public async Task RetrieveExceptionReportListAsyncTest() { var exceptionReportSearchParameters = new ExceptionReportSearchParameters { DepartmentIds = "1", ClearanceStatus = "1", AgeFrom = "21", FirstName = "trott", LastName = "ryan", AgeTo = "42", ExceptionTypeIds = "23", PersonTypeId = "23", Gender = "M", VoyageId = "3", MaxResults = 50, OrderBy = "DepartmentIds", PageNumber = 2, Parts = "$all", }; var exceptionReport = new ExceptionReport { Age = "48", Birthdate = System.DateTime.Now, BookingNo = "2", PersonId = "DK4 MID Port", Contact = "3456789098", Nationality = "Crew", FirstName = "Ryan", Gender = "M", LastName = "Trott", MiddleName = "henry", Stateroom = "1" }; exceptionReport.IdentificationManifests.Add(new IdentificationManifest { CrewmemberId = "1", DocumentType = "2", GuestId = "2", Number = "22", PersonId = "1", PersonTypeId = "1", VisitorId = "1" }); this.exceptionReport.Items.Add(exceptionReport); this.exceptionReportRepository.Setup(mockItem => mockItem.ListAsync(It.IsNotNull<ExceptionReportSearchParameters>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(this.exceptionReport)); var alert = await this.exceptionReportData.ListAsync(exceptionReportSearchParameters); var searchQueryString = exceptionReportSearchParameters.ToQueryString(); Assert.IsNotNull(alert); Assert.IsTrue(searchQueryString.Contains("DepartmentIds")); Assert.IsNotNull(alert); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <returns>Crash report as string</returns> public void Write(Exception e) { ExceptionReportInfo info = new ExceptionReportInfo { MainException = e }; ExceptionReportGenerator reportGenerator = new ExceptionReportGenerator(info); ExceptionReport report = reportGenerator.CreateExceptionReport(); string crashDir = Path.Combine(Preferences.instance().getProperty(""), "CrashReporter"); Directory.CreateDirectory(crashDir); using (StreamWriter outfile = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(crashDir, DateTime.Now.Ticks + ".txt"))) { outfile.Write(report.ToString()); } TaskDialog prompt = new TaskDialog(); DialogResult result = prompt.ShowCommandBox(Locale.localizedString("Do you want to report the last crash?", "Crash"), Locale.localizedString("Do you want to report the last crash?", "Crash"), Locale.localizedString( "The application %@ has recently crashed. To help improve it, you can send the crash log to the author.", "Crash").Replace("%@", Preferences.instance().getProperty("")), String.Format("{0}|{1}", Locale.localizedString("Send", "Crash"), Locale.localizedString("Don't Send", "Crash")), false, SysIcons.Error); if (DialogResult.OK == result) { if (0 == prompt.CommandButtonResult) { Post(report.ToString()); } } }
private void SetEnviromentInfo(ExceptionReport report) { report.cul = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name; try { report.os = Environment.OSVersion.VersionString; } catch (Exception) { if (Configuration.ThrowExceptions) { throw; } } if (Configuration.IncludeMachineName) { try { = Environment.MachineName; } catch (Exception) { if (Configuration.ThrowExceptions) { throw; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Create ExecuteResponse for failed wps job /// </summary> /// <param name="wpsjob"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static ExecuteResponse CreateExecuteResponseForFailedWpsjob(WpsJob wpsjob) { ExecuteResponse response = new ExecuteResponse(); response.statusLocation = wpsjob.StatusLocation; var uri = new Uri(wpsjob.StatusLocation); response.serviceInstance = string.Format("{0}://{1}/", uri.Scheme, uri.Host); response.service = "WPS"; response.version = "1.0.0"; var exceptionReport = new ExceptionReport { Exception = new List <ExceptionType> { new ExceptionType { ExceptionText = new List <string> { wpsjob.Logs } } } }; response.Status = new StatusType { ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.ProcessFailed, Item = new ProcessFailedType { ExceptionReport = exceptionReport }, creationTime = wpsjob.CreatedTime }; return(response); }
