/// <summary>
        /// Returns a <see cref="IUIElementAdapter"/> for the specified uielement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <p class="body">The GetAdapter method can be used with any of the following items:</p>
        /// <list type="bullet">
        /// <item>
        ///		<term>UltraToolbar</term>
        ///		<description>Creates an adapter (<see cref="ToolsCollectionUIAdapter"/>) that adds ToolBase instances to the end of the toolbar's Tools collection.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///		<term>ApplicationMenuArea</term>
        ///		<description>Creates an adapter (<see cref="ToolsCollectionUIAdapter"/>) that adds ToolBase instances to the end of the ApplicationMenuArea's Tools collection.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///		<term>ApplicationMenuFooterToolbar</term>
        ///		<description>Creates an adapter (<see cref="ToolsCollectionUIAdapter"/>) that adds ToolBase instances to the end of the ApplicationMenuFooterToolbar's Tools collection.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///		<term>ToolsCollection</term>
        ///		<description>Creates an adapter (<see cref="ToolsCollectionUIAdapter"/>) for the Tools collection of a UltraToolbarBase derived class, RibbonGroup, ApplicationMenuArea or PopupMenuTool that will add ToolBase instance to the end of the collection.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///		<term>ToolBase</term>
        ///		<description>Creates an adapter (<see cref="ToolBaseOwnerUIAdapter"/>) that adds ToolBase instances in the owning Tools collection after the position at which the specified tool exists.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///		<term>Ribbon</term>
        ///		<description>Create an adapter (<see cref="RibbonTabsCollectionUIAdapter"/>) that can be used to add RibbonTab instances to the Tabs collection of the specified Ribbon.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///		<term>RibbonTabCollection</term>
        ///		<description>Creates an adapter (<see cref="RibbonTabsCollectionUIAdapter"/>) that can be used to add RibbonTab instances to the Ribbon.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///		<term>RibbonTab</term>
        ///		<description>Creates an adapter (<see cref="RibbonTabOwnerUIAdapter"/>) that can be used to add RibbonTab instances to the ribbon at the position after the specified tab. If the tab belongs to a contextual tab group then the added tabs will be added to the same contextual tab group.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///		<term>RibbonGroupCollection</term>
        ///		<description>Creates an adapter (<see cref="RibbonGroupsCollectionUIAdapter"/>) that can be used to add RibbonGroup instances to the specified groups collection.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///		<term>RibbonGroup</term>
        ///		<description>Creates an adapter (<see cref="RibbonGroupOwnerUIAdapter"/>) that can be used to add RibbonGroup instances in the owning tab's Groups collection at the position directly after the specified group.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///		<term>ContextualTabGroup</term>
        ///		<description>Creates an adapter (<see cref="ContextualTabGroupUIAdapter"/>) that can be used to add RibbonTab instances to the Ribbon's Tabs collection and also makes the RibbonTab part of the ContextualTab's Tabs collection.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///		<term>ContextualTabGroupCollection</term>
        ///		<description>Creates an adapter (<see cref="ContextualTabGroupCollectionUIAdapter"/>) that can be used to add ContextualTabGroup instances to the Ribbon's contextual tab groups collection.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///		<term>MiniToolbar</term>
        ///		<description>Creates an adapter (<see cref="ToolsCollectionUIAdapter"/>) that adds ToolBase instances to the end of the MiniToolbar's Tools collection.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///		<term>RibbonTabItemToolbar</term>
        ///		<description>Creates an adapter (<see cref="ToolsCollectionUIAdapter"/>) that adds ToolBase instances to the end of the RibbonTabItemToolbar's Tools collection.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///		<term>QuickAccessToolbar</term>
        ///		<description>Creates an adapter (<see cref="ToolsCollectionUIAdapter"/>) that adds ToolBase instances to the end of the QuickAccessToolbar's Tools collection.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// </list>
        /// </ul>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="uiElement">ToolbarsManager related object for which to return a <see cref="IUIElementAdapter"/></param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="IUIElementAdapter"/> that represents the specified object</returns>
        public IUIElementAdapter GetAdapter(object uiElement)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(uiElement, "uiElement");

            if (uiElement is UltraTaskPaneToolbar)
                throw ExceptionFactory.CreateInvalidElementHost(uiElement.GetType());
            else if (uiElement is UltraToolbarBase)
                Debug.Assert(uiElement is UltraToolbar ||
                             uiElement is ApplicationMenuFooterToolbar ||
                             uiElement is RibbonTabItemToolbar ||
                             uiElement is MiniToolbar ||
                             uiElement is QuickAccessToolbar, "Unexpected toolbar type");

                return(new ToolsCollectionUIAdapter(((UltraToolbar)uiElement).Tools));
            else if (uiElement is ApplicationMenuArea)
                return(new ToolsCollectionUIAdapter(((ApplicationMenuArea)uiElement).Tools));
            else if (uiElement is ToolsCollection)
                return(new ToolsCollectionUIAdapter((ToolsCollection)uiElement));
            else if (uiElement is ToolBase)
                return(new ToolBaseOwnerUIAdapter((ToolBase)uiElement));
            else if (uiElement is Ribbon)
                return(new RibbonTabsCollectionUIAdapter(((Ribbon)uiElement).Tabs));
            else if (uiElement is RibbonTabCollection)
                return(new RibbonTabsCollectionUIAdapter(((RibbonTabCollection)uiElement)));
            else if (uiElement is RibbonTab)
                return(new RibbonTabOwnerUIAdapter(((RibbonTab)uiElement)));
            else if (uiElement is RibbonGroupCollection)
                return(new RibbonGroupsCollectionUIAdapter(((RibbonGroupCollection)uiElement)));
            else if (uiElement is RibbonGroup)
                return(new RibbonGroupOwnerUIAdapter(((RibbonGroup)uiElement)));
            else if (uiElement is ContextualTabGroup)
                return(new ContextualTabGroupUIAdapter(((ContextualTabGroup)uiElement)));
            else if (uiElement is ContextualTabGroupCollection)
                return(new ContextualTabGroupCollectionUIAdapter(((ContextualTabGroupCollection)uiElement)));

            throw ExceptionFactory.CreateInvalidAdapterElementType(uiElement.GetType(), this.GetType());