public List <ResSkillVM> GetCandidateSkills(string CandidateId) { if (CandidateId == default || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CandidateId)) { ExceptionBase.ThrowException(404, "Candidate ID is null or Empty. ", "Candidate ID is null or Empty. "); } var IsFoundedCandidate = unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_Candidate>().GetSingle(e => e.Code.ToString().Equals(CandidateId)); if (IsFoundedCandidate is null) { ExceptionBase.ThrowException(404, "that is not a candidate ID .", "that candidate is not found. "); } var CandidateSkills = unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_CandidateSkills>().GetAllIncluding(e => e.CandidateId.Equals(IsFoundedCandidate.Id)); if (CandidateSkills == default || CandidateSkills.Count <= 0) { ExceptionBase.ThrowException(404, "this candidate has no registed skills.", "this candidate has no registed skills."); } List <Tbl_Skills> skills = new List <Tbl_Skills>(); foreach (var item in CandidateSkills) { skills.Add(unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_Skills>().GetSingle(e => e.Id.Equals(item.SkillId))); } return(mapper.Map <List <ResSkillVM> >(skills)); }
protected void rgSearchResults_ItemClick(object sender, RadMenuEventArgs e) { RadMenu menu = (RadMenu)sender; int OrganizatinChartID = int.Parse(menu.DataFieldID); enumNavigationMode currentNavigationMode = enumNavigationMode.None; if (OrganizatinChartID > 0) { try { switch (e.Item.Value) { case "View": ResetCurrentOrgChart(OrganizatinChartID); currentNavigationMode = enumNavigationMode.View; GoToOrgChartLink("~/OrgChart/OrgChartDetails.aspx", currentNavigationMode); break; case "ViewPublished": ResetCurrentOrgChartLog(OrganizatinChartID); currentNavigationMode = enumNavigationMode.View; GoToOrgChartLink("~/PubOrgChart/OrgChartDetails.aspx", currentNavigationMode); break; case "Edit": ResetCurrentOrgChart(OrganizatinChartID); OrganizationChartManager.Instance.Check(CurrentOrgChartID, CurrentUserID, enumActionType.CheckOut); currentNavigationMode = enumNavigationMode.Edit; GoToOrgChartLink("~/OrgChart/OrgChartDetails.aspx", currentNavigationMode); break; case "ContinueEdit": ResetCurrentOrgChart(OrganizatinChartID); currentNavigationMode = enumNavigationMode.Edit; GoToOrgChartLink("~/OrgChart/OrgChartDetails.aspx", currentNavigationMode); break; case "FinishEdit": ResetCurrentOrgChart(OrganizatinChartID); FinishEditOrgChart(CurrentOrgChartID, CurrentUserID); break; case "Delete": DeleteOrgChart(OrganizatinChartID); break; default: break; } rgSearchResults.Rebind(); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionBase.HandleException(ex); } } }
public static TrackerItem GetForUser(int userID, long JNPID) { TrackerItem trackerItem = null; try { DataTable dataTable = ExecuteDataTable("spr_GetTrackerItemByID", userID, JNPID); if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 1) { DataRow dataRow = dataTable.Rows[0]; if (dataRow != null) { trackerItem = new TrackerItem(dataRow); } } } catch (Exception ex) { trackerItem = null; ExceptionBase.HandleException(ex); } return(trackerItem); }
private EtatInfos Ajouter( EtatInfos etatInfos) { try { etatInfos.EstActif = true; using (lockeur.RecupererLockEcriture()) { #if DEBUG if (dicoEtatsInfos.ContainsKey(etatInfos.EtatOrigine)) { // L'état est déjà dans l'arbre => erreur throw new ExceptionTechniqueArbreConstruction( ExceptionBase.RecupererLibelleMessage()); } #endif dicoEtatsInfos .Add( etatInfos.EtatOrigine, etatInfos); return(etatInfos); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw EncapsulerEtGererException <ExceptionTechniqueArbreConstruction>( ex); } }
