} // end InterceptCtrlC() protected override void ProcessRecord() { if (!DbgProvider.IsInGuestMode) { throw new InvalidOperationException("This command is only intended to be used by the !dbgshell implementation."); } LogManager.Trace("WaitForBangDbgShellCommandCommand.ProcessRecord: DbgShell is going dormant."); using (var disposer = new ExceptionGuard()) { disposer.Protect(SetDebuggerAndContextAndUpdateCallbacks()); disposer.Protect(InterceptCtrlC()); disposer.Protect(Debugger.SuspendEventOutput()); // don't want our "modload" output etc. spewing while we are dormant base.ProcessRecord(); // We need to perform the wait on another thread, because we need to "pump" // on this thread, so that debug event callbacks can queue WriteObject calls // to this thread. _RegisterWaitForGuestModeEvent(disposer); // Give the user a hint about what's going on. var s = new ColorString(ConsoleColor.DarkGray, "(DbgShell will remain running in the background until you run !dbgshell again)").ToString(true); Host.UI.WriteLine(s); MsgLoop.Prepare(); // This will allow the extension command to return (it tells the dbgeng // thread that it can return). DbgProvider.GuestModePassivate(); MsgLoop.Run(); // This will complete when the guest mode event gets signaled. } // end using( disposer ) } // end ProcessRecord()
} // end BeginProcessing() protected override void ProcessRecord() { var inputCallbacks = Debugger.GetInputCallbacks() as DebugInputCallbacks; if (null != inputCallbacks) { inputCallbacks.UpdateCmdlet(this); } //var outputCallbacks = Debugger.GetOutputCallbacks() as DebugOutputCallbacks; //if( null != outputCallbacks ) // outputCallbacks.UpdateCmdlet( this ); using (var disposer = new ExceptionGuard()) { disposer.Protect(Debugger.SetCurrentCmdlet(this)); disposer.Protect(InterceptCtrlC()); MsgLoop.Prepare(); string actualCommand = string.Join(" ", Command); Task t = Debugger.InvokeDbgEngCommandAsync(actualCommand, OutputPrefix, _ConsumeLine); Task t2 = t.ContinueWith(async(x) => { DEBUG_STATUS execStatus = Debugger.GetExecutionStatus(); if (_StatusRequiresWait(execStatus)) { LogManager.Trace("InvokeDbgExtensionCommand: Current execution status ({0}) indicates that we should enter a wait.", execStatus); await WaitForBreakAsync(); } disposer.Dispose(); SignalDone(); }).Unwrap(); MsgLoop.Run(); Host.UI.WriteLine(); Util.Await(t); // in case it threw Util.Await(t2); // in case it threw } // end using( disposer ) } // end ProcessRecord()
static int Main(string[] args) { // This allows "[Console]::WriteLine( [char] 0x2026 )" to work just as well as // "[char] 0x2026". Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; // // We've got four possibilities: // // 1) Normal mode: somebody just ran DbgShell.exe. // 2) Guest mode: DbgShell is being hosted by a debugger extension // (DbgShellExt.dll). // 3) Guest mode cleanup: the debugger extension (DbgShellExt) is being // unloaded. // 4) GuestAndHost mode: DbgShell.exe is the host, but !DbgShellExt.dbgshell // was called. // DbgProvider.EntryDepth++; ExceptionGuard entryPointStateDisposer = new ExceptionGuard( (Disposable)(() => LogManager.Trace("Undoing entry point state changes."))); entryPointStateDisposer.Protect((Disposable)(() => DbgProvider.EntryDepth--)); using ( entryPointStateDisposer ) { if ((null != args) && (args.Length > 0) && (0 == StringComparer.Ordinal.Compare(args[0], c_guestMode))) { LogManager.Trace("Main: GuestMode"); // // In guest mode, the entry thread is used as the DbgEng thread, and a // separate thread is started to run our Main. When the user runs "exit", // we don't actually exit--we "pause" the main thread, and then return // from here (returning control back to the debugger (like windbg)). // args = args.Skip(1).ToArray(); return(_GuestModeMainWrapper(entryPointStateDisposer, args)); } else if ((null != args) && (args.Length > 0) && (0 == StringComparer.Ordinal.Compare(args[0], c_guestModeCleanup))) { Util.Assert(args.Length == 1); // there shouldn't be any other args LogManager.Trace("Main: GuestModeCleanup"); // // We're in guest mode and the debugger extension is being unloaded--time // to clean up. // return(_GuestModeCleanup()); } else if ((null != args) && (args.Length > 0) && (0 == StringComparer.Ordinal.Compare(args[0], c_guestAndHostMode))) { LogManager.Trace("Main: GuestAndHostMode"); // // GuestAndHost mode is pretty much just like the "reentrant" case in // GuestMode. Because DbgShell.exe is already running and owns "main" and // everything, we don't use any of the other guest mode machinery besides // the CurrentActionQueue and EntryDepth. // args = args.Skip(1).ToArray(); return(_GuestAndHostModeMainWrapper(entryPointStateDisposer, args)); } else { LogManager.Trace("Main: Normal"); // // "Normal" (non-guest) mode. // return(_NormalModeMainWrapper(args)); } // end else "normal" mode // The stuff protected by the entryPointStateDisposer may not get disposed // here--it may have been transferred to a different thread via // entryPointStateDisposer.Transfer(). } // end using( entryPointStateDisposer ) } // end Main()
} // end _NormalModeMainWrapper() private static int _GuestAndHostModeMainWrapper(ExceptionGuard entryPointStateDisposer, string[] args) { // We should have two things: // args[ 0 ]: "shareConsole" // args[ 1 ]: command args should all should get passed in one big string. // // Unlike plain guest mode, we know we are "sharing" the console (because // DbgShell.exe is the host!), but it's convenient for the caller to still // pass the console ownership arg. Util.Assert(2 == args.Length); if (0 != StringComparer.Ordinal.Compare(args[0], c_guestModeShareConsole)) { var msg = "Unexpected arg: I expected to see \"shareConsole\"."; Util.Fail(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } // // We're getting called on the dbgeng thread, which should be a background // thread, but the API we use from DbgShellExt.dll (RunAssembly) causes this // thread to get marked as non-background, so we need to put that back. // Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; try { // We'll always pretend it's the first time for the purpose of parsing // arguments--on the one hand, -NoProfile doesn't make sense (it can't // /ever/ make sense in guestAndHostMode; the profile was run or not // when DbgShell.exe started), but we don't want to warn about it. // // TODO: Is that the right decision? bool noProfile; bool inBreakpointCommand; string command = _ParseGuestModeArgs(args[1], /* firstTime = */ true, out noProfile, out inBreakpointCommand); if (inBreakpointCommand && !DbgProvider.IsInBreakpointCommand) { DbgProvider.IsInBreakpointCommand = true; entryPointStateDisposer.Protect((Disposable)(() => DbgProvider.IsInBreakpointCommand = false)); } // Re-entrant case: DbgShell is already running, but something called // the debugger "!dbgshell" extension command (for instance, a // breakpoint command). LogManager.Trace("_GuestAndHostModeMainWrapper: re-entering (entryDepth: {0}).", DbgProvider.EntryDepth); if (null == DbgProvider.CurrentActionQueue) { var msg = "(_GuestAndHostModeMainWrapper) DbgShell is already running, but I don't have a CurrentActionQueue to inject commands."; Util.Fail(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } var transferTicket = entryPointStateDisposer.Transfer(); DbgProvider.CurrentActionQueue.PostCommand((cii) => { // TODO: BUGBUG: I need to do something here to separate CTRL+C // handling for 'command' versus the cmdlet that is running the // CurrentActionQueue. That is, if we post a command here that // does a naked "Get-Content", it will prompt you for a path, and // if you then do a CTRL+C, I want it to only cancel 'command', // not the entire pipeline including the Resume-Exection command // or