public static void ActuallyDoStuff(string path) { try { // start by creating the loading bar LoadingBar loadingBar = new LoadingBar(MainForm.instance); // then the background worker BackgroundWorker pleaseSpareMyLife = new BackgroundWorker(); pleaseSpareMyLife.WorkerReportsProgress = true; pleaseSpareMyLife.ProgressChanged += loadingBar.ReportProgress; pleaseSpareMyLife.DoWork += DoStuff; // run pleaseSpareMyLife.RunWorkerAsync(new SetupArgs(path, loadingBar)); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionMessage.New(ex, true, "OneShot ModLoader will now close."); if (MainForm.instance.InvokeRequired) { MainForm.instance.Invoke(new Action(() => MainForm.instance.Close())); } else { MainForm.instance.Close(); } } }
protected override void OnClick(EventArgs e) { Logger.WriteLine("doin the unpiracyifier"); DevToolsForm.instance.Controls.Clear(); // bring up a folder browser to browse to the mod's path if (Program.doneSetup) { using (FolderBrowserDialog browse = new FolderBrowserDialog()) { browse.Description = "Please navigate to your mod's path."; browse.ShowDialog(); if (browse.SelectedPath != string.Empty) { try { modPath = browse.SelectedPath; CompareToBaseOS(modPath); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionMessage.New(ex, true); } } } } else { MessageBox.Show("A base oneshot could not be found. Please open the setup page and follow the instructions."); DevToolsForm.instance.Init(); } }
public OCIForm(string[] things) { try { Logger.WriteLine("OCIForm intialized with args: "); foreach (string s in things) { Logger.WriteLine(" " + s); } if (!Program.doneSetup) { Logger.WriteLine("base os not found, attempting to close oci form"); MessageBox.Show("A base oneshot could not be found. Please open the setup page and follow the instructions."); Close(); return; } ghajshdfjhjahskgkdjfahajsldkfGoodVariableName = true; instance = this; modPath = new FileInfo(things[0]); FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; Text = "One-Click Install"; Size = new Size(500, 400); SetTheme(); Icon = new Icon(Static.spritesPath + "oci_icon.ico"); MaximizeBox = false; MinimizeBox = false; HelpButton = true; Show(); Audio.PlaySound("bgm_oci", false); // text Label text = new Label { Text = "OneShot ModLoader\nOne-Click Install\n" + modPath.Name, Location = new Point(10, 10), Font = Static.GetTerminusFont(16), AutoSize = true, ForeColor = Color.White, BackColor = Color.Transparent, }; Controls.Add(new OCIDoneButton()); Controls.Add(new OCIDirectApply()); Controls.Add(new OCIDeleteExisting()); Controls.Add(text); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionMessage.New(ex, true, "\nOneShot ModLoader will now close."); Close(); } }
// i am actually going to cry public static void MultithreadStuff(bool directApply, LoadingBar loadingBar, DirectoryInfo mod = null, bool uninstallExisting = true) { try { // then the background worker BackgroundWorker pleaseSpareMyLife = new BackgroundWorker(); pleaseSpareMyLife.WorkerReportsProgress = true; pleaseSpareMyLife.ProgressChanged += loadingBar.ReportProgress; if (directApply) { if (mod is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Tried to call DirectApply, but the mod is null"); } else { pleaseSpareMyLife.DoWork += DirectApply; // run pleaseSpareMyLife.RunWorkerAsync(new DirectApplyArgs(loadingBar, mod, uninstallExisting)); } } else { pleaseSpareMyLife.DoWork += Apply; // run pleaseSpareMyLife.RunWorkerAsync(new ApplyArgs(pleaseSpareMyLife, loadingBar)); } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionMessage.New(ex, true, "OneShot ModLoader will now close."); if (MainForm.instance.InvokeRequired) { MainForm.instance.Invoke(new Action(() => MainForm.instance.Close())); } else { MainForm.instance.Close(); } } }
public async void DeleteFiles(object sender, EventArgs e) { Logger.WriteLine("deleting unchanged files"); try { // kill each active file matches.txt process matchesProcesses.ForEach((Process p) => { if (!p.HasExited) { p.Kill(); } }); string file = Static.GetOrCreateTempDirectory().FullName + "\\file matches.txt"; // reset loading bar progress formLoadingBar.ResetProgress(); formLoadingBar.SetLoadingStatus("deleting unchanged files"); // get files string[] files = File.ReadAllLines(Static.GetOrCreateTempDirectory().FullName + "\\file matches.txt"); formLoadingBar.progress.Maximum = files.Length; // set maximum progress foreach (string s in files) { Logger.WriteLine($"deleting {s}"); File.Delete(s); //await formLoadingBar.UpdateProgress(); } // done! Logger.WriteLine("done!"); MessageBox.Show("All done!"); // clear controls DevToolsForm.instance.Controls.Clear(); DevToolsForm.instance.Init(); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionMessage.New(ex, true); } }
