public virtual void HandleEvent(EventSubscriptionEntity eventSubscription, object payload,
                                        CommandContext commandContext)

            var configuration = eventSubscription.Configuration;

                "Compensating execution not set for compensate event subscription with id " + eventSubscription.Id,
                "configuration", configuration);

            ExecutionEntity compensatingExecution = commandContext.ExecutionManager.FindExecutionById(configuration);

            ActivityImpl compensationHandler = eventSubscription.Activity;

            //activate execution
            compensatingExecution.IsActive = true;

            if (compensatingExecution.GetActivity().ActivityBehavior is ICompositeActivityBehavior)
                compensatingExecution.Parent.ActivityInstanceId = compensatingExecution.ActivityInstanceId;

            if (compensationHandler.IsScope && !compensationHandler.CompensationHandler)
                // descend into scope:
                IList <EventSubscriptionEntity> eventsForThisScope = compensatingExecution.CompensateEventSubscriptions;
                CompensationUtil.ThrowCompensationEvent(eventsForThisScope, compensatingExecution, false);
                    if (compensationHandler.SubProcessScope && compensationHandler.TriggeredByEvent)
                        // since we already have a scope execution, we don't need to create another one
                        // for a simple scoped compensation handler
                //TODO 暂时取消异常拦截
                //catch (Exception e)
                //    throw new ProcessEngineException("Error while handling compensation event " + eventSubscription, e);
        public virtual void Execute(IJobHandlerConfiguration configuration, ExecutionEntity execution,
                                    CommandContext commandContext, string tenantId)
            var config = (AsyncContinuationConfiguration)configuration;


            var atomicOperation = FindMatchingAtomicOperation(config.AtomicOperation);

            EnsureUtil.EnsureNotNull("Cannot process job with configuration " + configuration, "atomicOperation",

            // reset transition id.
            var transitionId = config.TransitionId;

            if (!ReferenceEquals(transitionId, null))
                IPvmActivity activity   = execution.GetActivity();
                var          transition = (TransitionImpl)activity.FindOutgoingTransition(transitionId);
                execution.Transition = transition;

            Context.CommandInvocationContext.PerformOperation(atomicOperation, execution);
Exemple #3
        public override object Execute(CommandContext commandContext)
            ExecutionEntity processInstance = commandContext.ExecutionManager.FindExecutionById(processInstanceId);

            ProcessDefinitionImpl processDefinition = processInstance.GetProcessDefinition();

            CoreModelElement elementToInstantiate = GetTargetElement(processDefinition);

            EnsureUtil.EnsureNotNull(typeof(NotValidException), DescribeFailure("Element '" + TargetElementId + "' does not exist in process '" + processDefinition.Id + "'"), "element", elementToInstantiate);

            // rebuild the mapping because the execution tree changes with every iteration
            var mapping = new ActivityExecutionTreeMapping(commandContext, processInstanceId);

            // before instantiating an activity, two things have to be determined:
            // activityStack:
            // For the activity to instantiate, we build a stack of parent flow scopes
            // for which no executions exist yet and that have to be instantiated
            // scopeExecution:
            // This is typically the execution under which a new sub tree has to be created.
            // if an explicit ancestor activity instance is set:
            //   - this is the scope execution for that ancestor activity instance
            //   - throws exception if that scope execution is not in the parent hierarchy
            //     of the activity to be started
            // if no explicit ancestor activity instance is set:
            //   - this is the execution of the first parent/ancestor flow scope that has an execution
            //   - throws an exception if there is more than one such execution

            var targetFlowScope = GetTargetFlowScope(processDefinition);

            // prepare to walk up the flow scope hierarchy and collect the flow scope activities
            var stackCollector = new ActivityStackCollector();
            var walker         = new FlowScopeWalker(targetFlowScope);


            ExecutionEntity scopeExecution = null;

            // if no explicit ancestor activity instance is set
            if (ReferenceEquals(AncestorActivityInstanceId, null))
                // walk until a scope is reached for which executions exist
                walker.WalkWhile((element) => mapping.GetExecutions(element)
                                 .Count > 0 || element == processDefinition);

                var flowScopeExecutions = mapping.GetExecutions(walker.CurrentElement);

                if (flowScopeExecutions.Count > 1)
                    throw new ProcessEngineException("Ancestor activity execution is ambiguous for activity " +

                //scopeExecution = flowScopeExecutions.GetEnumerator().Next();
                scopeExecution = flowScopeExecutions.First();

            var activitiesToInstantiate = stackCollector.ActivityStack;


