describes all instructions starting with prefix"); Output.WriteLine(" \"tag\" #deftag - outputs all instructions tagged with given tag"); Output.WriteLine(" #exit - exits the Cat interpreter"); Output.WriteLine(""); }
/// <summary> /// 获取分页数据 /// </summary> public DatabaseResultModel<List<TDemoModel>> getListData(TDemoModel searchModel) { var result = new DatabaseResultModel<List<TDemoModel>>(); try { using (databaseConnector = getDatabaseConnector()) using (databaseExecutor = new Executor(databaseConnector)) { databaseScriptModel = new DatabaseScriptModel(); databaseScriptModel.command = (new TDemoScript()).getListData(searchModel); = databaseExecutor.sqlQueryToList<TDemoModel>(databaseScriptModel); } } catch (Exception ex) { result.exception = ex; } return result; }
public DiagnosticIncrementalAnalyzer( DiagnosticAnalyzerService owner, int correlationId, Workspace workspace, HostAnalyzerManager hostAnalyzerManager, AbstractHostDiagnosticUpdateSource hostDiagnosticUpdateSource) : base(owner, workspace, hostAnalyzerManager, hostDiagnosticUpdateSource) { _correlationId = correlationId; _stateManager = new StateManager(hostAnalyzerManager); _stateManager.ProjectAnalyzerReferenceChanged += OnProjectAnalyzerReferenceChanged; _executor = new Executor(this); _compilationManager = new CompilationManager(this); }
void Awake() { // インスタンスが存在するなら破棄する if (existsInstance) { Destroy(gameObject); return; } // 存在しない場合 // 自身が唯一のインスタンスとなる existsInstance = true; DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); executor = new Executor(); }
public TestOutcome RunSession(ITestContext assemblyTestContext, MSTestAssembly assemblyTest, ITestCommand assemblyTestCommand, TestStep parentTestStep, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) { DirectoryInfo tempDir = SpecialPathPolicy.For("MSTestAdapter").CreateTempDirectoryWithUniqueName(); try { // Set the test results path. Among other things, the test results path // will determine where the deployed test files go. string testResultsPath = Path.Combine(tempDir.FullName, "tests.trx"); // Set the test results root directory. // This path determines both where MSTest searches for test files which // is used to resolve relative paths to test files in the "*.vsmdi" file. string searchPathRoot = Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyTest.AssemblyFilePath); // Set the test metadata and run config paths. These are just temporary // files that can go anywhere on the filesystem. It happens to be convenient // to store them in the same temporary directory as the test results. string testMetadataPath = Path.Combine(tempDir.FullName, "tests.vsmdi"); string runConfigPath = Path.Combine(tempDir.FullName, "tests.runconfig"); progressMonitor.SetStatus("Generating test metadata file."); CreateTestMetadataFile(testMetadataPath, GetTestsFromCommands(assemblyTestCommand.PreOrderTraversal), assemblyTest.AssemblyFilePath); progressMonitor.SetStatus("Generating run config file."); CreateRunConfigFile(runConfigPath); progressMonitor.SetStatus("Executing tests."); Executor executor = new Executor(this, assemblyTestContext, assemblyTestCommand); TestOutcome outcome = executor.Execute(testMetadataPath, testResultsPath, runConfigPath, searchPathRoot); return outcome; } finally { try { tempDir.Delete(true); } catch { // Ignore I/O exceptions deleting temporary files. // They will probably be deleted by the OS later on during a file cleanup. } } }
