Exemple #1
        // @note This is the main function of the working
        // thread.
        public Process(string filePath, string plant, int year, int period)

                int    plantID   = 0;
                string plantName = string.Empty;
                if (plant == "Markham")
                    plantID   = 1;
                    plantName = "Markham";
                else if (plant == "Michigan")
                    plantID   = 3;
                    plantName = "Michigan";
                else if (plant == "Texas")
                    plantID   = 5;
                    plantName = "Texas";
                else if (plant == "Colombia")
                    plantID   = 4;
                    plantName = "Colombia";

                ExcoCalendar calendar     = new ExcoCalendar(year, period, true, plantID);
                ExcoCalendar tempCalendar = new ExcoCalendar(year, period, false, 1);
                ExcoODBC     database     = ExcoODBC.Instance;
                Dictionary <int, Account> accountMap = new Dictionary <int, Account>();
                string         query = string.Empty;
                OdbcDataReader reader;
                if (plantID == 1)
                    query  = "select distinct a.aj4gl#1 as no1, a.aj4gl#2 as no2, b.aztitl as title, b.azatyp as account_type, (a.aj4tt" + calendar.GetFiscalMonth().ToString("D2") + "+aj4ob" + calendar.GetFiscalMonth().ToString("D2") + ") as balance from cmsdat.glmt as a, cmsdat.mast as b where a.aj4comp=1 and a.aj4ccyy=" + (calendar.GetFiscalYear()).ToString("D2") + " and a.aj4gl#1=b.azgl#1 and a.aj4gl#2=b.azgl#2 and b.azcomp=1 and a.aj4gl#1!=200";
                    reader = database.RunQuery(query);
                    while (reader.Read())
                        Account account = new Account();
                        account.glNum1          = Convert.ToInt32(reader["no1"]) % 100;
                        account.glNum2          = Convert.ToInt32(reader["no2"]);
                        account.title           = reader["title"].ToString().Trim();
                        account.balanceAmount01 = Convert.ToDouble(reader["balance"]);
                        int key = account.glNum1 * 1000000 + account.glNum2;
                        if (99999999 == key)
                        if (accountMap.ContainsKey(key))
                            accountMap[key].balanceAmount01 = account.balanceAmount01;
                            accountMap.Add(key, account);
                else if (plantID == 3)
                    query  = "select a.aj4gl#1 as no1, a.aj4gl#2 as no2, b.aztitl as title, b.azatyp as account_type, (a.aj4tt" + calendar.GetFiscalMonth().ToString("D2") + "+aj4ob" + calendar.GetFiscalMonth().ToString("D2") + ") as balance from cmsdat.glmt as a, cmsdat.mast as b where a.aj4comp=3 and a.aj4ccyy=" + (calendar.GetFiscalYear()).ToString("D2") + " and a.aj4gl#1=b.azgl#1 and a.aj4gl#2=b.azgl#2 and b.azcomp=3";
                    reader = database.RunQuery(query);
                    while (reader.Read())
                        Account account = new Account();
                        account.glNum1          = Convert.ToInt32(reader["no1"]) % 100;
                        account.glNum2          = Convert.ToInt32(reader["no2"]);
                        account.title           = reader["title"].ToString().Trim();
                        account.balanceAmount03 = Convert.ToDouble(reader["balance"]);
                        int key = account.glNum1 * 1000000 + account.glNum2;
                        if (99999999 == key)
                        if (accountMap.ContainsKey(key))
                            accountMap[key].balanceAmount03 = account.balanceAmount03;
                            accountMap.Add(key, account);
                else if (plantID == 5)
                    query  = "select a.aj4gl#1 as no1, a.aj4gl#2 as no2, b.aztitl as title, b.azatyp as account_type, (a.aj4tt" + calendar.GetFiscalMonth().ToString("D2") + "+aj4ob" + calendar.GetFiscalMonth().ToString("D2") + ") as balance from cmsdat.glmt as a, cmsdat.mast as b where a.aj4comp=5 and a.aj4ccyy=" + (calendar.GetFiscalYear()).ToString("D2") + " and a.aj4gl#1=b.azgl#1 and a.aj4gl#2=b.azgl#2 and b.azcomp=5";
                    reader = database.RunQuery(query);
                    while (reader.Read())
                        Account account = new Account();
                        account.glNum1          = Convert.ToInt32(reader["no1"]) % 100;