            // We have to make a distinction between
            // - "regular" activities for which the activity stack can be instantiated and started
            //   right away
            // - interrupting or cancelling activities for which we have to ensure that
            //   the interruption and cancellation takes place before we instantiate the activity stack
            ActivityImpl topMostActivity = null;
            ScopeImpl    flowScope       = null;

            if (activitiesToInstantiate.Count > 0)
                topMostActivity = (ActivityImpl)activitiesToInstantiate[0];
                flowScope       = topMostActivity.FlowScope;
            else if (elementToInstantiate is ActivityImpl)
                topMostActivity = (ActivityImpl)elementToInstantiate;
                flowScope       = topMostActivity.FlowScope;
            else if (elementToInstantiate is TransitionImpl)
                var transitionToInstantiate = (TransitionImpl)elementToInstantiate;
                flowScope = transitionToInstantiate.Source.FlowScope;

            if (!SupportsConcurrentChildInstantiation(flowScope))
                throw new ProcessEngineException("Concurrent instantiation not possible for " + "activities in scope " +

            var startBehavior = ActivityStartBehavior.ConcurrentInFlowScope;

            if (topMostActivity != null)
                startBehavior = topMostActivity.ActivityStartBehavior;

                if (activitiesToInstantiate.Count > 0)
                    // this is in BPMN relevant if there is an interrupting event sub process.
                    // we have to distinguish between instantiation of the start event and any other activity.
                    // instantiation of the start event means interrupting behavior; instantiation
                    // of any other ITask means no interruption.
                    IPvmActivity initialActivity       = topMostActivity.Properties.Get(BpmnProperties.InitialActivity);
                    IPvmActivity secondTopMostActivity = null;
                    if (activitiesToInstantiate.Count > 1)
                        secondTopMostActivity = activitiesToInstantiate[1];
                    else if (elementToInstantiate.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(ActivityImpl)))
                        secondTopMostActivity = (IPvmActivity)elementToInstantiate;

                    if (initialActivity != secondTopMostActivity)
                        startBehavior = ActivityStartBehavior.ConcurrentInFlowScope;
            //throw new Exception("startBehavior值:"+(int)startBehavior);//2
            switch (startBehavior)
            case ActivityStartBehavior.CancelEventScope:
                ScopeImpl scopeToCancel     = (ScopeImpl)topMostActivity.EventScope;
                var       executionToCancel = GetSingleExecutionForScope(mapping, scopeToCancel);
                if (executionToCancel != null)
                    executionToCancel.DeleteCascade("Cancelling activity " + topMostActivity + " executed.",
                                                    skipCustomListeners, skipIoMappings);
                    Instantiate(executionToCancel.Parent, activitiesToInstantiate, elementToInstantiate);
                    var flowScopeExecution = GetSingleExecutionForScope(mapping, topMostActivity.FlowScope);
                    InstantiateConcurrent(flowScopeExecution, activitiesToInstantiate, elementToInstantiate);

            case ActivityStartBehavior.InterruptEventScope:
                ScopeImpl scopeToCancel     = (ScopeImpl)topMostActivity.EventScope;
                var       executionToCancel = GetSingleExecutionForScope(mapping, scopeToCancel);
                executionToCancel.Interrupt("Interrupting activity " + topMostActivity + " executed.",
                                            skipCustomListeners, skipIoMappings);
                Instantiate(executionToCancel, activitiesToInstantiate, elementToInstantiate);

            case ActivityStartBehavior.InterruptFlowScope:
                var scopeToCancel     = topMostActivity.FlowScope;
                var executionToCancel = GetSingleExecutionForScope(mapping, scopeToCancel);
                executionToCancel.Interrupt("Interrupting activity " + topMostActivity + " executed.",
                                            skipCustomListeners, skipIoMappings);
                Instantiate(executionToCancel, activitiesToInstantiate, elementToInstantiate);

                // if all child executions have been cancelled
                // or this execution has ended executing its scope, it can be reused
                if (!scopeExecution.HasChildren() && (scopeExecution.GetActivity() == null || scopeExecution.IsEnded))
                    // reuse the scope execution
                    Instantiate(scopeExecution, activitiesToInstantiate, elementToInstantiate);
                    // if the activity is not cancelling/interrupting, it can simply be instantiated as
                    // a concurrent child of the scopeExecution
                    InstantiateConcurrent(scopeExecution, activitiesToInstantiate, elementToInstantiate);