/// <summary> /// Add or update an ExceptionReport to the database, and open an issue on GitHub if possible /// </summary> /// <param name="report"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static ExceptionReport AddOrUpdateExceptionReport(ExceptionReport report) { report = DatabaseEngine.AddOrUpdateExceptionReport(report); if (!report.Reported && report.Count >= 5 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(GlobalConfig.GithubToken)) { try { var githubTokenAuth = new Credentials(GlobalConfig.GithubToken); var client = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue("GenericBot")); client.Credentials = githubTokenAuth; var issueToCreate = new NewIssue($"AUTOMATED: {report.Message}"); issueToCreate.Body = $"Stacktrace:\n" + $"{report.StackTrace}\n" + $"\n" + $"Reporting Build (if available): {GenericBot.BuildId}\n"; var issue = client.Issue.Create(client.User.Current().Result.Login, "GenericBot", issueToCreate).Result; report.Reported = true; report = DatabaseEngine.AddOrUpdateExceptionReport(report); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogGenericMessage("An error occured reporting to github. Please check your credentials and that there is a repo \"GenericBot\" associated with your account."); Logger.LogGenericMessage(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); } } return(report); }
public bool Equals(ExceptionReport other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false; if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true; return Equals(other.Message, Message) && Equals(other.ExceptionText, ExceptionText) && Equals(other.CorrelationId, CorrelationId); }
private void GetReportsClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Array is indexed by tags in listview, so empying listview first stops out of bounds access in the case of an exception m_ListView3.Items.Clear(); m_AllReports = m_Database.ExceptionReports.GetAllReports(); for (int i = 0; i < m_AllReports.GetLength(0) && i < c_Limit; i++) { ExceptionReport thisReport = m_AllReports[i]; //Get info, skip if no info found var reportInformation = new ExceptionReportInformation(); if (!thisReport.TryGetReportInformation(ref reportInformation)) { continue; } string projectName = m_Database.Projects.GetProjectInformation(reportInformation.ProjectID).Name; var item = new ListViewItem(new[] { projectName, reportInformation.CreationDate.ToString("g"), reportInformation.ExceptionType, reportInformation.ExceptionMessage, reportInformation.TypeName, reportInformation.MethodName, reportInformation.Unread.ToString(), reportInformation.Fixed.ToString(), reportInformation.Flag.ToString(), reportInformation.UserID }) { Tag = i }; m_ListView3.Items.Add(item); } }
/// <summary> /// copy the report to the clipboard, using the clipboard implementation supplied /// </summary> public void CopyReportToClipboard() { ExceptionReport exceptionReport = CreateExceptionReport(); _clipboard.CopyTo(exceptionReport.ToString()); _view.ProgressMessage = string.Format("{0} copied to clipboard", ReportInfo.TitleText); }
private IActionResult ResponseWithExceptionReport(string exceptionCode, string message, string locator) { var xmlDoc = new ExceptionReport(exceptionCode, message, locator).ToXml(); Response.ContentType = MediaTypeNames.Application.Xml; Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK; return(File(xmlDoc.ToUTF8ByteArray(), Response.ContentType)); }
public HtmlTag VisualizeException(ExceptionReport report) { var tag = new HtmlTag("div"); tag.Add("p").Add("b").Text("Exception: " + report.ExceptionType); tag.Add("pre").AddClass("text-warning").Text(report.ExceptionText); return(tag); }
private IActionResult ResponseWithNotFoundError(string exceptionCode, string message) { var xmlDoc = new ExceptionReport(exceptionCode, message).ToXml(); Response.ContentType = MediaTypeNames.Text.Xml + "; charset=utf-8"; // TODO: better way? Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound; // TODO: content-disposition: filename="message.xml" return(File(xmlDoc.ToUTF8ByteArray(), Response.ContentType)); }
private static void CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) { var text = ExceptionReport.GetText(e.ExceptionObject as Exception); Trace.TraceError(text); #if !DEBUG Environment.Exit(1); #endif }
public void build_by_exception() { var exception = new NotImplementedException("What?"); var report = new ExceptionReport(exception); report.Message.ShouldEqual(exception.Message); report.ExceptionText.ShouldEqual(exception.ToString()); report.ExceptionType = "NotImplementedException"; }
public void build_by_exception_and_message() { var exception = new NotImplementedException("What?"); var report = new ExceptionReport("Something went wrong!", exception); report.Message.ShouldEqual("Something went wrong!"); report.ExceptionText.ShouldEqual(exception.ToString()); report.ExceptionType = "NotImplementedException"; }