                        account.glNum2          = Convert.ToInt32(reader["no2"]);
                        account.title           = reader["title"].ToString().Trim();
                        account.balanceAmount05 = Convert.ToDouble(reader["balance"]);
                        int key = account.glNum1 * 1000000 + account.glNum2;
                        if (99999999 == key)
                        if (accountMap.ContainsKey(key))
                            accountMap[key].balanceAmount05 = account.balanceAmount05;
                            accountMap.Add(key, account);
                else if (plantID == 4)
                    // plant 04
                    query  = "select a.aj4gl#1 as no1, a.aj4gl#2 as no2, b.aztitl as title, b.azatyp as account_type, (a.aj4tt" + calendar.GetFiscalMonth().ToString("D2") + "+aj4ob" + calendar.GetFiscalMonth().ToString("D2") + ") as balance from cmsdat.glmt as a, cmsdat.mast as b where a.aj4comp=4 and a.aj4ccyy=" + (calendar.GetFiscalYear()).ToString("D2") + " and a.aj4gl#1=b.azgl#1 and a.aj4gl#2=b.azgl#2 and b.azcomp=4";
                    reader = database.RunQuery(query);
                    while (reader.Read())
                        Account account = new Account();
                        account.glNum1          = Convert.ToInt32(reader["no1"]) % 100;
                        account.glNum2          = Convert.ToInt32(reader["no2"]);
                        account.title           = reader["title"].ToString().Trim();
                        account.balanceAmount04 = Convert.ToDouble(reader["balance"]);
                        int key = account.glNum1 * 1000000 + account.glNum2;
                        if (99999999 == key)
                        if (accountMap.ContainsKey(key))
                            accountMap[key].balanceAmount04 = account.balanceAmount04;
                            accountMap.Add(key, account);
                    // plant 48
                    query  = "select a.aj4gl#1 as no1, a.aj4gl#2 as no2, b.aztitl as title, b.azatyp as account_type, (a.aj4tt" + calendar.GetFiscalMonth().ToString("D2") + "+aj4ob" + calendar.GetFiscalMonth().ToString("D2") + ") as balance from cmsdat.glmt as a, cmsdat.mast as b where a.aj4comp=48 and a.aj4ccyy=" + (calendar.GetFiscalYear() + 2000).ToString("D2") + " and a.aj4gl#1=b.azgl#1 and a.aj4gl#2=b.azgl#2 and b.azcomp=48";
                    reader = database.RunQuery(query);
                    while (reader.Read())
                        Account account = new Account();
                        account.glNum1          = Convert.ToInt32(reader["no1"]) % 100;
                        account.glNum2          = Convert.ToInt32(reader["no2"]);
                        account.title           = reader["title"].ToString().Trim();
                        account.balanceAmount48 = Convert.ToDouble(reader["balance"]);
                        int key = account.glNum1 * 1000000 + account.glNum2;
                        if (99999999 == key)
                        if (accountMap.ContainsKey(key))
                            accountMap[key].balanceAmount48 = account.balanceAmount48;
                            accountMap.Add(key, account);
                    // plant 41
                    query  = "select a.aj4gl#1 as no1, a.aj4gl#2 as no2, b.aztitl as title, b.azatyp as account_type, (a.aj4tt" + tempCalendar.GetFiscalMonth().ToString("D2") + "+aj4ob" + tempCalendar.GetFiscalMonth().ToString("D2") + ") as balance from cmsdat.glmt as a, cmsdat.mast as b where a.aj4comp=41 and a.aj4ccyy=" + (tempCalendar.GetFiscalYear() + 2000).ToString("D2") + " and a.aj4gl#1=b.azgl#1 and a.aj4gl#2=b.azgl#2 and b.azcomp=41";
                    reader = database.RunQuery(query);
                    while (reader.Read())
                        Account account = new Account();
                        account.glNum1          = Convert.ToInt32(reader["no1"]) % 100;
                        account.glNum2          = Convert.ToInt32(reader["no2"]);
                        account.title           = reader["title"].ToString().Trim();
                        account.balanceAmount41 = Convert.ToDouble(reader["balance"]);
                        int key = account.glNum1 * 1000000 + account.glNum2;
                        if (99999999 == key)
                        if (accountMap.ContainsKey(key))
                            accountMap[key].balanceAmount41 = account.balanceAmount41;
                            accountMap.Add(key, account);