//public static JobAnnouncementPackage GetByID(int userID, long JNPID) //{ // JobAnnouncementPackage item = null; // try // { // //TODO: this stored procedure returns rows more sutable for Business.TrackerItem. // //think about modifying this SP eliminating some fields and @userID and creating a separate // //stored procedure for retrieving a separate Business.TrackerItem. (better - rename this SP // //to spr_GetTrackerItemByID and create a new spr_GetJNPByID // DataTable dataTable = ExecuteDataTable("spr_GetJNPByID", userID, JNPID); // if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 1) // { // DataRow dataRow = dataTable.Rows[0]; // if (dataRow != null) // { // item = new JobAnnouncementPackage(dataRow); // } // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // item = null; // ExceptionBase.HandleException(ex); // } // return item; //} public static JobAnnouncementPackage GetByID(long JNPID) { JobAnnouncementPackage item = null; try { DataTable dataTable = ExecuteDataTable("spr_GetJNPByID", JNPID); if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 1) { DataRow dataRow = dataTable.Rows[0]; if (dataRow != null) { item = new JobAnnouncementPackage(dataRow); } } } catch (Exception ex) { item = null; ExceptionBase.HandleException(ex); } return(item); }
private static void GetExceptionStackTraceString(Exception ex, ref List <string> errList) { if (ex == null) { return; } //移除 < a href ></ a > string hrefPattern = @"(?is)<a(?:(?!href=).)*href=(['""]?)(?<url>[^""\s>]*)\1[^>]*>(?<text>(?:(?!</?a\b).)*)</a>"; string stackTraceString = Regex.Replace(ex.StackTrace, hrefPattern, string.Empty); errList.Add(stackTraceString); errList.Add(string.Format("- {0} : {1} \r\n", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message)); ExceptionBase exceptionBase = ex as ExceptionBase; if (exceptionBase != null && exceptionBase.InnerExceptions != null && exceptionBase.InnerExceptions.Count > 0) { foreach (Exception iex in exceptionBase.InnerExceptions) { GetExceptionStackTraceString(iex, ref errList); } } else { GetExceptionStackTraceString(ex.InnerException, ref errList); } }
public string CreateSkill(ReqSkillVM req) { if (req is null) { ExceptionBase.ThrowException(404, "Skill Req is empty , make sure of providing Requird Data!", "Skill Req is empty , make sure of providing Requird Data!"); } var IsSkillAdded = unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_Skills>().GetSingle(e => e.SkillName.Equals(req.SkillName)); if (!(IsSkillAdded is null)) { return(IsSkillAdded.Code.ToString()); } var NewSkill = new Tbl_Skills() { SkillName = req.SkillName, Rate = req.Rate }; if (NewSkill is null) { ExceptionBase.ThrowException(500, "Cannot Parse req object to Tbl_Skills", "Cannot Parse req object to Tbl_Skills"); } unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_Skills>().Add(NewSkill); unitOfWork.SaveChanges(); return(NewSkill.Code.ToString()); }
public UserDetails (bool showDetailed, ExceptionBase.NETGTKSharp.Application app, ExceptionInfo exinfo, Server server) : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { this.Build (); //Set title and description this.Title = language.winTitle; this.lblDescription.Text = language.winDescription; //Name the tabs this.btnSkip.Label = language.bSkip; this.btnSend.Label = language.bSend; GtkLabel3.Text = language.appVersionCaption; GtkLabel4.Text = language.netVersionCaption; GtkLabel5.Text = language.osVersionCaption; GtkLabel.Text = language.errorDetailsCaption; label6.Text = app.Version; label7.Text = Environment.Version.ToString (); label8.Text = ReadSTDOutput ("lsb_release", "--d").Replace ("Description:", "").Trim () + " " + ReadSTDOutput ("arch", ""); this.image26.Pixbuf = app.Icon; label4.Text = exinfo.Message; label5.Text = exinfo.Inner; ex = exinfo; sv = server; appl = app; if (showDetailed == false) notebook1.GetNthPage (1).HideAll (); }