protected override async void OnClick(EventArgs e) { DevToolsForm.instance.Controls.Clear(); using (FolderBrowserDialog browse = new FolderBrowserDialog()) { browse.Description = "Please navigate to your mod's path."; browse.ShowDialog(); if (browse.SelectedPath != string.Empty) { try { LoadingBar loadingBar = new LoadingBar(DevToolsForm.instance); Audio.PlaySound(loadingBar.GetLoadingBGM(), false); loadingBar.SetLoadingStatus("Please wait a moment..."); await Task.Run(() => { ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(browse.SelectedPath, browse.SelectedPath + ".osml"); }); Console.Beep(); MessageBox.Show("All done!"); loadingBar.text.Dispose(); Audio.Stop(); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionMessage.New(ex, true); } } } DevToolsForm.instance.Init(); }
protected override void OnClick(EventArgs e) { DevToolsForm.instance.Controls.Clear(); using (FolderBrowserDialog browse = new FolderBrowserDialog()) { browse.Description = "Please navigate to your mod's path."; browse.ShowDialog(); if (browse.SelectedPath != string.Empty) { try { new MMDForm(browse.SelectedPath); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionMessage.New(ex, true); } } } DevToolsForm.instance.Init(); }
public async void CompareToBaseOS(string modPath) { try { DirectoryInfo mod = new DirectoryInfo(modPath); FileInfo[] modFiles = mod.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); // get files List <FileInfo> matches = new List <FileInfo>(); formLoadingBar = new LoadingBar(DevToolsForm.instance); formLoadingBar.progress.Maximum = modFiles.Length; // set maximum progress foreach (FileInfo f in modFiles) { // compare each file Logger.WriteLine("comparing file to base os: " + f.FullName); string fileName = Static.baseOneShotPath + f.FullName.Replace(modPath, string.Empty); // if a file of the same name exists in base oneshot, add it to the matches list if (File.Exists(fileName) && File.ReadAllText(fileName) == File.ReadAllText(f.FullName)) { Logger.WriteLine("unchanged file found! " + f.FullName); matches.Add(f); } //await formLoadingBar.UpdateProgress(); } // make string array from file matches List <string> matchNames = new List <string>(); // convert all of the files in the matches list to their string values by creating a converter // that refers to the FileInfoToString method matchNames.AddRange(matches.ConvertAll <string>(new Converter <FileInfo, string>(FileInfoToString))); Logger.WriteLine("all done! creating dialog"); formLoadingBar.SetLoadingStatus("done!"); // create temp directory Logger.WriteLine("also creating temp directory lol"); File.WriteAllLines(Static.GetOrCreateTempDirectory().FullName + "\\file matches.txt", matchNames); // then create dialog form Console.Beep(); Form dialog = new Form { Text = "All done!", FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog, Size = new Size(400, 200) }; Label text = new Label { AutoSize = true, Text = $"OneShot ModLoader found {matchNames.Count} unchanged files. What would you like to do?", Location = new Point(10, 0), Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 8), }; // initialize buttons Button deleteFiles = new Button { Text = "Delete", Location = new Point(10, 25), Size = new Size(50, 20) }; Button moveFiles = new Button { Text = "Move to ModName-Unchanged\\", Location = new Point(10, 50), Size = new Size(50, 20) }; Button listFiles = new Button { Text = "List", Location = new Point(10, 75), Size = new Size(50, 20), }; // hook events to the associated methods deleteFiles.Click += DeleteFiles; moveFiles.Click += MoveFiles; listFiles.Click += ListFiles; dialog.FormClosing += CloseDialog; // add controls dialog.Controls.Add(text); dialog.Controls.Add(deleteFiles); dialog.Controls.Add(moveFiles); dialog.Controls.Add(listFiles); dialog.ShowDialog(DevToolsForm.instance); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionMessage.New(ex, true); } }
public void MoveFiles(object sender, EventArgs e) { Logger.WriteLine("moving unchanged files"); try { // kill each active file matches.txt process matchesProcesses.ForEach((Process p) => { if (!p.HasExited) { p.Kill(); } }); string file = Static.GetOrCreateTempDirectory().FullName + "\\file matches.txt"; // reset loading bar progress formLoadingBar.ResetProgress(); formLoadingBar.SetLoadingStatus("moving unchanged files"); // get files string[] files = File.ReadAllLines(Static.GetOrCreateTempDirectory().FullName + "\\file matches.txt"); formLoadingBar.progress.Maximum = files.Length; // set maximum progress // get modPath's parent directory by initializing a DirectoryInfo and getting the parent's full name DirectoryInfo mod = new DirectoryInfo(modPath); string parent = mod.Parent.FullName; string moveFilesHere = string.Empty; // not