/// <summary> /// Handles the custom action specified in URL query path. /// </summary> /// <param name="result">The result.</param> /// <param name="queryParameters">The query parameters.</param> /// <returns></returns> private static OperationResult HandleCustomAction(OperationResult result, NameValueCollection queryParameters) { if (queryParameters.AllKeys.Contains("$$validate")) { ExceptionReport report = new ExceptionReport(); throw new NotImplementedException(); } return(result); }
public void AddError(HubCallerContext context, ExceptionReport exceptionReport) { if (!IsValidSession(context, out HubClientSession session)) { return; } session.Errors.Add(exceptionReport); //_clients.NotifyClientInteracted(session); _clients.AddOrUpdate(session); }
private static void ShowExceptionReport(Exception exception) { var viewModel = new ExceptionViewModel(exception); var window = new ExceptionReport(); viewModel.OnWindowClosed += (vm, args) => window.Close(); window.DataContext = viewModel; window.Show(); window.Focus(); }
public Task LogErrorMessage(Exception exception, ParsedCommand context) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta; string message = $"[Error] {DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(@"yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm")}: {exception}"; Console.WriteLine(message); File.AppendAllText($"files/sessions/{SessionId.Substring(0, 8)}.log", message + "\n"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Core.GlobalConfig.CriticalLoggingWebhookUrl)) { var webhook = new Discord.Webhook.DiscordWebhookClient(Core.GlobalConfig.CriticalLoggingWebhookUrl); ExceptionReport report = Core.AddOrUpdateExceptionReport(new ExceptionReport(exception)); var builder = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(255, 0, 0) .WithCurrentTimestamp() .AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() .WithName("Error Message") .WithValue(exception.GetType() + ": " + exception.Message)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exception.StackTrace)) { builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() .WithName("Stack Trace") .WithValue(exception.StackTrace.Length > 1000 ? exception.StackTrace.Substring(exception.StackTrace.Length - 1000, 1000) : exception.StackTrace)); } if (context != null) { builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() .WithName($"Location") .WithValue($"{context.Guild.Name} ({context.Guild.Id}) - #{context.Channel.Name} ({context.Channel.Id})")); builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() .WithName($"Author") .WithValue($"{context.Author.Username}#{context.Author.Discriminator} ({context.Author.Id})")); builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() .WithName($"Message") .WithValue(context.Message.Content)); } builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() .WithName("Count") .WithValue(report.Count).WithIsInline(true)) .AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() .WithName("Reported") .WithValue(report.Reported) .WithIsInline(true)); webhook.SendMessageAsync("", embeds: new List <Embed> { builder.Build() }); } return(Task.FromResult(1)); }
//public static ParameterForm GetParameterForm(this Parameter param, Document doc) //{ // ParameterForm pf = ParameterForm.None; // Debug.WriteLine("This parameter's type is: " + param.Definition.ParameterType.ToString()); // if (!param.Definition.ParameterType.ToString().Equals("Invalid")) // { // try // { // DefinitionBindingMap dbm = doc.ParameterBindings; // Debug.WriteLine("The DefinitionBindingMap has " + dbm.Size.ToString() + "entries"); // Definition d = param.Definition; // Binding b = dbm.get_Item(d); // Debug.Assert(b is InstanceBinding, (d.Name + " is an instance")); // Debug.Assert(b is TypeBinding, (d.Name + " is a type")); // } // catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.InvalidObjectException invOe) // { // // coode // Debug.WriteLine("The object was invalid?" + "\n" + invOe.Message); // } // catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.InvalidOperationException auto_ioe) // { // // code // Debug.WriteLine("The operation was invalid?" + "\n" + auto_ioe.Message); // } // } // return pf; //} public static string GetParameterValue(this Parameter param) { try { switch (param.StorageType) { default: // A