whatever it is that is running the CurrentActionQueue. // // Besides just to behave as the user wants/expects, it throws a // wrench in things for execution commands to get canceled--it's // very important, so they do their own CTRL+C handling. using (transferTicket.Redeem()) { LogManager.Trace("Executing injected (reentrant) commands:"); LogManager.Trace(command.Replace("\n", "\n > ")); cii.InvokeScript(command, false, PipelineResultTypes.Error | PipelineResultTypes.Output, sm_noInput); } // end using( new disposer ) }); transferTicket.CommitTransfer(); LogManager.Trace("_GuestAndHostModeMainWrapper: returning {0}.", Util.FormatErrorCode(sm_exitCode)); return(sm_exitCode); } finally { LogManager.Trace("_GuestAndHostModeMainWrapper: leaving."); } } // end _GuestAndHostModeMainWrapper()
private static int _GuestModeMainWrapper(ExceptionGuard entryPointStateDisposer, string[] args) { // We should have two things: // args[ 0 ]: either "consoleOwner" or "shareConsole" (windbg versus ntsd, for instance) // args[ 1 ]: command args should all should get passed in one big string. Util.Assert(2 == args.Length); bool shareConsole = false; if (0 == StringComparer.Ordinal.Compare(args[0], c_guestModeShareConsole)) { shareConsole = true; } else { if (0 != StringComparer.Ordinal.Compare(args[0], c_guestModeConsoleOwner)) { var msg = "Unexpected arg: I expected to see \"consoleOwner\"."; Util.Fail(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } } bool firstTime = null == sm_altMainThread; bool alreadyRunning = DbgProvider.EntryDepth > 1; try { bool noProfile; bool inBreakpointCommand; string command = _ParseGuestModeArgs(args[1], firstTime, out noProfile, out inBreakpointCommand); if (inBreakpointCommand && !DbgProvider.IsInBreakpointCommand) { DbgProvider.IsInBreakpointCommand = true; entryPointStateDisposer.Protect((Disposable)(() => DbgProvider.IsInBreakpointCommand = false)); } if (firstTime) { Util.Assert(!alreadyRunning); ColorConsoleHost.GuestModeInjectCommand(command); LogManager.Trace("_GuestModeMainWrapper: initial entry."); // This is the first time we've been run, so we need to start everything // up, pretty much the same as when running as a normal EXE. sm_altMainThread = new Thread(_AltMainThread); DbgProvider.SetGuestMode(shareConsole); string[] mainArgs = null; if (noProfile) { mainArgs = new string[] { "-NoProfile" } } ; sm_altMainThread.Start(mainArgs); // This will get signaled when things have been initialized enough to // where we can start the guest mode thread activity. DbgProvider.GuestModeEvent.WaitOne(); DbgProvider.GuestModeEvent.Reset(); } else { if (alreadyRunning) { // Re-entrant case: DbgShell is already running, but something called // the debugger "!dbgshell" extension command (for instance, a // breakpoint command). LogManager.Trace("_GuestModeMainWrapper: re-entering (entryDepth: {0}).", DbgProvider.EntryDepth); if (null == DbgProvider.CurrentActionQueue) { Util.Fail("DbgShell is already running, but I don't have a CurrentActionQueue to inject commands."); throw new Exception("DbgShell is already running, but I don't have a CurrentActionQueue to inject commands."); } var transferTicket = entryPointStateDisposer.Transfer(); DbgProvider.CurrentActionQueue.PostCommand((cii) => { using (transferTicket.Redeem()) { LogManager.Trace("Executing injected (reentrant) commands:"); LogManager.Trace(command.Replace("\n", "\n > ")); cii.InvokeScript(command, false, PipelineResultTypes.Error | PipelineResultTypes.Output, sm_noInput); } // end using( new disposer ) }); transferTicket.CommitTransfer(); } else { LogManager.Trace("_GuestModeMainWrapper: resuming."); ColorConsoleHost.GuestModeInjectCommand(command); // We already have an alternate main thread, which is "paused" (blocked), // waiting to resume. DbgProvider.GuestModeResume(); } } if (!alreadyRunning) { LogManager.Trace("_GuestModeMainWrapper: entering GuestModeGuestThreadActivity."); // The guest mode thread activity is to pump the DbgEngThread (this thread is // the thread that the debugger extension was called on, and we need to use // this thread to interact with dbgeng). // // (if alreadyRunning, then we are already running the // GuestModeGuestThreadActivity (it's below us on the stack)) DbgProvider.GuestModeGuestThreadActivity(); } LogManager.Trace("_GuestModeMainWrapper: returning {0}.", Util.FormatErrorCode(sm_exitCode)); return(sm_exitCode); } finally { LogManager.Trace("_GuestModeMainWrapper: leaving."); } } // end _GuestModeMainWrapper()
// I think this should be for kernel-mode only. // [Parameter( Mandatory = false )] // public SwitchParameter IgnoreInaccessibleMemory { get; set; } protected override void ProcessRecord() { // Support relative paths in PS. string dumpFileResolved = SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath(DumpFile); DEBUG_FORMAT flags = DEBUG_FORMAT.DEFAULT; flags |= DEBUG_FORMAT.USER_SMALL_FULL_MEMORY | DEBUG_FORMAT.USER_SMALL_HANDLE_DATA | DEBUG_FORMAT.USER_SMALL_UNLOADED_MODULES | DEBUG_FORMAT.USER_SMALL_INDIRECT_MEMORY | DEBUG_FORMAT.USER_SMALL_DATA_SEGMENTS | DEBUG_FORMAT.USER_SMALL_PROCESS_THREAD_DATA | DEBUG_FORMAT.USER_SMALL_PRIVATE_READ_WRITE_MEMORY | DEBUG_FORMAT.USER_SMALL_FULL_MEMORY_INFO | DEBUG_FORMAT.USER_SMALL_THREAD_INFO | DEBUG_FORMAT.USER_SMALL_CODE_SEGMENTS | DEBUG_FORMAT.USER_SMALL_FULL_AUXILIARY_STATE; // TODO: Need to learn what this means // I think this should be for kernel-mode only. // if( IgnoreInaccessibleMemory ) // { // flags |= DEBUG_FORMAT.USER_SMALL_IGNORE_INACCESSIBLE_MEM; // } // TODO: Figure out these things, and see if there are new ones I don't know about: // DEBUG_FORMAT.USER_SMALL_FILTER_MEMORY | // DEBUG_FORMAT.USER_SMALL_FILTER_PATHS | // DEBUG_FORMAT.USER_SMALL_NO_OPTIONAL_DATA | // DEBUG_FORMAT.USER_SMALL_NO_AUXILIARY_STATE | if (!AllowClobber) { flags |= DEBUG_FORMAT.NO_OVERWRITE; } if (Compress) { flags |= DEBUG_FORMAT.WRITE_CAB; } if (CompressWithSymbols) { flags |= DEBUG_FORMAT.WRITE_CAB; flags |= DEBUG_FORMAT.CAB_SECONDARY_FILES; // TODO: What is CAB_SECONDARY_ALL_IMAGES for? DbgEng.h says // // "When creating a CAB with secondary images do searches // for all image files, regardless of whether they're // needed for the current session or not." // // but I don't know what it means for an image file to be "needed" for the // current session versus not. } if ((Compress || CompressWithSymbols) && !DumpFile.EndsWith(".cab", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { WriteWarning("Output will be compressed, but output file name does not end in '.cab'."); WriteWarning("You will need to rename the resulting file to end with '.cab' if you want to be able to mount the dump file with Mount-DbgDumpFile."); } // TODO: Just let the API fail instead of doing this pre-check? if (File.Exists(dumpFileResolved)) { if (!AllowClobber) { // is there a better "already exists" exception? WriteError(new InvalidOperationException(Util.Sprintf("The file '{0}' already exists. Use -AllowClobber to overwrite it.", DumpFile)), "DumpFileAlreadyExists", ErrorCategory.ResourceExists, DumpFile); return; } } using (var disposer = new ExceptionGuard()) { disposer.Protect(Debugger.HandleDbgEngOutput((x) => SafeWriteVerbose(x.TrimEnd()))); disposer.Protect(new CtrlCInterceptor(_CtrlCHandler)); try { MsgLoop.Prepare(); var task = Debugger.WriteDumpAsync(DumpFile, flags, Comment, CancelTS.Token); task.ContinueWith((_t) => { disposer.Dispose(); SignalDone(); }); MsgLoop.Run(); Util.Await(task); // in case it threw } catch (DbgProviderException dpe) { if ((dpe.HResult == DebuggerObject.E_UNEXPECTED) && CancelTS.IsCancellationRequested) { WriteWarning("Dump file creation canceled."); } else { WriteError(dpe); } } } // end using( dbgeng output, CTRL-C ) } // end ProcessRecord()