commenting this lmao for (int i = 0; ; i++) { string dir = parent + $"\\{mod.Name}-Unchanged{i}\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { moveFilesHere = dir; Logger.WriteLine($"creating directory: {dir}"); Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); break; } } foreach (string s in files) { string moveTo = moveFilesHere + $"\\{s.Replace(modPath, string.Empty)}"; Logger.WriteLine($"moving {s} to {moveTo}"); File.Move(s, moveTo); //formLoadingBar.UpdateProgress(); } // done! Logger.WriteLine("done!"); MessageBox.Show("All done!"); // clear controls DevToolsForm.instance.Controls.Clear(); DevToolsForm.instance.Init(); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionMessage.New(ex, true); } }
/// =================================================================== /// Apply Changes /// =================================================================== public static async void Apply(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { // get the parameter from the event args ApplyArgs?bogus = e.Argument as ApplyArgs?; if (bogus is null) { throw new Exception("absolutely no idea how you did that but good work"); } // set field stuff BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker = bogus.Value.backgroundWorker; // provide this as an argument into DirectApplyArgs LoadingBar loadingBar = bogus.Value.loadingBar; // self explanatory i guess // start bgm Audio.PlaySound(loadingBar.GetLoadingBGM(), true); // if there is just one mod queued, wrap to DirectApply and return if (ActiveMods.instance.Nodes.Count == 1) { Logger.WriteLine("ActiveMods tree only has 1 mod, switching to DirectApply instead"); MultithreadStuff(true, loadingBar, new DirectoryInfo(Static.modsPath + ActiveMods.instance.Nodes[0].Text)); return; } Logger.WriteLine("applying changes"); await Task.Delay(1); List <string> activeMods = new List <string>(); try { // using a string as the progress parameter sets the loading status loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(0, "creating temp directory")); DirectoryInfo tempDir = new DirectoryInfo(Static.GetOrCreateTempDirectory().FullName + "\\MODCOPY\\"); DirectoryInfo baseOs = new DirectoryInfo(Static.baseOneShotPath); // create the temp directory if (tempDir.Exists) { tempDir.Delete(true); // just in case it crashed previously } if (!Directory.Exists(tempDir.FullName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tempDir.FullName); } // delete the base os path if (baseOs.Exists) { baseOs.Delete(true); } // now we do the cool stuff foreach (TreeNode t in ActiveMods.instance.Nodes) { loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(0, $"mod {t.Index + 1} out of {ActiveMods.instance.Nodes.Count}: {t.Text}")); loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(0, LoadingBar.ProgressType.ResetProgress)); activeMods.Add(t.Text); DirectoryInfo mod = new DirectoryInfo( + "Mods\\" + t.Text); // get the files and directories from the mod DirectoryInfo[] directories = mod.GetDirectories("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); FileInfo[] files = mod.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); // set the maximum value of the progress bar to the sum of the directories/files loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(directories.Length + files.Length, LoadingBar.ProgressType.SetMaximumProgress)); Logger.WriteLine($"mod {t.Index + 1} out of {ActiveMods.instance.Nodes.Count}: {mod.FullName}"); foreach (DirectoryInfo d in directories) { string shorten = + "Mods\\" + t.Text + "\\"; string create = tempDir.FullName + d.FullName.Replace(shorten, string.Empty); // the full name of the directory to create if (!Directory.Exists(create)) { Logger.WriteLine("creating directory: " + create); Directory.CreateDirectory(create); // update progress loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(1, LoadingBar.ProgressType.UpdateProgress)); if (loadingBar.displayType == LoadingBar.LoadingBarType.Detailed) { loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(1, $"mod {t.Index + 1} out of {ActiveMods.instance.Nodes.Count}: {create}")); } } } foreach (FileInfo f in files) { string shorten = + "Mods\\" + t.Text + "\\"; string destination = tempDir.FullName + f.FullName.Replace(shorten, string.Empty); if (!File.Exists(destination)) { Logger.WriteLine($"copying {f.FullName} to {destination}"); f.CopyTo(destination, true); // update progress loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(1, LoadingBar.ProgressType.UpdateProgress)); if (loadingBar.displayType == LoadingBar.LoadingBarType.Detailed) { loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(0, $"mod {t.Index + 1} out of {ActiveMods.instance.Nodes.Count}: {f.FullName}")); } } } } Logger.WriteLine("finished up in temp"); loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(0, "finalizing, please wait")); loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(0, LoadingBar.ProgressType.ResetProgress)); // now we copy everything in temp to the oneshot path // get the directories and files DirectoryInfo[] directories2 = tempDir.GetDirectories("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); FileInfo[] files2 = tempDir.