NULL VALUE MEANS THE PARAMETER IS UNEXPOSED return("PARAMETER HAS NOT BEEN EXPOSED"); case StorageType.Double: return(GetParameterDouble(param)); case StorageType.Integer: if (ParameterType.YesNo != param.Definition.ParameterType) { return("INTEGER: " + param.AsInteger().ToString()); } if (param.AsInteger() == 0) { return("False"); } return("True"); case StorageType.String: return(param.AsString()); case StorageType.ElementId: // this one is tricky // a positive ElementID can point to a specific element // however a negative one can mean a number of different things if (param.AsElementId().IntegerValue <= 0) { return("ELEMENTID: " + param.AsElementId().IntegerValue.ToString()); } using (Document paramdoc = param.Element.Document) { return(paramdoc.GetElement(param.AsElementId()).Name); } } } catch (InvalidObjectException invalidoex) { ExceptionReport.DebugLog(invalidoex); } return(null); }
public void ExceptionReport_CanBeCreated() { //Given ExceptionReport exceptionReport; //When exceptionReport = new ExceptionReport(); //Then Assert.NotNull(exceptionReport); }
private string BuildEmailText() { string emailIntroString = emailTextBuilder.CreateIntro(ReportInfo.TakeScreenshot); StringBuilder entireEmailText = new StringBuilder(emailIntroString); ExceptionReport report = reportGenerator.CreateExceptionReport(); entireEmailText.Append(report); return(entireEmailText.ToString()); }
public async void SendException(string context, Exception ex) { if (!IsValidConnState()) { return; } var method = nameof(IMessageBroadcastHub.ReceiveException); var report = new ExceptionReport(context, ex); await _hub.Invoke(method, report); await Loggly.Post(ex, context); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { ExceptionReport ex = (ExceptionReport)Session["exception"]; txtException.Text = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(ex); } catch (Exception) { // throw; // Let's not. Could cause a cycle of hell. } }
public static ExceptionReport GetExceptionReport(string exceptionCode = null, string locator = null, params string[] exceptionText) { ExceptionType exceptionType = GetExceptionType(exceptionCode, locator, exceptionText); ExceptionReport exception = new ExceptionReport() { Exception = new ExceptionType[] { exceptionType } }; return(exception); }
public ExceptionReportModal Save(ExceptionReportModal model) { model.TransMessage = new TransactionMessage(); model.TransMessage.Status = MessageStatus.Error; try { #region check duplicate //if (UnitofWork.RepoExceptionReport.Where(x => x.ExceptionID == model.ExceptionID).Count() > 0) //{ // model.TransMessage.Message = utilityHelper.ReadGlobalMessage("ExceptionReport", "Duplicate"); // return model; //} #endregion ExceptionReport dbExceptionReport = UnitofWork.RepoExceptionReport.Where(x => x.ExceptionID == model.ExceptionID).FirstOrDefault(); bool isSave = false; if (dbExceptionReport == null) { #region Save dbExceptionReport = new ExceptionReport(); UnitofWork.RepoExceptionReport.Add(dbExceptionReport); model.TransMessage.Message = utilityHelper.ReadGlobalMessage("ExceptionReport", "Save"); isSave = true; #endregion } else { #region Update model.TransMessage.Message = utilityHelper.ReadGlobalMessage("ExceptionReport", "Update"); #endregion } #region Set Value dbExceptionReport.StoreId = model.StoreId; dbExceptionReport.MonthId = model.MonthId; dbExceptionReport.Description = model.Description; dbExceptionReport.CreatedOn = model.CreatedOn; #endregion UnitofWork.Commit(); model.ExceptionID = dbExceptionReport.ExceptionID; model.TransMessage.Status = MessageStatus.Success; } catch (Exception ex) { EventLogHandler.WriteLog(ex); } return(model); }
public async Task CreateSession_FailedJobGiven_ShouldRaiseFailedEvent() { ExceptionReport exceptionReport = null; var session = new Session <string>(new MockWpsClient(new StatusInfo { Status = JobStatus.Failed }), string.Empty, JobId); session.Failed += (sender, args) => { exceptionReport = args.ExceptionReport; }; await session.StartPolling(); exceptionReport.Should().NotBeNull(); }