void OutputAllTable(StreamWriter sw, Executor exec) { sw.WriteLine("<table width='100%'>"); int nRow = 0; foreach (Function f in exec.GetAllFunctions()) { if (nRow % 5 == 0) sw.WriteLine("<tr valign='top'>"); string sName = Util.ToHtml(f.GetName()); string s = "<td><a href='#" + sName + "'>" + sName + "</a></td>"; sw.WriteLine(s); if (nRow++ % 5 == 4) sw.WriteLine("</tr>"); } if (nRow % 5 != 0) sw.WriteLine("</tr>"); sw.WriteLine("</table>"); }
/// <summary> /// 批量更新数据(新增和更新) /// </summary> public DatabaseResultModel<bool> updateMany(List<TDemoModel> models) { var result = new DatabaseResultModel<bool>(); try { using (databaseConnector = getDatabaseConnector()) using (databaseExecutor = new Executor(databaseConnector)) { databaseScriptModel = new DatabaseScriptModel(); databaseScriptModel.command = (new TDemoScript()).updateMany(models); executeSqlCommand(new TDemoScript()); = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { result.exception = ex; = false; } return result; }
public void WhenEnteringForTheElement(ResolvedString text, ActiveElementSelector selector) => Executor.Execute(() => WebDriver.Select(selector).Enter(text));
public BattleState(IMemoryAPI fface) : base(fface) { _executor = new Executor(fface); }
public void step_05() { lid = Other.GetParamFromCurrentUrl("lid"); lid = lid.Substring(0, lid.IndexOf('#')); Executor.ExecuteProcedure("inac.iptv_services_load.job", Environment.InacDb); }
public Wave(Dictionary <string, System.Object> json) { canvas = GameObject.Find("Canvas").transform; System.Random rand = new System.Random(); enemies = new List <GameObject> (); //note: ints in MiniJSON come out as longs, so must be cast twice levelID = (int)(long)json ["levelID"]; waveID = (int)(long)json ["waveID"]; maxTime = (int)(long)json ["maxMilliseconds"]; interval = (int)(long)json ["minimumInterval"]; List <System.Object> enemyjson = (List <System.Object>)json ["enemies"]; //step one: create a randomized list of spawn times int slots = maxTime / interval; //Debug.Log ("wave "+ waveID + " slots: " + slots); int occupants = enemyjson.Count; //create bool array to randomize List <bool> timeslots = new List <bool>(); for (int i = 0; i < slots; i++) { if (i < occupants) { timeslots.Add(true); } else { timeslots.Add(false); } } //randomize this array (fisher-yates shuffle) for (int i = slots - 1; i > 0; i--) { int j = rand.Next(i + 1); bool temp = timeslots[i]; timeslots[i] = timeslots[j]; timeslots[j] = temp; } //make sure one enemy spawns immediately if (!timeslots[0]) { for (int i = 1; i < slots; i++) { if (timeslots[i]) { timeslots[0] = true; timeslots[i] = false; break; } } } //create corresponding array of random-ish long bonuses to positions List <long> timeChaos = new List <long>(); for (int i = 0; i < timeslots.Count; i++) { timeChaos.Add(0); } for (int i = 0; i < timeChaos.Count; i++) { if (timeslots[i]) //if an enemy should spawn in this timeframe, //get the previous bonus to make sure you're the min distance away { long previous = 0; if (i > 0) { previous = timeChaos[i - 1]; } //create random spawn time within the time slot allotted long chaos = rand.Next((int)previous, (int)interval); timeChaos[i] = chaos; } } //check to make sure nothing went wrong and timeslots and timechaos are both of length slots if (timeslots.Count != slots) { Debug.Log("timeslots is wrong length! slots is " + slots + " but timeslots length is " + timeslots.Count); } if (timeChaos.Count != slots) { Debug.Log("timechaos is wrong length! slots is " + slots + " but timechaos length is " + timeChaos.Count); } //finally, create final list of spawn times List <long> spawntimesInMillis = new List <long>(); for (int i = 0; i < timeslots.Count; i++) { if (timeslots[i]) { long spawntime = i * interval; spawntime += timeChaos[i]; spawntimesInMillis.Add(spawntime); } } //for(int i = 0; i < spawntimesInMillis.Count; i++){ // Debug.Log ("wave "+ waveID + " spawntime "+i +": " + spawntimesInMillis[i]); //} //check to make sure nothing went wrong and spawntimes is of length occupants if (spawntimesInMillis.Count != enemyjson.Count) { Debug.Log("spawntimes and enemies don't match! (" + spawntimesInMillis.Count + "/" + enemyjson.Count + ")"); } //shuffle the enemy order (fisher-yates) for (int i = enemyjson.Count - 1; i > 0; i--) { int j = rand.Next(i + 1); System.Object temp = enemyjson[i]; enemyjson[i] = enemyjson[j]; enemyjson[j] = temp; } for (int i = 0; i < enemyjson.Count; i++) { System.Object enemy = enemyjson[i]; Dictionary <string, System.Object> enemydict = (Dictionary <string, System.Object>)enemy; //would load from bestiary using (string)enemydict["enemyID"], but no bestiary yet //long spawntimeInMillis = (long)enemydict["spawntime"]; string filename = (string)enemydict["enemyID"]; int track = (int)(long)enemydict["trackID"]; int trackpos = 0; if (enemydict.ContainsKey("trackpos")) { trackpos = (int)(long)enemydict["trackpos"]; } //make enemy GameObject enemyspawn = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/MainCanvas/Enemy")) as GameObject; //Debug.Log("we're setting it to the spawn layer"); //Debug.Log (Dial.spawnLayer == null); enemyspawn.transform.SetParent(Dial.spawnLayer, false); enemyspawn.SetActive(false); Enemy ec = enemyspawn.GetComponent <Enemy>(); FileLoader fl = new FileLoader("JSONData" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Bestiary", filename); string actualenemyjson = fl.Read(); Dictionary <string, System.Object> actualenemydict = Json.Deserialize(actualenemyjson) as Dictionary <string, System.Object>; string enemytype = (string)actualenemydict["enemyType"]; if (enemytype.Equals("Chainers")) { GameObject enemyobj = ec.gameObject; GameObject.Destroy(enemyobj.GetComponent <Enemy>()); Chainer c = enemyobj.AddComponent <Chainer>() as Chainer; float chaindelay = (float)(double)actualenemydict["delay"]; c.delay = chaindelay; ec = c; } else if (enemytype.Equals("TipOfTheSpear")) { GameObject enemyobj = ec.gameObject; GameObject.Destroy(enemyobj.GetComponent <Enemy>()); TipOfTheSpear tots = enemyobj.AddComponent <TipOfTheSpear>() as TipOfTheSpear; float chaindelay = (float)(double)actualenemydict["delay"]; tots.SetDelay(chaindelay); tots.leader = true; ec = tots; } else if (enemytype.Equals("WallOfDoom")) { GameObject enemyobj = ec.gameObject; GameObject.Destroy(enemyobj.GetComponent <Enemy>()); WallOfDoom wod = enemyobj.AddComponent <WallOfDoom>() as WallOfDoom; ec = wod; } else if (enemytype.Equals("TheDiversion")) { GameObject enemyobj = ec.gameObject; GameObject.Destroy(enemyobj.GetComponent <Enemy>()); Diversion d = enemyobj.AddComponent <Diversion>() as Diversion; float chaindelay = (float)(double)actualenemydict["delay"]; d.SetDelay(chaindelay); ec = d; } else if (enemytype.Equals("MeatShield")) { GameObject enemyobj = ec.gameObject; GameObject.Destroy(enemyobj.GetComponent <Enemy>()); MeatShield ms = enemyobj.AddComponent <MeatShield>() as MeatShield; float chaindelay = (float)(double)actualenemydict["delay"]; ms.SetDelay(chaindelay); ms.leader = true; ec = ms; } else if (enemytype.Equals("Splitter")) { GameObject enemyobj = ec.gameObject; GameObject.Destroy(enemyobj.GetComponent <Enemy>()); Splitter s = enemyobj.AddComponent <Splitter>() as Splitter; ec = s; } else if (enemytype.Equals("Blob")) { GameObject enemyobj = ec.gameObject; GameObject.Destroy(enemyobj.GetComponent <Enemy>()); Blob b = enemyobj.AddComponent <Blob>() as Blob; ec = b; } else if (enemytype.Equals("Megasplit")) { GameObject enemyobj = ec.gameObject; GameObject.Destroy(enemyobj.GetComponent <Enemy>()); Megasplit ms = enemyobj.AddComponent <Megasplit>() as Megasplit; ec = ms; } else if (enemytype.Equals("Melder")) { GameObject enemyobj = ec.gameObject; GameObject.Destroy(enemyobj.GetComponent <Enemy>()); Melder m = enemyobj.AddComponent <Melder>() as Melder; ec = m; } else if (enemytype.Equals("BigSplit")) { GameObject enemyobj = ec.gameObject; GameObject.Destroy(enemyobj.GetComponent <Enemy>()); BigSplit bs = enemyobj.AddComponent <BigSplit>() as BigSplit; ec = bs; } else if (enemytype.Equals("Junior")) { GameObject enemyobj = ec.gameObject; GameObject.Destroy(enemyobj.GetComponent <Enemy>()); Junior j = enemyobj.AddComponent <Junior>() as Junior; ec = j; } else if (enemytype.Equals("Cheater")) { GameObject enemyobj = ec.gameObject; GameObject.Destroy(enemyobj.GetComponent <Enemy>()); Cheater ch = enemyobj.AddComponent <Cheater>() as Cheater; ec = ch; } else if (enemytype.Equals("Spite")) { GameObject enemyobj = ec.gameObject; GameObject.Destroy(enemyobj.GetComponent <Enemy>()); Spite s = enemyobj.AddComponent <Spite>() as Spite; ec = s; } else if (enemytype.Equals("Executor")) { GameObject enemyobj = ec.gameObject; GameObject.Destroy(enemyobj.GetComponent <Enemy>()); Executor s = enemyobj.AddComponent <Executor>() as Executor; ec = s; } else if (enemytype.Equals("Saboteur")) { GameObject enemyobj = ec.gameObject; GameObject.Destroy(enemyobj.GetComponent <Enemy>()); Saboteur s = enemyobj.AddComponent <Saboteur>() as Saboteur; ec = s; } else if (enemytype.Equals("Pusher")) { GameObject enemyobj = ec.gameObject; GameObject.Destroy(enemyobj.GetComponent <Enemy>()); Pusher s = enemyobj.AddComponent <Pusher>() as Pusher; ec = s; } //give enemy a filename to load from ec.SetSrcFileName(filename); ec.SetTrackID(track); ec.SetTrackLane(trackpos); //calculate and set position float degrees = (track - 1) * 60 + 30; //clockwise of y-axis degrees += 15 * trackpos; //negative trackpos is left side, positive is right side, 0 is middle degrees = ((360 - degrees) + 90) % 360; //convert to counterclockwise of x axis degrees *= Mathf.Deg2Rad; ((RectTransform)enemyspawn.transform).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(Dial.ENEMY_SPAWN_LENGTH * Mathf.Cos(degrees), Dial.ENEMY_SPAWN_LENGTH * Mathf.Sin(degrees)); //set spawn time ec.SetSpawnTime(spawntimesInMillis[i]); enemies.Add(enemyspawn); } /*foreach (System.Object enemy in enemyjson) { * //ec.ConfigureEnemy (); * }*/ }
public bool shouldJump(List <string> codeLine, int lineNumber, Executor executor) { return(executor.labelDict[codeLine[1]] < lineNumber); }