public static bool EstIdentique <T>( this IEnumerable <T> elements1, IEnumerable <T> elements2) { try { elements1 = (elements1 as ICollection <T>) ?? elements1.ToArray(); // Permet de ne pas recalculer en permanence le contenu si c'est un Enumerable 'pur' elements2 = (elements2 as ICollection <T>) ?? elements2.ToArray(); if (elements1.Count() != elements2.Count()) { return(false); } else { return(!elements1 .Except(elements2) .Any()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Fabrique.Instance ?.RecupererGestionnaireTraces() ?.PublierException( ex); throw new ExceptionTechnique( ExceptionBase.RecupererLibelleMessage(), ex); } }
private static JQWorkflowStatus FillObjectFromDataRow(DataRow returnRow) { JQWorkflowStatus jqw = new JQWorkflowStatus(); try { jqw.JQWorkflowRecID = (long)returnRow["JQWorkflowRecID"]; jqw.JQID = (long)returnRow["JQID"]; jqw.JQWorkflowStatusID = (int)returnRow["JQWorkflowStatusID"]; if (returnRow["IsCurrent"] != DBNull.Value) { jqw.IsCurrent = (bool)returnRow["IsCurrent"]; } if (returnRow["CreatedByID"] != DBNull.Value) { jqw.CreatedByID = (int)returnRow["CreatedByID"]; } if (returnRow["CreateDate"] != DBNull.Value) { jqw.CreateDate = (DateTime)returnRow["CreateDate"]; } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionBase.HandleException(ex); jqw = null; } return(jqw); }
public static List <JNPWorkflowNoteStatus> GetAll() { List <JNPWorkflowNoteStatus> list = new List <JNPWorkflowNoteStatus>(); try { DataTable dataTable = ExecuteDataTable("spr_GetAllJNPWorkflowNoteStatus"); if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows) { JNPWorkflowNoteStatus item = new JNPWorkflowNoteStatus(); item.FillObjectFromRowData(dataRow); list.Add(item); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionBase.HandleException(ex); } return(list); }
private void SaveCategoryRatingGroups() { try { CategoryRatingGroup bestQuilifiedGroup = CategoryRatingGroupManager.GetBestQuilifiedGroup(CurrentCRID); bestQuilifiedGroup.ScoringRangeGroupTypeName = rtbBQGroupTypeName.Text.Trim(); bestQuilifiedGroup.RangeMin = Int32.Parse(rtbBQRangeMin.Text); bestQuilifiedGroup.RangeMax = Int32.Parse(rtbBQRangeMax.Text); bestQuilifiedGroup.QualifyingStatements = rtbBQQualifyingStatements.Text.Trim(); CategoryRatingGroupManager.Update(bestQuilifiedGroup, base.CurrentUserID); CategoryRatingGroup wellQuilifiedGroup = CategoryRatingGroupManager.GetWellQuilifiedGroup(CurrentCRID); if (wellQuilifiedGroup != null) { wellQuilifiedGroup.ScoringRangeGroupTypeName = rtbWQGroupTypeName.Text.Trim(); wellQuilifiedGroup.RangeMin = Int32.Parse(rtbWQRangeMin.Text); wellQuilifiedGroup.RangeMax = Int32.Parse(rtbWQRangeMax.Text); wellQuilifiedGroup.QualifyingStatements = rtbWQQualifyingStatements.Text.Trim(); CategoryRatingGroupManager.Update(wellQuilifiedGroup, base.CurrentUserID); } CategoryRatingGroup quilifiedGroup = CategoryRatingGroupManager.GetQuilifiedGroup(CurrentCRID); quilifiedGroup.ScoringRangeGroupTypeName = rtbQGroupTypeName.Text.Trim(); quilifiedGroup.RangeMin = Int32.Parse(rtbQRangeMin.Text); quilifiedGroup.RangeMax = Int32.Parse(rtbQRangeMax.Text); quilifiedGroup.QualifyingStatements = rtbQQualifyingStatements.Text.Trim(); CategoryRatingGroupManager.Update(quilifiedGroup, base.CurrentUserID); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionBase.HandleException(ex); } }