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); // set the maximum value of the progress bar to the sum of the directories and files loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(directories2.Length + files2.Length, LoadingBar.ProgressType.SetMaximumProgress)); foreach (DirectoryInfo d in directories2) { string shorten = + "temp DO NOT OPEN\\MODCOPY\\"; string create = baseOs.FullName + "\\" + d.FullName.Replace(shorten, string.Empty); if (!Directory.Exists(create)) { Logger.WriteLine("creating directory: " + create); Directory.CreateDirectory(create); // update progress loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(1, LoadingBar.ProgressType.UpdateProgress)); if (loadingBar.displayType == LoadingBar.LoadingBarType.Detailed) { loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(0, "final: " + create)); } } } // and then finally, the files foreach (FileInfo f in files2) { string shorten = + "temp DO NOT OPEN\\MODCOPY"; string destination = baseOs.FullName + f.FullName.Replace(shorten, string.Empty); if (!File.Exists(destination)) { Logger.WriteLine($"copying {f.FullName} to {destination}"); f.CopyTo(destination, true); // update progress loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(1, LoadingBar.ProgressType.UpdateProgress)); if (loadingBar.displayType == LoadingBar.LoadingBarType.Detailed) { loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(0, "final: " + destination)); } } } // done! loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(0, "almost done!")); Logger.WriteLine("finished copying files"); Static.GetOrCreateTempDirectory().Delete(true); Logger.WriteLine("successfully deleted temp"); Logger.WriteLine("activeMods.Count " + activeMods.Count); // write the active mods to a file if (File.Exists(Static.appDataPath + "activemods.molly")) { File.Delete(Static.appDataPath + "activemods.molly"); } File.WriteAllLines(Static.appDataPath + "activemods.molly", activeMods); Console.Beep(); /* * DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("All done! Would you like to launch OneShot?", string.Empty, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); * if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) * Static.LaunchOneShot();*/ MessageBox.Show("All done!"); loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(0, LoadingBar.ProgressType.Dispose)); Logger.WriteLine("finished applying changes"); Audio.Stop(); MainForm.instance.Invoke(new Action(() => { MainForm.instance.ClearControls(true); })); MainForm.instance.Invoke(new Action(() => { MainForm.instance.InitStartMenu(); })); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionMessage.New(ex, true, "OneShot ModLoader will now close."); loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(0, LoadingBar.ProgressType.Forcequit)); } }
/// =================================================================== /// Direct Apply /// =================================================================== public static void DirectApply(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { // get parameter from event args DirectApplyArgs?thingy = e.Argument as DirectApplyArgs?; if (thingy is null) { throw new Exception("absolutely no idea how you did that but good work"); } // make local stuff from the DirectApplyArgs LoadingBar loadingBar = thingy.Value.loadingBar; DirectoryInfo mod = thingy.Value.mod; bool uninstallExisting = thingy.Value.uninstallExisting; try { DirectoryInfo baseOs = new DirectoryInfo(Static.baseOneShotPath); if (uninstallExisting && baseOs.Exists) { baseOs.Delete(true); } if (!Directory.Exists(Static.baseOneShotPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Static.baseOneShotPath); } string shorten = mod.FullName; // get the files and directories from the mod DirectoryInfo[] directories = mod.GetDirectories("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); FileInfo[] files = mod.