public static SearchMailboxesResults SeachMailboxes(ISearchPolicy policy, SearchMailboxesInputs input) { Recorder.Trace(2L, TraceType.InfoTrace, new object[] { "Controller.SeachMailboxes Input:", input, "IsLocal:", input.IsLocalCall, "SearchType:", input.SearchType }); Recorder.Record record = policy.Recorder.Start("SearchMailboxes", TraceType.InfoTrace, true); ValidateSource.ValidateSourceContext taskContext = new ValidateSource.ValidateSourceContext { AllowedRecipientTypeDetails = SearchRecipient.RecipientTypeDetail, AllowedRecipientTypes = SearchRecipient.RecipientTypes, MinimumVersion = null, RequiredCmdlet = "New-MailboxSearch", RequiredCmdletParameters = "EstimateOnly" }; MailboxInfoCreation.MailboxInfoCreationContext taskContext2 = new MailboxInfoCreation.MailboxInfoCreationContext { SuppressDuplicates = true, MaximumItems = (int)((input != null && input.SearchType == SearchType.Statistics) ? policy.ThrottlingSettings.DiscoveryMaxStatsSearchMailboxes : ((uint)policy.ExecutionSettings.DiscoveryMaxMailboxes)) }; ServerLookup.ServerLookupContext taskContext3 = new ServerLookup.ServerLookupContext(); CompleteSearchMailbox.CompleteSearchMailboxContext taskContext4 = new CompleteSearchMailbox.CompleteSearchMailboxContext(); Func <object, string> batchByDatabase = delegate(object item) { if (!((SearchSource)item).MailboxInfo.IsArchive) { return(((SearchSource)item).MailboxInfo.MdbGuid.ToString()); } return(((SearchSource)item).MailboxInfo.ArchiveDatabase.ToString()); }; Func <object, string> batchKeyFactory = delegate(object item) { if (!((SearchSource)item).MailboxInfo.IsRemoteMailbox) { return(batchByDatabase(item)); } return("Remote"); }; Func <object, string> batchKeyFactory2 = (object item) => ((FanoutParameters)item).GroupId.Uri.ToString(); Executor executor = new Executor(policy, typeof(InitializeSearchMailbox)) { Concurrency = policy.ExecutionSettings.DiscoverySynchronousConcurrency }; Executor executor2 = executor; if (input.IsLocalCall) { Recorder.Trace(2L, TraceType.InfoTrace, "Controller.SeachMailboxes LocalSearch"); executor2 = executor2.Chain(new BatchedExecutor(policy, typeof(SearchDatabase)) { Concurrency = policy.ExecutionSettings.DiscoveryLocalSearchConcurrency, BatchSize = (policy.ExecutionSettings.DiscoveryLocalSearchIsParallel ? 1U : policy.ExecutionSettings.DiscoveryLocalSearchBatch), BatchKeyFactory = batchByDatabase }); } else { Recorder.Trace(2L, TraceType.InfoTrace, "Controller.SeachMailboxes Search"); executor2 = executor2.Chain(new Executor(policy, typeof(DirectoryQueryFormatting)) { Concurrency = policy.ExecutionSettings.DiscoverySynchronousConcurrency }).Chain(new Executor(policy, typeof(DirectoryLookup)) { Concurrency = policy.ExecutionSettings.DiscoveryADLookupConcurrency }).Chain(new Executor(policy, typeof(ValidateSource)) { Concurrency = policy.ExecutionSettings.DiscoverySynchronousConcurrency, TaskContext = taskContext }).Chain(new Executor(policy, typeof(MailboxInfoCreation)) { Concurrency = policy.ExecutionSettings.DiscoverySynchronousConcurrency, TaskContext = taskContext2 }); if (input.SearchType == SearchType.ExpandSources) { Recorder.Trace(2L, TraceType.InfoTrace, "Controller.SeachMailboxes ExpandSources"); executor2 = executor2.Chain(new BatchedExecutor(policy, typeof(CompleteSourceLookup)) { Concurrency = policy.ExecutionSettings.DiscoverySynchronousConcurrency, BatchKeyFactory = BatchedExecutor.BatchByCount, BatchSize = policy.ThrottlingSettings.DiscoveryMaxPreviewSearchMailboxes, TaskContext = input }); } else { executor2 = executor2.Chain(new