private static CRWorkflowStatus FillObjectFromDataRow(DataRow dataRow) { CRWorkflowStatus crw = new CRWorkflowStatus(); try { crw.CRWorkflowRecID = (long)dataRow["CRWorkflowRecID"]; crw.CRID = (long)dataRow["CRID"]; crw.CRWorkflowStatusID = (int)dataRow["CRWorkflowStatusID"]; if (dataRow["IsCurrent"] != DBNull.Value) { crw.IsCurrent = (bool)dataRow["IsCurrent"]; } if (dataRow["CreatedByID"] != DBNull.Value) { crw.CreatedByID = (int)dataRow["CreatedByID"]; } if (dataRow["CreateDate"] != DBNull.Value) { crw.CreateDate = (DateTime)dataRow["CreateDate"]; } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionBase.HandleException(ex); crw = null; } return(crw); }
public string CreateEmployer(ReqEmployerVM req) { if (req is null) { ExceptionBase.ThrowException(404, "Employer Req is empty , make sure of providing Requird Data!", "Employer Req is empty , make sure of providing Requird Data!"); } var IsEmployerAdded = unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_Employer>().GetSingle(e => e.EmployerName.Equals(req.EmployerName)); if (!(IsEmployerAdded is null)) { return(IsEmployerAdded.Code.ToString()); } var NewEmployer = new Tbl_Employer() { EmployerName = req.EmployerName }; if (NewEmployer is null) { ExceptionBase.ThrowException(500, "Cannot Parse req object to Tbl_Employer", "Cannot Parse req object to Tbl_Employer"); } unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_Employer>().Add(NewEmployer); unitOfWork.SaveChanges(); return(NewEmployer.Code.ToString()); }
public static JNPWorkflowNote GetByRecID(long jnpWorkflowRecID) { JNPWorkflowNote item = null; try { DataTable dataTable = ExecuteDataTable("spr_GetJNPWorkflowNoteByRecID", jnpWorkflowRecID); if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 1) { DataRow dataRow = dataTable.Rows[0]; if (dataRow != null) { item = new JNPWorkflowNote(dataRow); } } } catch (Exception ex) { item = null; ExceptionBase.HandleException(ex); } return(item); }
public IEtatTransitionsSortantes Supprimer( Transition transition) { try { if (transitions.Contains(transition)) { transitions.Remove( transition); } else { throw new ExceptionTechnique( ExceptionBase.RecupererLibelleMessage( $"Impossible de supprimer la transition {transition}")); } return(this); } catch (Exception ex) { throw EncapsulerEtGererException <ExceptionTechnique>( ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Get all the matching record from the database. Inlcude Supported /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected IQueryable <Entity> GetAllNew(Expression <Func <Entity, Boolean> > predicate) { try { if (_includes.Count == 0) { return(GetObjectSet().Where(predicate).ForEach(item => item.DecryptRecords <Entity>())); } else { DbQuery <Entity> entityQuery = GetObjectSet().Include(_includes.Dequeue()); while (_includes.Count > 0) { entityQuery = entityQuery.Include(_includes.Dequeue()); } return(entityQuery.Where(predicate).ForEach(item => item.DecryptRecords <Entity>())); } } catch (ArgumentException e) { throw new ExceptionDataError(e, ExceptionBase.GetRefId()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionCritical(e, ExceptionBase.GetRefId()); } }
