// TODO: Change test structure so that this can be inlined internal static void Run(Stream stdin, Stream stdout) { var stdoutWriter = new StdoutWriter(stdout, new Utf8JsonWriter(stdout, new() { Encoder = JavaScriptEncoder.UnsafeRelaxedJsonEscaping })); var flowWriter = new FlowWriter(stdoutWriter, new Utf8ValuePresenter()); SetupRuntimeServices(flowWriter, stdoutWriter); var executeCommandHandler = new ExecuteCommandHandler(flowWriter, stdoutWriter); var shouldExit = false; while (!shouldExit) { var command = Serializer.DeserializeWithLengthPrefix <ExecuteCommand?>(stdin, PrefixStyle.Base128); if (command == null) { break; // end-of-input } executeCommandHandler.Execute(command); } }
public void TestExecuteShouldReturnIfLinkColumnIsNull() { _layout.LinkColumn = null; _handler.Execute(new ExecuteCommand(_row.Id)); _mockProcess.Verify(p => p.Start(It.IsAny <string>()), Times.Never()); }