BatchedExecutor(policy, typeof(ServerLookup)) { Concurrency = policy.ExecutionSettings.DiscoveryServerLookupConcurrency, TaskContext = taskContext3, BatchSize = policy.ExecutionSettings.DiscoveryServerLookupBatch, BatchKeyFactory = batchKeyFactory }).Chain(new BatchedExecutor(policy, typeof(FanoutSearchMailboxes)) { Concurrency = policy.ExecutionSettings.DiscoveryFanoutConcurrency, BatchSize = policy.ExecutionSettings.DiscoveryFanoutBatch, BatchKeyFactory = batchKeyFactory2 }); } } executor2 = executor2.Chain(new Executor(policy, typeof(CompleteSearchMailbox)) { Concurrency = 1U, TaskContext = taskContext4 }); Recorder.Trace(2L, TraceType.InfoTrace, "Controller.SeachMailboxes Start"); SearchMailboxesResults result; try { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)Delegate.Combine(ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(ServerToServerEwsCallingContext.CertificateErrorHandler)); SearchMailboxesResults searchMailboxesResults = executor.Process(input) as SearchMailboxesResults; Recorder.Trace(2L, TraceType.InfoTrace, "Controller.SeachMailboxes End"); if (executor.Context.Failures.Count > 0) { Recorder.Trace(2L, TraceType.InfoTrace, "Controller.SeachMailboxes Failures:", executor.Context.Failures.Count); if (searchMailboxesResults == null) { searchMailboxesResults = new SearchMailboxesResults(null); } searchMailboxesResults.AddFailures(executor.Context.Failures); } policy.Recorder.End(record); result = searchMailboxesResults; } finally { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (RemoteCertificateValidationCallback)Delegate.Remove(ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(ServerToServerEwsCallingContext.CertificateErrorHandler)); } return(result); }
public void ReceiveExecutor(Executor executor) { // Not Needed }
public static void EnableUtilities(IExecutorPlatform utilityPlatform) { _utility = new Executor(utilityPlatform); }
public void NullTempFileCollection_Required_Throws() { string outputName = null, errorName = null; Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => Executor.ExecWaitWithCapture("", null, ref outputName, ref errorName)); }
internal TableQuerySegment <DynamicTableEntity> EndExecuteQuerySegmented(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { return(Executor.EndExecuteAsync <TableQuerySegment <DynamicTableEntity> >(asyncResult)); }
public ExecutorDelivery(Executor executor, BlinkListener listener) { mPoster = executor; mListener = listener; }
public async Task Part6_Custom_Scalar() { // Create builder and load sdl var builder = new SchemaBuilder() .Sdl(@" # Custom scalar defined in the SDL scalar Uri type Query { url: Uri! } "); // Get query type builder.GetQuery(out var query); // Build schema by binding resolvers from ObjectTypeMap var schema = SchemaTools.MakeExecutableSchema( builder, new ObjectTypeMap { { query.Name, new FieldResolversMap { { "url", context => ResolveSync.As(new Uri("https://localhost/")) } } } }, converters: new Dictionary <string, IValueConverter>() { // this will add value converter for Uri scalar type ["Uri"] = new InlineConverter( serialize: value => { var uri = (Uri)value; return(uri.ToString()); }, parseValue: value => new Uri(value.ToString()), parseLiteral: value => { if (value.Kind == NodeKind.StringValue) { return(new Uri((StringValue)value)); } throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( nameof(value), $"Cannot coerce Uri from value kind: '{value.Kind}'"); }) }); // execute query var result = await Executor.ExecuteAsync(new ExecutionOptions() { Schema = schema, Document = Parser.ParseDocument(@"{ url }") }); var url = result.Data["url"]; Assert.Equal("https://localhost/", url.ToString()); }