public List <ResEmployerVM> GetCandidateEmployers(string CandidateId) { if (CandidateId == default || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CandidateId)) { ExceptionBase.ThrowException(404, "Candidate ID is null or Empty. ", "Candidate ID is null or Empty. "); } var IsFoundedCandidate = unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_Candidate>().GetSingle(e => e.Code.ToString().Equals(CandidateId)); if (IsFoundedCandidate is null) { ExceptionBase.ThrowException(404, "that is not a candidate ID .", "that candidate is not found. "); } var CandEmployers = unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_CandidateEmployer>().GetSingle(e => e.CandidateId.Equals(IsFoundedCandidate.Id)); if (CandEmployers is null) { ExceptionBase.ThrowException(404, "Candidate has no previous or current employers. ", "Candidate has no previous or current employers. "); } var PrevEmp = unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_Employer>().GetSingle(e => e.Id.Equals(CandEmployers.PreviousEmployerId)); var CurrEmp = unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_Employer>().GetSingle(e => e.Id.Equals(CandEmployers.CurrentEmployerId)); List <ResEmployerVM> employerVMs = new List <ResEmployerVM>(); employerVMs.Add(mapper.Map <ResEmployerVM>(PrevEmp)); employerVMs.Add(mapper.Map <ResEmployerVM>(CurrEmp)); return(employerVMs); }
public static JNPWorkflowStatus GetCurrentJNPWorkflowStatus(long jnpID) { JNPWorkflowStatus item = null; try { DataTable dataTable = ExecuteDataTable("spr_GetJNPWorkflowStatusByJNPID", jnpID); if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 1) { DataRow dataRow = dataTable.Rows[0]; if (dataRow != null) { item = new JNPWorkflowStatus(dataRow); } } } catch (Exception ex) { item = null; ExceptionBase.HandleException(ex); } return(item); }
public List <ResCandidateVM> GetEmployerCandidates(string EmployerId) { if (EmployerId == default || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EmployerId)) { ExceptionBase.ThrowException(404, "Employer ID is null or Empty. ", "Employer ID is null or Empty. "); } var IsFoundedEmployer = unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_Employer>().GetSingle(e => e.Code.ToString().Equals(EmployerId)); if (IsFoundedEmployer is null) { ExceptionBase.ThrowException(404, "that is not a Employer ID .", "that Employer is not found. "); } var EmpCandidates = unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_CandidateEmployer>().GetAllIncluding(e => e.CurrentEmployerId.Equals(IsFoundedEmployer.Id) || e.PreviousEmployerId.Equals(IsFoundedEmployer.Id)); if (EmpCandidates == default || EmpCandidates.Count <= 0) { ExceptionBase.ThrowException(404, "this Employer has no registered Candidates.", "this Employer has no registered Candidates."); } List <ResCandidateVM> candidateVMs = new List <ResCandidateVM>(); foreach (var item in EmpCandidates) { candidateVMs.Add(mapper.Map <ResCandidateVM>(unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_Candidate>().GetSingle(x => x.Id.Equals(item.CandidateId)))); } return(candidateVMs); }
/// <summary> /// 进行异常处理(由异常管理器调用) /// </summary> /// <param name="e">异常</param> /// <param name="level">异常等级(传递给日志记录器处理)</param> /// <returns>处理结果,将影响下面的处理器</returns> /// <remarks> /// 异常管理器将根据返回的结果进行下一步的处理,约定:<br /> /// 返回的结果中,ResultNo值: /// <list type="bullet"> /// <item><description> /// 小于0:表示处理异常,管理器将立即退出异常处理 /// </description></item> /// <item><description> /// 0:处理正常 /// </description></item> /// <item><description> /// 1:已处理,需要下一个异常处理器进一步处理,<br /> /// 此时ResultAttachObject为返回的异常(可能与传入的异常是不一致的) /// </description></item> /// <item><description> /// 2:已处理,需要重新轮询异常处理器进行处理<br /> /// 此时ResultAttachObject为返回的异常(可能与传入的异常是不一致的)<br /> /// 此时异常管理器将重新进行异常处理 /// </description></item> /// </list> /// </remarks> public override IAOPResult Handle(Exception e, int level) { var ex = e as HttpWebException; if (ex != null) { var app = ex.HttpAppInstance; var sourceException = ExceptionBase.FindSourceException(ex); //忽略某些状态码,此时不记录日志 