                    // plant 49

                    query  = "select a.aj4gl#1 as no1, a.aj4gl#2 as no2, b.aztitl as title, b.azatyp as account_type, (a.aj4tt" + tempCalendar.GetFiscalMonth().ToString("D2") + "+aj4ob" + tempCalendar.GetFiscalMonth().ToString("D2") + ") as balance from cmsdat.glmt as a, cmsdat.mast as b where a.aj4comp=49 and a.aj4ccyy=" + (tempCalendar.GetFiscalYear() + 2000).ToString("D2") + " and a.aj4gl#1=b.azgl#1 and a.aj4gl#2=b.azgl#2 and b.azcomp=49";
                    reader = database.RunQuery(query);
                    while (reader.Read())
                        Account account = new Account();
                        account.glNum1          = Convert.ToInt32(reader["no1"]) % 100;
                        account.glNum2          = Convert.ToInt32(reader["no2"]);
                        account.title           = reader["title"].ToString().Trim();
                        account.balanceAmount49 = Convert.ToDouble(reader["balance"]);
                        int key = account.glNum1 * 1000000 + account.glNum2;
                        if (99999999 == key)
                        if (accountMap.ContainsKey(key))
                            accountMap[key].balanceAmount49 = account.balanceAmount49;
                            accountMap.Add(key, account);
                    throw new Exception("None of plants has been selected!");
                // write to excel
                Excel2.Application excel    = new Excel2.Application();
                object             misValue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
                Excel2.Workbook    book     = excel.Workbooks.Add(misValue);
                //Excel.Worksheet sheet = book.Worksheets[1];
                Excel2.Worksheet sheet = book.Worksheets.Add();//[1];
                //sheet = book.Worksheets[1];
                //sheet = book.Worksheets[1];
                sheet.Name = "Trial Balance for " + plantName;
                // write title
                sheet.Cells[1, 1] = plantName;
                Excel2.Range range = sheet.get_Range("A1");
                range.Font.Color  = Color.Red;
                range.Font.Size   = 14;
                sheet.Cells[2, 1] = "Balance Consolidations";
                range             = sheet.get_Range("A2");
                range.Font.Size   = 10;
                range.Font.Bold   = true;
                sheet.Cells[3, 1] = "Generated at " + DateTime.Today.ToString("MMMM-dd-yyyy");
                range             = sheet.get_Range("A3");
                range.Font.Size   = 10;
                range.Font.Bold   = true;
                sheet.Cells[6, 1] = "Ending Balance";
                range             = sheet.get_Range("A6");
                range.Font.Size   = 11;
                range.Font.Color  = Color.Red;
                range.Font.Bold   = true;
                sheet.Cells[7, 1] = "Account";
                range             = sheet.get_Range("A7");
                range.Font.Size   = 11;
                range.Cells.Borders[Excel2.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom].LineStyle = Excel2.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
                sheet.Cells[5, 2]             = "Company Number";
                range                         = sheet.get_Range("B5");
                range.Font.Size               = 11;
                range.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel2.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
                sheet.Cells[6, 2]             = "Period";
                range                         = sheet.get_Range("B6");
                range.Font.Size               = 11;
                range.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel2.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
                sheet.Cells[7, 2]             = "Account Name / Company";
                range                         = sheet.get_Range("B7");
                range.Font.Size               = 11;
                range.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel2.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
                if (4 != plantID)
                    sheet.Cells[5, 3]             = plantID.ToString("D2");
                    range                         = sheet.get_Range("C5");
                    range.Font.Size               = 11;
                    range.Font.Color              = Color.Red;
                    range.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel2.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
                    range.Cells.Interior.Color    = Color.PeachPuff;
                    sheet.Cells[6, 3]             = (calendar.GetFiscalYear() + 2000).ToString() + "-" + calendar.GetFiscalMonth().ToString("D2");
                    range                         = sheet.get_Range("C6");
                    range.Font.Size               = 11;
                    range.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel2.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
                    range.Cells.Interior.Color    = Color.PeachPuff;
                    sheet.Cells[7, 3]             = plantName;
                    range                         = sheet.get_Range("C7");
                    range.Font.Size               = 11;
                    range.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel2.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
                    range.Cells.Interior.Color    = Color.PeachPuff;
                    // 04
                    sheet.Cells[5, 3]             = "04";
                    range                         = sheet.get_Range("C5");
                    range.Font.Size               = 11;
