/// <summary>
        /// Implements RPC over an asynchronous message bus.  While the publisher does not block
        /// and can complete other unrelated work, the publisher is synchronous in terms that they
        /// can't complete their entire work until the response is received.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queueName">The name of the queue on which the subscriber will receive commands.</param>
        /// <param name="actionNamespace">For a given RPC command, identifies to the consumer the associated action.</param>
        /// <param name="busName">The bus name key used to lookup connection.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">Optional delegate called allowing caller to set
        /// additional exchange properties.</param>
        /// <typeparam name="TMessage">The command type associated with the queue.</typeparam>
        protected void DefineRpcQueue <TMessage>(string queueName, string actionNamespace, string busName,
                                                 Action <ExchangeMeta <TMessage> > settings = null)
            where TMessage : ICommand
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(actionNamespace))
                throw new ArgumentException("RPC Action Namespace not Specified.", nameof(actionNamespace));

            var publisherStrategy = new RpcPublisherStrategy();

            var exchange = ExchangeMeta.DefineDefault <TMessage>(busName, queueName,
                                                                 config =>
                config.IsAutoDelete = true;
                config.IsDurable    = false;
                config.IsPassive    = false;
                config.IsExclusive  = false;

            exchange.IsAutoDelete    = true;
            exchange.IsRpcExchange   = true;
            exchange.ActionNamespace = actionNamespace;

        public QueueMeta CreateQueueMeta(SubscriberQueueAttribute attribute)
            var exchange = ExchangeMeta.DefineDefault(attribute.BusName, attribute.QueueName,
                                                      config =>
                config.IsAutoDelete = false;
                config.IsDurable    = true;
                config.IsPassive    = false;
                config.IsExclusive  = false;

        public QueueMeta CreateQueueMeta(SubscriberQueueAttribute attribute)
            var rpcAttribute = (RpcQueueAttribute)attribute;

            var exchange = ExchangeMeta.DefineDefault(rpcAttribute.BusName, rpcAttribute.QueueName,
                                                      config =>
                config.IsAutoDelete = true;
                config.IsDurable    = false;
                config.IsPassive    = false;
                config.IsExclusive  = false;

            exchange.IsRpcExchange   = true;
            exchange.ActionNamespace = rpcAttribute.ActionNamespace;
        /// <summary>
        /// Defines a work queue.  For the other type of exchanges, the publisher does not know
        /// the consumers subscribing to the queues defined on the exchange.  A work queue is used
        /// to make a request of another service by sending a command to the queue for processing.
        /// The processing is asynchronous and the publisher does not wait for a response.  This
        /// should be used by a publisher to submit a time consuming task to a specific service
        /// for processing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queueName">The name of the queue on which the consuming service will receive commands.</param>
        /// <param name="busName">The bus name key used to lookup connection.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">Optional delegate called allowing caller to set
        /// additional exchange properties.</param>
        /// <typeparam name="TMessage">The command type associated with the queue.</typeparam>
        protected void DefineWorkQueue <TMessage>(string queueName, string busName,
                                                  Action <ExchangeMeta <TMessage> > settings = null)
            where TMessage : ICommand
            var exchange = ExchangeMeta.DefineDefault <TMessage>(busName, queueName,
                                                                 config =>
                config.IsAutoDelete = false;
                config.IsDurable    = true;
                config.IsPassive    = false;
                config.IsExclusive  = false;

            exchange.RouteKey = queueName;

Exemple #5
        public void CanSpecifyQueueSettings_InConfiguration()
            ContainerFixture.Test(fixture => {
                .Container(c =>
                .Assert.PluginModule <MockBusModule>(m =>
                    var queueMeta = ExchangeMeta.DefineDefault("TestBus1", "TestQueueName").QueueMeta;

                    Assert.Equal(20000, queueMeta.PerQueueMessageTtl);
                    Assert.Equal("TestDeadLetterExchange", queueMeta.DeadLetterExchange);
                    Assert.Equal("TestDeadLetterRoutingKey", queueMeta.DeadLetterRoutingKey);
                    Assert.Equal((byte)10, queueMeta.MaxPriority);
                    Assert.Equal(5, queueMeta.PrefetchCount);
                    Assert.Equal(2, queueMeta.Priority);