var writeLog = true; var ihcs = this.IgnoreHttpCodes; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ignoreHttpCodes)) { var he = sourceException as HttpException; if (he != null) { var hc = "," + he.GetHttpCode() + ","; if (ihcs.Contains(hc)) { writeLog = false; } } } if (writeLog) { this.LogService.WriteLog(this, level, this.GetFormattedString(sourceException, level, app)); } //是否启用自定义信息 if (!this.IsCustomEnabled(ex)) { goto EXIT; } app.Server.ClearError(); app.Response.Clear(); var fileExists = false; if (this.DefaultRedirectUrl != null && this.CheckRedirectFileExists) { var filePath = WebHelper.UrlCombine(app.Request.ApplicationPath, this.DefaultRedirectUrl, false); fileExists = File.Exists(app.Request.MapPath(filePath)); } if (!fileExists && this.CheckRedirectFileExists) { this.LogService.WriteLog(this.GetType(), LogLevel.WARN, "WARNING: The file defined in HttpWebExceptionHandler's defaultRedirectUrl do not exists, please check it!"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DefaultRedirectUrl) && (fileExists || !this.CheckRedirectFileExists) && !WebHelper.IsUrlEquals(this.DefaultRedirectUrl, app.Request)) { app.Response.Redirect(string.Format(this.DefaultRedirectUrl, sourceException.GetHashCode(), 0, level, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sourceException.Message), app.Request.ContentEncoding), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(app.Request.Url.PathAndQuery), app.Request.ContentEncoding)), true); } else { app.Response.Write(this.GetDisplayMessage(ex)); app.CompleteRequest(); } } EXIT: return(AOPResult.Success()); }
public DeliveryOutput(ExceptionBase exception, IFileManager fileManager) { DeliveryLocations = null; DroneId = exception.DroneId; Fail = true; FailureException = exception; this.fileManager = fileManager; }
public DeliveryOutput(List <Location> locations, string droneId, IFileManager fileManager) { DeliveryLocations = locations; DroneId = droneId; Fail = false; this.fileManager = fileManager; FailureException = null; }
/// <summary> /// 如果处理失败,则抛出异常 <see cref="ExceptionBase"/> /// </summary> /// <returns>返回本身</returns> public static IAOPResult ThrowErrorOnFailed(this IAOPResult aop) { if (aop.IsFailed()) { var e = new ExceptionBase(aop.ResultNo, aop.ResultDescription); e.Data.Add(typeof(IAOPResult), aop); throw e; } return(aop); }
public string UpdateCandidateProfile(ReqCandidateVM req, string CandidateId) { if (req is null) { ExceptionBase.ThrowException(404, "Candidate Req is empty , make sure of providing Requird Data!", "Candidate Req is empty , make sure of providing Requird Data!"); } if (CandidateId == default || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CandidateId)) { ExceptionBase.ThrowException(404, "Candidate ID is null or Empty. ", "Candidate ID is null or Empty. "); } var IsFoundedCandidate = unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_Candidate>().GetSingle(e => e.Code.ToString().Equals(CandidateId)); if (IsFoundedCandidate is null) { ExceptionBase.ThrowException(404, "that is not a candidate ID .", "that candidate is not found. "); } var UpdatedCandidate = mapper.Map <Tbl_Candidate>(req); unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_Candidate>().Update(UpdatedCandidate); if (!(req.ReqSkills is null) && req.ReqSkills.Count > 0) { List <Tbl_CandidateSkills> candidateSkills = new List <Tbl_CandidateSkills>(); foreach (var item in req.ReqSkills) { candidateSkills.Add(new Tbl_CandidateSkills() { CandidateId = IsFoundedCandidate.Id, SkillId = unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_Skills>().GetSingle(e => e.SkillName.Equals(item.SkillName)).Id }); } unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_CandidateSkills>().UpdateRing(candidateSkills.ToArray()); } if (!