                    range.Font.Color              = Color.Red;
                    range.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel2.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
                    range.Cells.Interior.Color    = Color.PeachPuff;
                    sheet.Cells[6, 3]             = (calendar.GetFiscalYear() + 2000).ToString() + "-" + calendar.GetFiscalMonth().ToString("D2");
                    range                         = sheet.get_Range("C6");
                    range.Font.Size               = 11;
                    range.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel2.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
                    range.Cells.Interior.Color    = Color.PeachPuff;
                    sheet.Cells[7, 3]             = "Exco GAAP";
                    range                         = sheet.get_Range("C7");
                    range.Font.Size               = 11;
                    range.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel2.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
                    range.Cells.Interior.Color    = Color.PeachPuff;
                    // 41
                    sheet.Cells[5, 4]             = "41";
                    range                         = sheet.get_Range("D5");
                    range.Font.Size               = 11;
                    range.Font.Color              = Color.Red;
                    range.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel2.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
                    range.Cells.Interior.Color    = Color.PeachPuff;
                    sheet.Cells[6, 4]             = (tempCalendar.GetFiscalYear() + 2000).ToString() + "-" + tempCalendar.GetFiscalMonth().ToString("D2");
                    range                         = sheet.get_Range("D6");
                    range.Font.Size               = 11;
                    range.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel2.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
                    range.Cells.Interior.Color    = Color.PeachPuff;
                    sheet.Cells[7, 4]             = "Exco IFRS";
                    range                         = sheet.get_Range("D7");
                    range.Font.Size               = 11;
                    range.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel2.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
                    range.Cells.Interior.Color    = Color.PeachPuff;
                    // 48
                    sheet.Cells[5, 5]             = "48";
                    range                         = sheet.get_Range("E5");
                    range.Font.Size               = 11;
                    range.Font.Color              = Color.Red;
                    range.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel2.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
                    range.Cells.Interior.Color    = Color.PeachPuff;
                    sheet.Cells[6, 5]             = (calendar.GetFiscalYear() + 2000).ToString() + "-" + calendar.GetFiscalMonth().ToString("D2");
                    range                         = sheet.get_Range("E6");
                    range.Font.Size               = 11;
                    range.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel2.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
                    range.Cells.Interior.Color    = Color.PeachPuff;
                    sheet.Cells[7, 5]             = "Coltooling GAAP";
                    range                         = sheet.get_Range("E7");
                    range.Font.Size               = 11;
                    range.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel2.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
                    range.Cells.Interior.Color    = Color.PeachPuff;
                    // 49
                    sheet.Cells[5, 6]             = "49";
                    range                         = sheet.get_Range("F5");
                    range.Font.Size               = 11;
                    range.Font.Color              = Color.Red;
                    range.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel2.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
                    range.Cells.Interior.Color    = Color.PeachPuff;
                    sheet.Cells[6, 6]             = (tempCalendar.GetFiscalYear() + 2000).ToString() + "-" + tempCalendar.GetFiscalMonth().ToString("D2");
                    range                         = sheet.get_Range("F6");
                    range.Font.Size               = 11;
                    range.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel2.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
                    range.Cells.Interior.Color    = Color.PeachPuff;
                    sheet.Cells[7, 6]             = "Coltooling IFRS";
                    range                         = sheet.get_Range("F7");
                    range.Font.Size               = 11;
                    range.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel2.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
                    range.Cells.Interior.Color    = Color.PeachPuff;
                    // cosolidated
                    sheet.Cells[7, 7]             = "Consolidated";
                    range                         = sheet.get_Range("G7");
                    range.Font.Size               = 11;
                    range.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel2.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
                    range.Cells.Interior.Color    = Color.PeachPuff;