/// <summary> /// Submit an exception to exceptron Servers. /// </summary> /// <param name="exceptionData">Exception data to be reported to the server</param> public ExceptionResponse SubmitException(ExceptionData exceptionData) { try { ValidateState(exceptionData); var report = new ExceptionReport(); report.ap = Configuration.ApiKey; report.dn = ClientName; report.dv = ClientVersion; report.aver = _applicationVersion; report.ext = exceptionData.Exception.GetType().FullName; report.stk = ConvertToFrames(exceptionData.Exception); report.exm = exceptionData.Exception.Message; report.cmp = exceptionData.Component; report.uid = exceptionData.UserId; report.msg = exceptionData.Message; = (int)exceptionData.Severity; report.fv = _maxFrameworkVersion; report.ft = FrameworkType; SetHttpInfo(exceptionData, report); SetEnviromentInfo(report); var exceptionResponse = RestClient.Put <ExceptionResponse>(Configuration.Host, report); exceptionData.Exception.Data["et"] = exceptionResponse.RefId; return(exceptionResponse); } catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine("Unable to submit exception to exceptron. ", e.ToString()); if (Configuration.ThrowExceptions) { throw; } return(new ExceptionResponse { Exception = e }); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["exception"] != null) { try { ExceptionReport ex = (ExceptionReport)Session["exception"]; lblDetails.Text = ex.InnerExceptionMessage; if (ex.IssueURL != string.Empty) { lblDetails.Text = string.Format("<p style='font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.5em'>An issue has been automatically opened. Please help us to fix this by adding a comment to the ticket and telling us what you were trying to do. Your issue can be found at <a target='_blank' href='{0}'>{0}</a>.</p>", ex.IssueURL); } } catch { } } }
///<inheritdoc cref="IDatabaseEngine.AddOrUpdateExceptionReport(ExceptionReport)"/> public ExceptionReport AddOrUpdateExceptionReport(ExceptionReport report) { var _exceptionDb = liteDatabase.GetCollection <ExceptionReport>($"exceptions"); ExceptionReport foundReport; if (_exceptionDb.FindAll().ToList() .HasElement(r => r.Message.Equals(report.Message) && r.StackTrace.Equals(report.StackTrace), out foundReport)) { foundReport.Count++; _exceptionDb.Upsert(foundReport); } else { _exceptionDb.Insert(report); foundReport = report; } return(foundReport); }
///<inheritdoc cref="IDatabaseEngine.AddOrUpdateExceptionReport(ExceptionReport)"/> public ExceptionReport AddOrUpdateExceptionReport(ExceptionReport report) { var _db = mongoClient.GetDatabase("global"); var _collection = _db.GetCollection <ExceptionReport>("exceptionReports"); ExceptionReport foundReport; if (_collection.Find(new BsonDocument()).ToList() .HasElement(r => r.Message.Equals(report.Message) && r.StackTrace.Equals(report.StackTrace), out foundReport)) { foundReport.Count++; _collection.FindOneAndReplace(r => r.Message.Equals(foundReport.Message) && r.StackTrace.Equals(foundReport.StackTrace), foundReport); } else { _collection.InsertOne(report); foundReport = report; } return(foundReport); }
private static ExecuteResponse GetWpsExecuteResponse(HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest, ILogger logger) { try { using (HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse()) { using (Stream stream = httpWebResponse.GetResponseStream()) { var sr = new StreamReader(stream); var content = sr.ReadToEnd(); var strr = new StringReader(content); var response = (ExecuteResponse)executeResponseSerializer.Deserialize(strr); if (httpWebResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { logger.LogDebug("WPS Execute Response returned an error at {0} : {1}", httpWebRequest.RequestUri, content); try { ExceptionReport exceptionReport = (ExceptionReport)exceptionResponseSerializer.Deserialize(strr); throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("WPS Execute Response at {0} returned an exception report. {1}", httpWebRequest.RequestUri, exceptionReport.Exceptions.First().ExceptionText)); } catch (Exception e2) { throw e2; } } if (response != null) { return(response); } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.LogError("Error reading the execute response at {1} : {0}", e.Message, httpWebRequest.RequestUri); logger.LogDebug(e.StackTrace); throw; } return(null); }
public ExceptionReportTag(ExceptionReport report) : base("div") { AddClass("exception-report"); Add("pre").Text(report.ExceptionText); }
public void Exception(ExceptionReport report) { _holderTag.Add("pre").Text(report.Text); }
public HtmlTag VisualizeException(ExceptionReport report) { var tag = new HtmlTag("div"); tag.Add("p").Add("b").Text("Exception: " + report.ExceptionType); tag.Add("pre").AddClass("text-warning").Text(report.ExceptionText); return tag; }