protected override void Update() { if (landing) { do_land(); return; } switch (stage) { case Stage.Start: VSC_ON(HFlight.Stop); if (VSL.LandedOrSplashed || VSL.Altitude.Relative < StartAltitude) { CFG.DesiredAltitude = StartAltitude; } else { CFG.DesiredAltitude = VSL.Altitude.Relative; } if (!VSL.LandedOrSplashed) { compute_initial_trajectory(); } break; case Stage.GainAltitude: Status("Gaining altitude..."); VSC_ON(HFlight.Level); if (VSL.Altitude.Relative > CFG.DesiredAltitude * 0.9f) { compute_initial_trajectory(); } break; case Stage.Compute: double obstacle; if (!trajectory_computed()) { break; } if (find_biggest_obstacle_ahead(C.StartAltitude, out obstacle)) { break; } if (obstacle > 0) { StartAltitude += (float)obstacle + C.ObstacleOffset; CFG.DesiredAltitude = StartAltitude; stage = Stage.GainAltitude; } else if (VSL.Altitude.Relative < C.StartAltitude - 10) { stage = Stage.GainAltitude; } else if (check_initial_trajectory()) { accelerate(); } else { stage = Stage.Wait; } break; case Stage.Wait: if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TCAGui.StatusMessage)) { break; } accelerate(); break; case Stage.Accelerate: CFG.AT.OnIfNot(Attitude.Custom); var dV = (trajectory.Orbit.GetFrameVelAtUT(trajectory.StartUT) - VSL.orbit.GetFrameVelAtUT(trajectory.StartUT)).xzy; if (VSL.Controls.AlignmentFactor > 0.9 || !CFG.VSCIsActive) { CFG.DisableVSC(); var dVv = -VSL.Altitude.Absolute;//Vector3d.Dot(dV, VSL.Physics.Up); if (RAD != null) { var dH = VSL.Altitude.Relative - VSL.Altitude.Ahead - VSL.Geometry.H; if (dH < 0) { dVv -= dH / RAD.TimeAhead * 1.1f; } } if (dVv > 0) { fall_correction.I = C.FallCorrectionPID.I * Utils.ClampL(100 / VSL.Altitude.Relative, 1); fall_correction.Update(-VSL.Altitude.Absolute); } else { fall_correction.IntegralError *= Utils.ClampL(1 - fall_correction.I / 10 * TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime, 0); fall_correction.Update(0); } // Log("dV {}, dVv {}, correction {}, I {}", dV, dVv, fall_correction.Action, fall_correction.I);//debug if (Executor.Execute(dV + fall_correction * VSL.Physics.Up, 10)) { Status("Accelerating: " + Colors.Warning.Tag("<b>{0}</b> m/s"), (dV.magnitude - 10).ToString("F1")); } else { fine_tune_approach(); } } else { ATC.SetThrustDirW(-dV); } break; case Stage.CorrectTrajectory: VSL.Info.Countdown = landing_trajectory.BrakeStartPoint.UT - VSL.Physics.UT - ManeuverOffset; if (VSL.Info.Countdown > 0) { warp_to_countdown(); if (!trajectory_computed()) { break; } add_correction_node_if_needed(); stage = Stage.Coast; } else { stage = Stage.None; start_landing(); } break; case Stage.Coast: if (!coast_to_start()) { stage = Stage.None; } break; } }
public void WhenSelectingTheElement(ActiveElementSelector selector) => Executor.Execute(() => WebDriver.Select(selector).Select());
public void WhenSelectingTheElementRow(RowSelectorPrefix row, ActiveElementSelector selector) => Executor.Execute(() => WebDriver.ForRow(row).Select(selector).Select());
public void WhenEnteringForTheElementRow(RowSelectorPrefix row, ResolvedString text, ActiveElementSelector selector) => Executor.Execute(() => WebDriver.ForRow(row).Select(selector).Enter(text));