                // write content
                int row         = 8;
                var accountList = from account in accountMap.Values orderby account.glNum1 * 1000000 + account.glNum2 select account;
                foreach (Account account in accountList)
                    sheet.Cells[row, 1] = account.glNum1.ToString("D2") + "-" + (account.glNum2 / 100).ToString("D4") + "-" + (account.glNum2 % 100).ToString("D2");
                    sheet.Cells[row, 2] = account.title;
                    if (1 == plantID)
                        sheet.Cells[row++, 3] = account.balanceAmount01.ToString("C2");
                    else if (3 == plantID)
                        sheet.Cells[row++, 3] = account.balanceAmount03.ToString("C2");
                    else if (5 == plantID)
                        sheet.Cells[row++, 3] = account.balanceAmount05.ToString("C2");
                    else if (4 == plantID)
                        sheet.Cells[row, 3] = account.balanceAmount04.ToString("C2");
                        sheet.Cells[row, 4] = account.balanceAmount41.ToString("C2");
                        sheet.Cells[row, 5] = account.balanceAmount48.ToString("C2");
                        sheet.Cells[row, 6] = account.balanceAmount49.ToString("C2");
                        range         = sheet.get_Range("G" + row.ToString());
                        range.Formula = "=sum(C" + row.ToString() + ":F" + row.ToString() + ")";
                // write to file
                sheet.Cells.HorizontalAlignment = Excel2.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter;
                book.SaveAs(filePath, Excel2.XlFileFormat.xlOpenXMLWorkbook);
            catch (Exception e)
Exemple #2
 public ActionResult ExchangeRates(string paramOne)
     FinancialControls.CurrencyYearList = ExcoExRate.GetExchangeRatesList();
Exemple #3
        public void Generate(string path, string plant, string fiscalYear, string fiscalMonth)

            string plant_name = plant;

            this.plant = plant;
            int workbook_number = 10;

            if (plant == "Colombia")
                workbook_number = 10;
                plant_name      = "Colombia";
                currency_string = "PESO";
            else if (plant == "Texas")
                workbook_number = 8;
                plant_name      = "Texas";
                currency_string = "USD";
            else if (plant == "Michigan")
                workbook_number = 6;
                plant_name      = "Michigan";
                currency_string = "USD";
            else if (plant == "Markham")
                workbook_number = 4;
                plant_name      = "Markham";
                currency_string = "CAD";
            if (native_currency)
                currency_string = "CAD";

            for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
                    WORKSHEET_ARRAY[i, j] = "0";

            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 400; j++)
                    ANNUAL_DATA[i, j]       = "";
                    ANNUAL_PERCENTAGE[i, j] = "";