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); // set the maximum value of the progress bar to the sum of the directories/files loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(directories.Length + files.Length, LoadingBar.ProgressType.SetMaximumProgress)); loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(0, "working, please wait (via direct apply)")); // first, create the directories foreach (DirectoryInfo d in directories) { string newDir = d.FullName.Replace(shorten, string.Empty); if (!Directory.Exists(Static.baseOneShotPath + newDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Static.baseOneShotPath + newDir); Logger.WriteLine($"creating directory {Static.baseOneShotPath + newDir}"); // update progress loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(1, LoadingBar.ProgressType.UpdateProgress)); if (loadingBar.displayType == LoadingBar.LoadingBarType.Detailed) { loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(0, $"creating directory {newDir}")); } } } // then copy the files foreach (FileInfo f in files) { string newLocation = Static.baseOneShotPath + f.FullName.Replace(shorten, string.Empty); if (!File.Exists(newLocation)) { File.Copy(f.FullName, newLocation); Logger.WriteLine($"copied {f.FullName} to {newLocation}"); // update progress loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(1, LoadingBar.ProgressType.UpdateProgress)); if (loadingBar.displayType == LoadingBar.LoadingBarType.Detailed) { loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(0, newLocation)); } } } loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(0, LoadingBar.ProgressType.ResetProgress)); /// =================================================================== /// Copy Base OS Stuff /// =================================================================== // if the user chose to uninstall any existing mods, we copy over the stuff from the base oneshot path too DirectoryInfo cool = new DirectoryInfo(Static.modsPath + "base oneshot/"); shorten = cool.FullName; // get the files and directories from the mod DirectoryInfo[] directories2 = cool.GetDirectories("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); FileInfo[] files2 = cool.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); // set the maximum value of the progress bar to the sum of the directories/files loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(directories.Length + files.Length, LoadingBar.ProgressType.SetMaximumProgress)); if (uninstallExisting) { // the directories foreach (DirectoryInfo d in directories2) { string newDir = d.FullName.Replace(shorten, string.Empty); if (!Directory.Exists(Static.baseOneShotPath + "/" + newDir)) { Logger.WriteLine("creating directory " + Directory.CreateDirectory(Static.baseOneShotPath + "/" + newDir).ToString()); // update progress loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(1, LoadingBar.ProgressType.UpdateProgress)); if (loadingBar.displayType == LoadingBar.LoadingBarType.Detailed) { loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(0, $"final: creating directory: {newDir}")); } } } // the files foreach (FileInfo f in files2) { string newLocation = Static.baseOneShotPath + "/" + f.FullName.Replace(shorten, string.Empty); if (!File.Exists(newLocation)) { File.Copy(f.FullName, newLocation); Logger.WriteLine($"copying {f.FullName} to {newLocation}"); // update progress loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(1, LoadingBar.ProgressType.UpdateProgress)); if (loadingBar.displayType == LoadingBar.LoadingBarType.Detailed) { loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(0, $"final: {newLocation}")); } } } // finally, write to the active mods file List <string> currentlyActive = File.ReadAllLines(Static.appDataPath + "activemods.molly").ToList <string>(); if (File.Exists(Static.appDataPath + "activemods.molly")) // first, delete the file if it exists { File.Delete(Static.appDataPath + "activemods.molly"); } // then insert the name of the mod at the beginning of a new collection if (!uninstallExisting) { currentlyActive.Insert(0, mod.Name); } else { currentlyActive = new List <string> { mod.Name, "base oneshot" }; } // write the file File.WriteAllLines(Static.appDataPath + "activemods.molly", currentlyActive); } Console.Beep(); /* * DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("All done! Would you like to launch OneShot?", string.Empty, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); * if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) * Static.LaunchOneShot();*/ MessageBox.Show("All done!"); Audio.Stop(); if (OCIForm.ghajshdfjhjahskgkdjfahajsldkfGoodVariableName) { loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(0, LoadingBar.ProgressType.ForcequitOCI)); } else { loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(0, LoadingBar.ProgressType.ReturnToMenu)); } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionMessage.New(ex, true, "OneShot ModLoader will now close."); // force quit if (!(OCIForm.instance is null)) { loadingBar.ReportProgress(sender, new ProgressChangedEventArgs(0, LoadingBar.ProgressType.ForcequitOCI)); }