(req.ReqEmployers is null) && req.ReqEmployers.Count > 0) { var PrevEmployer = req.ReqEmployers.Where(x => x.ReqEmployerType.Equals(ReqEmployerTypeVM.PreviousEmployer)).FirstOrDefault(); var CurrentEmployer = req.ReqEmployers.Where(x => x.ReqEmployerType.Equals(ReqEmployerTypeVM.CurrentEmployer)).FirstOrDefault(); var CandidateEmployer = new Tbl_CandidateEmployer(); if (PrevEmployer != null) { var PrevEmp = unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_Employer>().GetSingle(e => e.EmployerName.Equals(PrevEmployer.EmployerName)); CandidateEmployer.CandidateId = IsFoundedCandidate.Id; CandidateEmployer.PreviousEmployerId = PrevEmp.Id; } if (CurrentEmployer != null) { var CurrEmp = unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_Employer>().GetSingle(e => e.EmployerName.Equals(CurrentEmployer.EmployerName)); CandidateEmployer.CurrentEmployerId = CurrEmp.Id; } unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_CandidateEmployer>().Update(CandidateEmployer); } unitOfWork.SaveChanges(); return("Success"); }
public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationFilterContext context) { var unathorizedException = new ExceptionBase(ExceptionCodes.IDENTITY_NOT_AUTHORIZED, "User is not authorized", null, StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden); // Check if token is a valid one... if (false) { throw unathorizedException; } }
public string GetConnectionId(string userId) { var tblToken = unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_Token>().GetSingle(e => e.UserId.Equals(userId)); if (tblToken == null) { throw ExceptionBase.ThrowException(400, "You Don't have token", "You Don't have token"); } return(tblToken.ConnectionId); }
public SeriesGradeKSATaskStatement(DataRow singleRowData) { // Load Object by dataRow try { this.FillObjectFromRowData(singleRowData); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionBase.HandleException(ex); } }
private void BindData() { try { rtbFinalKSA.Text = CategoryRatingManager.GetFinalKSAS(CurrentJAID); PopulateCategoryRatingGroups(); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionBase.HandleException(ex); } }
public ResSkillVM GetSkill(string SkillId) { if (SkillId == default || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SkillId)) { ExceptionBase.ThrowException(404, "Skill ID is null or Empty.", "Skill ID is null or Empty."); } var IsFoundedSkill = unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_Skills>().GetSingle(e => e.Code.ToString().Equals(SkillId)); if (IsFoundedSkill is null) { ExceptionBase.ThrowException(404, "that is not a Skill ID .", "that Skill is not found."); } return(mapper.Map <ResSkillVM>(IsFoundedSkill)); }
public ResEmployerVM GetEmployer(string EmployerId) { if (EmployerId == default || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EmployerId)) { ExceptionBase.ThrowException(404, "Employer ID is null or Empty. ", "Employer ID is null or Empty. "); } var IsFoundedEmployer = unitOfWork.GetRepository <Tbl_Employer>().GetSingle(e => e.Code.ToString().Equals(EmployerId)); if (IsFoundedEmployer is null) { ExceptionBase.ThrowException(404, "that is not a Employer ID .", "that Employer is not found. "); } return(mapper.Map <ResEmployerVM>(IsFoundedEmployer)); }
public static WebErrorResponse FromExceptionBase(ExceptionBase exception) { return new WebErrorResponse(exception.Error, exception.Type, exception.Details); }