                //while (true)
                int    month = Convert.ToInt32(fiscalMonth);
                int    year  = Convert.ToInt32(fiscalYear) - 2000;
                double current_period_exch_rate = 0;
                for (int i = 1; i < 13; i++)
                    Log.Append("    Processing period: " + month.ToString() + "/" +
                               .ToString());            // + "C:\\Sales Report\\Income Statement Report at " + i.ToString() + "-15.xlsx");

                    int Worksheet_NO = 1;

                    string fileName =
                        @"\\\EmailAPI\Financials\YTD-IS-Reports\Repository\Income Statement Report at " +
                        month.ToString() + "-" + year.ToString() + ".xlsx";

                        //foreach (var worksheet in Workbook.Worksheets(@"C:\Sales Report\Income Statement Report at " + i.ToString() + "-" + fiscalYear.ToString() + ".xlsx"))
                        foreach (var worksheet in Workbook.Worksheets(fileName))
                            int row_count    = 0;
                            int column_count = 0;

                            if (worksheet.Rows.Length > 0 && worksheet.Rows[0].Cells[0].Text.Contains(plant_name) &&
                                    native_currency && worksheet.Rows[0].Cells[0].Text.Contains(currency_string) ||
                                    !native_currency && worksheet.Rows[0].Cells[0].Text.Contains("CAD")
                                foreach (var row in worksheet.Rows)
                                //for (int iz = 0; iz < 200; iz++)
                                    column_count = 0;
                                    foreach (var cell in row.Cells)
                                        if (column_count < 4 || (i == 1 && (column_count == 6 || column_count == 7)) ||
                                            ((column_count == 6 || column_count == 10 ||
                                              column_count == 11))) //name/ actual/ percentage
                                        //if (column_count < 4 || (i == 1 && (column_count == 6 || column_count == 7)) || (i == 1 && (column_count == 10 || column_count == 11))) //name/ actual/ percentage
                                            if (column_count < 4)
                                                if (total_found_on_row == 0 && cell.Text.Contains("TOTAL") &&
                                                    !cell.Text.Contains("SALES") &&
                                                    total_found_on_row = row_count;

                                                double a;
                                                double b;

                                                if (double.TryParse(WORKSHEET_ARRAY[row_count, column_count], out a) &&
                                                    double.TryParse(cell.Text, out b))
                                                     * a = Convert.ToDouble(
                                                     *  WORKSHEET_ARRAY[row_count, column_count]);
                                                     * b = Convert.ToDouble(cell.Text);*/
                                                    if (row_count == 2) // Get exchange rate
                                                        ANNUAL_DATA[i - 1, row_count] =
                                                            cell.Value.Length > 4 ? cell.Value : cell.Value;
                                                        if (plant == "Colombia" && native_currency)
                                                            current_period_exch_rate = Convert.ToDouble(cell.Value);
                                                        else if (native_currency)
                                                            current_period_exch_rate = 1;
                                                        //Log.Append("    Current Exchange rate: " + current_period_exch_rate);
                                                    else if (column_count == 2)
                                                        ANNUAL_DATA[i - 1, row_count] = cell.Text;
                                                        if (month <= Convert.ToInt32(fiscal_month))
                                                            WORKSHEET_ARRAY[row_count, column_count] =
                                                                (a + b).ToString();
                                                        ANNUAL_PERCENTAGE[i - 1, row_count] =
                                                    WORKSHEET_ARRAY[row_count, column_count] = cell.Text;

                                            double c;
                                            // Store budget information for current period
                                            if (i == 1 && column_count == 6 &&
                                                double.TryParse(cell.Value.ToString(), out c))
                                                BUDGET_CURRENT_PERIOD[0, row_count] = c.ToString();
                                            if (i == 1 && column_count == 7 &&
                                                double.TryParse(cell.Value.ToString(), out c))
                                                BUDGET_CURRENT_PERIOD[1, row_count] = c.ToString("P2");

                                            // Store Y-T-D budget information for current period
                                            if (column_count == 6 && row_count > 4 &&
                                                double.TryParse(cell.Value.ToString(), out c))
                                            //if (column_count == 10 && row_count > 4)
                                            //if (i == 1 && column_count == 10 && row_count > 4)
                                                //YTD_BUDGET_CURRENT_PERIOD[0, row_count] = cell.Text;//add
                                                //if (Convert.ToDouble(cell.Text) > 1)
                                                if (month <= Convert.ToInt32(fiscal_month))
                                                    //YTD_BUDGET_CURRENT_PERIOD[0, row_count] = (Convert.ToDouble(YTD_BUDGET_CURRENT_PERIOD[0, row_count]) + (Convert.ToDouble(cell.Text) / current_period_exch_rate)).ToString(); // ADD
                                                    YTD_BUDGET_CURRENT_PERIOD[0, row_count] =
                                                        (Convert.ToDouble(YTD_BUDGET_CURRENT_PERIOD[0, row_count]) +
                                                         c).ToString(); // ADD
                                                //if (row_count < 26)
                                                //Log.Append("    Ongoing total: " + YTD_BUDGET_CURRENT_PERIOD[0, row_count]);
                                            if (i == 1 && column_count == 11 && row_count > 4 &&
                                                double.TryParse(cell.Value.ToString(), out c)) //get percentage
                                                YTD_BUDGET_CURRENT_PERIOD[1, row_count] = c.ToString("P2");

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log.Append("Error: " + ex.ToString());

                    // Adjust to last year
                    PERIOD_VALUES[i - 1] = month.ToString();
                    if (month == 0)
                        month = 12;

                Log.Append("    Summarizing information...");
                Log.Append("    Generating Excel file...");
                // EXCEL WRITE
                workBook = excel.Workbooks.Add(misValue);
                // create work sheets
                //consolidatedIS = workBook.Worksheets[3];
                consolidatedIS      = workBook.Worksheets.Add();
                consolidatedIS.Name = "12-month " + plant_name + " (" + currency_string + ")";
                consolidatedIS.Columns[2].NumberFormat  = "$#,##0.00;([Red]$#,##0.00)";
                consolidatedIS.Columns[4].NumberFormat  = "$#,##0.00;([Red]$#,##0.00)";
                consolidatedIS.Columns[6].NumberFormat  = "$#,##0.00;([Red]$#,##0.00)";
                consolidatedIS.Columns[8].NumberFormat  = "$#,##0.00;([Red]$#,##0.00)";
                consolidatedIS.Columns[10].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;([Red]$#,##0.00)";
                consolidatedIS.Columns[12].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;([Red]$#,##0.00)";
                consolidatedIS.Columns[14].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;([Red]$#,##0.00)";
                consolidatedIS.Columns[16].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;([Red]$#,##0.00)";
                consolidatedIS.Columns[18].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;([Red]$#,##0.00)";
                consolidatedIS.Columns[20].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;([Red]$#,##0.00)";
                consolidatedIS.Columns[22].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;([Red]$#,##0.00)";
                consolidatedIS.Columns[24].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;([Red]$#,##0.00)";
                consolidatedIS.Columns[26].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;([Red]$#,##0.00)";
                consolidatedIS.Columns[28].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;([Red]$#,##0.00)";
                consolidatedIS.Columns[29].NumberFormat = "##0.00%;-##0.00%";
                consolidatedIS.Columns[30].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00;([Red]$#,##0.00)";

                if (workbook_number == 8) // If colombia
                    consolidatedIS.Rows[3].NumberFormat = "0.000###";
                    consolidatedIS.Rows[3].NumberFormat = "0.###";

                int excel_row = 1;
                // title
                excel_row = WriteSheetHeader(
                    "Annual Summarized Income Statement for " + plant_name + " in " + currency_string + " (" +
                    fiscal_year + ")", consolidatedIS);
                // header
                excel_row = WriteHeader(consolidatedIS, excel_row);
                excel_row = WriteLines(consolidatedIS, excel_row);
                AdjustSheetStyle(consolidatedIS, excel_row);

                // write to file
                workBook.SaveAs(path, ExcelWriter.XlFileFormat.xlOpenXMLWorkbook);